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Special K

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Everything posted by Special K

  1. Will nobody challenge that marriage laws and sex laws are completely separate entities? Because I consider this debate over, see: the moot point.
  2. Special K

    Army Calls Up 5600 More Retired Soliders

    God, from having spent a small amount of time in England, I hope you hoard every pound. It's damn expensive!
  3. Special K

    Fox News apologises for lying about Kerry

    This is the silliest and saddest devolution into flaming I've ever seen. P.S. If someone attacks you, you've already won. We're already anonymous faces on the internet. If someone can't rebut your point, fuck 'em. Defend your position, not yourself. P.P.S. Unless you're INXS. Dick.
  4. Special K

    Army Calls Up 5600 More Retired Soliders

    That's all speculation, though. I very much doubt there'll be a draft. There's been little evidence that anyone will be effecting a draft. (P.S.) What would you do if you were drafted? I would probably join, if only becuase two of my closest friends are there, and i think i COULD maybe help the military as an engineer. Hard to say until you're put in the spot though.
  5. C'mon, Mike. I enjoy debating you, and I think I made a point.
  6. Special K

    Gallup Poll: Bush's 8 point lead is gone

    Can we have a thread w/o the flaming for once? I think Bush and Kerry tied in actual substance, but it's made clear that Bush's faltering, angry physical and verbal stance hurt him.
  7. Special K

    Gallup Poll: Bush's 8 point lead is gone

    Can we have a thread w/o the flaming for once? I think Bush and Kerry tied in actual substance, but it's made clear that Bush's faltering, angry physical and verbal stance hurt him.
  8. Special K

    Fox News apologises for lying about Kerry

    This is such a non-story, and aready the flames start a-flying. Congrats to FOX. They did what they should have, boo to CBS. Let's move on, shall we?
  9. Here's the thing: Marriage is a legal status granted to people. Sex is not. Doing away with the sodomy laws did not mean the gov't endorsed homosexuality. It just meant they could get it on. The sodomy laws open the gate for 3-ways to be legal, not polygamy. That's a different can of worms. The sodomy laws have essentially no relation to the marriage laws. I think the link you're trying to draw between the two is pretty weak, Mike.
  10. Special K

    Good/Great matches between bad wrestlers

    Raven/Richards Vs. Pitbulls Raven ended up being quite a wrestler in the middle of his WCW career, and was never a poor wrestler, but nothing special. Richards was an entertaining character, and maybe a good bumper, but nothing else. Scott Keith gives it 5 stars, which is nuts, but it IS a wonderfully entertaining match, with two of the sickest table spots ever, drama, and evil referee Fonzie. Another overbooked marvel is Funk/Onita 5/5/93. Both guys were pretty damn old by this point, but with some truly creative booking, and a kickass finish that I would love to see again, it really stands out. The only time Vader can be considered a mediocre wrestler is his WWE stint, and he's my choice for best big man of all time.
  11. I shall start Iraq War: Anti, suport troops now that they're there. Big Gov't/Small Gov't: Small War on drugs: legalize the weed (which I don't take part in), otherwise, continue. (Honestly, the booze, which I do take part in, is much worse for you.) Should at LEAST be legal for medical purposes. Anything else would be uncivilized. Abortion: pro-abortion, anti-late term abortion (unless it harms the mother) Gay marriage-pro Social programs-keep em small. Think Bush is spending lots of money on education=good, the way he is spending it=bad. Taxes- Tax cuts are good, consumption tax would be best Pledge- Keep under God, and feel free to express your faith. If you're an atheist, why the fuck do you care? Guns- Don't like auto weapons. They're designed expressly to kill large amounts of people. Otherwise, carry on. Affirmative action: Anti Includes The courts: frivoulous claims should be prosecuted Death penalty: Pro Teaching practical sex-ed (I.E. abstinance is great! Unless you want to have sex! Then wear a jimmy hat.) Across borders racial profiling- It sucks, but I've been searched quite thoroughly. Come on, it's probably practical, as much as it's wrong idealogically. Medical Care= The only socialist program I subsribe to. Constitution states we have a right to life. Makes it clear to me. That's all I've come up with tonight. Oh, and Bush= Asshole Kerry=Cwapface.
  12. Special K

    Thought this may be interesting

    Why do you support booze and not cigs and weed again?
  13. Special K

    Italian hostages freed

    They should have payed by check, and then kicked their ass while they were trying to cash it.
  14. Special K

    Ok, actually

    McCain and his wife adopted an orphan child (I want to say from Somalia?) And there was apparently there was a phone smear campaign in the south. People called McCain supporters, insinuating that McCain had had a black baby out of wedlock, and was trying to keep it a secret. People speculate that Bush sponsored it, of course. I don't even know if the phone calls were reality, or a widespread rumor or what.
  15. Special K

    Ok, actually

    One thing has blown my mind since I have been involved in politics. Namely, the primary system. I have weird leanings, pretty much wanted J.Edwards to be the dem nominee, but you know what? It didn't matter worth shit, because the first 2 primaries determine which candidate gets nominated. I would think this is something that makes both sides mad, as a very small part of the populace gets to nominate a candidate. Everyone know that it is a broken system, however, no one knows what to do with it, since it's always the way things have been done. Is there anyone campaigning for a simultanious primary system on the legislative level? Becuase I want to give him/her support.money. Special K
  16. Special K

    Should the rest of the world get a say?

    Oooooh! Chirac's callin' you out now!
  17. Special K

    Thought this may be interesting

    You can fund it more when the economies robust. It is valuable, it gives us shitloads of inventions (freeze dried ice cream!) and gets our sattelites out there. However, I'm sure some things can go. Especially this mission to Mars bullshit.
  18. Special K

    Florida vote scare

    Heh, I'm having fun imagining Carter saying that this strange machine will TERRIFY black voters. Time to choose your spokespeople more carefully, NVRMI. How'd she do the interview with the terrifying camera in her face? did they have to sneak up from behind? Holy hell! A horseless carriage just drove by!
  19. Special K

    Should the rest of the world get a say?

    Do they make everyone have the same amount of shit in Europe? No. They just have far reaching social programs. And Euro economies are slowly tanking.
  20. Special K

    Al Franken vs. Bill O'Reilly

    Al Franken is a comedian, and he's not funny. O'Reilly is a pundit, and he's unintentionally funny.
  21. Special K

    Thought this may be interesting

    Actually I think the weirdest view so far is Kahran Ramses' drug view (Ban everything but booze including cigs) since Tobacco- Doesn't impair faculties, can kill you Weed- Impairs faculties, pretty much can't kill you (especially if eatten, vaporized Booze- Impairs faculties, can kill you You'd think Booze is the LEAST desirable of the 3. I'm surprised so many share the same abortion view as me. What social services would some of you cut? NASA, NEA, FCC, IRS (especially if we got a consumption tax) wellfare to a lesser extent than those above, get my vote.
  22. Special K

    Should the rest of the world get a say?

    I believe America gives more money than any other country, when we have our own problems. Hey, how about the European countries start busting their ass to try to catch up with America? It's not impossible. India is churning out great engineers. I work 40 hours a week (60 at my last, less cushy job) and volunteer with United Way in my spare time. France and Germany can got off their 35-work week asses if they want more of a say in the world's affairs. Hey, I like Canada too, and Canadian people are great, at least in B.C, and you do have terrific beer. Having pride in one's country is great. My favorite country in the world is the U.S. I'm glad yours is Canada if you live there. However this whole idea boils down to: you're too powerful so you should give us control of you. Sounds pretty much like Marxism to me. Where has that turned out well?
  23. Special K

    Should the rest of the world get a say?

    *Actually it sort of does* OK, let me reiterate the ehnocentric stuff is shit. Who populates the United States? Immigrants! What can you do to affect the election? Become a US Citizen! How does the world feel about us? If it's important to U fucking S citizens, we will vote accordingly! What can citizens of other countries that want to directly affect our political process do? Fuck right off!
  24. Special K

    Ok, actually

    Well, duh, Mike. I know the first two primaries are technically just as important as the other 48, but it's indisputable that they have an incredible swaying power. I know they *shouldn't*, we should all vote fro whom we deem the best, but it's pretty undeniable that the first 2/3 primaries have a ludicrous amount of pull in the following proceedings. I guess it ties into the polling thread running now on CE. I just think is there any disadvantage to running simultaneous polling? I think not. I also think it's one of the few things the federal gov't could shape up on and not cost billions of dollars. Of course it probably WOULD.....
  25. Special K

    Should the rest of the world get a say?

    Seeing as everything that had to be said about this dumbass thread has been said... Ahem... All this talk about other countries voting in our elections is GETTING ME IN THE ZONE! It's FIVE KNUCKLE SHUFFLE TIME!