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Special K

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Everything posted by Special K

  1. Complete and utter bullshit. Yeah, unions may take a little too much in dues, and some of that money may not be used correctly, but look at the business practices of corporations, Wal Mart being a prime example. We would be fucking Chinese slave laborors without unions. We would be getting fucked so utterly hard by the companies we work for.
  2. Special K

    The OAO 2005 Grammy Awards Thread

    Oh my god, the Grammies are the worst. They actually nominated hoobastank and Nickelback for awards. AHhahahaha! Nickelback is the worst fucking band ever! I don't think it's even up for dispute. I think it's widely accepted that Nickelback is the worst fucking 'rock' band in the history of music. Vertigo won a Grammy? Oh my god, that song is horrible! Of course this is not news. They should just list the Billboard charts, nominate the top 5 in every category, and award the Grammy to the number 1. Save everyone some time. BTW, what's the difference between best record and best song of the year? Did the best song of the year just happen to get a shitty transfer, and therefore lose?
  3. Special K

    Mainstream Wrestlers

    Savage was a household name. I'd heard of him well before I was ever a fan. Worldwide, Inoki has to be way up there. He would be well known in the states too, as "oh, that guy that had that horrible match with Ali."
  4. Here's a little math for you: Wal-mart is the largest retailer in the country. How many products do you think a Wal-Mart sells in a day? Thousands. If they raised the price of each item oh, a nickel, they could afford to pay their employees a buck more an hour, easily. Or advertise less! Everyone knows what fucking Wal-Mart is. That's been demonstrated. Anyone who opposes unions has never worked a shitty job before.
  5. Special K

    Oil and Water

    Regal can have great matches... only against someone who is very similar in style though. He had a couple small gems with Finley, por exemplo. He does lots of little stuff well. I could imagine hims having great matches with Malenko and Danielson, but he is completely lost in the WWE style. I'm sort of surprised Raven and RVD never had a good match. Raven has a few nice spots, and is terrific at controlling the pace of the match. you would think RVD's crazy spots and crazy sells along with Raven's pacing and great heel tactics would have made for some minor classics, not as far as I've seen. It seems RVD really needs an agile guy or a big power guy to bump off of to have a good match. Hoestly, calling Jericho oil and water with people is a bit off. He hass great matches with great opponents, drags a couple good matches out of decent opponent, and some decent matches out of bad opponents. He's not a miracle worker, but he'll almost certainly give you a good match. I agree with Mike in that people may expect a little too much.
  6. There are great matches that tell unique, complex stories. Here are a couple: My first is Owen v Bret WMX. A personal fave, as it was the first great match I ever saw. Owen wants desperately to best his brother as a wrestler, and only a couple times goes to blatant heel tactics (a few hair pulls, and a big low blow) At the beginning, it's pretty clear that Bret is underestimating his brother. He thinks he'll get the win off a crafty pin reversal. He really doesn't do any harmful moves outside a clothesline over the ropes, he thinks he's good enough to just show his brother up. He shows this through the match, with not pressing the advantage to pound his brother, or applying a couple lazy pins. After the tombstone by Owen, Bret starts to take the match seriously and begins to apply his five moves of doom, but Owen is already up on him. When Bret shows weakness in a hurting his leg (of course harkening back to Owen's initial heel turn) Owen jumps at the chance to abuse his brother. It's clear Owen wants a clear submission, applying both a figure 4 and a sharpshooter, but Bret is good enough (and at this point taking his brother seriously) that Owen takes it on a pin reversal, something that Bret, it seems was counting on from the beginning. An interesting case of the hero having a fatal flaw that causes him to lose. From the early chain sequences, Bret is slightly the superior, but taking it easy on his brother until it was too late caused him to lose. Misawa/Kobashi v Kawada/Taue Misawa is basically a living juggernaut. Kobashi is the young fighter, trying to prove himself as a top gun (as he did in quite convincing fashion v Kawada in their 60 minute draw. Kawada feels his pride is at stake, since he was only briefly champ, and he never beat Misawa, though he did everything humanly possible to do so in the 4/94 match. Taue is a general dick, who, like Kawada, has a real bone to pick with Misawa after failing to put him away in 2 great champions carny matches. Misawa in general seems to be trying to giving his wealth of godly knowledge and power to Kobashi, while Kawada and Taue have no love lost, but are united in wanting to thrash Misawa to an inch of his life. Kobashi comes in as the least of the 4 on the totem pole, and is further compromised by being slightly hurt in the leg. An early sequence in the match is beautiful: Kobashi whips Kawada into the friendly corner, and Kawada just fucking drills Misawa in the face (same move that broke Misawa's damn FACE at the Champion's carny) It's clear from the beginning, we want to destroy Misawa. As the match goes on, Misawa has to cover more and more for Kobashi's weakness. Kobashi is a total sympathy figure as he fights SO HARD, but is gradually dismantled by the ruthless Kwada/Taue team. By the end Kobashi is just utterly destroyed, though his burning spirit refuses to quit. Misawa fights like Superman, but the opposing team is too pissed off and viscious to overcome. The closing moments, as Kobashi vainly tries to save his partner while Kawada destroys Misawa, with Taue contemptuously holding Kobashi off to let the slaughter of Misawa continue at the hands of Kawada is wonderful and sad. Fucking terrific match.
  7. Special K

    JoeDirt's old school match thread

    My Webpage Hopefully this works. Rude vs Ultimate Warrior, for the title.
  8. Special K

    About Comics...

    I like comics, but sometimes prefer more indy comics and manga because the stories are generally laid out with a beginning middle and end. Keeping a comic going indefinitely has got to be a strain, and your editors are constantly dictating the direction of your story, for better or worse.
  9. Special K

    The new chicken enchilada burrito at Taco Bell

    I miss when they had chicken nachos. Damn they were good. The Enchilada burrito is pretty damn tasty. Basically, a shit load of gooey cheese, chicken and sour cream. Taco Bell's chicken far exceeds their steak. Not that I don't like red meat or anything, their steak is ust low-grade stew meat, while the chicken is tasty as a mother. The Spicy chicken too.
  10. Special K

    What will spur wrestling's next big boom?

    Orton was groomed for a top spot immediately, I think. Brock, of course. That one worked. I think they still think that if they just throw some big guy (snitsky, heidenrape, tomko, etc.) he's going to really catch on. The worst thing they do are the teasing pushes where the fans react, then they pull the carpet out from under them. Jericho, RVD, Orton, Shelton, Edge. All were given small pushes, and then at various times just made to look like utter shite.
  11. Special K

    What will spur wrestling's next big boom?

    I don't think it'll ever boom again. Kayfabe's been destroyed, and the WWE simply REFUSES to learn from the lessons of the past and push guys who are over, instead of grooming homegrown stars. HHH will be refusing to put people over for years and years. He's been doing it pretty atrociously for 2-3 years now and Vince hasn't gotten sick of his shit yet.
  12. Special K

    Noam on Iraq

    Chomsky asside, Iraq's gonna be a muslim state. Sorry! You may hate Chomsky, but it's true.
  13. Special K

    Fox to "Cut Down" Arrested Development

    GOD FUCKING DAMNIT. I very rarely watch TV. That being said, I am OBSESSED with this show. It is so goddamn funny. Every time you rewatch an episode, you pick up on jokes that you were originally laughing over. My only hope is that winning pretty much EVERY FUCKING EMMY and Bateman winning this year is enough for someone else to pick them up. Blame it on people being too fucking retarded today to laugh at anything but shit jokes. Fuck. Have fun watching even more shows with people drinking gross stuff America. Goddamnmotherfuckingsonofabitch.
  14. Special K

    Ashlee Simpson......

    Them seven Jew bankers makin' us listen to bad music. /Montana crazy
  15. Special K

    2005s Comic Movies

    watchmenmovie In the inimitable words of Herr Starr: I have an erection.
  16. Special K

    Fighting liberal bias through legislation

    Seriously. Way-left liberals can become teachers and give fuel to all the right-wing pundits. Right-wingers will become businessmen and jerk each other off at businees meetings. I'm very socially liberal myself. Economically conservative. Don't act like conservatives are oppressed. They can teach. It's just people in the liberal spectrum gravitate to such things as teaching., reporting, etc. Why not? They major in bullshit topics. If there was a big influx of conservative teachers, no one would give a shit. Liberals gravitate towards academia (which has made academia a dirty word which is rubbish), conservatives gravitate towards business. I think you get the better end of the deal. I'm an engineer, thankfully I was spared political bullshit on either side.Are ther giant protests that have hurt your candidate? If not, lay off the liberal bias in academia bullshit.
  17. Special K

    Dean For DNC Chair Thread #2

    I like Dean. He's an uncompromised, straight talking, sonavabitch who says what he means, means what he says, and raises plenty of valid issues. I Certainly don't want him as prez, though. That said, the Dems are getting in plenty of trouble because let's face it, bland sorta-centrists work best as your spokesersmen (sounds weird) Bush ran his platform on centrism and then went !psyche!, aw man, I just gave my friends too much money. Whoops! I'll take his SS reform though. Honestly, this president is getting us close to nuclear war. I REALLY hope it's not the case. (west coast is first dead, liberal fucks.) Every time I hear a anaolgy about this war, I'm fucked. Nuclear power has fucked EVERYTHING up. N. Korea is the ultimate example of that. This is a backwoods, podunk country, that just might be desperate enough to annighiate us. I wish there had never been an Einstein.
  18. Special K

    Astonishing X-Men

    I recently picked it up. Fun book. Looking forward to picking up the next. Gorgeous art.
  19. Special K

    2005s Comic Movies

    If Deadpool rides around on a kiddy bike I'm there. The Constantine thing really bugs me. JC is blonde, British, the biggest prick in comics, possessing a vicious wit, who is sometimes morose. Keanu can handle morose and blonde. Apparrently he settled for just morose.
  20. Special K

    Suikoden IV

    I just rented this game and have played it to about the 12 hour mark. It's very similar to the first two in terms of gameplay. Quick battles, decent story, the only thing is having voice acting makes the mute main character even more auspicious, like you're a damn ghost. The graphics are really gorgeous. I don't really like the style of the character models, but they animate really well, and the backgrounds and water graphics are lovely. Good to see the Suikoden series returning to its roots. Sometimes you just want a fun, simple RPG that's well polished. Why else would people be bidding $80 for Suikoden II? (which I own, huzzah!)
  21. Special K

    Most Disturbed/Disgusting book ever

    You know what's fucking disturbing? Keanu 'fucking' Reeves playing John Constantine. You might as well have Cedric the Entertainer play Jesse Custer.
  22. Special K

    Oh man, I'm on drugs right now.

    Just watched Barton Funk Helluva movie, really weird.
  23. Special K

    How long do Amazon.com's sales last?

    I'll give you a deep discount. IN THE BUTT!
  24. Special K

    Hottest female wrestler

    Trish is a lovely lady. Looks like Portia De Rossi w/ fake tatas. It would be somewhat weird to meet her, seeing as I would absolutely dwarf her. a while (wow like 3 years it must be) ago I went to a ECW show, marked the fuck out and said-a hi to Dawn Marie and have to say, WWE has ruined her with awful makeup and outfits, she was actually really lovely and took time to hang out w/ all the fans, way after the show ended. Pretty girl who really enjoyed hanging out with the fans.
  25. Special K

    Oh man, I'm on drugs right now.

    Hey, and if you want to experience actual drunkeness/druginess, not the frat-boy happy-time wussy kind, Read some Bukowski. He'll scare you out of the shit, or at least warn you. And if you're getting railed up the ass, you'll be able to call it poetry. It probably is.