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Special K

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Everything posted by Special K

  1. Special K

    Most memorable/bizarre video game manuals

    Working Designs' Manuals are always awesome, and usually packed with little jokes. Squaresoft had wonderful manualsfor a while there. The original Final Fantasy came with maps of half the dungeons, stats for every enemy in the game, class charts etc.
  2. Special K

    Not again...

    You can run up to Helens now and pick up a shitload of ash if you so wish. they're not really running out. Although fresh, fluffy ash might fetch a higher price. I remember going on a field trip or two there and hearing the cute speech about how nobility of all the little trees and flowers finally growing through the ash. All those little noble plants are now pretty much nobly fucked.
  3. Special K

    Not again...

    This is a good thing Mr. Rant! We were running out of Mt. St. Helens ash to sculpt into little bears and rhinos and puppies and sell at Pike Place market.
  4. Special K

    Katamari Damaci

    Yup, they didn't change a lick of the game besides translating it. Same cover too. Same (awesome) music. It's getting stellar reviews as well. i wouldn't pay $50 for it, but at $20, it's a steal.
  5. Special K

    Israel up to usual tactics...

    INXS You not liking Israel bombing Syria is OK. I don't agree with your view on it, but you could make a point and we'd agree to disagree. You calling Israel the agressor is not a point for debate as it is FACTUALLY INCORRECT. As I asked, who broke the peace treaty? Since you seem to be unable to answer, I will give you a hint: it's not our ally, Israel. The Israelis don't have prominent organizations devoted to the murder of Islamist extremists. The Islamists DO have prominent organizations devoted to the murder of EVERY Israeli. The Israelis don't target innocents. Islamist extremists focus on killing as many people as possible. I don't know how you can't comprehend this. Is this simply a knee-jerk reaction? Bush supports Israel, so it must be wrong! Hey, I'm the first to say I do not like Bush, but not every single thing he does is wrong. I would honestly be pleased and interested to hear any valid points you would like to bring up disagreeing with what I said. Repeating that they bombed the Hamas leader does not count. As I said, it is your general disregard of Israel and referring to them as agressors and 'typical tactics' (when they typically employed the 'leaving well enough alone' tactic while the treaty was in effect) that blows my mind. So, the ball's in your court.
  6. Special K

    Israel up to usual tactics...

    I have never heard the phrase 'cocaine enthusiast', but I love it. (The phrase, not cocaine.)
  7. Special K

    Favorite Family Guy lines

    Peter: Hey, hey, when you park that thing in your garage, does your, does your garage say 'is it in yet'? Peter: Uhhhhh- Shazam! Quagmire: Hey, how old are you? Girl: 15. Quagmire: 18? I like how you think!
  8. Special K

    Will Somebody Beat This Man?

    Was that last post just random sentences? I would be for 'flushing out' the corrupt politicians, except I do sort of like having a federal govrnment.
  9. Special K

    Will Somebody Beat This Man?

    QUOTE: I consider myself against corruption and for responsibility. You are a brave man to take that stance. You'd never make it in politics, though.
  10. Special K

    The Manliest man of all time man!

    Beat Takeshi John Wayne Mifune Jimmy Cliff in 'the harder they come' Ash isn't the manliest, however, he is the most indestrucible.
  11. Special K

    Will Somebody Beat This Man?

    Yeah, Nader will suck votes off of Kerry; and yeah, the Republicans want his name on the ballot for that reason. However, Nader shouldn't need help getting on the ballot. It's the Democrats who are trying to block his run, which has gone through all the correct avenues to get on the ballot.
  12. Special K

    That's an Ally For You...

    I don't agree with everything Peters said, but Jesus, Germany. It's one column. I didn't know a country could pout.
  13. Special K

    The Liberals will ban the bible!

    The thing is, the people that give sides bad names, like Coulter and Rall, probably don't really believe what they're saying. But they get rich just because they write obnoxious outlandish shit. People read their crap, get ALL pissed off, and that's why both sides think the other side is full of Nazis/anarchists/cannibals etc.
  14. Special K

    Israel up to usual tactics...

    I feel grumpy, but I feel I said what I had to say. Is he a troll? Because I live in Seattle, which is really liberal, and consider myself something of a moderate, actually closer to libertarian, and I've only ONCE had someone try to tell me that Israel is the bad guy. I'll disagree with someone, and am all for political discussion and arguments, but come on! Try to at least know what you're talking about.
  15. Special K

    The Liberals will ban the bible!

    Yeah, the Democrats used to be the conservatives. I was talking about people saying that since most outspoken bigots are Republican, all Republicans are bigots. Since asshole Ted Rall basically laughed at Pat Tillman's death, all liberals want our soldiers to die.
  16. Special K

    Israel up to usual tactics...

    It amazes me how people flip Israel shit. You want to build a wall to keep out bombers? whine whine whine. You assassinate a member of a movement whose express purpose is killing you? Whine Whine Whine. Suspected terrorist INXS? HAMAS's entire existence is devoted to killing Israelis. It's not like they're a fucking social club that just happens to have a high enrollment of terrorists. If we catch Bin Laden, we have the luxury of detaining him and putting on a big trial, which will have a forgone conlusion. We have that luxury because we have a hugely powerful military. Israel literally is in a fight for its life. It can't extend it's military power to take out its enemies in a 'civilized' way. Assassination seems like a reasonable recourse. Bombs are not terrorism. Killing civilians is terrorism. And in terms of agression? Who broke the treaties that Clinton worked so hard for? Tell me that, smart guy. If we were having our borders blown up constantly I goddamn gaurantee you that you would want to take action.
  17. Special K

    The Liberals will ban the bible!

    Didn't the push to remove 'under God' come from a citizen, not a politician? I'm sick and tired of the political trick of taking a small minority of political views and tying it to one side or another. All Republicans are in the KKK! Liberals want our troops to die!
  18. Special K

    Israel up to usual tactics...

    Jesus Christ. They act like assassinating a specific guy who is your enemy is worse than randomly blowing up busfulls of innocent civilians, including kids. INXS can you in any way back up your viewpoint? Because at this point it sounds like you have no idea of what you are talking about.
  19. I'm also intrigued. The current plan obviously isn't working too well. Change can probably only be for the good, though I agree it would have to change over slowly.
  20. Special K

    Star Wars: Battlefront

    It's quite a fun game, but not SOCOM like. It has some auto-aim, and, um, you can play as robots and stormtroopers with jetpacks.
  21. Special K

    CBS says it can't vouch for Bush documents

    Before someone said 'hey, these are forged' sure but after? Read my football analogy. If someone has absolutely no valid evidence against you, ignoring them is the best recourse. A: the documents were already clearly forged B: They've been analyzing this shit for 4 years now. I hate Bush, but this path is going nowhere. Both Bush and Kerry could have things to hide about their records I could give a flying fuck. I like Clinton, he dodged the draft! I did not care!
  22. Special K

    CBS says it can't vouch for Bush documents

    And rightly so. I dunno if Rather deserves all the initial blame, I think he's pretty much a figurehead, but he deserves a lot of shit for stubbornly lying. The WORST though, was Rather insisting that Bush answer the charges. That's asinine. Jeremy Shockey called Bill Parcells a big homo! Bill Parcells! How do you asnwer these serious charges!
  23. I mean, lots of people LIKE him because he's an asshole. I mean, the Wild Bunch is one of my favourite movies, and I love the characters. But they're still assholes.
  24. Ok, you know why I really don't like Bush? He puts on a holier than thou front, and he's a complete arsehole. The Bible he reads must go straight from the Old Testament to Revelations.
  25. Bush'll do fine during the debates. His motto of 'if you repeat it enough, it's true' has, unfortunately, been proven completely true.