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Special K

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Everything posted by Special K

  1. Special K

    Let's go to Hardee's

    That doesn't look too good to me, but having just checked out the Carl Jr's site, the $6 burger looks awesome. (Though I like meat, I need my veggies on a burger, too.) I gotta say Rally's, for artery clogging goodness, was really good. Had one near me when I lived in New Orleans. Two Bacon Big Bufords for $2. Ridiculous.
  2. Special K

    Signs of steroid abuse?

    I believe one of the signs is changes in the face, i.e. enhanced nose and especially brow.
  3. Special K

    The Marine who shot dead an injured man

    I agree, except for the 'warrant death' comment.
  4. Special K

    The Marine who shot dead an injured man

    And yes, you can hate the war and love our soldiers. I have friends in the military. One hates the war, two believe in what they're doing. Just because I think Bush pushed us into war far to quickly because he had a hardon for Iraq, doesn't mean I can't love the men and women who put their life on the line for us, because that's who they're fighting for, not the administration.
  5. Special K

    The Marine who shot dead an injured man

    Read what I posted, Mike. 36 people have been beheaded in Iraq. That's obviously 36 too fucking many, but how many people were responsible for those beheadings? Not everyone. And the people in this particular case WERE targetting our military. I agree with you that if you target civilians, you are worthless shit. But not everyone with a gun in Iraq is targetting civilians. War is hell. And the type of the war many are making is Iraq is against all civilized custom. However, just because many Iraqis use these tactics does not make every Iraqi with a grudge subhuman. Moreover, who knows how many Iraqis who are fighting were terrorists before the war started? We'll never know, but I'm sure it's not the majority.
  6. Special K

    The Marine who shot dead an injured man

    ^ || Exactamundo.
  7. Special K

    The Marine who shot dead an injured man

    Fuck, even Bush said he wouldn't want to be occupied. There's a stupid level of rhetoric here about 'subhuman monkies'. Sure, the beheaders and the suicide bombers and the ones who target civilians could easily be referred to taht way, but what would you do if your country was invaded, and some of your family was killed? That doesn't mean I want them to win. I wish the stupid-ass war hadn't been started in the first place, and I hope our guys win there, because the overall outcome could end up being good, and they're our guys. Yet saying that every misguided fool out there, or everyone who lost a family member is a 'subhuman monkey' is arrogant, stupid, propogandist bullshit. If you're firing out of a mosque, and we're firing into a mosque, how does that make them terrorists? Suicide bombings and beheadings are terrorist activities, not firing on our troops with guns.
  8. Special K

    PETA campaigns against eating fish

    Kamui thought a lab rat was worth more than an unborn human fetus. Can't get any better than that for instantly discrediting someone. In honor of this, I'm gonna get some sushi for dinner. Nothing like getting it straight off the fish. And fish are fucking stupid animals. No one's going to convince me different. Next they're going to be saying shrimp and clams are intelligent. They aren't intelligent, they're delicious. Someone should gently tell them that if you allow a prey species to go unchecked, they end up eatting themselves to death. It's all a part of the circle of life, duuude. I think they'd get more credit if they tried to fight for animal conditions while they're alive, rather than just whining about the vast majority of us, i.e. omnivores. How can people even stand to be vegan? I think the life of a dairy cow has to be pretty damn good. Lie around and eat and crap all day, get milked for an hour, yay! I can understand vegetarian. you can eat some good stuff there.
  9. Special K

    The Marine who shot dead an injured man

    BTW, when I said I had yet to decide on the issue, I definitely rules out 'war crime.' What happened in there was either a calculated decision because he thought his life was in danger (when cops shoot a guy who's making a move, and he ends up not being armed, the vast majority of the time it WOULD have been someone reaching for a gun, not, say a wallet) or at least a case of nerves panicing him. I don't know what the consequences of shooting someone dead out of panic in a war would be, but I doubt it would involve prison time. Probably military consequences? There were other living prisoners in there. It would have been a war crime if they had gone through there and summarily executed them.
  10. Special K

    Worse no sell of all time

    Well, yes and no. Kawada's backdrop driver, for example, was a big move, but not considered nearly as powerful as Dr Death's. (EDIT: similar to Hansen's lariat being so much more deadly than say, Kobashi's.) I would consider the time Kobashi took 3 Dangerous backdrops really weird/bad selling, but I'm sure it was the intended finish of the match. You definitely COULD consider some of the AJPW stuff as no-selling, but it was never intended to make the other guy look like crap. And I don't think they ever 'went into business for themselves'. Also, the big 4 along with guys like Dr. Death and Hansen were just considered to be on a higher level than the undercard guys. They were assumed to be able to give and take more punishment.
  11. Special K

    Reality TV

    Good, maybe they can realize that with good writing, people will flock to shows. People are clearly starved for quality TV shows. Witness the success of FX, whose shows do, true, aim to tittilate, but are by and large well-written. The reason sitcoms are doing poorly is obviously because of the lack of quality writing. What's even on anymore that's any good at all? Raymond, Scrubs and Arrested Development? All the sitcoms I see advertised by ABC during MNF look frankly gag-inducing.
  12. Special K

    Worse no sell of all time

    I hardly think Mankind no-sold the Rock chairshots at RR. He sold them like he was having his brains beaten in, which he pretty much was, but his character is too tough to quit. Was Austin no selling when he passed out screaming in the sharpshooter? Ich don't think so. AJPW has way different psychology than American wrestling, so Misawa/Kawada/Kobashi is hard to judge. I think Hogan and Taker 'go into to business for themselves' a lot, and intentionally try to make the opposition look bad. They have enough pull backstage and 'it's part of their gimmick' so they never get called for it.
  13. Special K

    Matches to Check out

    I would say the 95' Champions Carnival is a great way to get into AJPW, maybe with some Jumbo matches as prep. Here you have the big 4 Hansen and Akiyama all looking great-fantastic, all kinds of combinations of great matches. The only downside is the 60-minute tag draw which will go over noobs heads, and I frankly don't have the patience for, even now. PLus people will be mystified by the POWER of BABA.
  14. Special K

    Most inaccurate statement Jim Ross??

    I'm surprised JR even knew about the old liontamer name. Am I the only one who thought he should have changed submissions from the Boston Crab? It looks so carpy when he puts it on a big guy like Kane, and for consitency, he seems to do the Boston Crab loosely all the time now. Maybe a high angle single leg crab? Wiat what was the topic? I think one of JRs most forgivable offenses is the height exaggeration, which sometimes gets a little silly. Jeff Hardy with a Swanton off that 30/40 foot ladder! Shane Mcmahon just delivered an elbow drop from 100 feet up! Don't remember specific exaggerations, but occasionally a bit funny, since Jeff Hardy would be doing a swanton from a ladder that's about twice as tall as Edge and he'd call it 25 feet high! It's forgivable, of course, since when he does this, the guy are usually taking pretty crazy risks.
  15. Special K

    RVD Mocks WWE hardcore

    Not to say that New Jack was great shakes, but I don't remember many balcony dives in WWE. ESPECIALLY not in Hardcore matches. Though the Kane/Raven golf cart race was a majestic self-parody. Also, again not to defend New Jack, but beating the shit out of someone with a VCR is a far cry from endless tin-foil trash can shots.
  16. Special K

    Colin Powell resigns

    I don't see anything that really makes Condi a good choice for Secretary of State. Of course, I could be completely wrong, since I'm not privvy to what advice she gave Bush during his last term. However, she seemed to be pretty much an Ari Fleischer-like mouthpiece when speaking in public. I would think that someone like Powell, who agrees with many of Bush's policies, but actually ADVISES him and you know, stands up for what he thinks, is more valuable. Well, since Bush seems to think he has a direct landline to God, I guess disagreement just has no place in his administration.
  17. Special K

    The Marine who shot dead an injured man

    I don't know on which side of the issue I come down on here, but if you justify the killing by saying the guy had had a buddy blown up the previous day, well I'm sure many of the rebels aren't just scum, but had family killed in the past year. Does that justify their actions?
  18. Special K


    Just wanted to bump, so this doesn't go away before #2 comes out.
  19. In W W and E, if man really like you, knuckles disappear.
  20. Special K

    Most inaccurate statement Jim Ross??

    "As God is my witness, he's broken in half!" could have been pretty accurate at the Mankind HITC, actually. I think Rhyno goring Jericho 'to the depths of Hell!' (i.e. through a cloth video screen) could have been one of his most hyperbolic moments.
  21. Special K

    Hogan vs Savage : Big Nasty Rumor

    Ignore the pleb. He adds nothing to the threads he's posted in lately. Um, actually Austin is an insanely jealous individual. And Jarett, Debra and Owen were all quite close, in a platonic way of course, IIRC.
  22. Special K

    Hello Morality!

    Because the Gores were never in favor of censorship. Oh no no no.
  23. Special K

    Who is the killer or killers in Identity Crisis?

    I personally have no idea who the killer is, but I'm pretty sure the motivation is just to tear the League apart. you have people grieving, Atom's going to be pissed when they accuse him (if he is innocent) and Bats is going to lose his shit if and when he finds out they mind wiped him and others. I think all the nostalgic pictures of the league will serve as a backdrop to a broken up league whose members don't trust each other.
  24. Special K

    Silly people...

    I can understand someone not liking eternal sunshine (though I loved it) but it's not that hard to understand. It's not like Mulholland Drive, or even Memento. There are guilty pleasures, (something like They Live) and then there are movies that just have no redeeming qualities. 'Ooh, let's rent Con Air again!' Thank God for Scarecrow Video, the greatest video store on the face of the earth, no exaggeration. P.S, though I haven't, everyone I know who's seen Mean Girls has said it's very funny.
  25. Special K

    American TV stations boycott showing of:

    Most other 1st-world nations are far harsher on violence than sex or language. I'm pro free-speech, but the aforementioned approach makes a lot more sense than having movies with decapitations able to get PG and PG-13, while saying 'Fuck' more than once, or not in the 'acceptable' way gets you an R.