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Special K

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Everything posted by Special K

  1. Special K

    Texas Legislators vote to ban gay foster parents

    And I don't hear politicians talk about che guevera.
  2. Special K

    The Slowly-Dying Death of RPG's.

    That's one of the great fake-outs in game history. "Cool! I just got this badass new character with a neato special ability!" (though he's ugly as sin in the status screen.) And then he just gets SAVAGED by Kefka.
  3. Special K

    Texas Legislators vote to ban gay foster parents

    Actually the Seattle Times just had a big fat article about Che Guevera T's. And you don't hear righties talking about bombing abortion clinics and 'God hates fags' (ok maybe a couple) why? MAYBE THEY DON'T WANT TO TIE THEMSELVES TO STUPID BEHAVIOUR. Shit, people will by anything that just looks sorta cool. Andre the Giant has a posse proved that beyond a shadow of a doubt.
  4. Special K

    Cousins Marry

    5th or 6th cousins? Who gives a flying fuck? The probablity they have the same recessive genes is pretty minute. Of course there's the moral issue. My Great Grandfather fucked your great-great aunt. The Horror!
  5. I froze when I read NY Untouchable froze when he read what Crono wrote. I have friends who have frozen while reading TSM, and based on some rumors they've been telling me recently, I wouldn''t take comments like that lightly. I just want the day to be over and will pray for the safety of NY Untouchable. lolz
  6. Shareholders should sue. Now I'm not one to say that often, but they're taking money directly from their pockets. There does need to be some protection against this. William Buckley's awesome by the way. Anyone think the libertarian movement might pick up a bit of steam when our generation comes of (political) age? I'm sick of conservative martyrdom and big-business coddling and liberal snivelling and criminal loving.
  7. Special K

    Batista's REAL age?

    19-25 is peak. After that you decline.
  8. Special K

    Cousins Marry

    Let them get married. Who gives a fuck?
  9. Special K

    Community College

    College is much harder than community college. Taking skills classes at CC I've had some excellent teachers though. I still maintain college is useless, but you need that little piece of paper at a lot of places.
  10. Special K

    Cousins Marry

    Oh, yeah. Totally the gays' fault. Who cares? would be my reaction.
  11. Special K

    Any scotch drinkers around here?

    Glenlivet's been good to me. Laphraoig if you're hardcore. It tastes like rubber and ashes.
  12. Special K

    The Slowly-Dying Death of RPG's.

    I think the above post pretty much proves you're a troll, Crono. You started a thread with a long, whining post about a video game you had never played, and how it's very existence hurt your feelings. Bravo. Actually, the Grand Theft Auto Walkthrough thread proved you were a troll or a moron, so I can't say I'm surprised. And, yes, you git, FFX-2 DID actually have a good battle system, and none of the spells were very flashy and time-consuming. I fail to see how RPGs like Dragon Quest the first and the SNES Breath of Fires are chock full of substance. Breath of Fire's combat and story are dull as dirt. Dragon Quest gets a pass for being a trailblazer, but come on!
  13. Special K

    The Slowly-Dying Death of RPG's.

    Nobuo Uematsu Yoko Kanno Guitar Wolf Cibo Matto That's pretty much my knowledge of Japanese music.
  14. Special K

    We got Pope smoke...

    I'm torn. I hate teachers AND cell phones. WHATEVER SHALL I DO. AD kicks ass.
  15. Special K

    First new Family Guy episode leaked

    Peter: AHHHH AHHHHH AHHHHH AHHHHH.... HEY! Stop it. Stop it. Centurion: *sheepish* okay. Peter: Okay? Centurion: okay. That was terrific.
  16. stachery. aka moustachery I can't let my title be taken from me!
  17. Every Carolinan I met has been vociferous in his hatred of homosexuals. Actually, pretty much every southerner with one notable exception.
  18. Special K

    Fuck you.

  19. Meatwad has shamed me with his levels of stachery.
  20. Special K

    Comments which don't warrant a thread.

    Just bought 'Confusion is Sex/Kill Yr Idols" (Sonic Youth's second album.) It's pretty fucking fantastic. A far cry from the beautiful music of Murray St and Daydream Nation (which I love too), it's pretty much the most savage album I've ever heard. "Shaking Hell" is probably the only song I've ever heard that's actually sort of freaky and disturbing. At least since I heard The Wall for the first time. (that albums creepy when you're a toddler. I have a vivid memory of just sitting quietly and listening to it all the way through when I was about 5.)
  21. Special K

    Anyone here ever tried a diet?

    I've started working out again. Having a desk job made me flab up pretty quickly. A good and easy move to make if you want to start eatting better is to try to make everything whole grain.
  22. Special K

    The many forms of the F-U

    Which was?
  23. Special K

    Were the Transformers Homosexuals?

    Predaking was the coolest toy. He ruled all my other toys with an iron fist. his only competition was the Rankor monster.