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Special K

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Everything posted by Special K

  1. Special K

    That sound you hear is the PS2 screeching

    Yeah, Final Fantasy X and Kingdom Hearts didn't sell well at all.
  2. Special K

    Most consistently enjoyable actors.

    Personal Faves: Steve Buscemi Ron Perlman Walken Paxton Lance Henrickson Aufrey Tatou Mainstream faves: Bruce Willis and Depp pick the best scripts. Cruise is pretty good in this regard too, though I think the above two are better actors Bill Murray. Will Ferrell.
  3. Special K

    M. Night Shyamalan

    I'll chime in. Sixth sense's twist got too much attention, (and was obvious in my mind) if you take it as a somewhat scary, moody movie, with good acting from Willis and Osmont, it's just fine. Unbreakable owned. Good acting, slow-build story that made you care about the characters, and the 'twist' is completely logical and satisfying. Didn't see Signs or The VIllage, from what I've heard about the Village though, it sounds terrible. Of course, I can't judge since i haven't seen it.
  4. Special K

    "Classic" albums you cannot enjoy

    The Wall The White Album Never Mind the Bollocks Any Guns 'n Roses or Van Halen.
  5. Special K

    Miracleman Alan Moore Run

    As promised, issues 1-16 of the great Miracleman series. I, of course, strongly reccommend you purchase thi series if it is ever rereleased (or *cross fingers*) finished. You need this program: http://www.geocities.com/davidayton/CDisplay to view the comics. Enjoy! EDIT: D'OH! I hit the post topic button accidentally. I'm waiting for yousendit to upload.
  6. Special K

    Text Adventures!

    What text adventures have you enjoyed? They're still somewhat fun to play. Thw Zork games are masterpieces, but take some SERIOUS work to complete. Lurking Horror is probably my favourite. Then you have the absolute masterpiece of photopia, which is barely a game. Oh, and then there's pick up the phone booth and die.
  7. Special K

    November Rain #1 single ever

    He meant to say 'PURPLE rain.'
  8. Special K

    Man alive!

    I missed Fongus.
  9. Special K

    When Actors Look out of Place

    Billy Bob Thorton in Chopper Chicks come to Zombie Town. Wait, nevermind. He fits right in. Jennifer Aniston in Leprechaun. Baffleck in Sum of All Fears. Beat Takeshi in Johnny Mnemonic.
  10. Special K

    Florida Bill Would Allow Students To Sue Teachers

    I'm still waiting to hear how we're supposed to change Bio and Geo and Psychology in a beneficial way. All sciences are imperfect, but they also must be based on physical evidence. How should science accommodate political views on either side?
  11. Special K

    John Cena copying Jadakiss...

    Jeff Hardy stole the hanky code!
  12. Special K

    Florida Bill Would Allow Students To Sue Teachers

    How would you change Biology and Geology? Or Psychology for that matter? The psychology courses I took treated it as a science, no bullshit Freudian stuff.
  13. Special K

    Florida Bill Would Allow Students To Sue Teachers

    What non-science are you referring to Mike? I think the reason so many professors are liberal is that the majority of career students are liberal. In my school, most business students were conservative, and people in the sciences were split about 50/50 I'd say. If you major in History or English, what are you going to do but become a career student/professor, journalist, or writer?
  14. Special K

    Sara Silverman fans?

    She's hot.
  15. Special K

    The Shield Season 4 Offical Thread

    Yeah, he definitely did. Dun dun dun!
  16. Special K

    Florida Bill Would Allow Students To Sue Teachers

    Man, just as I'm getting pissed off at the libs for being ineffective, whining pussies, the conservatives are getting worse. They have two branches of the government locked down, their own little branch of media that gets far greater ratings than any show in the 'liberal media' and all you hear is: boohoohoo- liberal judges boohoohoo- liberal media boohoohoo- liberal profs boohoohoo- liberal movie stars boohoohoo- we're so oppressed Back to the subject at hand: A: Liberal Arts colleg profs are often liberal because they're LIBERAL ARTS COLLEGE PROFS. B: Tenure in general is pretty shitty, IMHO. No one else gets that kind of unfireability. [EDIT: Sorry, maybe judges.] C: This law could SO be abused. Kids would definitely be suing over being taught evolution in a science class. Intelligent design's fine and good, but keep it in a religion class. Otherwise you're going to spend so much time pandering, you're not going to end up learning anything.
  17. Special K

    Florida Bill Would Allow Students To Sue Teachers

    ^That's what I meant. Abandoning Poli-Sci and History wouldn't make me cry. Fuck liberal arts on the college level.
  18. Special K

    The latest twist in the Schiavo case.......

    You fucking liar. I have to say, I am HIGHLY skeptical about her ability to speak. Don't you think someone would have a TAPE of this? They've only had 14 years. I call complete and uter bullshit on that.
  19. Special K

    Did anybody get a PSP?

    The PSX didn't change appreciably, it worked, but eventually the CD drive fizzled, and if you dropped or jarred it even slightly, it could go tits up. Hey Sony, didn't you make some of the first CD players? It's been at least 20 years. My $40 Cyberhome DVD player can get jared and bumped and fucked with and it works like a CHARM. After NO abuse or jostling, my PS2 has to be cajoled and massaged into recognizing games (which of course it proceeds to play flawlessly). Sony spends a ridiclous amt of money making very good, economically viable computer components for the system, and can't afford a decent laser track and disk drive? Fuckers.
  20. Special K

    Diner finds finger in Wendy's chili

    Rutger Hauer is also in custody, but has not been formerly charged, as the finger was found in the chili, not the fries.
  21. Special K

    Did anybody get a PSP?

    The PSX was no cherry either.
  22. Special K

    Did anybody get a PSP?

    I will NEVER buy a Sony system until it's revised. Fool me twice, ask Nintendo how to make a system that's not as delicate as a Christmas Ornament. Stupid Square making Crisis Core and most likely making me buy this system.
  23. Special K

    Will Smith disses Eminem

    I liked the fake lyrics better. Lousy song.
  24. Special K

    Florida Bill Would Allow Students To Sue Teachers

    I thought conservatives were AGAINST frivilous lawsuits (Go tort reform, BTW). I guess that only applies to when corporations are the sue-ees. Here's a simple solution to the problem: don't take poli-sci and history. They're fucking worthless. Apparently the only thing they've taught us is the ability to state and re-state our opinions on an internet wrestling board.