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Special K

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Everything posted by Special K

  1. Special K

    There was a Chuck Norris cartoon on.

    Naw I bet it was karate Willie Nelson. Now there was a show.
  2. Special K

    FUCK Zack Malibu, FUCK Czech Republic...

    They can call them all subhuman monkeys. Over and over and over and over. And over. And over.
  3. Special K

    Victor Quinones Dead

    Is he the one who knifed Bruiser?
  4. Special K

    What film plots are you sick and tired of?

    Wow, I saw that movie and I don't remember that.
  5. Special K

    What film plots are you sick and tired of?

    Oh, Ok. Well that makes it TERRIBLE.
  6. Special K

    Adult Swim with the best April Fools

    *All I gleaned from these threads* They're showing Escaflwone? Awesome, one of the best shows ever. It's going to suck with Dilandau dubbed. I bet he sounds like a wuss. Or an old lady. I'll let my nerd flag fly and say he's one of the best villains ever, in any media I've ever seen. He ain't gonna be the same dubbed. There's no English VA that has that kind of range that could do him.
  7. Special K

    Barron Trump

    When I miss your lips, I'll stick a (BOB BARRON) in my mouth, and think of you.
  8. Special K

    Barron Trump

  9. Special K

    Barron Trump

    Close up porn pictures have never been better. #2 is only better in context. I miss Pete Rose. Pm me. It will live in immortality. "Practically nothing" *air horn* Just wonderful. I want to make love to that show. Especially now that it's dead.
  10. Special K

    FUCK Zack Malibu, FUCK Czech Republic...

    I didn't mind Mike so much when we had a little debate going (Super-straw-man powers or not), but the political folder at the Pit is fucking insufferable.
  11. Special K

    What film plots are you sick and tired of?

    Not so much a plot, but in a trailer or a comercial: The old white people said 'fo sheez!' Oh, those wacky white people. And old too! Pray tell, is that party 'off the hizzle? Oh my! For shizzle? I've never heard such slanderous talk! My word, I heard of that phrase two years ago, but it was spoken by negroes!' *monocle pops out*. The only time this has been remotely funny is the old lady doing 'Rapper's Delight' in the Wedding Singer. It was built up, she was an actual character, and 'Rapper's Delight' is the shit, especially in the context of an 80's movie. Still, a mediocre joke. There's a GM (I think) commercial going around where 'OMG White People are listening to Roughrider's Anthem!' A: I have hated that song since it was played 6 years ago. It's one of the worst popular songs of all time, right up there with 'My Humps'. It sounds like a Wesley Willis song, minus the novelty. B: THE JOKE IS PLAYED.
  12. Special K

    What type of BBQ do you like the best???

    I like any kind that emphasizes pull-apart beef brisket and pork. Just a meat stew in sauce. I have to say, only a local joint (and yes, local is Seattle) makes a spicy sauce that can adequatley burn my ass.
  13. Special K

    3 White Lacrosse Players from Duke rape Black woman...

    My, bad, I did forget that the strippers were white. If they weren't, I'm sure we would have fallen upon them like a pack of hungry rape wolves. You know, except the black guys that were there. They would have been disgusted and disappointed and found a white escort to rape. And as to discplining the team before-hand? Hearsay slander is the only thing more 'he said s/he said' than rape. I heard an opposing high school football coach drop the n-word once. What the fuck was I going to do? I know it happened. Sucks, but it happens. On the flip side, my brother was a sergeant in the Army. He once dressed down a recruit in private for being an asshole, and being out of shape. The private in question said my brother called him the n-word. My brother would never fucking do that. He was one of the most fair-minded individuals I've ever known. He's had dozens of black recruits server under him, with nary a complaint. As a result of the complaint, he basically had to leave the service. Racial slander is only secondary to rape in the he said/she said thing and presumed guilt. Even the charge is DEVASTAING. Because, sure, you never know. If someone says you robbed a store, or committed credit card fraus and you're cleared, you're cleared. If someone accuses you of rape, or dropping an n-bomb, it's much more harmful, because, who knows?
  14. Special K


    I agree with pretty much agree with everything Lushus said there. Calling someone an 'Uncle Tom' on a message board is un-fucking-called for. And what's with calling him Black Lushes? Is that supposed to be an insult? That's like calling me Special E. DIS.
  15. Special K


    I always thought that acid study was pretty amazing. Of course, I always liked acid.
  16. Special K

    Yeah Yeah Yeahs - Show Your Bones

    That's probably because she wasn't fucking drenched in beer, which is her standard state. I never thought she was that hot at all, but her voice IS sexy. The album's pretty good. I liked Fever to Tell more. The last few ballads are sort of crappy. Trying to hard to recreate 'Maps' when strutting rock is really more their strength, I think 'Maps' was something of an abberation. 'Cheated Hearts' was great, though. They hit the right note on that one. I still have high hopes for the band. They were quite good live, with a notable exception. The drums and guitar were more than solid, however: Karen O sounded pretty good when I could HEAR her. Someone needs to tell the girl when you go from pretty much talking to screeching, you need to alter the distance between your mic and your mouth. It went from a muted mumble to being so loud it clipped. Kristin Hersh and Kazu Makino can do it, babe, and they're ten times the singer in range and volume that Karen O ever will be. Does Karen O sound like Siouxsie to anyone else? It's probably just me.
  17. Special K


  18. Special K

    3 White Lacrosse Players from Duke rape Black woman...

    I've been to a couple of parties with strippers. They didn't bring protection. We somehow managed to not rape them. And I heard plenty of people saying that Kobe was innocent. I think you have your righteous indignation ratcheted a bit high there, EHME.
  19. Special K

    King Kong

    Just saw it (on Illegal screener) This is not meant for blah blah blah. Not so great, IMO. Kong was the fucking shit. Too bad he's on screen about NEVER. All the actors did fine. Some of the action sequences (notably Kong v dinos) were incredible. The Brontosaurus chase was fucking, fucking RETARDED. On the level of a gun-fight in Equilibnrium retarded. The most unrealistic thing I've seen. I know this is supposed to be fantasy, but that was fucking terrible. From start to finish, fucking terrible. "But Doug, they were speaking to the era of adventure!" That adventure is fucking stupid. I couldn't even control that in a video game. (dino romp) And the bug canyon was fucking overlong. I know he was paying tribute to the original, but fucking PACING, people. I think Peter Jackson fucked the dog on this one. Nevermind, BIG LONG PANS over beautiful LANDSCAPES! The new King Kong is shit. Andy Serkis is THE shit, because Kong was appealing.
  20. Special K

    Who do you think is the worst poster on the board?

    Well, if you've been up since 7 in the morning of the previous day, it's always night. Especially if you've been listening to way too much Sonic Youth. 1-2-1-2-1-2 titty. I got nothing.
  21. Yeah, I think I'll google these kewl people to find out who they are. Bruce Campbell Tom Waitts grudgematch!
  22. Special K

    Who do you think is the worst poster on the board?

    UTSU is up there, along with his thousand Lance Armstrong baseball-playing army. I'll take him in a second with one Takeru Kobayashi. I'll be the coxwain. "EAT those hot dogs!" "Hey, these are good." *gorf snorf schnompf.* You know what would be terrible? Hot dog nigiri sushi. I'm so sorry. I'm on sleep deprivation right now.
  23. Who the fuck ARE some of these guys? Chazz Palmintieri? I'M cooler than him. And I'm fucking lame.
  24. Special K

    "Slither" Red Band Trailer Up

    Yes, and if it's anything like the video game which it's based on, it will mak your testicles ascend into your abdomen. Good cast too. Rhada Mitchell from Pitch Black and Melinda & Melinda, and Sean Bean.