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Special K

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Everything posted by Special K

  1. Special K

    I missed this week's episode

    Martin Short episode is easily, easily the worst episode of the show. And I know it's supposed to be a matter of opinion, but there ARE absolutes in this world, and one of them is that Arrested Development is fucking hilarious. It sort of shot itself in the foot for being so self-referential, but it wouldn't be as funny if it wasn't.
  2. Special K

    NFL Week 4- Sept. 26-0ct.2

    I can if they can get their penalties under control.
  3. Special K

    The Serenity movie thread

    big fucking props to Summer Glau for leanring a bit of the martial arts and fucking ROCKING those action scenes. They were great. How fucking long did SMG do Buffy, and she made no effort to learn how to throw a punch?
  4. Special K

    Bill Bennett:

    Of course.
  5. Special K

    Judge Orders Abu Ghraib Photos released

    I think FDR had bigger things to worry about, like the US being attacked. It all comes back to the validity of the war, which is something that just cannot be brushed away. All this stuff is amplified, because we rushed into war.
  6. Special K

    Bill Bennett:

    Why are we even debating the merits of his argument? If we curbed the population of Native Americans it would go down too, and they're how tiny a part of the population? Or all the Welshmen. Or all the left-handed people. Or fatties.
  7. They probably do have the best roster on paper right now. However, most of them are hindered by past injuries, and having to work the WWE style. Also, I tend to think this is more a statement on the sad state of puro than how good the WWE is. (there could be some great lucah companies, I don't like lucha.) And some guys only work well with one style. Regal's mostly very good in really stiff brawls with some basic grappling. Angle can have tons of really good matches, and can elevate bad opponents, but needs to be elevated to have a really 'great' match. CM Punk is a super-solid wrestler with tremendous charisma. His feud with Samoa Joe was great. And apparently they don't think he can work. Guys like RVD, Christian, Benoit, have had their movesets drastically limited. From reading a couple recaps, it seems like matches have gotten EVEN SHORTER in the last couple of years. When the guys in the WWE forgot how to write storylines, at least we had SD! for good wrestling a few years ago. When I quit watching the WWE, you were really lucky if you got an actual match out of the show. Fuck WWE, welcome TNA. I hear they have wrestling matches.
  8. Special K

    Wrestlers Being Pricks

    Rock has always seemed like a class act. My fondest remembrances of the couple of ECW shows I went to are: Sabu sentonning into the seats 3' away from me. RVD jawing with us completely in arrogant face character. "Boy I should be winded!" Dawn Marie posing with some chubby 15-yo guy. Totally vamping it up with a big smile. Man, if you ever heard her on LAW, or on color for ECW shows, that chick was funny and LOVED what she was doing. No surprise I haven't watched WWE since she got axed except for once.
  9. Special K

    No More Hassan

    I think jester's idea for a face Hassan gimmick would have been pretty tremendous. As to Vince blaming the worker for the failure of the angle, it's so fucking wrong. He may be implicit, but he gave decent interviews and wrestled shitty matches, the most any WWE wrestler can be expected to do now. Yeah, it's his fault he did that angle with UT. Not the writers'. It's so fucking fantastic that they gave him the camel clutch as a finisher. They could have given him a good finisher like the Dominator and called it 'the dirty camel-fucker'. Whatever. I'm over it. I haven't watched the WWE since the UT angle. Not so much for the angle, which I mantain was really distasteful, so much as WWE is fucking BORING.
  10. Special K

    I missed this week's episode

    If AD gets the Axe, I could actually really see it being picked up by another network/HBO/someone else. I won best comedy, directing and writing Emmies last year, and it's the funniest show to have ever existed for chrissakes.
  11. Special K

    The Serenity movie thread

    83% on Rotten Tomatoes. That's really good.
  12. Special K

    Best Summer Movie of 2005?

    Batman wins, because it's what I'd consider a 'summer movie'. 40 year-old virgin is somewhere in my top five comedies all time, though, and my favorite movie of the summer. EDIT: How in the hell did Mr & Mrs Smith make so much freaking money when I don't know a soul who's seen it?
  13. Special K

    Bill Bennett:

    You can't even Devil's advocate this. I'm pretty sure being poor and single parenthood are far more strongly linked to criminal behaviour.
  14. Special K

    Judge Orders Abu Ghraib Photos released

    Now, now. Remember the restraint the conservatives showed in the Monica Lewinsky trial? And how the liberal media completely ignored that potentially damaging story? That story never damaged the Unites States' reputation. No-how. The important thing is NOT to play the blame game, but to nip this shit in the bud. I'm hoping the abuses were fairly small scale, but that crap needs to end. We're supposed to be a civilized country. And before someone gets a big ol' hard-on about the prisoners being "subhuman slime flarn flarn filth," it was estimated (I think it was an FBI report?)that about half the people there are not terrorists. You can link just about ANYONE to the Baathists or terrorists in Iraq. If someone succesfully invaded the USA, how many of us would be linked to the military? Fucking EVERYONE. (Note: this is in no way comparing our military to terrorists.)
  15. Special K

    Bill Bennett:

    Yet that seems to be the level of political discourse that the American people can handle nowadays. How to argue politics, or even have your own radio show in this day and age: -Pick a side. Doesn't matter which. Also, don't even try to think that there are more than two sides. That's too compuhcated. -Wait for someone associated with the other side to say something absolutely retarded. Don't worry, it doesn't take long. They don't have to be politicians, the association can be pretty loose. -Hold up previous retarded statement as representative of the other side as a whole. Extrapolate on the statement and come up with wild conjectures. These will also apply to the other side. Don't consider that you're calling A WHOLE HALF OF THE COUNTRY fascist idiots. -Speaking of: fascist, Hitler, pro-death, anti-American, hateful, Stalinist, traitor, are all good words to throw out there, to REALLY win that argument. Never forget you live in a country where fully 50% of people are fucking evil to the depths of their filthy fucking souls. But it's such a great country! That being said, all the conservative talk shows today were defending what Bennett said all today. Now I know he likely wasn't advocating aborting black babies, but that's one of the stupidest comments I've ever heard. Of course those who objected to the statement were anti-free-speech and, say it with me, fascist. Like calling someone on something ridiculous they say is the same as putting them in jail. I also think people would have let it go if Bennett had immediately apologized. He didn't.
  16. Special K

    Paul Martin loves gays, Vatican not amused

    You know, Pope John Paul II condemned the war in Iraq, but I didn't hear any Catholic legislators (I'm sure there's plenty of them) getting shafted for voting for that. So I guess thousands of people dying is way better then *ew gross two guys? Ew gross. Two girls is hot tho.* Or remember Mary Magdeline? How she was to be put to death, and Jesus stopped the crowd and "he who is without sin..." blah blah blah? that shit was straight out of the Gospel, not fucking Leviticus, which they ignore pretty much all of. Haven't heard of the Catholic church losing their shit over the death penalty. Fuck what about a rich man trying to get into heaven is like a camel trying to pass through the eye of a needle? (Eye of a needle being a narrow archway, meaning it's very difficult, not impossible.) If we had some *Real* Christian politicians who were anti-abortion, anti-gay marriage, anti-death penalty, anti-war, I'd respect them SO much more than these politicians who use their faith as justification for every fucking thing they do. There's be a good chance I'd vote for them too. Yeah, George, you're anti-death, that's why you executed mentally retarded people in Texas. Remember that time you gave most of your personal fortune to the poor, and only kept enough to live extravagantly for the rest of your life? Oh, wait that never happened. It just boggles the mind the things they pick and choose to include and exclude from their religion.
  17. Special K

    Bill Bennett:

    Way to take him out of context, Mr. PC! Cross impersonated Bush eatting Jewish babies' HEARTS. "Mmmmmm. That's good Jew baby heart."
  18. Special K

    TSM's Fantasy Football Help Desk

    The eternal question: Boldin or Jimmy Smith? Boldin looks to have a pretty good game, But I might start Jimmy if for sure Champ Bailey is out. Or there's always Jurivicius, who may have a decent game too. All I know is I'm a bit concerned about Larry Johnson after that abysmal game v Denver.
  19. Special K

    Wrestlers Being Pricks

    My friend met Booker and Stevie Ray in Vegas and said they were both really, really cool. Rudest person I've met is Axl Rotten. He wasn't a prick per se, just didn't want to be signing autographs, and taking zero time with the fans, yelling at them if they didn't have their merch ready. Nicest is definitely Dawn Marie. She stayed way after the show, talking to fans, posing for pictures (enthusiastically), the whole time wearing her ring attire, with a huge grin on her face. Makes me even more pissed that Vince fired her, when she was unmarried and with child.
  20. Special K

    Veronica Mars Season Two

    I am. The show kicks quite a bit of ass. Good writing and acting. This show was a bit weird, though. What was with Duncan being a prick to Logan and Meg being such a bitch to Veronica? Ok, with Meg i get it a bit, but come on. Logan just I like Charisma Carpenter's role on the show. (wearing as little as possible.)
  21. Special K


  22. Special K

    Highschool band performs DJ Shadow

    Awesome, those drummers are really good. Dj Shadow has some complicated beats, especially during the breakdown in Building Steam.
  23. Special K


    Yeah, it all depends on the guys. My frat was generally full of really smart guys who just liked to get fucked up once a week and hang out, avoid schoolwork and shoot the shit during the week. Then there was a frat that had lost its national sponsorship and school sponsorship due to persistent allegations that they had roofie parties. All the guys seemed to be missing a chromosome, and I never once saw one of their frat members actually on campus. It was, obviously, the most populous frat in the school. If you find a group of really cool guys, by all means, go for it. Keep in mind, though, that frats change. My frat had become very popular by the time I graduated, and the incoming class of pledges was really preppy and stuck up. Keeping in contact with some of my younger frat brothers, apparently the frat's gone to hell. Well, actually it's thriving, but it's lost its esoteric charm. It's the same preppy, stuck-up, bi-curious frat as any other now.
  24. No Cowboy Bebop No Vision of Escaflowne No Azumanga No Trigun No Irresponsible Captain Tylor No Saber Marionette J No Slayers, even. These lists are complete ass. It's good to see that bad taste is universal. One Piece as top 10? Getthefuckouttahere. Slam Dunk, Gundam and Detective Conan are the only highly ranked ones (that I've seen.) that are even close to Bebop, Tylor Azumanga and Escaflowne. How can people even like Dragonball? If you read the Manga you realize that literally 50% of the anime from the Frieza saga on was filler, and obvious, pointless filler at that. The Ghost in the Shell TV series is positively soporific. Even the GOOD fighty-fighty shows like Bleach and Kenshin got shafted pretty badly. Wait, Devilman and Cutey Honey made the list? What the fuck. I'm not even looking at this anymore.
  25. Special K

    The OaO Arrested Development Season 3 thread

    This makes me happy for some reason. http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=douchechill