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Big McLargeHuge

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Everything posted by Big McLargeHuge

  1. Big McLargeHuge

    The OAO Raw THHHread for 07.04.05

    That explains the initial reaction.
  2. Big McLargeHuge

    The OAO Raw THHHread for 07.04.05

    Chavo's gonna be a huge heel when he comes to California. He might as well be a face everywhere else.
  3. Big McLargeHuge

    Best house show you've been to?

    I've only been to a few, and I can't be bothered to remember what happened. I only remember Bret/Yoko in a super-hot cage match at the Cow Palace in 93.
  4. Big McLargeHuge

    The One and Only Batman Begins thread

    I agree. Also the end had me pissing my pants. Both literally and figuratively. I had to take a huge piss because of the soda I drank during the movie, and the Joker tease was awesome.
  5. Big McLargeHuge

    The One and Only Batman Begins thread

    So I finally saw it. I liked it, but I'm not quite ready to go apeshit over it like th rest of the net. I hated Bale's Batman voice at first, but towards the end I warmed up to it. The Batmobile definitely gets high marks from me after watching it in action. And I was one of the few who HATED the way it looked when the first pics were released. My only problem is that the villains didn't seem like that huge of a threat. Hell, Scarecrow gets tazed in the face by whats-her-face in a scene that takes all of 30 seconds. Kind of anti-climactic, but he WAS just a pawn in the end, so I guess it's justified. I would've preferred Batman take him down himself. And the editing of the fight scenes had me convulsing. I really hope they tone that down next time through. I still like Batman 89 more than Begins, though.
  6. Big McLargeHuge

    OAO Raw Thread (6-20-05): Angle v. Some Big Guy

    Maria! Yes.
  7. Big McLargeHuge

    OAO Raw Thread (6-20-05): Angle v. Some Big Guy

    Holy Shit!!!
  8. Big McLargeHuge

    Young Bruce Wayne... the lost series

    This sounds stupid. At least with Smallville you've got tons of stories with Clark discovering and controlling new abilities. If I wanna see some brooding character get into wacky adventures, I'll watch Angel.
  9. Big McLargeHuge

    5.3 Earthquake in Southern California

    Bah, this was nothing. Now, the tornadoes that hit Sacramento earlier in the year, THAT scared the shit out of me.
  10. Big McLargeHuge

    The One and Only Batman Begins thread

    I was intrigued when I heard Guy Pearce's name mentioned for Joker. Though I'd really love to see Tim Roth take a crack at it.
  11. Big McLargeHuge

    The Japanese Have Made Robot Suits

    The woman is the robot right? I seriously couldn't tell until looked at the hands. Just remember when robots overthrow the human race; Blame the japanese.
  12. Big McLargeHuge

    WWF Winged Eagle or WCW Big Gold

    Winged Eagle. I always thought the Big Gold Belt looked goofy. Neither is as cool as the Hennig/Hart/Michaels IC Title though.
  13. Big McLargeHuge

    The One and Only Batman Begins thread

    Exactly. How hard is it to figure out that this movie going to cover the Origin of Batman?
  14. Big McLargeHuge

    The One and Only Batman Begins thread

    Who cares? They're idiots. You liked it, that's all that should matter. Though, I still love Batman 89.
  15. Big McLargeHuge


    Earthquakes have never bothered me. Being born and raised in the Bay Area will do that to you, no doubt. Even the Loma Prieta quake in 89 didn't do much to rattle me and that fucker was huge. They scare the hell out of my Grandmother though. Ever since the '72 quake in Managua, Nicaragua, she's been terrified of them. Which makes her decision to come to California all the more confusing.
  16. Big McLargeHuge

    The One and Only Batman Begins thread

    Same here. Now I really want to see, but I'll probably have to wait till next week.
  17. Big McLargeHuge

    What movie is this?

    The Robert Stack/Hare Krishnas fight scene had me in tears the first time I saw it.
  18. Big McLargeHuge

    Things in life that annoy you.

    So it's not so much something that annoys you. Just you being an asshole. Another thing that annoys me: I'll tell someone I'm Hispanic (instead of telling them I'm Nicaraguan since no one knows what the hell I'm talking about) and they'll say some shit like, "Oh, so you're Mexican." Makes me want to take a blade to their throats.
  19. Big McLargeHuge

    The 2005 MTV Movie Award Nominees

    How the hell does the Day after Tomorrow beat the awesome beyond words Spider-Man sequence?
  20. Big McLargeHuge

    Things in life that annoy you.

    People who take forever to get to the punchline when telling a joke. People who think they're funny, but aren't, in general annoy me. People who call Cigarettes "cancer sticks".
  21. Big McLargeHuge

    This Week In Baseball

    Barry won't make a difference unless he can pitch 8 scoreless innings every fifth day or come out of the pen. Though he might be better than the talentless hacks we've got already.
  22. Big McLargeHuge

    This Week In Baseball

    This season has been absolutely humiliating for this Giants fan. Fuck this team. And fuck management for trying to feed fans the notion that we were going to contend.
  23. Big McLargeHuge

    This Week In Baseball

    Easy to say with 26 world championships under your belt.
  24. Big McLargeHuge

    Lets make fun of Michael Cole

    It deserves it. The heart punch killed my family.
  25. Big McLargeHuge

    Lets make fun of Michael Cole

    Or the Heart Punch.