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Big McLargeHuge

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Everything posted by Big McLargeHuge

  1. Big McLargeHuge

    The OAO Mystery Science Theater 3000 Thread

    *ahem* <-----------
  2. I agree with Cabbage. I like alot of Shawn's work, but the majority of his good work is due to his monster bumping. Which is great. But when he puts down guys with a kick to the face after Shawn spends the bulk of a match flipping around and not much else, I just don't buy it. It's almost Hogan like (without the bumping, natch). And also why I prefer Bret or Flair or even Hunter. I prefer their storytelling to Shawn's. That's not to say I don't enjoy his matches, though.
  3. Big McLargeHuge

    I bet XxMariaSantosxX has a sweet little pussy.

    The girl in the pic is cute. That's all I feel like contributing to this thread.
  4. Big McLargeHuge


    So, we're not getting any tit pics? This thread is useless.
  5. Big McLargeHuge


    Gimmick or not, I still want titty pics.
  6. Big McLargeHuge

    This Week in Baseball

    Yet, another awesome start by Noah Lowry to go 5-0 in August allowing 3 runs all month. Always liked him. The most exciting thing to happen for the Gents in this abysmal season. I'll take it.
  7. Big McLargeHuge

    Cruel Intentions is on...

    Was anyone else happy when Ryan Phillipe's character gets run over at the end?
  8. Big McLargeHuge

    Congratulate me.

    Congrats. Aren't you guys a little young to be getting hitched, though?
  9. Big McLargeHuge

    This Week in Baseball

    Jesus H. Christ, Steve fucking Trachsel is no hitting this pathetic Giants offense. The only baserunner they've had so far is the fucking pitcher. Makes me fucking sick.
  10. Big McLargeHuge

    This Week in Baseball

    Matt Cain has been promoted to the bigs by the Giants today. Giants fans are pissing their pants in anticipation. I, personally, am not expecting the next Felix Hernandez (which is how a few Gents fans are touting him), but he's certainly got more upside than Bret Tomko. Outside of Noah Lowry's recent streak of brilliance, there hasn't been alot to be excited about, so I will gleefully welcome this with open arms.
  11. Big McLargeHuge

    Favorite Rock Moment

    There's too many to list, but I loved him tearing into the nWo at No Way Out 03. Man, I would've loved to have seen some dueling promos with Rock and HBK. Everything heel Rock did was absolute gold. Commentating DURING his own matches, taking breaks to drink water, The Rock Concert. All of it.
  12. Big McLargeHuge

    Hogan/Michaels Backstage gossip

    At least the victim was desrerving in this instance. Poor Shawn.
  13. Big McLargeHuge

    OAO Raw Thread for 8/22

    Bischoff's contingency plan?
  14. Big McLargeHuge

    OAO Raw Thread for 8/22

    Angle! Fuck yeah!
  15. Big McLargeHuge

    OAO Raw Thread for 8/22

    Couldn't they at least have him go out like a man?
  16. Big McLargeHuge

    OAO Raw Thread for 8/22

    Bye Chris.
  17. Big McLargeHuge

    OAO Raw Thread for 8/22

    nice counter into the FU.
  18. Big McLargeHuge

    OAO Raw Thread for 8/22

    We'll miss you Chris. Even though you've been altogher useless for awhile now.
  19. Big McLargeHuge

    OAO Raw Thread for 8/22

    I've got the volume down right now. Anyone else?
  20. Big McLargeHuge

    OAO Raw Thread for 8/22

    Good thing Vince got rid of those cartoon characters.
  21. Big McLargeHuge

    OAO Raw Thread for 8/22

    Carlito is like the Hispanic version of Rock in 1998. Except with a host show and without crediblity.
  22. Big McLargeHuge

    OAO Raw Thread for 8/22

    Double post
  23. Big McLargeHuge

    OAO Raw Thread for 8/22

    What should've happened is Matt should've just blasted Conway with a chairshot, and chase Edge to the back. Instead, they gave him Randy Orton's concussion.
  24. Big McLargeHuge

    OAO Raw Thread for 8/22

  25. Big McLargeHuge

    OAO Raw Thread for 8/22

    Rob Conway's theme provided by Randy Newman, apparently.