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Special K

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Everything posted by Special K

  1. Special K


    The last couple SBemails have been pretty golden. Just wanted to bump the Homestar Lovin'.
  2. Special K

    Favorite Obscure Cult Films

    I would count freaked as a definite cult movie.
  3. Special K

    Star Wars Episode III teaser description w/ poster

    Sounds pretty sweet, actually. If they had done away with episode one, and stretched out 2 and 3, it would have been much better. Anakin as a kid, Jesus.
  4. Special K

    Frank Booth vs Mr. Blonde

    By the way, this is a wonderful poll.
  5. Special K

    Frank Booth vs Mr. Blonde

    God that's a wonderful picture. Mr. Blonde's definitely nicer. He at least has friends he's loyal to. Although if you remember, he DID start shooting the shit out of civilians once it had gone bad. Booth, though, cares about no one, is crazier than batshit, forcibly imprisons and rapes women, and enjoys psychological as well as physical torture. In other words: a real prince of a guy.
  6. Special K

    Any ideas for a finisher?

    In terms of armbars may I suggest two: The Fujiwara armbar. Looks great, can take peopl down with it in a manner that makes it look REALLY viscious. The cross-armbreaker/jujigatame: People still recognize this move vaguely as being a killer, I think. And it's easy to build a good sequence where your opponent tries to block it.
  7. Special K

    Favorite Kurt Angle

    Funny dork Kurt Angle. The milk truck incident was one of the funniest things I've ever seen. Then they had to turn him into Mr. Hardass ultrapatriot when that was what no one wanted to see.
  8. Special K

    Kids Choice: Kerry for President

    The jigsaw jam and the get fresh flow. Didn't the article indicate the kiddies picked Bush's Sr and Jr the in 88 and 2000?
  9. Special K

    Taking Cosplay to a new level...

    GOD what is WRONG with people? I like Final Fantasy. In fact I buy my system almost exclusively based on whom Squeenix will support. I wouldn't do this cosplay crap for large sums of money. What's wrong with playing the games, or at least sticking to writing crappy fanfiction.
  10. Special K

    OaO Fantasy Football Advice Thread

    Should I play Pennington or McNair week 7? and Jimmy Smith or Marcus Robinson at WR?
  11. Special K

    You Don't Say, Mr. Jennings

    Weird piece. He says he's worried about people wanting broadcasters to be objective, then says broadcasters should try to be as objective as possible.
  12. Special K

    Yeah, Good Plan...

    I heard it on the radio from ABC. It said the cocaine trade was alleged, but that's a pretty crazy thing to make up.
  13. Special K

    The War on Terror can't be won.

    I think it's clear that the Middle East won't be free until they free themselves. Also, you pretty much can't eliminate terrorism without eliminating a religion, and the Crusades never went very well. We CAN subdue it with surgical strikes on terrorist facilities, the longer we're there though, the worse people are going to hate us.
  14. Special K

    Cheney: "Terrorists May Bomb U.S. Cities"

    It's the same fear-mongering crap they've been doing since this campaign began. So: according to both sides, If Kerry is elected, we'll be bombed, but cripples will walk. How to choose?
  15. Special K

    Yeah, Good Plan...

    All I can think of is Tyrone Biggums when i read this. I guess there really are free crack giveaways.
  16. Special K

    This Should Cheer up Some People

    Sweet! Does that mean I can see that sweet, sweet breast on lady justive now?
  17. Special K

    O'Reilly Sues Over Extortion Scheme

    This will: A) Really hurt O'Reilly B) Not get that woman a damn cent.
  18. Special K

    Patrick Buchanan Essay

    Didn't he write a damn BOOK about how Bush was ruining the Republican party?
  19. Special K

    The War on Terror can't be won.

    I don't support the war in Iraq, but what the fuck INXS, do you have tourettes? Did you read what the thread was about? Or did you just have to shit out of your mouth?
  20. Special K

    Did anyone catch Jon Stewart

    "Where the big boys play? Look at the Adjective. Play." -Kevin Nash
  21. Special K

    Favorite Animated shows

    Tick Duckman (when will it be released on DVD? they had like 5 seasons.) Everything on Adult Swim except Baby Blues *barf* Anime: Azumanga Daioh is the shit. The Vision of Escaflowne is too. (Not the version they chopped to shit and showed on TV. How they ever thought this series would be appropriate for little kiddies is completely beyond me.) Z Gundam. (Gundam Wing is shite) The Irresponsible Captain Tylor
  22. Special K

    First image from Mortal Kombat Deception!

    Are there any sites with fatality galleries?
  23. Special K

    Katamari Damaci

    Anyone who likes quirky, fun games should give this a serious look. It's only $20, and is fun to pick up to blow off some steam, and little kids can play it pretty well. IGN has a better summary than I could write up. GameFAQS also has Katamari Damacy review links.
  24. Special K

    Favorite Obscure Cult Films

    Slumber Party Massacre II Maniac Cop Straight to Hell Chillers Suicide Circle/Club
  25. Special K

    List what you've played recently

    Silent Hill 4: The Room -Still a good series. Zelda: Four swords -Multiplayer Gold Katamari Damacy -See my thread on it Shadow Hearts -Fun RPG. Looking forward to the second one. I want to play some multiplayer X-Men Legends in the near future.