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Special K

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Everything posted by Special K

  1. Special K

    Arrested Development Season 2

    It's come to my realization that GOB, or rather Will Arnett, can take perfectly mundane lines and make them hilarious. When Lindsey comes up with the scheme to open a bead shop and he starts out of the couch and shouts 'BEES?!' it always makes me crack up. 'Oh, great, guess it's time to jump on top of Kitty again! Everytime this family gets in trouble it's "Oh, let's have GOB fuck his way out of it!" If you have the DVDs, check out the commentary. There's lots of funny stuff, especially the actors pointing out when they're cracking up in the background (particularly noticeable when Tobias walks into breakfast nude and GOB gives his 'big bear' eulogy). You can tell they have a wonderful time making this show. Wish I had a Nielson box, as it's the only thing I watch (at least until the FX shows come on again.)
  2. Special K

    You can't catch "teh ghey"....

    I think loving the cock counts as being gay.
  3. Special K

    I just "blue" myself????

    David Cross. He's the shit. That moustache and his eccentric mannerisms DO sort of hide that it's him. That moustache completely changes his face.
  4. Special K

    You can't catch "teh ghey"....

    Honestly, could you choose to be gay? I sure couldn't. I could choose to have sex with a man, I still wouldn't be attracted to men. Why would someone who is in all other respects happily married eventualy spill the beans that he's gay? doesn't make sense to me if it's a choice, but it happens.
  5. Special K

    Looking for a new author(s)

    If you like fantasy, (seems you do, though maybe less than horror) Song of Ice and Fire series by George RR Martin Sorrow and Thorn trilogy by Tad Williams Coldfire Trilogy by C.S. Friedman Though I don't read much horror (Lovecraft is good) I would be leary of Edward Lee. Sure his book I read was gross, but it was hardly shocking. Not suspensful at all and pretty poorly written, IMO.
  6. Special K

    Because I am forced to listen to it everyday...

    Jurassic Five and EPMD would definitely cater to your taste, based on what you've said. Just seconding others.
  7. It almost fits the character. His strikes don't look really weak, but he's a wrestler, dammit, not a brawler. Hence, he doesn't know how to swing a chair. OK, I'm reaching.
  8. Special K

    Hottest Male Wrestler

    Libel! Or if you must hate the stache... BAM!
  9. Booker T and Storm and Bret Hart are usually praised for never hurting anyone, yet not having their stuff look too loose. Fit Finley and Regal also have reps, and aren't that highly thought of, probably.
  10. Special K

    Hottest Male Wrestler

    You call those guys hot? A mere hip swivle and Rick Rude could outsexify all of them.
  11. Agreed. It would be a REALLY dark movie, though. They made an Elvis biopic last year, Bubba Ho-Tep.
  12. Special K

    2005s Comic Movies

    John Constantine is a mean, but charming, prick, who generally is self-loathing, and gets by on his wits. He is also a blonde brite. None of these things describe Keanu Reeves. Watchmen maybe coming out this year? Preacher sorta sounds DOA, which to be honest I'm sorta grateful for. James Marsden as Jesse Custer? Yuck.
  13. True story:The Fatty Arbuckle biopic Farley hoped to do would be very interesting. Lenny Bruce would be interesting too, come to think of it. Remake: I'll take this as book adaptation. I want the Neuromancer adaptation that's been bumping around forever. I hope the Watchmen movie goes well, as a side note. Sequel: Indiana Jones, first and foremost, X-Men 3, Bebop, and another season of Arrested Development! Another Austin Powers would be fun, especially for Seth Green's awesome character.
  14. True story:The Fatty Arbuckle biopic Farley hoped to do would be very interesting. Lenny Bruce would be interesting too, come to think of it. Remake: I'll take this as book adaptation. I want the Neuromancer adaptation that's been bumping around forever. I hope the Watchmen movie goes well, as a side note. Sequel: Indiana Jones, first and foremost, X-Men 3, Bebop, and another season of Arrested Development! Another Austin Powers would be fun, especially for Seth Green's awesome character.
  15. Special K

    Because I am forced to listen to it everyday...

    If you like 'happy' rap that's pretty good, I would reccomend De La Soul, maybe Acelyone. You should listen to Deltron 3030 because it's fucking badass, it's a concept album about a brave new worldish society.
  16. Special K

    The Summers Controversy

    Let me weigh in: I'm an engineer. In my subject in my class, we had 1 female (who was incredibly smart), 36 males. Look at the enrollment in the best tech schools like MIT and Cal Tech. it's like 80-90% guys. There are gender differences. Maybe women just aren't as interested the tech and science fields. Slightly higher english and lower math scores for women on average doesn't explain the huge discrepancy. And it's not like women are flunking out of MIT and Cal Tech, they're just not interested.
  17. Special K

    Battle Royale released in US?

    Books and even comic books are less regulated than non-porn movies. It takes something as crazy as American Psycho to even cause a stir book-wise.
  18. Special K

    I just "blue" myself????

    Her first kiss was with George Michael in the pilot. The actor said he felt really bad once he heard that.
  19. Special K

    Who has the best name in sports?

    Peerless Price - Awesome arrogant name. Cassius Clay just sounds like a badass. Lennox Lewis is a pretty pimp name, too. Pujols - Huh huh huh Priest Holmes is a very cool name. I always thought Joe DiMaggio sounded classy.
  20. Special K

    Suikoden IV

    Regarding Thousand Arms: The last boss was hilariously underdeveloped and hammy. 'I will be a GGGGOOOOODDDD.' It was good enough that I played it through the whole way, but nothing special. I don't even remember the combat AT ALL. I hope FFXII is good. They seem to be taking lots of time with it. Setting it in the FFTA world gives me a sense of forboding though. If anyone like Strategy RPGs and emulates I highly reccomend a damn good game that was only released in Europe: Der Langrisser. Sequel to a very good and very difficult SRPG released over here as Warsong.
  21. Special K

    Arrested Development Season 2

    Will Arnett bringing the sleazy television announcer voice was terrific. Chicken FINGERSSSS with Ssspicy CLUB Sauuce.
  22. Special K

    Colin Farrell

    No asshole, who is forced into prostitution in this nation, at this time, in this present day?
  23. Special K

    Are you Tired of my Shit?

    Banky is caustically funny. I would like to have a headbutt competition with him, I would win. + Your caustic rage is barely held by a barrier. The barrier of being Fucking Invinclnis
  24. Special K

    Suikoden IV

    I do like discussing RPGs with my fellow console RPGers. How good is SO3? I did enjoy the first two, but felt bogged down by the time I reached the end, Is this similar to SO3? DQVII, supposedly for the hardcorest of the hardcores, can someone with a reasonable amount of time complete and enjoy this game? Is fuckin Xenosaga going to satisfactorily tie into one of the best stories ever?(Xenogears) (no) YOu know what pisses me off? all the fucking new RPG reviewers on every fuckin' site who dis square becaure it's cool, and in particular FFVII. Hey, guys, the reason Cloud is a cliche is because everyone in the world has now copied him! The depth of character in FFVII is tremendous (for an RPG). I'm not afraid to admit it. The leads were a amnesiac who has lost his purpose in life, and can't uncover his history. Tifa is a fully formed character as the completely shy, sad character who has to finally motivate the hero into action, and does so while being helped from her teammates who are also unique. Randomly my list of top 5 RPGs. In order. Unless I change my mind. FFIII Chrono Trigger Suikoden II FFVII Valkyrie Profile Gaze upon it. You could play those games for eternity