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Special K

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Everything posted by Special K

  1. Special K

    Bolton blocks Darfur testimony

    Wow, this boggles the mind.
  2. Special K

    Weekend Boxoffice Report Oct 7-9

    While I loved Serenity, I gotta say, the earlier preview did suck, badly. The later one was better.
  3. Special K

    Jay-Z: "I Declare War!"

    If someone tries to dis J, he should just put on his mean face and spin the grey album. you can't even talk shit about the grey album. Jay-Z has nothing to prove. He's an incredible rapper who had a killer single, and backed it up with decent albums. You know how rare that is?
  4. Special K

    Bill Bennett:

    Really? Gotta say, I was completely snookered by that. So I'm assuming it's more for his corporate buddies? No wonder it didn't pass. That would get picked apart.
  5. Special K

    Is U2 really this big?

    U2 is, of course pretty big, but their last album sucked a big old fat wang-dang-doodle. It was a musical abortion. And Bono's a self-important twat. U2's claim to fame is sounding OK, and being mostly innoffensive, much like Coldplay. They are vastly, vastly overrated. Comparing them to the Beatles and Stones may not be too far of a stretch, success-wise (and total album sales are probably way higher now than they were in the 60's), but anyone with ears and something between them is going to think it's a fucking travesty to compare those bands. Keane is almost the shittiest band I've seen live (not my fault, the show had a ton of other great bands.) They were an atrocity. The piano player is fucking terrible. (ooh chords! plunkplunkplunkplunkplunk) the guy has a generic, boring voice. The songs have no interesting or original structures or melodies. They are a terrible, terrible band. The worst since Nickelback to get airplay over here. And while Nickelback wrote the worst songs I've ever heard, I think they were more musically talented than Keane. Just fucking terrible. Good article! http://www.thebestpageintheuniverse.net/c.cgi?u=11worst
  6. Special K

    Bill Bennett:

    I bet it would drop health care costs a shitload. And while it may not get it lower it enough to make socialized medicine feasible, isn't a step in the right direction good?
  7. Special K

    Bill Bennett:

    Don't know if you're being sarcastic, to reiterate, motherfucker was just a stupid man.
  8. Special K

    I just tried something I...

    I hurt myself today To see if I still feel I focus on the pain Blah Blah Blah u du not understand. BX, the next thread better be about aoutoerotic asphyxiation. Otherwise you're fucking killing my erection.
  9. Special K

    The OaO Arrested Development Season 3 thread

    Television shows come and go. I'll admit I only tuned into the second season of AD because I like Cross and Tambor. i immediately bought the first season DVDs. Good place to start. This is the first show I've ever loved, to say I contributed to an online petetion. And watched every episode at LEAST twice, because that's the only way you get the subtle jokes. If AD goes to the shitheap, it will still be my favorite show ever, unless something like the first few seasons of the Simpsons wows me with it's hilariousness. I sadly, and hopefully think that AD will get this season, and that's it. Which is more than I expected. It's the funniest show ever. No debate. It's outwardly hilarious, yet delivers punchlines episodes before the joke. So fucking good.
  10. Special K

    Gay wrestlers?

    If you get a real special felling from getting your ass eatten by some sweet 5' redhead... you have some weird sexual activities. you're still straight unless you wish it was John Bolton doing it. (His moustache tickles the taint.)
  11. Special K

    The OaO Arrested Development Season 3 thread

    GOB, as a character, has evolved so well from narcissistic jackass to creepily alternating between arrogance and supplicance that I can understand how new viewers could be turned off. They're missing out. Just so far this season he has SO many good lines. And a lot of them are great because of WA's comedice acting. You taste my sad! The 'the one thing I will never do is tell him I'm taking him to a cabin and then not take him!' bit. His interaction with Steve Holt(!) about the boy with the severed hand. They seemed so natural. His pornographic line reading of "that son of a bitch" in the pilot. "Maybe it's love." I know what an erection feels like, Michael! His shitty dog jokes, so happily come upon and forced to get out (lest he blow a brain cell) that it recalls the "Should, sh-sh should shouldy should should' outburst (which had me rolling, since he sounded exactly like a friend of mine when he gets drunk.) Alive... and soft. Soft and alive. Don't make you give me another one of these, mother! Take a look at banner, Michael! Take this and love us again! I will.... I will.
  12. Special K

    Burger King guy TV commercials

    I love 'em. They're blatantly creepy, and that's something I can appreciate. They're pretty far from the norm. I love how in the lumberjack commercail, when BK appears the LJ seems rightly disconcerted, and the BK looks threataning, holding something behind his back.... And it's a delicious sadwich! The LJ looks very relieved, and grateful to the benevolant wood spirit. He's like Tom Bombadil. Except less creepy. And I hate Tom Bombadil.
  13. Special K

    Judge Orders Abu Ghraib Photos released

    I'm probably repeating myself, but this really shouldn't be a liberal or conservative issue! When all's said and done, we're such an incredibly rich, powerful and generally MORAL nation, that we should have the ability to comport ourselves with a modicum of decorum. We destroy every army on earth in a ground fight. If we know someone has information about nuclear weapons, fine, torture him. That's one reprehensible act weighed against the lives of millions. Torturing some innocent rube, or even someone who fired an AK-47 at our troops is, IMO, disgusting. For our administration to be hemming and hawing about armed combatants v enemy soldiers is as bad semantically as Clinton's defense of getting blowies from Monica. And I don't think I have to tell you how much worse it is to be niggling about whether we obey the Geneva Convention (something that we all should be able to LIKE) than whether we came in someone's willing cooch or mouth. Yes the beheaders are far worse, you know why? They are fucking EVIL. No one should be comparing themselves to them on moral grounds. If we're comparing ourselves to bloodthirsty executioners, and if Damian doesn't rollerblade, then the terrorists.... have truly won.
  14. Special K

    Bill Bennett:

    If we're going to discuss whether blue-collar or white-collar crime does more harm in the long run, now THAT'S an interesting topic. Enron might of stolen a lot more money than some career thug, but they don't blow away convenience store owners when they reach for the gun. You know what I think would have a very positive (as in socially, not literally) effect on the crime rate? Raise the fucking national minimum wage. How long has it been? This is the richest country in the world, and you still have people that eke out life working 60 hours a week, no benefits. Republicans argue that people don't work for minimum wage long, I've known a couple guys in their 30's working minimum wage jobs who were good workers. Some people are just plain stupid, and aren't going to get far on the career ladder. If they're willing to work hard, at least TRY to get them a living wage. Also do the best thing Bush has proposed to do (and, to my knowledge hasn't really pushed) and pass tort reform. Get those medical costs cheaper so people and businesses can fucking afford it. Or so we can drive down health care costs so that socialized medicine is actually affordable. P.S. When Conservatives talk about the constitutional right to life with such reverence in opposittion to abortion and euthanasia, they rarely mention some poor bastard dying of hepatitis who can't afford to go to the hospital.
  15. Special K

    Let's spell names right.

    Sure, no-sell it when I point it when I point it out. Sniff. Ooh, he cards reads good!
  16. Special K

    Thunderqueen AJW vs JWP

    I have this match on tape, and have been avoiding it, because I'm not very familiar with any Joshi stars outside of Akira Hokuto and Aja Kong. This is usually fine in a tag, but 8 people is just too much to process. Besides the one match you mentioned, are there some good matches to familiarize myself with the competitors?
  17. Special K

    Gay wrestlers?

    Heh. Funny mental image of Raven in customs: "Do you have anything to declare?" "Only my genius!"
  18. Special K

    Ultimate Spider-Man

    You play as Venom in this game? That's really weird seeing as
  19. Special K

    Gay wrestlers?

    That's not bi. EDIT: To clarify, that's straight. Freaky and straight but straight nonetheless. You're only bi/gay if you're attracted to men.
  20. Special K

    The Nip/Tuck season 3 thread

    Good to see Sean hit Matt, honestly. I enjoy this show, but Matt is one of the most despicable characters I've ever seen on a show, EVER. Even before the shit went down with Eva, he was such a little fucking prick towards Sean, of all people. Sean needed him for so much of the series, and he shit all over him. He shit all over his Mom before he knew about Christian, too. I think the line that turned me against Matt completely and irrevocably was that: 'You're my real father, none of this matters, you'll always be my father,' *Sean looks pleadingly* 'is that what you want me to say? ' *walks away* scene. Way to rip out your father's heart. He's been a sullen little bastard since the beginning of the series. He was a rich, handsome kid who did nothing but feel sorry for himself, boo hoo hoo. Until recently, his biggest problem has been his own fuckups, when his loved ones have needed his support, which he rarely offered. If I was Sean, I would have beat him down, pissed on him, and cut off his nipples with nail clippers. Fuck that kid. I can't think of a reasonable Carver culprit who wouldn't be a disapointment at this point, except maybe Kimber. Matt would be shocking but make little sense (The kid's fucked up, but he's way too much of an obvious emotional basketcase. He can't keep a single emotion in check. He's the oppositte of a serial killer, he's someone who sprays an office building with a gun.) . The third Dr. is too obvious. Liz could make quite a bit of sense, but she's pretty much the moral grounding of the show.
  21. Special K

    The Serenity movie thread

    I saw most of the series, and I went with one person who had seen Firefly and two who hadn't and those who hadn't had absolutely no problem with the plot. I honestly don't know what fanofcoils means about the first 20 minutes being confusing. Simon rescues his sister, who is a guineau pig, from the Alliance. Alliance is mad. Now Simon and River are on a ship. Time to rob a bank! Is that so confusing? And Mal and Sheen look nothing alike. Who the fuck is supposed to look like Alba? I assume River? They look absolutely NOTHING alike.
  22. Special K

    The OaO Arrested Development Season 3 thread

    G.O.B: Take a look at banner, Michael! (Banner: FAMILY LOVE MICHAEL) Tobias: G.O.B., these are roofies! Lucille: Those are illegal! G.O.B: Don't make me give you another one of these, Mom.
  23. Special K

    Gay wrestlers?

    Hearing a lot of the rumors about the business in general, I imagine a lot of the younger guys in particular are 'gay for pay,' giving it up on the casting couch, so to speak.
  24. Special K

    Box Office Report...

    There's always a chance for another movie with Serenity. It cost something like 45 mil, it'll make optimistically 30 mil domestically with the strong reviews and word of mouth, Whedon's really popular in Europe, and it should sell a shit-ton of DVDs (nerd movies always do, and this was a good one.), which should really offset the cost. We'll see.
  25. Special K

    Into The Blue

    Thumbs up for ITB? Not surprised at all. Ebert is seriously a horny old man.