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Special K

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Everything posted by Special K

  1. Special K

    New pic of Kimberly Page

    The Kimberly/Sytch incident was pretty fucked up. (Someone finds drugs in the women's locker room, Kimberly blames it on Sunny, Sunny denies it, and immediately tests clean. Steiner threatens to kill DDP).
  2. Special K

    Do heels necessarily have to cheat?

    I too don't mind heels cheating for themselves as much as runins and all that crap. Bret Hart didn't cheat much as a heel. He was just more ruthless. Austin as a heel cheated for himself generally. This might have made the stunner look weak, but Austin didn't really look weak himself. (egregious example of the above phenomenon: Austin cannot beat Angle, even with like 4 stunners, then double-turn and one stunner fucking annihilates Angle. I guess he put more stank on it.) Foley looked strong as a heel because while he'd fight dirty, he didn't need help, and the moves were often as painful to himself. Monster heels don't necessarily need to cheat, see Kane, Diesel, Sid at various pointsin their careers.
  3. How many times did Hogan say that in that segment? 7 times? I too liked Holly's 'How do ya like me now?' It is possibly the most boring catchphrase ever, delivered in the most boring manner ever. And they played it before his every match, like they were expecting the crowd to go nuts like the breaking glass. If I wasn't me, I'd definitely want to be me- One of RVD's goofily arrogant phrases. Enough is enough! And it's time for a change! - Owen Hart, of course. For whatever reason this evolved into an inside joke with me and my friends into 'Nyaaargh! I'm sicka this shit!' Which would have been a money catch phrase, mark my words.
  4. Special K

    Better as face or heel?

    I'm going to try to go about it objectively, not based on crowd reaction. 1) Ric Flair Dastardly tactics and arrogant promos a great heel make. Heel. 2) Shawn Michaels Crazy bumping and his ringwork lends itself to facehood, slightly better on the mic as a heel. I'll go face. 3) Bob Backlund I've only seen him as a crazy heel, which he did very well. Don't know enough to say. 4) Roddy Piper Funny case as he wrestles and works the mic essentially the same whether good or bad. I'll go heel, as he never dropped his heel mannerisms. 5) Jake Roberts Oh, heel for sure. Dark micwork and promos that made him a scary and intimidating heel. 6) Mick Foley Ringwork and micwork are great as both heel and face. Since he was able to convey comedy AND drama as a face, and sine his bumping makes for natural sympathy, I'll give a slight edge to face. 7) Bret Hart Another guy who really doesn't change his ringwork based on his role. Either he's a face who uses his smarts to pick apart bigger smarter heels, or a relentless heel who relentlessly cripple his oppoenent. Just depends on your persepective. His heel micwork is astronomically better than his face micwork, though. Heel. 8) Lex Luger I think he's a horrible face. Gives no reason for me to cheer him. His heel characters were hardly worse, but at least you got why you were supposed to boo, even if you didn't give a flying fuck. Heel, I guess. 9) The Rock Wel his face character is essentially just his heel character who doesn't cheat. I'll go heel. 10) Undertaker Sucks as both. I guess I'll say face, just because he seemed successful at it, while his heel turns always tanked. 11) Randy Savage Crazy ass heel. 12) Big Show/Giant Hmm. I'll say face for his natural goofiness, though I don't think he has it as a serious face.
  5. Special K

    Favorite Baseball Nicknames of All Time.

    Rollie Fingers is the best real name in baseball.
  6. Special K

    FCC: 'Private Ryan' not indecent

    Those shows are aired after 10, though, and if you don't care enough to monitor what young kids watch at that late an hour (why are they doing so in the first place? Buy them a fucking book.) then I don't see why networks and cable channels should suffer for their laziness. I would be interested to know what time SPR was broadcast at. If it was broadcast during 'family hours' I would actually be a little ticked. Sure it's a good movie, but it's just horrifically violent. A movie being 'good' doesn't make it more palitable. Silence of the Lambs is an awesome movie, but it shouldn't be shown uncut during family hours.
  7. Special K

    Hey look! It's Rookie Diva Rochelle!

    Torrie used to have lovely looking breasts, then she got the WWE super-size #3. And how does Trish breath in some of those thing?
  8. Special K

    FCC: 'Private Ryan' not indecent

    Any news on the FCC trying to exert control over cable stations? That's what worries me. The only show I've watched since I was, I think, 17 on network TV is Arrested D, which seems to be in danger of being cancelled anyway. If they fuck with my FX shows though, I'll be pissed. In regards to the more specific case, in general I think whatever's shown after 11 is fair game. And this is an oft bellabored point, but FCC sees Violence<Profanity<sex, when in reality I would say an innocuous movie like Die Hard is far, far more offensive than The Unbearable Lightness of Being. Doesn't mean I support censorship in any form, and doesn't mean I like me some violent movies, but violence is much worse than a fuckin 'fuck' or a nipple. We all know that. I don't think, in fact, that ANYONE on this entire board has disputed that. America is perhaps the weirdest sex cultere on earth, competing with the Japanese. American culture is so hungry for sex the latest sexy gossip tidbit is revelled over. While, open sexual activity is generally reviled. Heres my take, using the example of music videos. Any pop queen nowadays will show the most amount of cleavage possible, whoring themselves out while they play the popstar card. I'd much rather have Bjork (who has incidentally incredible talent) showing her breasts unashamadly in a video.
  9. Special K

    Which Wrestlemania Moment

    (Yes you can) For myself, the pure shock of Owen winning at WMX. Benoit finally REALLY getting a world title. Yes, Hogan Hulking up. SCSA finally losing his shit over Rock. Savage beating Flair (Can't believe it wasn't the ME). Man, there's a ton. The heat alone makes the WMVI main event. Oh yes, and maybe the only one from this, WM 2000 which sorta was bupkus. Foley's 'final' goodbye.
  10. Special K

    Serial Killers

    What is it about my home state (Washington) that just breeds serial killers? I can understand California. Tons of beautiful women, class disparity, population density, but every serial killer seems to make a stopover in the Evergreen State. Probably the drizzle. See Ripper, Jack the. Probably the same reason they filmed every paranormal show here or Vancouver BC.
  11. Special K

    Cool finishers

    I was thinking, the WWE seems to have pretty strict standards on their finishers, for example ending the use of the really cool Rikishi Driver. What are some neat moves that could be finishers, that haven't been overexposed but are realtively safe? -The F5 for example was a really cool, and to my knowledge, original move that looked pretty safe. Of course the ability to pull it off was enabled by Brock's freakish strength. The Exploder is a really cool suplex that is rarely seen in the WWE, and is a fairly safe bump. The Iconoclasm (inverted crucifix from second rope, pulled over into a back first slam) Looks grat and looks safe. Of course, I really doubt a lot of the bigger guys' ability to flip into the bump. A missile dropkick is rarely used, and looks really looks great when a bigger wrestler (i.e. Booker) uses it. The piggyback stunner looks great, but I could actually see a good risk of injury there, especially if the opponents differ in size. plus cutters/stunners are a little overused anyway. They called Masters' finisher a 'swinging full-nelson' if someone actually swung the opponent in it for a revolution and delivered an uncle slam or a Nash sideslam-type move, it could look really good. If you have a big dude, Norton's running shoulderbreaker was the shit, and looked devastating enough to floor a guy, even without previous shoulder work. In terms of strikes, if you had someone agile and able, I love American Dragon's 2nd rope European Uppercut, if well executed it could be sold as a knockout blow. As you can see, I'm stretching. Between all the hosses, and the safety restrictions on moves being employed by the WWE (not necessarily a bad thing BTW, when you see a pildriver now, you sorta say wow.) It's hard to think of original finishers that could get over nowadays. However, I'm sure y'alls originality will prove mw wrong!
  12. Special K

    Recommend me a good PS2 game.

    Psi-Ops is very good, and likely very cheap right now. If you haven't played it, you might want to consider Castlevania, Symphony of the Night (PS1 game) probably right up your alley, it's cheap, and it's a near perfect game. 2D if you care about that sort of thing. If you want some cheap insanity (granted not a very long game) that will have you friends mesmerized within 2 minutes, KATAMARI DAMACY~! And if you like rhythm games, Frequency is the shit.
  13. Special K

    Cool finishers

    I don't think people would have been harping on Masters if he fired off a neckbreaker and a brainbuster or ANYTHING, maybe with a few targetted strikes to the neck, but all he did was fucking lumber around, do a couple shitty moves and then do a full-nelson. It's all about the setup. Chris Daniels submitting American Dragon with a simple crossface in the ROH round robin made for a great finish, because he wrecked his neck all match.
  14. Special K

    "You can't say that on Television!"

    Jericho in Japan and Angle applying the Ankle Lock are the ones with the worst pottymouths. Buh-Buh's rant at ECW Heat Wave takes the cake (though it's ECW PPV, so different standards.) I think I posted it in the wrestling quotes section. Purely profane.
  15. Special K

    Signature Movies

    Kevin Smith- Clerks Hitchcock- Psycho (not is best, but the best known. mayyybe the Birds) James Cagney- White Heat I'd say Val Kilmer's is Doc Holiday in Tombstone, actually. Ernest Borgnine- The Wild Bunch Denise Richards- Wild Things Carl Weathers- Predator Dave Chapelle, Jim Breuer, Harlan whatisname, The fourth guy- Half Baked DiCaprio, Winslet- titanic.
  16. Special K

    Cool finishers

    A cross-legged fisherman's suplex could be cool, and would probably look really hard to kick out of. I thought a cool move would be: Set them up almost like a normal suplex, except their arm is loose, instead of being around you head (basically a headlock hooking the tights. Lift them up, quickly let go of the tights and grab the wrist around their head to drop into a DDT/Buster type of move. Probably too dangerous.
  17. Special K

    Cool finishers

    What's the Black Hole Slam out of curiosity? A big guy could do a muscle buster. Haven't seen anyone use that besides Samoa Joe and Malenko.
  18. Special K

    Tokyo Magnum entrance

    Was thinking about this in the general thread. Best entrance ever. Anyone have a video of it? Or even the entrance theme? Would be much appreciated. What're he and CIMA doing nowadays anyway? I enjoyed their work in Toryuman more than anyone else's, I think. Well, and the light-hearted pleasure of Stalker Ichikawa.
  19. Special K

    Matt and Lita

    Bob Holly Livejournal Mood: Better since I punched someone in the mouth. Listening to: Bel Biv Devoe- Poison I hope no one masturbated tonight. Because my good friend Shane 'Hurricane Helms' is watching you and gagging HIMSELF WITH A TOWEL AT YOUR WINDOW! He's going to tell me all the lurid deatails. You sick fuck, fapping to pictures of Marge Simpson.
  20. Special K

    Your Astrological Sign

    Good. Still an arrogant, cocksure Leo. By a day.
  21. Special K

    Sting vs Mutoh

    Quick question: was it MutOH or MutA? Muta always had great entrances. Mutoh I've only seen earlier and later stuff, and nothing stands out, besides his cool little 'Puroresu Love' gesture. I think Tokyo Magnum and Sandman probably have coolest entrance locked down, though. Oh, and Christian used to have the best pyro ever.
  22. Special K

    Signature Song

    Well some of these the bands no longer like playing as much, probably but: Tool- Sober Metallica- Enter Sandman Sonic Youth- Teenage Riot Bjork- Human Behaviour Sex Pistols- God Save the Queen Dead Kennedys- Holiday in Cambodia Pixies- Where is my mind MOdest Mouse will probably always be known for 'Float On' now.
  23. Special K

    Matt and Lita

    Oh, that's just horrible... yet I'm laughing. Seriously, who could even believe that for a second? Hurricane's close enough to get all these gross details yet doesn't get seen? Riiiiiight. He must have been Solid Snake chilling in the ducts. I also love how in this post, Hurricane's so disgusted he's about to vomit, yet cheerfully relayed such unimportant details as Tomko having a big dong and calling himself the Tattoo Terminator.
  24. Special K

    Nausicaa, Porco Rosso, and Cat Returns

    I've read Nausicaa. I'll defintiely be renting it. I've enjoyed every one of miyazaki's movies, thought sometimes their general excellence sets the bar high (I was underwhelmed by Laputa, Castle in the sky).
  25. Special K

    Albums Listened to Today

    Guitar Wolf-LoveRock Breeders-Safari