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Everything posted by RedJed
Most uncoordinated back suplex to Kane from Show that I've seen in a long time. Then followed by an ok, but odd looking top suplex by Kane to Show with Kane actually still standing on the canvass versus actually going to the top rope himself. I would have to assume that's because Kane is actually somewhat injured with his knee, calf, etc, although if he was actually injured, he was taking some awfully dangerous spots given being hurt (other top rope moves for example). And Henry wins the ECW belt. Oh boy. So the ECW belt goes back to Tuesday night. ECW with both that belt, the US title, and WWE tag belts is a surprise.
Kane appears to have maybe pulled his quad taking that weird bump over the top rope. Match has turned into something worse than expected since that happened (and I had little to no expectations for this one for sure). EDIT - Nevermind, he's back in the match, although he looks like he still is injured as he's really slowly lumbering around.
Yeah Booker totally owned that whole match and angle after the match. He punked out Joe, and pretty much had his way with Nash most of their match, and then ended up getting the win from Joe's screwup. So while, at least in that segment, it definately was the emphasis being Joe/Nash, Booker was made to stand out more above the others. I'm thinking they are going to give Booker the belt and have him hold it until Bound for Glory, where he might face Sting and Joe in a three way? He's just so "on" right now that it would be stupid not to give it to him. This is kind of similar to Ron Killings back in TNA 02.
Oh I'm sure they will. Just doing one small spot on Impact to build to a ppv match is just the start of that spot. In fact I wouldn't be shocked to see Christian/Rhino/Styles v. 3D/Angle in a glass tables match at the next one, even. I hope its a swerve unto another swerve and Val doesnt go with either or something. Maybe brings in a new guy to take off with.
One thing missing from the spoilers was that Christian was actually put through a half glass table from 3D, a visual that I dont think I've seen in a match before, basically a normal table, only with the middle cut out and a window pane of glass put in. It was pretty cool actually. For the first time in TNA for them, I think I actually will remember something 3D actually did for a memorable angle in this company. The announcers actually sold the whole angle better than they have done in most cases, too. And they didn't rush the whole deal either after it happened, they let the glass table spot sink in before they went on with the show. Just finally getting to watch Impact right now, but so far thats been a strong point of the show. I'm sure plenty of unintentional humor will follow soon. Oh yup, in no time, the Nash/Joe segment in the "back" went there already. Both of them were basically putting Booker over more than anything. The Kong segment was once again really strong and it makes sense now how Taylor ends up getting an actual title shot (presumably next week or at the latest, the week after) against Kong, by beating Saeed. The Angelina Love segment was really interesting how they played up the BCW stuff. Frank Trigg actually cutting a pro wrestling promo actually came off a bit forced, but then again, maybe it was intented to be that way since it was just a bait for Styles. Mexico/Japan tag match was REALLY strong for Impact standards of the in-ring work. Its fun to see CMLL guys here on the show, first time ever as TNA always just worked with AAA if I recall. Its been awhile since Ive seen Guererro and Bucanero too since Galavision doesnt show any CMLL anymore. They need to bring these guys back for part of that 12 man tag match, hopefully at the ppv and in a scramble match type bout. Sonjay Dutt promo....wow, all kinds of strange. Why the fuck is Dutt cornered by four "Guru-ites" 10 year old boys? That's really weird shit there. His attempt at a televangelist preacher was pretty B-movie style bad but funny at the same time. The real highlight of this segment was those super urns (I never knew those was what they ever were until Tenay informed us) with smoke rolling out of them that Dutt took a bump into. Overall goofy as hell segment to say the least. Booker T promo, awesome stuff. He's really at a peak in his character right now that he never really had in WWE. Angle and Tomko cutting a promo in front of a sign that says "Emeril Live - HOT SET" - guess we know who's next door to the Impact Zone? Moose's intro music, starting with her yelling "I HAAAAAATE BIMBOS" is fucking hilarious. That was a good match too between ODB/Moose, different for the women, but in a really strong way. More unintentional humor with Tenay calling ODB "he" at one point and apparently nobody caught it in post-production, or just said fuck it, lets leave it. Booker/Nash was ok but nothing special, Booker definately carried Nash around though.
Double Post, sry
So what the heck was the actual rating?
And I never thought the title was ever on the line during these open challenges, so there ya go. Note that the second set of spoilers that it didnt state that Taylor won the belt. I hope she didnt actually win it as I think the novelty of someone actually beating Kong in the challenge itself is good enough without the title win. That will set up a solid actual title match, probably at the ppv, between the two, and THAT would be for the title. Its moreless like she earned her shot by winning the challenge.
This isnt results just for July 3rd, they also taped for July 10th also on here and probably some from Monday's spoilers too. So basically 3 shows taped in two nights out of sequence. Wow, I'm shocked they killed the 25,000 challenge already, although this Taylor (who is Shantelle Taylor, correct?) has a ton of potential. I don't understand, though, how she ALSO won the Knockout belt. That might be a error there in the report. I agree with whoever said the spoilers were badly written and hard to follow, especially some "11" hand picked for Kurt, leading to whoever that is (its not explained) being bagged by the chicks, and then Karen comes out, slaps Kurt, and then I'm not following what happened after that, I'm guessing what he was trying to say is Karen then leaves the ring and then the crew of Rhino, Kim, and ODB run out to save whom, this mystery number 11? Also, its not explained but the idea is for the ppv to be Dudleys/Angle v. Styles/Christian/Rhino I believe. It's also impossible to figure out the standings in the World Cup from these spoilers as well. Wasn't there supposed to be some 12 man tag or something? Or maybe thats for the ppv alongside Ultimate X. With that said though, I bet Milano v. Daniels on one of the Impacts here should be great. And WTF is a Bimbo Brawl? And I don't see where Booker/Joe is an "afterthought" to Joe/Nash by either these spoilers, or especially by watching the shows. You're seeing simple very undetailed results here and if history has taught us anything, its that these shows end up having way way WAY more stuff that is on paper. Excited to see Sting play a part in the world title situation down the road here. I'm expecting Nash/Joe to fill out August and September's ppvs with Sting/Joe at Bound for Glory, more than likely.
oh stop, it wasnt nearly that bad. I was thinking the same thing. I don't understand what made Transformers, of all movies, one to warrant even thinking about walking out of? It was a wild effects extravaganza for sure, and the story wasn't so bad, boring, stale, etc, to really even dig on it in that capacity.
That was actually one of a very few films that I was extremely close to walking out of. Besides the movie just being slow, tedious, pretentious, and mundane as all hell, the theater was crowded to the max, had to sit right next to a group that wouldn't shut up (as in literally the next seat by me, which I always hate dealing with, I like at least a seat apart from strangers), and on top of it, the surround sound went out in the theater so it was very hard to even hear the movie when it was all coming from the front at a lower volume. Yet I stayed and suffered.
Yeah, I can't remember why Raw was taped on a Sunday, but it was. Smackdown was also taped after Raw that night. Must have had some overseas tour or something. I probably should have and would have known earlier, as I would assume the news broke that Sunday morning, but I was coming back from a vacation up in northern Minnesota and had no internet or news access really that entire weekend. It was actually pretty weird overall......before I went into the movie across from the arena, the Target Center area was pretty much quiet as nobody showed up to wait in line, etc, yet. And then by the time I came back out, about an hour later, news vans and the like started showing up, so I got the full story from them. Then slowly more and more fans showed up and I found out more information second hand. It was pretty surreal and by the time the show actually began, it was just like I was in some sort of strange dream to say the least. It's still to this day the most significant, memorable, and emotionally draining wrestling event I've ever been to, by far.
I've always waited for someone to mention how Impact has a different title to each episode. I guess it gives them reason to have a main focus for each show or something? That didn't start until about 6 months or so ago with the show actually being titled something. Anyway, a little late on thoughts but I am intruiged where this Frank Trigg/Angle partnership is going. In typical TNA form, Tenay and West didnt even mention that Trigg was the one who was getting beaten on accidentally by Styles earlier in the show, mistaking him for Angle. That is, right up until Trigg shows up, making you wonder WTF is he running out for, and then Tenay goes "We failed to mentioned....". Thought that was kind of funny. Whatever the case, it could be possible we get Christian/Styles v. Angle/Trigg at the next ppv.
It amazes me that anyone would walk out of the aforementioned movies.......28 Days Later (I dont get that one at all), Seven (I guess I get it with the grisly nature of that film, but still....) and BORAT?!! Wow, someone must have been extremely homophobic to walk out of one of the more hilarious scenes of the film. With all of that said, I have left one movie before, Derailed......I think that was the name, With Jennifer Aniston and Clive Owen. It all relates to wrestling, though, why I left. I went and saw it about 3 hours or so across the street from Target Center before a live Raw, which happened to end up being the Eddy Guererro tribute show. Got in a little late to the movie in the first place, didn't really know what the fuck was going on anyway in terms of a plot for the movie, and then as I became bored as hell with it, I got a text message from a friend mentioning Guererro found dead earlier (which up until hearing this, I had no idea) in Minneapolis, and that the show will likely be a tribute. Once I heard that, I hightailed it out of the movie to head over to the arena to try to find out what happened, etc.
I enjoyed it enough, but it's one of those that isn't worth going out of your way to see in the theaters unless you're looking for a few random hours to kill. Rental material for sure, though.
Damn, that was quick. Well, besides that, if Get Smart makes over 100 million (and/or if the spin-off DVD makes decent money), chances are we'll see a sequel.
I think that is the idea, based off the ending of Get Smart, as Patrick Warburton is introduced as an android, literally out of nowhere. Also, based off this article from well over a year ago at Rotten Tomatoes... "The "Get Smart" movie starring Steve Carell just began filming, but the writers already have a sequel in mind. Masi Oka and Nate Torrence have made such an impression as Bruce and Lloyd that they might get their own film. It's got a clever name too. "Get SmartER right now," said Oka. "We don't know when we're shooting that. It's supposed to be August and September. It's whenever they get the script I guess and a director. The writers are very excited for out characters so they're inspired and they want to keep on polishing it and making it better." Perhaps spinoff would be a better description of "Get Smarter." It takes place parallel to "Get Smart" and may even include part of "Get Smart" in the film. "The whole idea is 'Get Smart' the feature is kind of like 'Hamlet' and 'Get Smarter' is going to be 'Rosencranz and Guildenstern are Dead.' So to make it kind of a tie in, I know they're going to try to incorporate some footage from the actual feature into it so it looks like it's seeing what's leading up behind the scenes."
Myers was just far too gone from the industry far too long for him to make any impact with Love Guru, even if that film appears to be some pseudo copy in a sense of Austin Powers. I think it's safe to say Myers can only prosper with another Austin Powers movie, and even in that case, its still questionable if it would draw as much as the previous efforts. One other thing with Love Guru, I really hated the overt advertising this film did, made me think they didnt have much hope for it in the first place. Saw Get Smart this weekend and I thought it was pretty good for what it was. Great Khali had way more of a role in the film than I expected, and Rock had less than I thought it would be. Anne Hathaway looked ridiculously hot to say the least.
I don't know, I can't imagine anyone would write and direct a scene with a guy having a conversation with a and think that it was meant to be taken seriously.
I think the actors were meant to act a little off the wall, B-movieish at times due to the goofy subject nature of the film. At least that's how I took it. Saw it yesterday, and I actually liked most of the movie, although the ending just seemed so open ended and rehashed to the beginning that I kind of left underwhelmed at that. Lots of unexplained shit in here, though, that bothered me that it wasnt more brought to make sense by the end. By no means the best summer movie around, but a fun and surprisingly violent/gorey flick for the standards of you know who.
Yes, he was. He debuted last week on ECW as Matt Sydal, against, I believe, Benjamin? And then this week he apparently re-debuted as Evan Bourne without any acknowedgment of such prior name.
PRIDE relaunch? If that's even possible at this point... Otherwise, all I could figure into it is some supercard deal with UFC guys taking on different stars from EliteXC, DREAM, Affliction, etc. Best of the Best dream card or something.
That wasn't a doctor hired by TNA? I'm not saying TNA wanted to kill Candido, but I read in the past about wrestlers not getting good health care in TNA which is why Kid Kash left. TNA wouldn't pay for the surgeries for his injuries. Jesus christ, I think I've heard it all now from this board that~~~~ TNA IS EVIL. TNA more than likely didnt HIRE a specific doctor for Candido, in fact I can almost say for certain that didn't happen, doctors aren't "hired" by fucking wrestling companies, more less the doctors are just at the discretion of the workers and/or the specific locations they need to have the work done at, dependant on where the injury occured. And a company with shitty health care is COMPLETELY different than a person getting a botched surgery at a hospital. In fact they are nothing like one of the same whatsoever. I thought anyone with common sense could figure that out. If a company has shitty health care, it just means they wont pay for most of any work, it doesnt mean that they farm out shitty inexperienced doctors to do the work because its cheaper for them. Anyway..... I'll post some more in depth thoughts later when my net gets up and running again at home (it pooped out midway through the ppv on Sunday) but I thought the last two matches and the opener were very strong, and the rest was alright, paced well though. In particular, I thought Roode, Christian, and Booker T stood out and got over well in KOTM, and I didnt expect that particular attention being done to put over others in that match other than Joe. Previous year KOTM matches havent seen that occur as much. Angle/Styles was pretty nuts considering Angle's neck condition.
Those bachelor party vignettes on Impact this week were the best and worst B movie style stuff I've seen the company do all at the same time. Listen to the fans respond to this....haha
Yeah, once I realized it was tying into Kong killing him with a powerbomb, it served its purpose. Surprised Young didnt get beat up though. I still cant get over Elvis' intro music, that was some seriously off the wall shit. TNA bringing the hilarity.