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A Happy Medium

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Everything posted by A Happy Medium

  1. A Happy Medium

    OaO 7/16 Raw Thread

    Hmmm...a Face-Off...now that would be an interesting storyline.
  2. A Happy Medium

    OaO 7/16 Raw Thread

    They could've introduced Lashley as The Shockmaster. "You wanna piece of me?!"
  3. A Happy Medium

    OaO 7/16 Raw Thread

    He just ripped off Wayne's World and Billy Madison....for shame!!
  4. A Happy Medium

    OaO 7/16 Raw Thread

    What's worse...debate...or posedown?
  5. A Happy Medium

    OaO 7/16 Raw Thread

    Triple H would pedigree Steve Austin...both of them.
  6. A Happy Medium

    OaO 7/16 Raw Thread

    Triple H would use the pedigree...speak of the devil..
  7. A Happy Medium

    OaO 7/16 Raw Thread

    Triple H would use the pedigree if his opponent was on fire and punching themself in the face.
  8. A Happy Medium

    OaO 7/16 Raw Thread

    Triple H would use the pedigree after his opponent is hit by a car.
  9. A Happy Medium

    OaO 7/16 Raw Thread

    I've always been a fan of the reverse suplex.
  10. A Happy Medium

    OaO 7/16 Raw Thread

    King was mentioning an intense beatdown. I want to see a casual beatdown. The attacker meandering through the corridor, sipping on some tea, whilst on their cell phone....victim blood and crawling on the floor. I could see this happening with Khali.
  11. A Happy Medium

    OaO 7/16 Raw Thread

    The fact that creative even possibility thought of that for a storyline is mind boggling. Very subtle. I like it.
  12. A Happy Medium

    OaO 7/16 Raw Thread

    Batman. most definitely. Maybe. Batman would need some "Force Repellent" on his utility belt, though.
  13. A Happy Medium

    OaO 7/16 Raw Thread

    Who'd win in a fight...Obi-Wan or Batman?
  14. A Happy Medium

    OaO 7/16 Raw Thread

    Hah... in-ring, match punishment..
  15. A Happy Medium

    OaO 7/16 Raw Thread

    Do you ever think we'll hear about former female wrestlers passing away at a young age from ovarian cancer after taking so much punishment to that very area?
  16. A Happy Medium

    OaO 7/16 Raw Thread

    It must be the power of TAG body spray.
  17. A Happy Medium

    OaO 7/16 Raw Thread

    I see Candice has the belt now. Has she continued to improve?
  18. A Happy Medium

    OaO 7/16 Raw Thread

    Does anyone else think that the old guy in the TAG commercial looks like Al Wilson?
  19. A Happy Medium

    OaO 7/16 Raw Thread

    I fail to see how a three point stance helps with the RKO. You don't leap out of a three point stance. I thought J.R. would be on top of this.
  20. A Happy Medium

    OaO 7/16 Raw Thread

    Look at my awful tattoo!!!
  21. A Happy Medium

    OaO 7/16 Raw Thread

    Orton is stomping at limbs...yet only has a rear chinlock..
  22. A Happy Medium

    OaO 7/16 Raw Thread

    To be honest. Randy Orton is a pretty ugly guy...plus, he can't grow facial hair.
  23. A Happy Medium

    OaO 7/16 Raw Thread

    hmmm..needs more cowbell, baby! It was coming...and has already been said.
  24. A Happy Medium

    OaO 7/16 Raw Thread

    Maybe he'll follow up a bionic elbow with a shattered dreams...that's be sweet, actually...
  25. A Happy Medium

    OaO 7/16 Raw Thread

    I miss his Chief Morley days.