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Special K

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Everything posted by Special K

  1. Let's start a birthday thread! I have met so many totally awesome gay people that want to get married, I think we could have a space here. Godspeed you crazy fags!
  2. Special K

    One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest

    A sad nobleness, nothing that blew my balls out of my shorts.
  3. Special K

    Video Games That Might Make Good Movies

    EDIT: I'm repeating myself. Revolution X. HA!
  4. Special K

    Will Smith disses Eminem

    I HOPE these aren't real. Will Simith's non-offensive rap was actually sort of charming, since it was up-front 'makin' a differnece for the kids!' He's been in plenty of bad movies, and a few good ones, and he actually has some acting chops. If those lyrics are real though, damn. He rhyhms the same word 2 or 3 times with itself. That's bad. PaRappa the Rappa sez: U Rappin' Bad.
  5. Special K

    Video Games That Might Make Good Movies

    Silent Hill 2: Creepy as hell, and this one had a terrific, affecting story. Better than pretty much any horror movie I can remember seeing in terms of emotion and atmosphere. Suikoden II WOULD make a great miniseries. Great storyline that can be told in a very concise manner. Advent Children is going to kick ass. This may seem weird, but Parappa the rapper could conceivable make a good show or movie, if they were able to keep up the quality of humor and the raps themselves. Devil may cry, maybe? Monkey Island's a great idea. Grim Fandango is also worth considering.
  6. Special K

    Ten Commandments before Supreme Court

    You'd need something equivalent. I wouldn't give a shit if they put in God(s) we trust.
  7. Special K

    Public Version of Saddam's Capture Faked?

    I've gone off on INXS for his anti-Israeli sentiments, but his views make him ignorant, not rascist. And it's pefectly logical that people from other countries and, heck, this country distrust our military, simply because it is scarily powerful. And hating Americans or Canadians, or whatnot doesn't make you rascist, sorry.
  8. Special K

    Arrested Development Season 2

    GOB: But I slept with her, and I'm not a very good liar! Ron Howard: Both of these were lies. Henry Winkler jumping the shark. That's wonderful.
  9. Special K

    Any good ghetto movies?

    If you want a hilariously overblown ghetto movie, it's The Warriors all the way CAN YOU DIG IT! Blood in blood out is cool.
  10. Special K

    Shows you won't admit to your friends you like

    My So-Called Life. Buffy I was skittish about, but there was a time that that show was just hilarious, so fuck it.
  11. Special K


    Courtney Cox is big-chested?
  12. Special K

    Ong Bak

    It's worth the price of admission for sure. Good martial arts flick that olamost takes it to the point of self-parody. (barb-wire hoop?) Good times. He mixes in realistic kickboxing strikes with overration gymnastics. The dirty fighter was the coolest charcter in the movie, though.
  13. Pick your poison. Fully Loaded 2000 of course comes to mind, smark-wise. It's actually an excellent PPV, but Angle getting his as SQUASHED and Benoit and Jericho losing was miserable from a mark standpoint. Starrcade 97': Fucking miserably booked PPV. This was supposed to be IT for WCW fans, and if the WCW team had prevailed definitively, it wouldn't have ended the nWo angle, they could have dragged it on. But the heels reigned supreme, every babyface needed Bret Hart to win. Whether or not you think the 'fast count' was bribed by Hogan (I do, there's really no other plausible explanation) Hogan whooped Sting's ass the whole match. The unbeatable Sting. Horrible. WMX, there's a PPV that everyone could love. Drama, grat matches, good guys winning, and the first great match I ever saw (Bret/Owen. I saw a second grat match after that, but I can't place my finger on it...)
  14. You shut your filthy mouth.
  15. Special K


    Riley Finn from Buffy pretty much jumped the show's shark singlehandedly. Sally Sitwell sucks the life out of every scene she's in in Arrested D, and Christine Taylor looks like Skeletor nowadays, so she doesn't even have that excuse.
  16. Special K


    I just started listening, but it's certainly not hard to get into them. Fun, badass songs and cheap as free CDs = happy me.
  17. Special K

    Most ellating/depressing PPVs

    That is indeed Seiji, AKA Guitar Wolf, of the 'Greatest Japanese Jet Rock 'N Roll Band' Guitar Wolf. Starred as themselves in Wild Zero.
  18. Special K

    Miracleman Alan Moore Run

    6-11 ommitting the reprint 8 http://s32.yousendit.com/d.aspx?id=21KZE2A...OF2I2OHVDD84PO5
  19. Special K


    Some idiots write walkthroughs of popular games. What a bunch of 'tards.
  20. Special K

    Miracleman Alan Moore Run

    have fun, Miracleman 1-5, the revenge. Click it or ticket.
  21. Special K

    Best Stand-Up Comdians

    Funniest angry? Cross. FUCK that FUCKING PAINTING! Angriest funny? Bill Hicks. Sometimes too into himself to make with the comedy. The abyssmal, interminable goat boy shit sort of ruined it for me. Never liked Kinnisen In modicum? Carlin and Rock are both very funny and quite angry. I'll take Cross or Rock. Carlin has had some BAD shows where he lives off his legacy.
  22. Special K

    Jim Morrison

    NEWSFLASH: Doing a bunch of acid made you a poet back in the day. Even if you rhymed 'liar' and 'fire' more than once. I did some acid and all I got was this: ^Not me.
  23. Special K

    Pictures I Like

  24. Special K

    Do you imagine Failed Mascot gets an erection

    God yes, I imagine Failed Mascot gets an erection. What was the sub-heading?
  25. Special K

    INXS' sig

    He should probably copy his sig from mine, which I copied from a website. Although not me-created, it is scientifically proven to be the best picture known to man that does not involve nudity.