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Special K

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Everything posted by Special K

  1. Special K

    Eddy/JBL 2004 MOTY

    Loss, this is a serious matter that must be attended to! Linkeroo And yeah, Mind Games was my MOTY, but the non-finish DID hurt it. While a DQ ending cannot ruin a match, it almost always hurts it, unlessit's done in an original manner. I can't think of any matches where a DQ has enhanced the match for me.
  2. Special K

    i cant sleep

    They now have Tylenol PM without the Tylenol. Probably a slightly stronger dose as well. It's called Tylenol Sleepy Time or something like that. Whatever that stuff is, it's supposed to be the safest sleep aid. Just don't take it with booze, of course.
  3. Special K

    Techno...any suggestions?

    Just listened to Sandstorm. Oh it's THAT song. These artists may be 50/50 with the kind of stuff you want to here, but what's there is good. Crystal Method (I highly reccomend their remix of Keoki's 'Caterpillar') Juno Reactor (Hm, looks like Beyond the Infinite is out of print.) Download 'Guardian Angel' and 'Mars' to see if you like them. Daft Punk (don't personally like them, but you may) And play the game Frequency! EDIT: I feel ya. | | \/
  4. Special K

    Dumb Movie Questions

    Whatever happened to Steve Buscemi's character in Fargo?
  5. Special K

    Who doesn't love Fred Phelps?

    The Trinity isn't a biblical concept. At all. Or at least it's as biblical as purgatory. Biblical argument for purgatory. ^Boing. Everyone needs to interpret the Bible, becuase it is an abstruse document, even the leaders of the religion. Is Schwarzenegger really the biggest movie star in the world?
  6. Special K

    Techno...any suggestions?

    Hmmm, I usually don't listen to much stuff like that. Scooter? Takkyu Ishino definitely fits the bill. Orbital's Halcon+on+on is long and danceable and almost always a hit, it has nonsense lyrics though. I'm assuming above that you want hard-driving thumpa-thumpa techno to dance to, not extra-spacy techno. If you want extra-chill techno with long songs, some of Future Sounds of London Will fit.
  7. Special K

    Why do you hate ... who you hate?

    A-Rod: Little prima donna bitch. Kobe: big prima donna bitch. Yankees: I wouldn't mind if they spent all that money and were loyal to their players, now if someone has a bad season, they can't unload them fast enough. Speaks to no team unity. Cowboys: Just don't like 'em. Patriots: don't really HATE them, but they often make for boring games.
  8. Special K

    Super Crazy coming to WWE?

    <---- Don't forget Little Guido, he was great in those Tajiri/Crazy matches as the little bump machine that could.
  9. Special K


    I've eatten there like once in 3 years. It was coming back from a concert, and it was like the only thing close by. I refuse to order their nasty-ass burgers, so I got some of them new-fangled chicken strips. They were OK, but WAY too expensive.
  10. Special K

    Who doesn't love Fred Phelps?

    What I was taught in Catholic school is that unbabtized babies go to purgatory. They haven't had a chance to commit real evil, so they don't go to hell, but they haven't received the sacrement of babtism and thus cannot enter salvation. Maybe they will at the end of days, I think purgatory's supposed to be gone by then. To a previous point: if the makeup of the Supreme Court becomes strongly conservative, you better believe they'll try to overturn Roe v Wade.
  11. Special K

    New Jack at Raw

    Most likely, like a prick.
  12. Special K

    Are you a pilgrim in an unholy land?

    Seattle. Extremely liberal. I'm basically libertarian, I think, so some of my shit doesn't jibe. I don't talk politics that much, though.
  13. Special K

    Moves that nobody ever kicked out of.

    ^ I'm pretty certain Malenko did. Among others.
  14. Special K

    Was Layne Staley gay?

    However, he asked an anonymous someone to 'shove (his) nose in shit.' Layne Staley: Salad tosser? Wow, this is so thought provoking we can have a whole series of them. Jimi Hendrix: Chubby Chaser? Buddy Holly: Foot Fetishist?
  15. Special K

    EMO music: love it, hate it?

    Fuck, I can't believe what people are calling emo around here. Fugazi? WTF? Of course, it all gets hazy when someone comes up with a buzzword for a new subgenre. Anyone remember what alternative was? Every single rock band in the 90's was considered alternative. Rage was alternative. Crash Test Dummies, Alternative. Pearl Jam? Alternative. These bands had nothing in common. Is Death Cab for Cutie emo? Because they're pretty good.
  16. Special K

    Best Wrestling Quotes...

    Fuckin' Hogan. That was easy as shit. -Shane Douglas after ripping his shirt. I'm out in the ring, Shawn Michaels turns to me and says, 'Hey, I got a couple of vertebrae out. Would you mind puttin 'em in with that chair?' He turns his back, I whack him and all of a sudden I'm a bad guy. -Kevin Nash
  17. Special K

    Wrestling books

    Keep in mind WWE's idea of a positive female role-model is a woman who, through extensive, painful and costly plastic surgery was able to flash her jugs in Playboy. Who says feminism is dead?
  18. Special K

    There's a mouse in my house.

    My cats used to proudly bring us live mice, and then devour them. No blood. When we would catch the mice relatively unharmed, we would throw them back outside, much to the displeasure of our kitties. So now they eat everything but the head and leave it in prominent places like the front entryway. They get their meal and get to leave a little trophy so you're proud of them too. My suggestion? Let your cat eat the bugger. When cats play with mice it's entertaining and fucked up at the same time. Cats are sadistic. I once saw my cat lovingly washing a tiny mouse which was squeaking piteously. Whenever it a run for it, my cat would fucking grab it with its claws, drag it back, and resume the washing.
  19. Special K

    The anime/puroresu connection

    I can understand where you're coming from in a way, Kotz. Lots of people like anime nowadays (puro's a cult segment of a cult segment), but if a friend, much less a stranger, is not interested in it, I don't blab about it. Hell, I don't even really talk about it besides message boards. If you're a cult fan of anything and you can't shut up about it, and it's all you talk about, you're probably sort of a freak and may cover with elitism. One of the cool things about anime and puro, is that when you're new to it, you have 15-20 years of stuff you can cull through, and find all kinds of awesome shows/matches. Generally ignoring all the shitty shows/promotions out there, one may feel that that genre can do no wrong. In reality, there is tons of shit anime with some awesome shows, pretty much like American TV. There are tons of shit puro matches (and these REALLY suck becuase they are always given like 15-20 minutes with some awesome matches just like American wrestling. Ignoring this, people get snobby and start looking down on perfectly awesome matches like Austin/Flair because they regard it as an inherently inferior product. If you were suddenly exposed to the WWE by being given the best matches from the last 5 years, you would think it was Godly. So basically, chill on the elitism. Entertainment is entertainment regardless of country of origin. If you can't look beyond that, you're missing out on good stuff. I can't believe I just wrote such a long-winded treatise on this.
  20. Special K

    Anyone going to pick up Chainfire?

    ^ A good series is the Coldfire Trilogy, C.S. Friedman. EDIT: First book is entitled Black Sun Rising. And the series is ACTUALLY a trilogy!
  21. Special K

    Help Me Out on deciding what to get

    My faves: Jinx (Earlier Bendis, one TPB) and Goldfish Noirish, not superhero. Batman: Dark Knight Returns, Killing Joke and Year One. Preacher: If you are offended by ANYTHING though, you may want to steer clear. Kingdom Come Marvels ^Tremendous art, good stories. The Marvel Essentials are great if you want some older stuff.
  22. Special K

    The Baroque cycle

    It's funny, Cryptonomicon was his first really long book, and one of his only books that seemed not to fall apart in the end. Now all the Baroque ccle books are really long. It seems it takes him a long book to wrap something up properly (of course I'm giving the baroque cycle the benefit of the doubt.)
  23. Special K

    Why ya like...

    Baseball: Mariners: Local team Ichiro: see above, he's a badass in every way. Red Sox: Liked Wade Boggs and hated the Yankees since I was a wee lad. McGwire: my favorite player since I started watching baseball. Randy Johnson: fun to watch, used to be a Mariner. Crap, now I have to like a Yankee. Basketball: The 'Zags. That's about it. Don't watch much basketball. Football: Seahawks: hometown boys. Green Bay and Pittsburgh: have an association as tough old school teams in my mind. Always root for them unless they're against the hawks. Curtis Martin: basically won me my fantasy season. Tough old bastard. Priest: It's Priest, what's not to like? Hockey: Seattle T-Birds. Their games are great fun.
  24. Special K

    Rathergate Massacre

    Need some help: during the campaign a general (I believe) was interviewed about Kerry, and while he disagreed with Kerry's testifying, he said something to the effect of: 'I don't think there's any doubt that most of what he said occurred.' Anyone know what I'm talking about?
  25. Special K

    WCW Theme Music

    Yeah, we're talking about the main nWo theme. P.S. It's 'Voodoo Child'. 'Voodoo Chile' (or voodoo chili if your'se schiavone) is a different song.