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Big McLargeHuge

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Everything posted by Big McLargeHuge

  1. Big McLargeHuge

    Ask Al: Part Two!

    Does Armando Benitez have ANY value at this point? And can the Giants sucke... uh, convince someone to take him off their hands?
  2. Big McLargeHuge

    MLB All Star Break/Midseason Review

    While the Giants are still in both the NL West race and Wild Card race, I don't see them doing anything in the second half, let alone the playoffs. I'm actually hoping they fall out of contention and just rebuild. I know our old guys (and young guys for that matter) won't get much in return, but I say get what you can. At least Schmidt ought get us someone good. I wouldn't mind seeing a new manager and/or GM in 2007, really. I got 26 of 50 on the quiz.
  3. Big McLargeHuge

    The OAO Mystery Science Theater 3000 Thread

    I'll agree with those who liked Eddie. Nice change of pace. "What would MacGuyver do?" Eddie: "Get cancelled."
  4. Big McLargeHuge

    Nintendo sends Bush a birthday gift...

    Really? How so? Just being curious.
  5. Big McLargeHuge


    Saw it on Wednesday. I enjoyed it, but it wasn't as fun as the first. Dragged alot especially in the beginning, and this isn't a short film. Most of the movie doesn't seem to go anywhere until about halfway through. The CGI, at least for the Kraken, is absolutely amazing. I've never seen better. The ending completely caught me by surprise, and not just the twist at the end. I had no idea this was going to be a set up film for the 3rd movie. I knew going in they're releasing PotC 3 next year, but it just never dawned on me that they were going to take the Matrix/Back to the Future approach. I knew something was up when more than 2 hours had gone by, and the film felt like it was stuck in the second act.
  6. Big McLargeHuge

    Sony is a bunch of assholes

    Who is that supposed to appeal to exactly? It makes me NOT want to buy a PSP, if anything. Of course, I'm not white or European so maybe I'm missing the appeal. I will say it's better than the 'two rats' campaign that we got in the States.
  7. Big McLargeHuge

    WWF/E Tidbits from the past

    So what was going on with Vince talking to Hebner midmatch? Was he just giving the signal to go home early?
  8. Big McLargeHuge

    Superman Returns

    Saw it today and really liked it. The end really should've been shortened though. Had slow parts, but was more fun to watch than Batman Begins. Lois was much more likeable this time around. I never understood how Clark would fall in love with Kidder's interpretation. It looks like a bomb, which is sad, but I definitely enjoyed it.
  9. Big McLargeHuge

    Spiderman 3 Trailer...

    Both are fake. Though Venom looks great in the first one.
  10. Big McLargeHuge

    Spiderman 3 Trailer...

    They might go the Batman Begins route (which I hated) in making some villains stepping stones to the real big bad of the movie.
  11. Big McLargeHuge

    Superman Returns

    I'm hoping to see it later this week. I'm trying to keep my expectations low, just so I won't be dissapointed. The trailer before X-men 3 blew me the fuck away, though and has me all kinds of hyped.
  12. Big McLargeHuge

    Spiderman 3 Trailer...

    My only problem is that no shots of Brock as Venom means they'll probably make a part 4 and I really don't wanna wait 4 years to see it. But it would be a disservice to Sandman and Goblin to use them as filler for an hour before getting to Brock as the true big bad. It's the right move using 3 to set up the Venom saga, but I want it now, damnit.
  13. Big McLargeHuge

    Venture Brothers season 2

    What did the Monarch come across at the end of the show? I couldn't really make it out.
  14. Big McLargeHuge

    Jason Grimsley admits to steroid use

    why just bonds and giambi? Exactly. Such bullshit. I'm so bitter and pissed off about this whole mess, I really want this list to be filled with fan favorites. I know that seems wrong, but if it makes people understand that this issue isn't as black & white as people make it out to be, it's all for the better. Athletes will do anything to have an advantage over the competition. All of them. It doesn't make them evil. Besides, they'll get Bonds sooner or later. For fucks sake, they were going to have Grimsley wired to try to bait Bonds into admitting. I doubt it stops there.
  15. Big McLargeHuge

    Jason Grimsley admits to steroid use

    No need really. Those two are pretty much already guilty in the minds of baseball fans. I'm very interested to see the names on the list. I'd love to hear other people's reactions to some of their favorite players possibly juicing.
  16. Big McLargeHuge

    Jason Grimsley admits to steroid use

  17. Big McLargeHuge

    Top 25 most important bands of 1981-2006

    By that logic, before MTV, alot of influential bands are influential because of radio play. Plenty of British bands tried to make in big in the States before the Beatles. Do we discredit their influence because radio 'chose them' over others who came before?
  18. Big McLargeHuge

    X-Men 3

    I thought for sure the conversation between the Pres and Trask, after Magneto arrived in San Francisco, was going to end with the initiation of Project Wideawake. It should've. That it didn't made Trask altogether meaningless and nothing more than a nod to comic fans.
  19. Big McLargeHuge

    X-Men 3

    Just came back. I thought the action scenes were great, but everything else fell flat. It definitely could've been a bit longer. X2 is still the best of the series, imo, but this was better than the first. I was dissappointed I didn't get a Snakes on a Plane preview, but they showed a kick ass new trailer for Superman Returns. The whole theater was buzzing after it.
  20. Big McLargeHuge


    That's been theorized before, I believe. I don't know if it's been refuted or not by the producers. I also remember a theory of the island shifting/moving around the world, explaining why it was so hard to find. Interesting, and at the rate the show is going, we'll find out in 4-5 years.
  21. Big McLargeHuge

    10 Things I Hate About Commandments

    I've been wanting to see the Corman FF movie for years. I've yet to find a torrent for it. The Must Love Jaws trailer was also pretty good.
  22. Big McLargeHuge

    DS Lite - The Thread

    Same here. I'm planning to trade in my current DS (also blue) and use the credit or cash I get to buy the Lite.
  23. Big McLargeHuge

    TSM Frappr Map

    I'm in. There's shitload of you guys out east. Just saying.
  24. Big McLargeHuge

    E3 2006: The Thread

    The Wii shell controller looks great. I'll be picking up a 360 after a price drop and a probably get the Wii at launch depending on the titles available. The PS3's price tag right now is way too much. I'd imagine they'll cut it down some. Right?
  25. Big McLargeHuge

    E3 2006: The Thread

    That was quick. And they didn't show the virtual console.