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Everything posted by RedJed

  1. RedJed

    The OAO Smackdown! Thread - 11/18/05

    And much more emotional to sit through....I'm pretty choked up right now.
  2. RedJed

    Smackdown VS Raw 2006

    Anyone go from the middle of a year to, all of a sudden, be two weeks away from the Rumble in season mode? Its like I skipped SummerSlam til the end of the year and didnt even try.....not sure why that happened.
  3. RedJed

    TNA fans

    And on that note, no need to even create anymore discussion with you if you think we are all just biased. Fucking ridiculous shit. You didnt even answer my question.
  4. RedJed

    iMPACT! tapings spoiler

    First off, dissapointed in another Rhino/Jarrett match to headline this ppv. They better add a gimmick to it, falls count anywhere perhaps - they gotta do the payoff with having Jarrett taking a gore through the table that is set up in the middle of the entrance, like they teased last month. This has got to lead to Rhino being programmed with someone new upon an obvious loss (I hope they dont decide to turn Raven heel, like they had plans to do when Jarrett/Nash was supposed to happen). Quite frankly, I'm getting tired of waiting for especially Raven/Jarrett and I have no idea where that logical feud fits into everything since it appears Christian or Brown is finally going to get a title shot and win (I would assume) at Final Resolution.
  5. RedJed

    TNA fans

    I think if you looked outside the box on this, you'd see he's over in not just Orlando but in general, people on the boards here and such are taking a liking to him to. It's widespread. Fellow workers in TNA and outside of TNA have given Brown props. And that is NOT the same as Hoyt - people here and everywhere except Orlando understand the difference between Brown and Hoyt. And the difference is the fact that Brown has a shit-ton of charisma. Hoyt really doesnt. For what its worth, I'd like him with the belt just because its something they've spent so much time on and built to so solidly, that it would be completely illogical to not go with it, or at worst, at least give it a try to see if it would work. I know earlier in the year, those Jarrett-Brown matches were booked so solid that Brown looked like a major fucking contender versus Jarrett there. How do you feel he is not even ready? The guy is oozing charisma, has a unique promo ability, and other than the fact that his workrate isnt extremely impressive, keep in mind thats not the end all be all of how a star is made. Hulk Hogan anyone??
  6. RedJed

    TNA fans

    I know you seem to have a serious hatred for Brown, but dont let that get caught up in the fact of the matter that the guy is actually extremely over and has month to month been groomed to lead to a title push as such. There is nothing except your single opinion saying this guy isn't ready at all, as he is over with at least 90 percent of the fanbase at least. TNA needs to go with what the people want. Sure I dont like Goldberg and probably never will, but I am still smart to WHY his push happened as it did. It's smart business. Much like is the situation with Brown. You may personally not enjoy him, but you can't deny he's becoming a star or might already be there, depending on the criteria.
  7. RedJed

    Horror Update

    I swear I saw a commerical that the Masters of Horror films are or soon will be on DVD. Can anyone offer anymore on this?
  8. RedJed

    Box Office Report Nov. 11-13

    I went to it and I actually walked out on the film about 20 minutes into it. The first part of the movie didnt really grab me as it seemed a dramatic film to the level of Closer, with the obvious overtones of cheating, etc. I wasnt sure if it was going to get any better or turn into the film I expected (tense thriller) but I didnt even give it a chance. The theatre I saw it in was having problems with their projectors, so the film would cut out every 30 seconds as well, and that got very old very fast. So was it actually a decent film then?
  9. RedJed

    Just Watched the Bret Hart DVD

    Anyone got a heads up on where is the cheapest place to buy this when it comes out tomorrow?
  10. RedJed

    Spoilers for Raw & SD! Tapings

    Pictures from last night's taping in slideshow form.... http://photobucket.com/albums/d119/RedJed/...&slideshow=true
  11. RedJed

    Smackdown and RAW non-spoilers

    I will say this much, I am somewhat liberal on ratings, but Angle/Benjamin, HBK/Rey, Regal/Flair (albeit it was a short match), Chavo/JBL and HHH/Benoit are all tremendous TV matches (meaning over ***) from how I saw them live tonite. Well worth going out of your way to see these shows this week. This weeks shows are going to be significant in more ways than one, just because there was zero effort even botherering to promote the SS ppv at all. And there was no angles ran at all, etc. Just pure wrestling matches with some very emotional athletes who made a point to go out of their way to do the best they could given the circumstances.
  12. RedJed

    Eddy Guerrero passes away

    I will say this much, there was many a teary eye tonight at the tribute show, me included. Fucking unbelievable news hard to comprehend right now, even after being there live at this show tonight. Just saddening to the n'th degree. This shouldnt happen to people like Eddy and until I hear different (meaning unless I hear the death was from something like a drug overdose or something, which I highly doubt), its just not fair as he didnt deserve to leave the world like this.
  13. RedJed

    Horror Updates

    Saw the trailer for the Pulse american remake with the chick from Veronica Mars (Kristen Bell?) over the weekend and from the preview, it looks fucking tremendous. When is the original on HDMovies?
  14. RedJed

    Spoilers for Raw & SD! Tapings

    I dont know what has been reported and what hasnt been reported yet, but I just got back from the show and I am just utterly spent, to say the least. Generally speaking, I have been to who knows how many WWE shows (100 plus easily in my life) and this one was most definitely the most historic, not to mention emotionally draining show I've ever been to, and this covers a handful of Manias/big ppvs and various other ppvs/tapings/house shows. I dont think a lot of the crowd really understood the significance of this show as much as the death of Owen had on people. In fact, most of us didn't even know about the death of Guerrero until we got into the building, including myself. From start to finish, and even now, I am still in some sort of shock about all of this. Anyway more on that tomorrow when I get myself more together here as I am very tired. Here is some general stuff on the Smackdown taping..in case it hasnt been reported yet (I had sent this to Meltzer as I saw he didnt have any notes on the SD show yet) SMACKDOWN SPOILERS Batista opened with a moreless shoot talking about how he admired Eddy, etc, etc. Very emotional speech, not sure if you got the notes on it, but I believe he did a speech on Raw as well in a backstage segment about all this. Hardy def. Carlito, nothing much to the match. Either before or after that previous match, LOD def. Cade and Murdoch in a moreless pointless match. Seemed to be some sentiments within ringside that the match was almost a tribute to Hawk more than it was to Eddy. In between matches, there was segments, much like Raw had, where wrestlers had their forum to talk about Eddy. Segments included a very heart felt Benoit segment, as well as HHH and Chavo backstage deals, which were very hard to put into words. I believe there was more from other workers (Vince did one as well) but its all so hazy due to the surreal circumstances. Cant remember which ones were on Raw and which were on Smackdown. Chavo Guererro def JBL, looks like they ditched the Kerwin White gimmick, at least for tonite. Cruiserweight battle royale w/ Raw and Smackdown guys was won by Juvy when he eliminated London. Benoit def. HHH by submission via crossface in what was basically the main event of Smackdown. After the match Malenko came out and it was very emotional once again, with Benoit and Malenko in the ring in an emotional embrace. HHH also broke character and hugged Benoit after the match. Just hard to put into words the emotion here. Smackdown taping only went roughly an hour, so I would imagine they will add in segments from the Raw show to fill up the hour. Interesting night of many interpromotional matches, some which would be extremely significant in a different time and day, but the theme of the night was most certainly a classy tribute to Eddy, including a low rider on stage during both Raw and Smackdown. Lots of Eddy segments from the past as well to honor his legacy in the company. Cant say enough how saddened I was to find out about all of this coming into the arena tonight, but yet completely blown away by the show tonight in terms of the pure emotion and class exhibited by everyone associated with WWE. Will write more tomorrow when I get myself together more. I will post some photos I got of alot of the notable happenings of the night tomorrow. Everyone on the stage next to a low rider was somewhat surreal and very emotional for the crowd and the wrestlers. People were obviously breaking character left and right and during the opening Raw segment where all of the company workers were out (including others like Shane McMahon, Dusty Rhodes, etc) many wrestlers were visably crying (Benoit really took this hard) and basically everyone around me at ringside was very emotional as well. Can't even put this all into words right now.
  15. Quick note to add to this: I picked up the Live 8 4 disc DVD set at Best Buy for only 30 bucks. Retailed well above that. WELL WELL worth it, concert is in DTS and just a top notch job done here all around. Missing alot of bands I was hoping to hear but maybe they'll do a Vol 2 sometime soon.
  16. RedJed

    The Ultimate Fighter 2

    Cant even decide which of those three fights in a row there was best. Thats a huge statement there in itself as it pertains to the quality of this event tonite. UFC hit a bonifide homerun here and will get me back in the game of throwing down on upcoming ppvs (last one I bought was Liddell-Couture back in April). One thing though, I've lost any sort of whatever I had regarding respect/appreciation for Nick Diaz. What a fucking little whiny bitch he is - that statement about Sanchez in the interview after the fight was just fucked up. How he can talk shit on Sanchez yet state he respects him, and always has. Huh? I'm not even a fan of Sanchez and just want to see Diego whoop him hard in a rematch.
  17. RedJed

    TNA Gets Monday Night Special

    Figured this was going to happen but interesting to see that they have already announced it this soon. That shall be an interesting week in wrestling, also consider the fact that SNME will go head to head for a half hour with Impact as well and TNA better have their gameface on that week. That will easily be their biggest true test of proving themselves (both the Monday show and what the follow up with for that next Sat's Impact to compete with WWE), even more than tonight's show by far. Looking back, I dont blame them one bit for going dark in the face of not accepting the WGN deal. Spike has given them a great chance here to succeed.
  18. RedJed

    Ever Wonder How Scripted The Shows Are Now?

    I would imagine that is put there in design to ellicit a pop or some heel heat or some sort, and by such, they are instructed to do a small pause after that is said.
  19. RedJed

    The McRib Farewell Tour

    I love the McRibs and all, but what a fucking stupid marketing campaign. Who's bright idea is it to portray McDonald's food as "the cool thing" or whatever the fuck that mess on that website is? This goes to all of their stupid commericals I see on TV from McDonalds nowadays too. I cant believe they actually have a "gallery" of pictures of the McRibs.
  20. RedJed


    You're giving two examples of ex-ECW guys who know what role gets them over, so of fucking course they arent going to steer clear of it too horribly much. TNA has done decent with Monte Brown, Abyss, and AMW recently in terms of character development. As far as Christian goes and your thoughts on him, I would have agreed with you 6 months ago but over the summer he really could have gotten over and was clearly underutilized. They let the lion out of the proverbial cage and he roared, but for some unknown reason, they pulled back a TON on him and virtually buried him for no reason other than he was getting over. His match quality also picked up considerably as of late, so he's in line to be a breakout star wherever he goes at this point, IMO.
  21. RedJed

    New Diva signed

    It is awfully strange they havent really ackowlegded that Haas has even a chance in the company when I feel he's perfect for TNA. Unless they have some long term plan for a surprise with him, I dont get why they didnt announce he's coming in with her if he really is.
  22. RedJed

    Jake 'The Snake' Roberts DVD

    This was addressed in the bonus features. Both Hogan and Jake both basically said that "it was going against the grain" to actually program a Jake-Hogan feud, considering the pop Jake got from that Snake Pit segment. Not sure about the Jake-Savage stuff - I know back in the day I did go to a few house shows they worked a program on and Jake was actually getting great heat, post cobra-bite on Savage.
  23. RedJed

    Jake 'The Snake' Roberts DVD

    Watched this last night and wow - what to say. I was shocked that Jake was so open as much as he is, not sure WHY that is other than he just doesnt give a shit anymore about anything, or else maybe he was on something, much like he seemed to open up when he got high during Beyond the Mat. I could be totally off there but he just seened to act a little weird at times, and the stories about his family - not sure what to believe there, but regardless, very fucked up/surreal indeed. One part I found interesting was the stuff about when Jake was back in 96 and how he was clean and yet the company had to play off it and how it affected him. Makes you really feel for him, in a sense. Havent gotten to the extras yet other than the Steamboat-Jake match from Toronto in 86. Solid match for sure.
  24. RedJed

    Horror Gimmicks

    That Gronda, or at least he used to be called that when he was in AAA. I think when he went to CMLL he is now called something else, like Grond or something. Its not even a full body suit, pretty much just red and black paint. Oh, and the guy is fucking green as hell too.
  25. RedJed

    OAO Impact Special Thread

    Yeah I meant one a month, my bad....will edit!!