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Big McLargeHuge

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Everything posted by Big McLargeHuge

  1. Big McLargeHuge

    I just realized

    No it wasn't. This is post-Crisis Supes here. He wasn't tossing any planets or suns around during Marvel vs. DC. And this wasn't "Hulk Smash!" Banner either. This Hulk had brains and was conversing like any other normal person would. And yes, Supes whooped the Hulk.
  2. Big McLargeHuge

    Remember When.....

    Remember Pauley Shore movies?
  3. Big McLargeHuge

    Weird workplace situation

    It's not your fault he fucked up and ignored the rules. Squeal on his ass.
  4. Big McLargeHuge

    I'm proof snitching does not pay. : (

    Pajama pants is Mob talk for 50 Gs. The boots had hidden compartments with coke in 'em. ... It could happen.
  5. Big McLargeHuge

    I'm proof snitching does not pay. : (

    So your dad's a Mafioso and your connections to the Heat are making him uncomfortable? Are you a hitman? And when you say you "snitched" on a hooker, do you mean you killed her because your fat Uncle Sal got her pregnant and didn't want her saying nothing? I too do not understand.
  6. Big McLargeHuge

    Baseball games for Nintendo Gamecube

    You'll have to wait for MVP Baseball 2004 next May if you want another simulation style baseball game. I prefer it over the vastly overrated WSB franchise, but the MVP series is from EA and I hear they're evil or something.
  7. Big McLargeHuge

    Same-sex bathrooms at U of Chicago

    That's impossible. Girls don't take shits.
  8. Big McLargeHuge

    Same-sex bathrooms at U of Chicago

    I dunno about the idea of taking a shit in the same room as a fem, honestly. Doesn't seem right.
  9. Big McLargeHuge

    The Official MLB Offseason Topic

    Espn.com reporting Derek Lee traded to the Cubs for Hee Seop Choi.
  10. Big McLargeHuge

    WWE in the Bay Area

    I'll probably end up going. Isn't the cow palace a tad too small for a PPV? Doesn't seem right.
  11. Big McLargeHuge

    Paris Hilton's X-rated video

    Who the hell is Paris Hilton and why should I care?
  12. Okay, so that was a bit extreme. I guess I'm paying too much attention to the face.
  13. Nah, she makes all that money because her singing is great. It's gotta be cause all I'm seeing is a nice pair of tits on a fucking goblin.
  14. I still don't see the big deal about Britney. Is she really that attractive?
  15. Big McLargeHuge

    The One and Only Angel Season 5 Thread

    Quick question: Who the hell is Lindsey?
  16. Big McLargeHuge

    Can Barry Bonds ever be liked by main stream fans?

    So are we voting someone into office here or what? He's a baseball player. He's paid to play ball, not kiss babies and be humble just so people can like him. Get over it. "He knows he's good, I don't like that." BML: 100% pure bias.
  17. Big McLargeHuge

    The Official MLB Offseason Topic

  18. Big McLargeHuge

    The Official MLB Offseason Topic

    Fuck. There's goes our bullpen ace. Is Pierzynski ianything resembling a good/solid hitter? (don't really follow the AL)
  19. Big McLargeHuge

    Who are the most narrow minded music fans?

    Since I haven't bashed Metal in awhile, I might as well do it here: Metalheads are the correct answer... And people who hate anything current/mainstream/popular just 'cuz'.
  20. Big McLargeHuge

    NL Cy Young

    Great year Gagne had. I still think a starter should be awarded the Cy, though.
  21. Big McLargeHuge

    Matrix Revolutions

    Can someone just spoil it? If it's that bad, I'm certainly not gonna pay for it.
  22. Big McLargeHuge

    Rich Girls on MTV...

    Well, I actually sat down and watched it. And when I saw 'sat down and watched it', I mean there was absolutely nothing on and I was half asleep. Anyways, it wasn't insightful or deep in the least (what did you expect?), but the girls did come across as fairly normal if not spoiled. It's really just another show that puts stupid people in the spotlight for the sake of laughing at them. Which isn't a bad thing really.
  23. Big McLargeHuge

    Freedom Force vs The Third Reich

    I'll get excited when it's released on a console. My PC sucks.
  24. Big McLargeHuge

    World Series Ratings Are 3rd-Lowest Ever

    Which begs the question: what draws?
  25. Big McLargeHuge

    World Series Ratings Are 3rd-Lowest Ever

    It's '00, '02, and '03... right? Mets/Yanks, SF/Monkey, Yanks/Fish?