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Special K

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Everything posted by Special K

  1. Special K

    Will Somebody Beat This Man?

    Mmmm. Trendy. Anyone for some bubble tea?
  2. Special K

    USA Today: USA Today/CNN/Gallup polls = not biased

    I think it WOULD actually be edifying to hear statistics about people polled in various polls. Even more so, to learn what demographic actually responds to polls. Of course it would be impossible to really so that, having worked as a pollster myself (worst job in my life) 'OK, this guy didn't want to bothered. Male. White. Um, 27? Looks sorta poor. Could be making a fashion statement.'
  3. Special K

    Should the rest of the world get a say?

    This is essentially a contentless post, but goddamn, let me reitterate that this is the STOOPIDEST goddamn idea I have ever heard in my life in an actual discussion about politics.
  4. Special K

    Will Somebody Beat This Man?

    And their delicious cuisine. Mmmm... sader meal.
  5. Special K

    Who is the killer or killers in Identity Crisis?

    Okay, this is a tangent in which I ask DC fans to enlighten me. Having read and immensely enjoyed this series so far (and having been mostly a reader of Batman/Hellblazer in terms of DC continuity) I knew of Deathstroke, but didn't really know how awesome a character he was. I love smart villains. He seems quite a bit like Taskmaster to me, only more capable. Are there any great TPBs/storylines I should pick up regarding Deathstroke? Thanks in advance.
  6. Special K

    If you could only watch one wrestler

    Shinjiro Ohtani
  7. Special K

    Most memorable/bizarre video game manuals

    You know, I own that game and never read the manual. If it's anything like the translation in the game though, I imagine it's absolutely jaw-droppingly insane.
  8. Special K

    Multiplayer games for the PS2

    X-Men Legends Innumerable fighting games, of the most frenetic and fun to pick up and play without prior exp: Guilty Gear X2, Marvel v Capcom 2. Tekken Tag is good too. Twised Metal Black The Baldur's gate dungeon crawls are good rentals. SSX Tricky and 3 Contra: Shattered Soldier I'm sure I'll think of more later.
  9. Special K

    Miraculous matches

    All the above are good examples, here's some that may be not as remembered Kawada vs Albright AJPW(Perhaps the ultimate carry job) Any one of the enjoyable Angle v Kane matches. Benoit Malenko versus Taz Sabu (good wrestlers with bad wrestlers who have high effort and good spots often makes for really fun matches. See also Benoit versus Snow ECW) Chono vs Rude NJPW(Rude DID try hard, and I love Rude) In terms of straight miracles, Stephanie v Trish. In terms of just busting ass (but not getting a great match out of someone) Jericho v Hogan on RAW. He was bouncing off him like a damn pinball for a good deal of time, trying his damndest to make an exciting match.
  10. Special K

    Star Wars: Battlefront

    Yeah, after further play, the fun dies down some. Still fun to pick up for a fight every now and then, but they could definitely included some more troop types, and had a couple epic space battles. It gets repetetive, and the same tactic usually works for most levels. Out of all the star wars games, TIE Fighter is definitely the best I've played, (and if you like those, colony wars is really fun too.) But I haven't played KOTOR.
  11. Special K

    Most memorable/bizarre video game manuals

    I believe Anachronox had a pretty funny manual too. I loved all the happy/violent 50's art in the Fallout games.
  12. Special K

    USA Today: USA Today/CNN/Gallup polls = not biased

    If people stop saying anything Mike disagrees with, it's not going to be a very edifying board.
  13. Special K

    Should the rest of the world get a say?

    If how the world feels toward us is of the utmost importance, then that should be reflected with a US citizens vote who feels similarly. If you wnat to vote Bush out, and think it's that important what America does, become an American citizen. How is not liking this absolutely idiotic idea 'ethnocentric'? Last I checked the vast majority of Americans' ethnicities were of other countries, and mostly European. Oh, and by virtue of their enormous populations, China and India would eventually take over the world. Awesome.
  14. Special K

    I would like to apologize on behalf of all of us

    Why the hell does Kerry even associate himself with Kennedy? I don't think anyone respects him outside of Massacheusetts, and if Kerry needs to shore up support there, he's screwed.
  15. Special K

    Will Somebody Beat This Man?

    'Ideas are more powerful than weapons. We would not allow enemies have weapons, why would we allow them to have ideas?'
  16. Special K

    The Gun Debate

    Semiauto means it reloads from a clip automatically. I.E., when you fire, the next shot's in the chamber ready to go with another press of the trigger. I don't know why the fuck i said semiauto. Of course it's an automatic weapons ban.
  17. Special K

    The Gun Debate

    Outside of use in the armed forces I don't think semiauto weapons should be available to the general public? EDIT: And the ban on semiauto weapons is about to expire unless it's renewed.
  18. Special K

    Will Somebody Beat This Man?

    Wow, horrible dictators have some great quotes, after browsing a little bit. The Pope? How many divisions has he got? - Josef Stalin They are also far more eloquent than Bush. Since Kerry is more eloquent than Bush, he must be LIKE HITLER!
  19. Special K

    Will Somebody Beat This Man?

    Once someone uses the Nazi analogy, you know you've one. It's the last gasp of the uninventive. I don't think Carter was a bad GUY, he just wasn't suited to be a president, and he's obviously the most touchy-feely, wussy president in recent history, and ever to my knowledge. Pretty much to the point that if he had won a second term, he probably would have given you a few square miles of American soil if you told him a decent sob story.
  20. Special K

    The Gun Debate

    I have no idea why, but that brought up the image of Cheston air guitarring with a machine gun and then flashing the 'devil' hand sign.
  21. Special K

    Man opens fire in Detroit daycare

    There should obviously be exemptions from cruel and unusual. This guy deserves both.
  22. Special K

    I would like to apologize on behalf of all of us

    I love how Kennedy and Cheney made these blanket scare statements without backing them up with even conjecture. They just state it as a fact. That's gruesome.
  23. Special K

    The Gun Debate

    What's the issue? The semiauto ban? Because I say fuck semiauto weapons. This may score the lowest buyrate since Legends of wrestling, though.
  24. Special K

    Not again...

    Are you talking about St. Helens or Ranier, Brian? Because I think Rainier gurgles and sputters fairly regularly, which is actually a good sign that it may not completely detonate, a la St. Helens, Krakatoa.