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Big McLargeHuge

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Everything posted by Big McLargeHuge

  1. Big McLargeHuge

    The OAO Super Bowl Thread

  2. Big McLargeHuge

    The OAO Super Bowl Thread

    This is awesome.
  3. Big McLargeHuge

    The OAO Super Bowl Thread

    Holy Crap~! TD Panthers.
  4. Big McLargeHuge

    The OAO Super Bowl Thread

    I'm liking this game, actually. And Fuck Ditka for disrespecting Baseball.
  5. Big McLargeHuge

    OUCH! My heart!

    It's the other way for me. I cheered the Raiders during their playoff run early last year and was stoked when they took an early 3-0 lead in the Superbowl. I don't think I'll ever cheer the As.
  6. Big McLargeHuge

    NASCAR will use playoff-style points system

    I guess it's not too big here in the Bay Area. For whatever reason.
  7. Big McLargeHuge

    OUCH! My heart!

    Shit, where are the Bay Area Giants/Niners fans? *feels left out*
  8. Big McLargeHuge

    OUCH! My heart!

    There are actually quite a few of us Northern Californians here. I guess I'll add: Jose Cruz Jrs two dropped fly balls in the 2003 NLDS, SF/FLA. Gold Glove outfielder decides to become incompetent. I knew we weren't advancing after that.
  9. Big McLargeHuge

    NASCAR will use playoff-style points system

    So is Nascar big now? I also don't follow, obviously.
  10. Big McLargeHuge

    Favorite Car Chases

    The only ones that I'm aware of are the chases in the Fast and Furious movies. Aside from that, CGI is used minimally. I must be missing some.
  11. Big McLargeHuge

    Favorite Car Chases

  12. Big McLargeHuge

    A question about Royal Rumble/Battle Royals

    Nash in the 94 Rumble was eliminated that way also.
  13. Big McLargeHuge

    20 worst ref calls

    This coming from a guy with a San Francisco Giants avatar yeah that team who had the 2002 World Series all rapped up before they forgot to play the rest of Game 6!!! Thanks. Why bring the SF Giants up? I wasn't being malicious. It's the truth. And I didn't even watch the Series that year (02) because I was very much aware that we were gonna lose. All the powers in the universe weren't gonna bring us a WS championship.
  14. Big McLargeHuge

    The Official MLB Offseason Topic

    I hate the Angels. And the Dodgers. I hope Vlad spits in both their faces and signs with the Brewers or something. Fuck 'em.
  15. Big McLargeHuge

    20 worst ref calls

    Jeez, they botched an easy game winning FG. They were meant to lose.
  16. Big McLargeHuge

    The Official MLB Offseason Topic

    Looks like Rich Aurillia is officially a Mariner, according to ESPN. Not gonna miss his lacking defense, but he was a Giant all the way.
  17. Big McLargeHuge

    Tips for MLB Games

    Lucky you. I've had sliders and fastballs thrown a foot off the plate, or at least reasonably out of their reach, and BAM!... bloop single over my second baseman's glove. That stuff kills me. The ball is nowhere near the plate and they still make contact. Todd Helton makes my job a nightmare all the time because of this. I love it. Although I still can't hit a change-up. It's my kryptonite. I've spent entire at-bats whiffing on 'em. The pitch is evil. And it only works for me once in a blue moon. Do you have problems getting pitches to break the way want them when creating a player? It took me hours once just to get my slider to stop breaking like a screwball.
  18. Big McLargeHuge

    Tips for MLB Games

    Yeah, but they were taking me deep into counts as well. I got worked to about 10 full counts. I was trying to top off at 97 at the least, but the entire roster started displaying unparalleled discipline. And we were playing at the Coliseum so the DH rule was in effect. That's what I love about the game though. One touch pitching seems almost prehistoric now.
  19. Big McLargeHuge

    Tips for MLB Games

    Wow. My CP had at least 110 pitches thrown by the last out. That last k was due to Eric Chavez not being able to lay off a high fastball at 2-2. I started out the game throwing 99 MPH heaters. By the 9th I was struggling to get it past 92 without losing too much control. Outside of the homerun and broken bat cheats, are they any other hidden items in the game?
  20. Big McLargeHuge

    Tips for MLB Games

    I pitched a few no-hitters as well. I also managed 27 ks in a game once against the As (as the Giants natch) with my Created pitcher. Wasn't perfect though. I allowed three hits, with one being intentional because I was at 26 ks and wanted that last one to top it all off.
  21. Big McLargeHuge

    Which Guns N' Roses song are you?

    I was also Sweet Child O' Mine. I kinda wanted to be Patience.
  22. Big McLargeHuge

    Tips for MLB Games

    This is what I do in MVP baseball. The CPU almost never swings at the first two pitches (this also on the medium setting). Just try to hit the corners. Once you go up 0-2, you can usually get 'em to chase something out of the strike zone (like a high fastball, or low splitter, or a slider middle away).
  23. Big McLargeHuge

    The Real World: San Diego

    There have been Hispanics? I remember Cuban Melissa from the Miami season, but that's about it ain't it? And I'm also shocked there hasn't been a gay roomie cast in the past two seasons.
  24. Big McLargeHuge

    The Real World: San Diego

    Not accusing you of anything, I was just wondering if this was a collection of behind of the scenes stuff I could my hands on.
  25. Big McLargeHuge

    The Real World: San Diego

    Cara from Chicago said the producers caught her toking by her bedroom window and was told never to do it again or she would be kicked off. Colin said on the battle of the sexes that pretty much half of both teams would sit around and get high, and they had to hide in the bushes to do it. Where did you hear this?