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Everything posted by RedJed

  1. RedJed

    Smackdown Thread 2/10/06

    That was an obvious overdub with Cole bragging about successful Smackdown apparently is in the ratings. Lame.
  2. RedJed

    Smackdown Thread 2/10/06

    Also Helms v. Kash, Lashley v. JBL and that might be the whole card. Doesn't seem bad at all really for the typical NWO ppv they do before Mania.
  3. Kanyon v. DDP as a main event of a "legends" show? Yeah, this very well MAY be the sequal to Heroes of Wrestling at this rate. I remember they had all these "legends" at the last ppv and then for no reason, had Scorpio v. Julio Dinero. This is akin to that. Whatever though, if its on mainsteam ppv I'll f'n pick it up.
  4. RedJed

    And of course it had to get worse

    Lets hope sanity hit the company after the backlash of late with the whole Guerrero thing. Otherwise this will hit new PR lows for the company, even worse than what they did/didnt do during the whole Owen Hart death and the months after it. Horrible state of affairs too, just leading to Mania with one of the most ridiculous builds to a horrible possible Angle/Orton match for the title. At worst, you have Rey go over at NWO "to honor Eddy" but doesnt win the title at Mania - that could go to Angle again or even if they are insistant on it, Orton at Mania if they did a three way. But at least they don't fuck up the build to at least HAVE HIM in the title match at Mania - I'm talking about Rey there.. Maybe they have decided to go with Rey/Angle and Taker/Orton or a three/four way at Mania with a combo of those workers is my only hope to salvage this shit.
  5. RedJed

    And of course it had to get worse

    My only hope is that the family agreed to show up if it was Rey going over instead of Orton "in honor of Eddie". I hope its not just $$$ thats bringing them there but its very conceivable. Otherwise, this is going to just keep going downward real fast for everyone involved. If it goes like how is the plan (Orton over Rey) its going to be a real fucked up situation the company put the family in, and its going to tear that family apart from it. Plus you might as well bury Rey right next to Edge in the booking snafu department, and Orton STILL wont get over after it - its irrelevant if he does the job or not. Well, if they did tell Eddie's wife that Rey was gonna win to honor Eddie and then Orton goes over just to get her and the kids to cry for some kind of Orton heat and the wrestlers STILL do nothing then fuck them all. If someone does that to your friend's memory and his family and you just take it, you really are a worthless human being. Even worse than Vince. Totally in agreement there. If both Orton and Rey, even if its selfish and both refuse to follow what is booked if its disrespectful any further - as long as they figure its for the better of their own careers and to stand up for what was apparently a friend of theirs (since Orton over Rey with them getting cheat heat with the Guererro family there is just plain company suicide at this point given what they have built with Rey), they will be the start of trying to stop this shit. And if the Guererro family know its not going to be Rey going over with no Orton playing to the family in the angle and they still allow the company to go down this path any further, they really will make Fritz Von Erich look like a saint in the process.
  6. RedJed

    And of course it had to get worse

    My only hope is that the family agreed to show up if it was Rey going over instead of Orton "in honor of Eddie". I hope its not just $$$ thats bringing them there but its very conceivable. Otherwise, this is going to just keep going downward real fast for everyone involved. If it goes like how is the plan (Orton over Rey) its going to be a real fucked up situation the company put the family in, and its going to tear that family apart from it. Plus you might as well bury Rey right next to Edge in the booking snafu department, and Orton STILL wont get over after it - its irrelevant if he does the job or not.
  7. RedJed

    Save Wrestlemania

    I think if Rock's movie career starts to fizzle out (and correct me if I'm wrong, but didnt Doom basically bomb in the box office?) there is no question he'll come back to wrestling, but its questionable if it would be to WWE (which seems the most likely deal), TNA, or another upstart by whenever that time is that he's done the movie thing and is interested in coming back to the business. I definately also wouldnt count him out on Mania 23, as long as he doesnt have any movie committments and/or if him and Vince made a deal soon (as in within the next few months) to schedule it long in advance. I could most certainly see an Orton/Rock match (battle of the 3rd generation guys) at Mania 23 if the plan is to really move Orton up this year and continue into the next. Thats a money match right there that just makes perfect sense tying into the 3rd gen deal. As far as Bret, all we can hope to even see from him is a nod at the HOF and then an appearance at Mania to coincide with that, and at very most, very slim to none though, he shows up during HBK/Vince and likely just stands there and distracts whoever. He can't physically work a match, and even if he were to, I'd be inclined to think it would actually be in TNA or else against Angle. He's just not even going to go there and work a match with Vince or HBK, no way. Might as well all start accepting that. The Austin-Hogan thing may formulate by next year, and I would imagine since it really fell apart this year, that it will be on the agenda to try to put together by then. I still dont see it happening unless Hogan and Austin become best buds as there is going to be politics like crazy in even trying to pencil in that match, as we've seen.
  8. RedJed

    Heart Throbs released

    No shit? So was WWE going to their OVW gimmick now it seems (from the Byte this stuff, thats telling me they are "going gay") and then just as they start, they shit-can em? Wow, how bizzare.
  9. RedJed

    Save Wrestlemania

    The only logical things I can figure with the ME stuff is this, and keep in mind this is me trying to stay as close to reality as possible given where they are obviously going with things already (Orton and HHH likely going over) but there are some glaring problems but most can be compromised with something like this, and I think it would really make the show interesting at least in the upper card. Basically you announce that on both shows, due to the title contendership situation up in arms (from events at SNME and No Way Out) that both title matches will be under fatal four way and triple threat rules respectively with these matches...this will tie in the shitty matches/ideas into only one at least and make for something more interesting with them if they must go in this direction. World Title Angle v. Orton v. Rey v. Taker WWE Title Cena v. HHH v. Edge Then you book under Hogan v. Foley or if you dont need Hogan's BS just do Foley/HBK v. Shane/Vince MITB Interpromotional Ladder Match RVD v. Benoit v. Benjamin v. Booker T v. Flair v. JBL Move Henry down the card to feud with Lashley Show/Kane v. MNM - Interpromotional title v. title to unify tag belts Trish v. Mickie James - Women's title CW Gaunlet Match w/ Helms, Knoble, Kash, Crazy, Psicosis, London, etc, etc Do some goofy interpromotional match like Boogeyman v. Carlito w/ Shaq helping to build up the match pre-Mania, thats about everyone covered that deserves a spot or at worst is over enough to deserve a spot.
  10. Wow the proverbial hole in this thread just keeps getting deeper and deeper....this is going nowhere with DH. Saying you can't be a fan of both promotions just because you may have enjoyed a storyline segment on TNA that was not based off any "real" event or death and then to not personally enjoy the way Vince wont stop with the Guerrero issue (WWE fan or not, how can anyone condone it - if ANY COMPANY did this to apparently "pay tribute" to one of their deceased workers, it would be equally bad) are two completely NON-RELATED incidents that have no correlation to each other whatsoever. To think being a "fan" of a promotion is as cut and dry as that, well there is your ass showing more than ever. And you're hitting new ridiculous lows time after time. When can you stop already? It's not getting anywhere but in circles. I'm not even going to go there with the comment of putting Styles and Daniels for 30 minutes on a WWE ppv. If they could go and deliver, I dont care what wrestling crowd they would perform in front of, it would get over. Just like a match like, say, Angle v. Rey, would. So to recap, I've been a fan of WWE since the early to mid 80s and have probably spent an insane amount of $$$ on their live events, ppvs, merchandise, DVDs, etc, etc. Love the product when its on, still tolerate and view the product when its not and everything in between. Will give them credit when they deserve it and shit on things when they don't. I have also followed TNA since its inception and bought nearly every one of their weekly and monthly ppvs. Love the product when its on, still tolerate and view the product when its not and everything in between. Will give them credit when they deserve it and shit on things when they don't. But WAIT, I just cannot be a fan of both. Well then I pick WWE. Oh wait, now I better not praise TNA here (especially that god damn controversial and so disrespectful funeral angle for the Duds, my god the nerve of this company!!!) or else I'm a TNA fan exclusively huh?
  11. RedJed

    Matt Hardy Interview

    He might be able to cut a decent promo once in awhile but at this point, its not like he will even get a chance to, likely. He blew it immediately when he didnt hit a home run with his first promo back in the company, so that was the first thing he fucked up on. Actually the first thing he fucked up on was going back there in the first place, but hey, now he's learning the hard way.... Speaking of which, how more blatant can the company get on trying to bury him now. I guess they are trying to force the hand to have him quit, and I will be interested to see what he tries to do to get fired in return. But now they are having him tag with Johnny Ace's bro - how ironic when you think about it. Pretty damn non-coincidental either that he was the first guy to put Finley over when he started. Anyway this is one of those real tragic deals in wrestling that really is typical WWE politics at its finest and the guy is likely eternally buried, but that nobody should really feel sorry for him about at this point. In fact its borderline humerous to see some of this play out on TV.
  12. They shouldnt even try to act this was nothing but talking about the Lesnar deal with Inoki. Two desperate companies like this working together otherwise though is scary to think about.
  13. Went to a few WCW craptastic tapings. One was in October 96 in Rochester, MN right after they did a Nitro in Mankato the night before (this was the show with Sting showing up for the first time with the black and white facepaint, and the place they did the first "NWO Saturday Night" empty arena matches that were short lived segments on WCWSN) and it was pretty boring overall. Can't even remember the matches since they were all basically squashes. I did go to another WCW SN taping in Mankato in early 98 or late 97, I believe. Again I cant even remember the matches as all I recall was that is was boring as fuck. If anyone can find out the results from these, I'd love to see em after all these years.
  14. RedJed

    So Is Nash done?

    Yeah he's still under some sort of contract so he'll be back at some point. I would imagine his health is a concern for him in coming back for matches down the road. But worse case scenario, they'll bring him back to at least have him on TV in some nonwrestling role. Speaking of all this, has anyone heard any news on Scott Hall? I fear where he is and what he's doin these days...
  15. RedJed

    Goldberg Expresses Interest In TNA

    I wonder if this was one of the guys who Meltz has been talking about, ie a guy who normally wouldnt be interested back before? Anyway I'd be all for a really strong ME level program of Brown/Goldberg, Rhino/Goldberg, Abyss/Goldberg, or Joe/Goldberg. They all sound like potential money makers to me, even know I have never really liked Goldberg as a whole. Also, WCW really never capitalized on another money maker (at the time at least) with Goldberg doing a substantial program with Sting. That might be something to consider if he would even be signed. In any regard, realistically the guy would draw interest to the casual fans much like Sting, and if he was easy to work with (and I feel he really pretty much is when it comes down to it - he was blatantly misused in WWE and late in WCW, they also didnt know what the fuck to do with him either, yet he still did stupid shit like work a program with Luger?) I don't see a problem with it. I'm not convinced he would be worth a half million, but with the right direction, he may be. He seems to kind of be a mark for himself (example, the WCW heel turn that failed more because of his own lack of trying with it IMO) but really, he's not cut out for the monster heel role when you already got guys like Joe and down the road perhaps, Lesnar, who would fit that role just fine.
  16. Regarding the Sting subject as some have been debating here, I am certainly more than happy that they are doing what they are doing and using him in special occasions to start so they can pop a few really strong buyrates with him with his first appearance (Against All Odds), the Impact with the interview, and down the road, what will be his first singles match. The obvious route would be to overexpose him right away trying to generate a huge rating or buyrate over and over, but this isnt WWE and they have to be nitpicky about the usage of their premier draw right now and build things right so that his return will mean something. In fact, believe it or not, in the last Observer, there was verbage about Sting actually turning down an immediate title match because he even knows there is value in the title chase. And ultimately, if you are going to do, you should do it right and really give it time to build. With that said, they had plans before Sting to really push a title hunt for Christian. I think they should stick with that plan and see how it formulates and more importantly, how things go after he wins the belt. From there, you can slowly turn Christian against Sting and there is money in that match for the belt. Where does that leave guys like Raven, Brown, Joe, etc? Who knows but I think this is the direction you have to go with now (a seperate Christian chase/title run and a seperate Sting return to singles, building a few strong feuds leading to a title shot). Otherwise you're shooting yourself in the foot with burying Christian, basically. And two ME level programs with Christian as champ v. whoever and Sting v. Jarrett likely from the outset isnt bad.
  17. RedJed

    Writer assistant from Smackdown writes to Meltzer

    Umm, no. Very deniable still. Who's to say that this guy really works for Smackdown? I would imagine Meltzer or this other writer from the Observer site would check their contacts and such before they would post their thoughts to the public liek this. The fact that he edited his email as well shows that its probably legitimate in that he's really trying to protect his identity.
  18. RedJed

    MMA Comments that Don't Warrant a Thread

    Is anyone feeling the same thing I am, that Nick Diaz is the biggest whiny punk bitch loser in MMA right now? He impressed the fuck outta me when he would take it to guys like Lawler in the past, but ever since the fight with Sanchez, he just seems like a crybaby now. Now add this shit at the hospital with a sucker punch and the guy is really giving himself and the UFC community a bad name overall. Sure, he's the biggest antithesis of a heel they got right now, and as such, I'd love to see him just get fucking brutalized, but this kind of shit he's pulled now during the last two fights he's had in UFC is just not needed in MMA, period.
  19. I think all of us just need to ignore this DH person - I have tried my best, as has most of us, to knock some sense into this gimmick poster by pointing out the hypocricies, contradictories, etc, - he/she just continues to ignore any point being made that is legitimate and logical against theirs. It's a lost cause and basically pointless to even ackowledge conversation with him/her since they continue to just try to stir up shit here with no merit and ignore anything else. Why even bother? You know its not going to get anywhere.....its obvious. Look at this fucking thread, its a clusterfuck of nothing but DH making ridiculous statements against TNA that make no sense. I'm all for letting people's opinions being heard but this isnt just opinion here, this is blinded bullshit againt the company at its most blatant. There is no point to be made as DH's main gripe against things in the WWE folder has in turn made his/her point against that invalid and basically pointless, when he/she is doing the EXACT SAME THING that apparently they have a problem with. Ahhh the irony.... What REALLY amazes me is how this person cannot get banned for continously going on like this. Well, mods?? Do you want this shit to continue to waste everyone's time? We can all ignore and such, but it will still just provoke others who pass through here occasionally who havent been aware of this shit.
  20. I would too, but they gotta change up the Xplosion format if they do. Basically as it is now, its just a replay of Impact from the week before with Borash doing pointless intro cut-ins to the matches/angles. Plus they normally have one exclusive Xplosion low card match also. As I said in another post, I really think TNA needs to be allowed to produce another hour of original content. Its not really any hair off Spike's ass if they do if you ask me as I would imagine TNA would be paying for the additional production costs associated with it. It just makes sense as TNA is still going to run into this problem of cramming everything and then some into an hour format. Having things spaced would make it more of a viable thing all around, and to be honest, I wouldnt even make a second show really a "B" show more than I would just have two equal running programs each week, akin to Raw/Smackdown. You can space out things more and, at very least, give more time to the matches.
  21. RedJed

    Huge News

    I am thrilled to hear of this news, but I still am a little bummed just because I'm still not confident they can really completely make this work without another extra hour of original content a week. I'm fine with one hour on Thursdays, but I wish they would actually have Sat night be a totally different show entirely instead of an encore of Impact from the Thursday show. I still think TNA should also be allowed to have that Monday encore slot as well, in fact having two hours devoted to two different encores of two different shows would be fantastic, hell why not even go head to head with those encores with Raw? I cant imagine what else they are anticipating in the Monday slot otherwise....
  22. RedJed

    OAO 2/4 Impact Thread

    Yeah it was better than it had any right to be, but granted we saw it in highlight form too. Odd enough, Prince is on SNL tonight soon here.
  23. RedJed

    OAO 2/4 Impact Thread

    Damn they cant make up their mind with Monte Brown - now they're teasing Jarrett-Brown again.....
  24. RedJed

    OAO 2/4 Impact Thread

    Da fuck is Dory Funk Jr here for?!
  25. RedJed

    OAO 2/4 Impact Thread

    EDIT - This LAX thing might work, against Duds?