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Special K

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Everything posted by Special K

  1. Special K

    Most Disturbed/Disgusting book ever

    Seconded to Sass's mention of greatest fight. Though that's somewhat off-topic.
  2. Special K

    Headucate me.

    I often associate EPMD with Run DMC and the Beasties. Were they putting out albums about the same time? and in that vein of hip-hop, I think paul's Boutique pretty much reigns supreme. It's too bad the Beasties couldn't ever top their sophomore (non-punk) recording. I like what I've beard from Mos Def, so i'll definitely check out black on both sides. Also, could someone recommend me some good Wu-Tang? I've actually not heard much from them, even though a couple of my friends are die-hards. I really like the RZA as Bobby digital album, and of course his stuff on Kill Bill was great. EDIT: And guys, Run DMC is obviously a love 'em or hate 'em band. Let's quit with the angry posts. This is supposed to be a happy thread!
  3. Special K

    Songs about drinking.

    Also I Drink Alone - George Thoroughgrood and the Destroyers Drink Problems- Apache Indian.
  4. Special K

    Headucate me.

    Cee-lo Green, is he a rapper? I've got my soul music covered. The rev Green and curtis Mayfield rule my heart.
  5. Special K

    The Meal Thread

    Fucking lamb sandwich burps taste like a rhino shat in my mouth. And I ate it like 8 hours ago.
  6. It's not like it's crippling. He sounds like he's doing just fine. It's not like he has muscular dystrophy or something.
  7. Special K

    Deck the Hall Ball

    I am so pumped to see the Shins. Their albums are so fucking great. Endfest was killer, except for the YYY's being miced like shit, and Echo and the Bunnymen's lead singer being so fucking drunk.
  8. Special K

    Deck the Hall Ball

    How's this for a concert? Modest Mouse - Killer Franz Ferdinand - Already seen 'em. They're great in concert. Keane - blech. Coldplay ripoff The Killers - their single's catchy, hope they have other songs, because frankly I'm sick of 'somebody told me' now. The Shins - FUCK yeah. I LOVE this band. Hope they're good in concert. Snow Patrol - Another good band. 107.7 ( www.1077theend.com ) is such the shit now. Of course last year, I think they had Linkin Park.
  9. Special K

    Headucate me.

    Aquemini is the shit, yeah. I should have put Outkast on my original list.
  10. Special K

    Greatest American

    Lincoln. Can't think of many people who both survived a coup and helped keep his country together.
  11. Special K

    Headucate me.

    I'll definitely check out Dan the Automator. I fucking love the Deltron album. Didn't know he had solo stuff. What ever happened to Pharcyde? I liked them. EDIT: Deltron 3030 is probably my 2nd favouritealbum, after Daydream Nation. It's so fucking good.
  12. Special K

    Nirvana- With the Lights Out

    The local radio station has been playing tracks nonstop (hey, it's Seattle) All the tracks I've heard so far are good-great. If you like Nirvana, that is.
  13. Special K

    Top songs so far

    I'll do it by genre. Rock: Teen Age Riot- Sonic Youth. Or Where is my Mind-Pixies. Probably Teen Age Riot. Country: Folsom County Blues- Cash Rap- tough one, I'll say Things you can do by Deltron. I love that song. I love that whole album. I'll throw in Herbie Hancoc's Rockit because it doesn't fit anywhere else. EDIT 3030 is the top song ever. Techno - Either Halcyon+on+on or Girl with the Sun in her Head by Orbital. Orbital has a fuckin' lock on this category. I'll say Eclectic- Bjork Bachelorette.
  14. Special K

    When did movies become more graphic?

    Wild Bunch you fuckers. Just wanted to include prophanity for the sake of the thread. GREAT fucking movie. I would rank it 3rd all time western. EDIT: This movie was crazy violent, and had some whoring. First rated X movie to win awards. See it. It will make your penis grow an inch gauranteed.
  15. Special K

    The Meal Thread

    My ususal diet consists of not shit. Breakfast - either a small salad or nothing. And a cigarette. Lunch - my biggest meal of the day. Nowadays usually a gyro and soup. A guro of the non-shit variety. Dinner - whatever's around.
  16. Special K

    The Meal Thread

    Oh. My God. I just ate the worst thing ever. There was a Greek restaurant near my place. I felt like a Gyro. Which is my wont. Anyway, they're under new management. Wanted fallafel. Didn't have it. Ordered a lamb sandwich. It was pretty crappy. Now, every time i burp, it TASTES LIKE SHIT! I mean LTERALLY!. EVERY fucking time I burp it's like somone shat in my damn mouth. That's what it fucking smells like. God damn it. I should pull my trigger.
  17. Special K

    What the most dangerous finisher?

    I gotta say a sit out TD '91 i.e. Kash Money. Anyone can take a move and add 'top rope' to it, but this move is disgusting.
  18. Special K

    Sell me on Radiohead.

    I'd say Nirvana is the definitive 90's band, as much as Cobain is underservedley (is that a word?) sainted, Nirvana made good music in a style that bridged punk into a new rock genre. How it ever tuned into whiny alterna-rock is a mystery to me. The Bends is great, but is not for everyone. I can understand how York's singing style could bug people, for one. (I saw Muse as part of a concert, and while they were fine, in fact musically excellent; his York style of singing bridled me.) Every album since then I have liked, but if you don't like The Bends, I can be fairly sure you won't like Roadiohead. Different strokes. Kid A is particularly abstract, and reminds me of the Sonic Youth album NY ghosts & Flowers. I love Sonic youth, but play some fucking SONGS. Radiohead needs to realize that the great rock bands created songs while thinking about the next revolution. Every album doesn't need to be a masterpiece. In fact, a few rockin' 'light'songs will get the juices going, and probably be as good as the musical revolution you're trying to create.
  19. Special K

    So What Senate Moron Is Responsible For This?

    ^ that's hot. i honestly fly into a rage at ads. It's the reason I don't watch TV anymore, i think. I freakin' rent shows as an alternative. I mean, I love the Spider-Man movies, but when they thought about putting ads on MLB bases, I bitched about it ad nauseum. (EDIT: huh huh huh AD nauseum. that wasn't intentional.) Fucking DVD ads piss me off almost as much. Half the DVDs have an ad for THE FUCKING MOVIE YOU'RE WATCHING. I already FUCKING RENTED IT. SOME OF THE ADS HAVE SPOILERS! AAARRRRGH I'm going to go chew on a washclothe now.
  20. Special K

    The Dream Thread

    The worst dreams are the dreams in which you are completely happy. 'struth. And I have those often. I'm talking dreams when you wake up to your wife, and go downstairs to find 20 chubby happy granchildren. I'm having those, and I'm 24. P.S. has everyone stopped having sex dreams? I certainly have. Any sex dream I have ends up like the underwear in the high school dream.
  21. Special K


    Sorry about your Dad, and indeed. you sound like a smart man. Get a crappy job in your field (I know easier than it sounds) and live happily butpoorly with you lady. I don't know how it is in Australia, but here, 2 years experience is generally as good as a Master's.
  22. ^ What he said Also Christian. He needs to vary his offense, but I think that's somewhat due to the 'wwe style' He's a great bumper, and revealed himself to be the superior promo man in the E&C conncetion. In that he can deliver a serious promo as well as a funny one.
  23. Special K

    You Can Book Gail Kim for $????

    Does Gail Kim charge per hurrincanrarna? Mmm.
  24. Also to clarify, Liger and Nagata did great in Japan, hell, Liger was the standard in NJPW jrs. I was talking about Japanese wrestlers getting over in America. EDIT: like, we can agree that a bunch of AJPW guys were fucking terrific, but can you see Kawada high kicking Bradshaw in the corner?
  25. Special K

    Greatest Wrestling T-Shirt

    mmm. Reminds me of the Rock T my friend made me for Christmas. Good times. The best T is the Sandman Budweiser knock-off. Bar none. Too bad I can't find a pic of that shirt.