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Special K

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Everything posted by Special K

  1. Special K

    Beggars can't be choosers

    In my salad days, I was working a job where I had to poll people about the local transportation system. I really had to go to the bathroom one morning, but the only place open at the time was Jack in the Box, who had a strict paying customer's only thing. So I buy a 99c breakfast jack, figuring I can give it to some homeless guy, and use the facilities. Outside, some guy gives me a line about how he's so hungry, and really needs something to eat. Proudly I hand him the jumbo jack, in wrapper in bag. 'Actually, dude I just need some money.' I should have grabbed it from him and threw it in the fucking trash.
  2. Special K

    Views From the Left on a Bush Win

    Either way it's going to be 4 more years... Of bitching whining and moaning and villifying by both sides. (Of course I think it's going to be 4 more years in the real sense as well.)
  3. Special K

    Whoops! Iraqi explosives disappear under our guard

    Actually, a thread for posting campaign emails could be pretty edifying, or if nothing else, entertaining.
  4. Special K

    Interesting article by Reaganite on

    It's an argument I've heard before, liberal prez + conservative legislative branch will = restraint in spending. Which sort of makes sense, given how all of Bush's social plans get passed without hesitation (making Kerry's claims of cut social programs, especially schools, fucking ridiculous.) It also makes Bush's continued claims of being a small gov't condidate ridiculous. I'd much rather have a economically conservative candidate, which may not happen in my lifetime. Hell, I wouldn't care if he had the social views of Pat Buchanan(exaggeration). President's social leanings don't really make much difference, aside from appointing judges.
  5. Special K

    Whoops! Iraqi explosives disappear under our guard

    I didn't equate conventional weapons with WMDs. You did and then tried to backtrack. Then you just start posting little snide comments because you can't back yourself up. Leave it to the people who can make an argument. Of course I await your typical response of A) Shut up! B) You're Dumb C) Ripping off LOL2004 with bated breath.
  6. Suicide Circle/Miike films are not horror, though they are horrific. They are exploitation movies. Is Riki-Oh Horror? no. For the last time: the long haired pale woman is a common image for ghosts in Japanese folklore. Whoops, by Miike films I meant Ichi and Dead or Alive. Audition is certainly horror.
  7. Special K

    So I get this PM, right?

    Hulkster? Is that you?
  8. Special K

    Is Music A Dying Art...

    Tons of great artists were not appreciated in their time. Hendrix and The Doors were never huge in their time, IIRC. (Not that I'm a huge fan of the doors.) Lots of 'classic' rock wasn't big time. Kids will always grow up and start evolving their own musical tastes with time. What's sad are the 18-year-olds that still listen to N'Sync and the like.
  9. Special K

    Views From the Left on a Bush Win

    I'm sure those jobs will be dreadfully hard to fill if they do strike. Man, at those wages, how much of the toll do they eat up?
  10. Special K

    Whoops! Iraqi explosives disappear under our guard

    Now we're the current Iraq's enemy? It said that we knew quite well of this facility. And what the hell, GreatOne? Leave the snippy posts to those that actually try to read the article. If you had done so, you wouldn't have made your dumbass original post.
  11. Special K

    Gay marriage will destroy the Earth

    Whenever someone who's liberal says something really stupid, you seem to pounce on it quickly.
  12. Anyone actually see the Grudge? I loved Ju-On (of which this movie is a remake).
  13. Special K

    You Don't Say, Mr. Jennings

    Yeah, I would consider myself a dem, if forced, but Kerry's a fucking circus with his statements. Bush sucks, and can't speak the queen's English, but he has a message, be it right ot wrong.
  14. Special K

    Fongus Bellpop

    I love Fongus.
  15. I hate INXS. That's all. Oh, and Yankees fans.
  16. Special K

    Thoughts on the Prison system in the US

    You have to have SOMETHING interesting to watch while you're taking it doggy-style.
  17. Special K

    Interesting Take on Bush's Tax Cuts

    I think the tax cuts are overall good, but tax cuts must be met by budget cuts. My wet dream is the consumption tax, which will never happen. Clear, easy tax laws, and you pretty much get rid of the IRS! Of course, apply it to businesses as well. I'm surprised that Bush paints Kerry as a tax and spen liberal, because BUSH is a tax less and spend liberal in that arena. You have to cut some gov't programs to cut taxes, and I think that would be a good thing. People say that the deficit is a cycle, that's because conservatives get in office and cut taxes, then liberals get in office and raise taxes to offset the debt. Neither of the parties often actually cut the fat off the government system.
  18. Special K

    When Did This Happen...

    Definite turning point for Cena was the promo on Borck while he was injured it was FANTASTIC. Sad to see the way his promos have devolved. He obviously doesn't have the delivery, but he used to be funny. Hell, I can come up with better rhymes given a week's time.
  19. Special K

    Jesse the Body endorses John Kerry

    More importantly, Jesse looks like a militia member, or at best, one of those yokels with the 'who farted' shirts they interview.
  20. Special K

    Two arrested for throwing pies at Ann Coulter

    THe Hall thing is one of my fave moments ever. He doesn't even flinch (probably wasted) just smirks, and slicks his hair back. CLASSIC. My thoughts: A: Ann Coulter's a cunt. B: She probably COULD have beaten the shit out of them.
  21. Special K


    William Taft Forever.
  22. I'm sorry, but No one can beat Ron Perlman. At anything. Except for a don't-look-like-a-monkey contest. Best henchman.
  23. Special K

    Fidel takes a dive; Broken arm, ribs

    Fidel's freakin' unbreakable. I think the only joy in that man's life is staying alive, and laughing whenever he sees an ex-president kick the bucket in the paper. Proof that being a tyrranical dictator is easier on the mind and body than being the prez of the US.
  24. Special K

    TSM Emerald Nuts

    Triumphant Seattle Mariners love The SmartMarks.
  25. Special K

    TSM Emerald Nuts

    Tyranical Socialist Megalomaniacs love TSM Truly Sadistic Madmen love TSM