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Special K

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Everything posted by Special K

  1. Special K

    Nicknames for wrestlers that you came up with

    I've often called Piper 'The Pipes' after a hilariously deranged promo from WCW. THE PIPES! THE PIPES ARE COMING FOR YOU HOGAN! NYREARGH! *starts running from Alcatraz to the beach, apparently intending to swim all the way to Hogan and beat his ass* I usually call HHH "fuckin' HHH."
  2. Curiosity? Have you ever studied a religion that you don't personally believe in? Or maybe they do good charity work. Either way, they have to be let in. Or you don't get public money. That's not too harsh methinks. We had a few black clubs at our school that were probably exclusively for black students which is cool, so long as they don't syphon off public money. Same deal with the scouts. Except for there I really feel bad (And I'm an Eagle Scout) that a kid that loves scouts could discover he's gay after adolescence and have to quit.
  3. Special K

    First review of the Chyna/X-Pac sex tape

    ^^^^ For anyone who hasn't been there (though it should be obvious) NOT SAFE FOR WORK
  4. Special K

    Ugliest band in rock.

    The White Stripes have to be up there, though I know some a girl who thinks freaky-ass Jack White is hot. The Pixies, present day, though Kim Deal used to be quite a cutie.
  5. Special K


    For all the people that snark at France for being 'pussies', look up how many people they lost in the WW's. I believe the # they lost in WWII alone is close to, or more, than America has lost in wars THIS CENTURY. It's not their fault their leaders during that time were militarily inept.
  6. Special K

    These New F'N "Tribute" CD's!!!!

    I wish I was a Carpenter is pretty Kickass.
  7. Special K

    Will Smith's "Gettin' Jiggy With It"

    Off the top of my head, the Halcyon Live Mix Lo-Fidelity's remix of Battleflag About half of the Supersexy Swingin' Sounds White Zombie remix album. Crystal Method remixing Keoki's Caterpillar.
  8. Special K

    Your wrestler biases

    Biased towards: Jericho - Not as good in the ring or on the stick as he used to be (the former in a large part due to the WWE style) but he can still cut a mean promo when motivated, and can really make a feud work if he's given something to work with. Trish - Could have just relaxed into a Torrie Wilson, Stacey Kiebler type role, but busted her ass to actually have some good matches. In interviews sounds very nice, and passionate about wrestling. Rick Rude - back in the day, he was my absolute favorite on the stick. I would forgive him awful matches just because his mannerisms and promos were so great. Dreamer - Never that great at anything, he busted his balls and gave his body, and always stuck with ECW. I'm glad he has a job. RVD - Completely exciting to watch in ECW (once he got done with the arbitrary 5 minute stall) and hilarious on the stick, got shafted by the WWE style (he used to actually do suplexes and takedowns instead of JUST kicks and cartwheels) Raven: Very good on the stick, involved in a number of really excellent matches in WCW. Could play both seriously slimy and funny characters. Scott Norton - no reason why here, I just always liked the big lug. Against: 'Taker: Never jobs, can't wrestle anymore, horrible on the stick, gets big pops but can't draw. Sounds like he put the kibosh on a lot of the WCW/ECW guys when they came in the company. Sting: used to be pretty good just by virtue of sheer enthusiasm and being paced by old hands like Flair, Muta. Then lost some motivation and became lazy, boring and the most ridiculously unbeatable babyface ever. He may have lost the least amount of matches cleanly of anyone ever. Muta: Cool character. however, after seeming numerous HORRENDOUS matches from him out of Japan (stalls than any other wrestler), back when he was perfectly capable of busting his ass and wrestling great, it's soured me on many of his good-->great matches.
  9. Special K


    And your above ramblings have exactly what to do with Hitler being evil or not? I will reiterate my above point. The only way IQ relates to morals is people who are extremely mentally deficient and cannot understand the cause and effect of their actions, or the very concept of morality. Whether or not Hitler was smart it has absolutely no bearing on whether he is good or evil, moron.
  10. Special K

    This is pathetic, but kind of funny.

    Age 8: Pink Floyd, Kraftwerk, Talking Heads, The Cars. Can't really listen to them now except for the Cars and Floyd's Animals. Not that I don't like them, I just burned myself out on them.
  11. Special K

    The Lord of the Rings: Return of the King EE

    Or a regular fantasy reader.
  12. Special K


    Obviously you're trying to start a philisophical argument, not a historical argument. You're trying to say theat there's no right or wrong, we're all just a product of our environs, blah blah blah. That argument can be debated forever, and never concluded. It's moot and anyone with a shred of sense knows it. You seem to be using Hitler just because you know it will provoke a strong reaction (i.e. flame-baiting OMGPLZBAN) And while you bring up the point that Hitler may have been smart in some ways, (i.e. militarily) How does that even relate to morality. The only way it does is possibly you have someone SO completely stupid that they cannot grasp the concept of right or wrong. Someone like that would have to be mentally retarded. If you're smart and you use those smarts to eradicate people, it would seem to make you, if anything, MORE culpable for your actions.
  13. Special K

    "Ravishing" Rick Rude

    Keep in mind, when you're a kid watching awful old-school matches from WWF, Rude seems awesome. This, and being such an awesome character make myself and others see him with rose-tinted glasses. I certainly don't think he was a BAD worker though.
  14. Special K

    Rate the TV shows you watch...

    Good to see the Arrested Development love. As an addendum to my above list, (not currently watching them because they're in reruns.) The Shield - B Nip/Tuck - B+ Rescue Me - A-
  15. Special K

    "Ravishing" Rick Rude

    DDP. If you've watched the ECW DVD, Bisch comes of a s the biggest POS sleaze I've ever seen. God bless Rude, my favorite heel of all time. Pretty honest in that interview, without breaking kayfabe. R.I.P, Rick. If you're a Rude fan, make sure to get his match V Chono in the NJPW G-1 tourney, and his final match. Both are very good, especially the former. EDIT: BWAHAHAHAHAHA From the quotes thread: Rude: Vader, you're a role model. Now come in here and model those rolls.
  16. Special K

    David Brock reaches out and bitchslaps O'Reilly

    If you were to somehow meld the two, it would be horrifying: A man eatting fried chicken in bed while leaving lewd phonecalls and getting 'talked off', then arguing with himself.
  17. Special K

    TSM 2005 Death Pool

    No one's mentioned Courtney Love? Wow.
  18. Special K

    Rate the TV shows you watch...

    Arrested Development: A Monday Night Football: B+ ESPN Football: B+ WWE RAW: C
  19. Special K

    Most Shameless Shilling in Wrestling

    Karate Fighters and Surge and XFL are definitely tops. Anyone remember all those times Ahnuld would come out to pimp his movie, and do pretty much NOTHING of note back for the WWE? I loved it because he would without fail say "Go ahnd see my new hit movie..." before it was even out. "ya, the action here is intense just like my new hit movie..."
  20. Special K

    Movies that killed a career

    I hope you mean this since he's not as physically amazing any more. When he was able to do incredible and crazily comedic antics like in Drunken Master 2 and Fearless Hyena, he can easily carry a movie.
  21. Keanu is generally only good in movies where he has to act bewildered, or a surfer. Period. Hence in 'The Matrix' where he doesn't know what the hell's going on, he's good. In the sequels, where he's supposed to be more confident, he came off as very stupid and whiny. He sometimes is hilariously bad, as in Speed. Watch the movie. He cannot act scared or sad, and sometimes even has a hard time with angry. He has an insanely limited amount of roles I could see him in. Can you see him as a good romantic lead or villain? I sure can't.
  22. Special K

    David Brock reaches out and bitchslaps O'Reilly

    kkk, are you contesting that conservative hosts often have extremists who can't back up their points selected as callers and guests to make themselves look good and liberals look bad? It's pretty fucking obvious. I don't know how many times I've been listening and they have some braindead stoner/overexcitable loser of some small school group who can't debate on as a guest. Why would anybody care about such a person? Because the easier to slam a guest, the more you can draw comparisons and tie them to anyone whose views differ from your own. And O'Reilly IS a coward for ducking this guy then continuing to bash him in a public forum.
  23. Special K

    ACLU strikes again

    -Jason: So if, despite your best intentions and good parenting, your kid was getting in trouble with the law and drugs and shit, what would you do? Just let them do it? Throw up your hands and beg the government to take care of them? As I've said, I'm sure you know siblings where one's a great person, and the other's a monster. Now, lots of kids just shape up as they grow more mature. until that time or until they are legal adults, I think it's a parent's responsibility to provide them with discipline. It could ruin their lives if they're left completely unchecked. Obviously, if the child behaves to some extent, you shouldn't beat the shit out of them. And your equating keeping them on a literal leash or depriving them of basic human necessities with listening into a conversation is just fuckin' stupid. There are laws to keep children physically safe. So in closing I would like to restate my question. what do you do when good, loving and respectful parenting fails?
  24. Special K

    Suprising moves that a wrestler has used.

    Mike Awesome's moveset, especially when he's flying. Very pretty looking moves. Beulah giving a pretty damn good huracanrana to Fonzie. Taz giving Bam Bam a nice exploder of the ramp, and braining himself in the process. The Sasuke Specials, Double Moonsault, Amazing Red's standing moonsault. Rikishi doing the Hennig oversell of a clothesline. Kneeling pildricer (done by masked wrestler, was in Mexico when I saw it, couldn't tell you who it was.) Hardy's Swanton absolutely floored me when I first saw it. You remember how dangerously he used to do that move all the time?
  25. Special K

    Bush Named Time's Person of 2004

    Oh, yes. Long been a spculation of mine. Look at fuckin' LINCOLN. He went from regal president to broken down lookin' really quickly. Look at Reagan and Clinton. Over the 8 years they both aged 20. Bush got something in the first debate right. Being President is a hard job.