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Special K

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Everything posted by Special K

  1. Special K

    Infinite Crisis

    Alex Luthor may be the driving force behind IC, but Superboy Prime is 1000x the villain that Alex Luthor is. He's an (almost) unique take on a villain. "There's nothing so pure and cruel as a child" indeed. I think he'll end up killing Alex.
  2. Special K

    3 White Lacrosse Players from Duke rape Black woman...

    I heard him call him "Flexy Lexy" with my own ears, you jerk.
  3. Special K

    3 White Lacrosse Players from Duke rape Black woman...

    The only thing I learned from my frienf from N. Cakky-lakky is that if you fuck a sheep with its head pointing towards water, it'll give you a better ride.
  4. Special K

    3 White Lacrosse Players from Duke rape Black woman...

    How are you going to stop people talking shit in the locker room, though? If that even happened. Heh, my above post just reminded me of why I loved Hollywood Hogan: "You piece of trash! You piece of crap! Flexy Lexy! Flexy Lexy!" *while eye-poking and back scratching* *Lex Luger punches Hollywood* "Oh God Brother! Oh please oh Jesus oh please. Oh God don't do this to me!" *eye poke* "Flexy! You piece of trash!* Sorry. Carry on.
  5. Special K

    3 White Lacrosse Players from Duke rape Black woman...

    You could call him a cocksucking dipshit piece of trash. It's warranted. Especially since he likes the Yankees. That Santorum-guzzler.
  6. Special K

    3 White Lacrosse Players from Duke rape Black woman...

    This happens a shitload too. Remember that guy that socked that public school teacher who his daughter had accused of molestering her? Limbaugh played 'where have all the cowboys gone' for him like a giant fat girl, and it turned out she was lying because he failed her. A grain of salt is always in order.
  7. Special K

    3 White Lacrosse Players from Duke rape Black woman...

    Yeah, you find that racist shit all over. I went to school in the south, in New Orleans (Tulane). I was in a frat. We were one of two frats out of like, 9, that had both whites and blacks. We had hispanics, Indian kids, whoever was smart and wanted to chill. So then of course, my frat got really popular, and got taken over by a bunch of white-cap wearing faggots, oh so I hear. The best thing ever was when the biggest, most racist frat picked on a young black football player. The football team was quite mixed, and they stood up and beat their asses. There were a couple of frats that were fucking deep south at Tulane. Wouldn't even let non-white kids into their parties.
  8. Special K

    TSM Cliches.

  9. Special K

    Hey BITCH

    Dames' so Excited! Dames' so Excited! Dames' so... scared?
  10. No Rasputin? Bollocks.
  11. Special K

    What film plots are you sick and tired of?

    I AM grateful for the recent resurgence of zombie movies. Mmm. Zombies.
  12. Special K

    3 White Lacrosse Players from Duke rape Black woman...

    Let's just agree that if the allegations are true, it's just plain disgusting. Leave the race-baiting out of it. If three white players raped a white woman it would be just as disgusting.
  13. Special K

    "Slither" Red Band Trailer Up

    It ain't going to be the year of the shitty horror movie once Silent Hill comes out. That movie is going to knock your cock off.
  14. Special K

    500,000 march in LA

    Goddamn Mongorians.
  15. Special K

    When Did Dames Stop Being Cool?

    When were people on this board cool or uncool? Besides his pissy-fit Leena thread, he seemed to be well put together. He probablt still is. He just made a dumbass post.
  16. Special K

    Good Classical Music

    Here's an interesting aside: In Alan Moore's V for Vendetta, V (5) listens to Beetchoven's 5th symphony. The infamous beginning notes, make a V in Morse Code ..._. Mad British bastard.
  17. Special K

    Good Classical Music

    I usually hate modern classical with a vengeance, but Schoenberg's Verklarte Nacht is strange and beautiful, instead of being just strange.
  18. Special K

    TSM Cliches.

    29. I will be check on it every day. 30. 1000 Lance Armstrongs could beat... 31. I push shopping carts all day, faggot. I have muscles in my arms! Don't fuck with me. 32. Yeah, way to get that from liberal CNN. -=Mike.
  19. Special K

    What film plots are you sick and tired of?

    Buddy Cop movies. What's the last decent one you've seen? Mayyybe Rush Hour, but that's just an OK movie. The one with Samuel L and Eugene Levy (who are usually funny) is an embarassing example. TV remakes. Give it a fucking rest. A true expansion like Serenity or the X-Files Movie (which wasn't that good) is an obvious exception. War Movies. I know some movies like Jarhead are probably worth my time, but I'm just totally burnt out on them. Sorry. Band of Brothers pretty much kills most war movies, anyway.
  20. Special K


    I thought it was quite a good premiere, not as good as those of The Shield or Rescue Me, but I'm very excited to see where this series will go. First of all, it looks like it's not like the other "OMG look how crazy this show is!" FX shows. (EDIT, not that that's necessarily a criticism) You've got a fairly moral, complex character in Braugher. The family interaction is what's going to make this show. The scenes in the hopsital were really touching and sad. Who knew Ann could act? And, of course, Braugher is just an incredible actor.
  21. Special K

    V for Vendetta

    Only thing I don't understand is what versimillitude's supposed to refer to in that speech. and the 'held as a votive' clause is lame and could be cut out entirely. That's a great line right there, though. Even if I did call it a bouillabaise of bullshit the first time I read it. I thought the lines would be delivered way too seriously. The light-hearted manner in which he read that was perfect, though.
  22. Special K

    Recommend me some good, non-recent computer games

    Legacy of Kain was also on PC. Really fun game, wicked story, copious gore, lots of cool weapons. The loading times on the PSX version are absolutely atrocious, though.
  23. Special K

    One two, one two, one two

    I know every nook and cranny in New York City we're ciccone and thats enough i'm the royal tuff titty and you gotta taste my love taste my love yeah meeeh come on everybody and rock with me i am the one on the christmas tree now working at the worst like a moving storm now i'm walking up the stairs and cutting up the board trippin' anywhere i don't fucking care and dogeyes and waving goodbye yooo
  24. Special K

    Recommend me some good, non-recent computer games

    Whoops, I meant Anachronox, not Deus Ex. (Deus Ex is really good too, tho.)