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Special K

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Everything posted by Special K

  1. Special K

    Is Kawada/Misawa still the standard?

    I've heard Kawada was held down for quite a long time because he pissed Baba off, by criticizing AJPW in an interview.
  2. Special K


    Ok, I just rewatched Hokuto/Kandori and Thunderqueen. Both of these matches have little context to me. Both of these matches may be the very best I've ever seen. If you know Joshi, hook me up with some recommendations. I'm looking to buy a comp tape, However, I really have no sense of history or storylines, other than what's told in the match. What made me appreciate Misawa/Kawada '94 is seeing their history, and previous bouts. (and even if you want to go back, the Jumbo/Misawa bouts)
  3. Special K

    Is Kawada/Misawa still the standard?

    you are the fucking MAN! Everyone should see this match.
  4. Special K

    The Office, Season Two

    Oh my fucking God. I just saw the BBC Office Christmas special. The music video is almost as good as Mr Show's "Ooh ooh ooooh ooh:"
  5. Special K

    The Office, Season Two

    No, he actually looks very normal. Also about as old as my Dad, but that's an improvement.
  6. Special K


    Thanks WP, you're a mensch.
  7. Special K

    Box Office Report-5/12-5/14

    DaVinci code will outgross X3. Bank on it. X3 may have a bigger opening weekend.... all comic book movies do. Not that I'm going to the movies anytime soon. Movie theatres fucking suck. Poseiden looks like fucking shit.
  8. Special K

    The Office, Season Two

    Well, that'll do it. How old are you in actuality, Bob? 23? And, yeah, Jenna is incredibly cute. Still need to see her Tromo movie. (Not a typical Troma movie) called lolli-something. Stubble looks good on you. Groom that shit like Rick Rude.
  9. Special K

    The Office, Season Two

    Bob... How did you go from 12 to 45 in a year? Plus.... I'm jealous. And for the love of all that is holy, bend the fucking brim on your caps!
  10. Special K

    Box Office Report-5/12-5/14

    But... But... the Lohan movie has a stuntman doing a shooting-star press! ***
  11. Special K

    Is Kawada/Misawa still the standard?

    Here's a tangent: Stinko Malenko I have a ton of his matches. And they're ALWAYS good. Sometimes the mat wrestling in puro Jr's feels like such a formality, but he always makes these segments really, really entertaining. That said, while I like pretty much all his matches from the early 90's time period, not a one really sticks out. (Ok, when the 'iceman' beat Lyger and started jumping up and down, celebrating a'la Owen Hart, that stuck out) Is Malenko/Guerrero 2/3 from ECW his best match? Don't get me wrong, it's a terrific match, an incredible story, and the crowd just rules. The 'please don't go' chants are incredible. And Joey Styles is at his best, explaining the story, and increasing the passion of the match. But is that his best match?
  12. Special K

    Is Kawada/Misawa still the standard?

    I really, really like Maeda/Fujinami too. And the match was cut short by a brutal spin-kick. Fujinami MUST have been concussed by that kick. He bled all over the fucking place. Maybe I just like watching people getting the shit beat out of them and coming back. The one shot that will always make me feel a little sick is the shot of Misawa bleeding out of his ear in that match. He hoists himself up, and blood runs from the fucking inside of his ear down his face. That Kawada's a sick bastard. Made even more apparent by him literally breaking Misawa's fucking face in the Champions Carny.
  13. Special K

    20 Most Essential Matches (1982-2001)

    Nobody's debating your enjoyment of the match! Nobody;s pulling a Chris Coey and saying "if you like this match, you're an idiot". Andre/Hogan. again had a better match than anyone could've expected. I enjoyed the match when I watched it. I have no desire to see it again. I'm not one to rank matches, but who cares? You enjoyed Andre/Hogan. It drew a huge crowd. You think it's a good match, I don't. You did a pbp that would make JR blush, and I still don't see it. Let it stand. EDIT: And if crowd enthusiasm was a determining factor in how good a match was, we'd have Tokyo Dome and Bingo Hall shows and nothing else.
  14. Special K

    The Official "52" Thread

    It better fucking be. If people liked the JLI, what's the point of killing them off? Why don't we kill off Bats and Martian Manhunter, too? Then we can have a really great series with Fire and Guy Gardner? /entertained, but a little bitter.
  15. Special K

    20 Most Essential Matches (1982-2001)

    Um, Andre/Hogan isn't a very good match. A historic match? Yes. Better than expected? Yes. And while I'm answering my own question.. Totally watchable? Yes. But It's not a good wrestling match. Really. If you're going by crowd heat, any Tokyo Dome show kills WWE. Or with my limited experience, Lucha crowds are even crazier. I've seen a couple Lucha matches that sucked, and people were literally crying in the stands.
  16. Special K

    Is Kawada/Misawa still the standard?

    Those are some vicious, vicious punches and kicks, my man. Hatred. That's why that match is, in my eyes, the best I've ever seen. You cannot watch that match and suspend belief. And Hokuto can sell like it's nobody's business. And bleed like Flair.
  17. Special K

    Is Kawada/Misawa still the standard?

    I think so. I don't know the date, but it's '93. Dreamslam is the name of the event. I think you have the match in question. EDIT: It's bloody as hell.
  18. Special K

    Is Kawada/Misawa still the standard?

    I don't know, I have it on tape. It's fucking incredible. You have to get past the annoyance of harsh, shrill, Japanese women screaming. But it's so great. It's worth buying Dreamslam. I would put it like... the long term selling is excellent, a'la Flair/Steamboat. The offense is fucking cringe-worthy. Basically, great selling, GREAT story. crazy moves. It's the best of all 3 worlds.
  19. Special K

    Is Kawada/Misawa still the standard?

    After rewatching Hokuto/Kandori, I think I can safely say it's the best singles match ever. It's effin' incredible.
  20. Special K

    The Office, Season Two

    Bastard. Angela is actually beautiful when she smiles. Ryan's one of the writers, right?
  21. Special K

    20 Most Essential Matches (1982-2001)

    Rudo should recap every match ever. Or at least pursue a career in writing. Shit, me cleaning up my apartment would sound more epic than Godzilla vs. Gamera through his eyes. That's not an insult, that was, as they say, a masterful "word picture". Now if Rudo would recap GOOD matches. Do Thunderqueen!
  22. Special K

    The very late SNL Review

    If I had known a Danza impersonation was coming up, I may have stuck around. Never fails to crack me up.
  23. Special K

    20 Most Essential Matches (1982-2001)

    I just wanted to say, i LOVE Maeda/Fujinami. As for Hogan/Andre? It's fun to watch. Twice. I have no desire to watch that match again, heat or no. It's NOT a great wrestling match. Just because the crowd marks the fuck out for Andre OR Baba, it doesn't make their matches good. I hear Baba had good matches in the early '70's. Sorry. It pains me to see Kawada and Taue selling his weak-ass motherfucking chops. He's the equiva;ent of Hogan. Hogan CANNOT EVEN DROP THE LEG. Retire. Please.
  24. Special K

    The very late SNL Review

    I turned it off during Caitlin. I mean, I like Amy Poehler, but this was the most annoying, grating sketch I've ever seen. I couldn't fucking STAND it. And I've sat through half an episode of MAD TV.