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Big McLargeHuge

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Everything posted by Big McLargeHuge

  1. Big McLargeHuge

    E3 2006: The Thread

    I can't understand a thing this French guy is saying. But I am digging the game.
  2. Big McLargeHuge

    E3 2006: The Thread

    New Zelda looked great in that reel. Was that Mario 128 in there?
  3. Big McLargeHuge

    E3 2006: The Thread

    Gamespot. I watched the Sony press conference today via them for free. Should be no different with Nintendo, I hope.
  4. Big McLargeHuge

    The Worst Wrestling Show of All-Time

    Angle/Shane took place at KotR 2001. Which makes the 2000 show even worse.
  5. Big McLargeHuge

    E3 2006: The Thread

    $500 for a PS3? Good lord!
  6. Big McLargeHuge

    E3 2006: The Thread

    They did change the controller, and now it's got tilt detection stuff. Sticking it to Nintendo, I see.
  7. Big McLargeHuge

    E3 2006: The Thread

    Heh. Seriously, all the protagonists in games today are spikey haired white guys. Feed is gone for me.
  8. Big McLargeHuge

    E3 2006: The Thread

    This is boring. Is this how every press conference is? Great, another racing game. Did they change the PS3 controller? I thought they were sticking with the boomerang.
  9. Big McLargeHuge

    Superman Returns Trailer

    A bit more 21st century? Like a brooding tortured soul Superman? Please god no. The movie looks like it'll be tons of fun to watch. That's all I ask.
  10. Big McLargeHuge

    Guitar Hero.

    Guitar Hero 2 officiall announced. Will have a practice mode, co-op multiplayer mode, and the ability to play lead, rythm and bass guitar parts. Practice mode is something I've really wanted as Cowboys from Hell and Bark at the Moon on Expert are kicking my ass. http://ps2.ign.com/articles/701/701726p1.html
  11. Big McLargeHuge

    Movies that everyone loves that you cannot get the love for

    Agreed with Batman Begins. Hardly the "greatest comic movie ever", despite the credible cast and crew involved. Batman may not have aged well, but it's still far more entertaining and fun to watch than Begins. People liked Troy? I thought it was terrible.
  12. Big McLargeHuge

    OAO Post Mania 22 Raw Thread

    So where is this all going? I mean the continuing Cena title reign.
  13. Big McLargeHuge

    OAO Post Mania 22 Raw Thread

    Hogan would squash him like a bug. Currently, I mean.
  14. Big McLargeHuge

    OAO Post Mania 22 Raw Thread

    AND he's got the net supporting him for the first time in like 6 years. Seriously, I don't care for politics, but the man has no equal in this department.
  15. Big McLargeHuge

    OAO Post Mania 22 Raw Thread

    HHH is a fucking genius. Now the fanbase WANTS him to be champ.
  16. Big McLargeHuge

    OAO WrestleMania 22 thread - 4/2/06

    Because they do it alot? Look at Rock/Brock at Summerslam '02. What's the point of booing Rock there? Or Shawn at Survivor Series 96. Or Orton/Benoit at SummerSlam a couple of years back. the 3 superior workers (yeah, I'm saying Rock was better than Brock) turned on just cuz. I'm not saying people aren't entitled to their opinion, but at this point is just seems trendy and sheepish.
  17. Big McLargeHuge

    OAO WrestleMania 22 thread - 4/2/06

    Rey really doesn't look that outrageous with the Heavyweight belt. For a smaller guy, the belt looks pretty good in that pic, IMO. Smart crowds were cute in the beginning, but it's gotten really annoying now. Booing Cena, fine, I agree he's stale, but c'mon, cheering Orton over Rey? Cheering HHH? It's become too trendy. I'm telling ya, Vince should run more shows here in California. We're huge marks over here.
  18. Big McLargeHuge

    OAO WrestleMania 22 thread - 4/2/06

    I can't believe they're booing Rey. I really hate smart crowds.
  19. Shawn was still European Champ after Montreal, right? Don't know whether they're still credited with a reign, but Diesel and Shawn won the tag titles while holding the WWF and IC titles.
  20. Big McLargeHuge

    "Snakes on a Plane" Teaser up

    DeNiro. Not very good, the others were great though.
  21. Big McLargeHuge


    When did Sun get pregnant? I know they did the deed when Jin came back with the Tailies, but in Lost time that was about a week ago. Would she be feeling the effects of the pregnancy that quickly? I don't remember if they boned at any other point while on the island.
  22. Big McLargeHuge

    I want the Russian Chick

    She's the only reason I'm watching. Svetlana is incredibly annoying but damn nice to look at.
  23. Big McLargeHuge

    The Youtube Thread

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1OmtMQM7pwo...heese%20souffle Hollywood Rock cuts a promo on Hogan before NWO '03. Tofu baby!
  24. Big McLargeHuge

    The OAO Mystery Science Theater 3000 Thread

    Anyone know the reason for the scenes in the middle of Creeping Terror that showed two guys fighting while the "Terror" attacks the dance? I assume there were parts edited out of the MST3k version.