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Special K

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Everything posted by Special K

  1. Someone's never seen 'Better off Dead!' Or 'Harold and Maude.'
  2. Special K

    Arrested Development

    Really, you have to watch from the beginning to get all the jokes. Definitely the show's biggest stumbling block. David Cross's (aka the bald guy's) production company is called liberal Jew-run productions. It's currently being sued, which means a judge has to call to order the case of 'humourless ass-fuck vs Liberal Jew-Run Productions. How awesome is that?
  3. Special K

    Jon Arbuckle drinks Dog Cum

    This thread is making me all yiffy.
  4. Special K

    'Silent Night' secularized

    And O'Reilly will never be called on his bullshit. Fantastic.
  5. Special K

    Sushi, sashimi, etc..

    I've heard scallops are good, anyone care to confirm? All I know is I'm never going eat THIS raw. Some people do.
  6. Special K

    I'm Back.

  7. Special K


    I think King of the Hill is pretty much one of the worst shows I've ever seen. I have to say my redneck Texan friends love it, so maybe it's a cultural thing. Every character is just so horrible and grating. The only mildly amusing thing about it is the one mushmouth character's voice.
  8. Special K

    Jon Stewart to Host Oscars

    What about a movie about gay cowboys who FUCK?
  9. Special K

    The OaO Arrested Development Season 3 thread

    The song Tobias was listening to: There's a new daddy in town/ A discipline Daddy/ Gonna spank your behind, uh-huh.
  10. Special K

    Jon Arbuckle drinks Dog Cum

    God, you remind me of a caller on Savage Love Live. He called up, and talked about how much he loved his horse, and how it was wrong that he couldn't marry it, since they were in a loving, monogamous relationship. Savage: Is it a boy horse or a girl horse? Caller (furious): I'm not a fag! Once you're fucking other species, I don't think it really matters. And I was wrong to presume. Cum-guzzling is clearly its own fetish that doesn't have anything to do with being gay. Mea Culpa.
  11. Special K

    Jon Arbuckle drinks Dog Cum

    Polish it off with a greased weiner.
  12. Special K

    The verses thread

    ...You're shittin' me. vs.
  13. Special K


    You know, this is good news, but fuck FOX. They've had more good comedies in the past 5 years than any network, and they've cancelled them all. Cartoon Network just promoted a couple shows properly, and voila~! people actually like them! Animated shows can get back together. AD and Andy Richter are gone forever. (Unless ABC or SHO pick up AD)
  14. Special K

    I'm Back.

    The Pit Politics forum is a slaughterhouse.
  15. Special K

    Cool finisher, horrible name

    Did I mention the Buzzkiller? It was actually a pretty good move for 6-pac, but what a fucking lame name. Buzzkill was a show on MTV at the time, if I remember. I don't recall anything else about it.
  16. Special K

    I'm Back.

    When you calls me an ignoranus, me can't let that shit go.
  17. Special K


    Having also read the artists's short lived, canceled first series 'Zombie Powder', all I can say is he has one hell of a gift for character designs. Much like Flame of Recca, there's a billion characters, they all look distinct, and they all look cool. The same could be said of Kenshin.
  18. Special K

    Cool finisher, horrible name

    I really like a lot of the Japanese move names. Iconoclasm. Northern Lights Bomb. Burning Hammer. Chimera Suplex is pretty brilliant (it's a combination of Tiger, Dragon and German suplexes) Diamondhead. I dunno about Emerald Frosion. If it's meant to be Emerald Fusion, it's pretty great. Emerald Erosion? Lame. Make your own Japanese move! *) Optional: Pick a color! A) Pick one or more from the following: Phoenix/Tiger/Dragon/Fire/Thunder/Burning B)Pick one of the following: Slam/Driver/Bomb/Kick/Splash *)Optional: Pick the date you first modified it to make it more deadlier! EDIT: Joey Styles, intentionally or unintentionally mispronounced 'rolling elbow' as 'roaring elbow'. I always thought 'roaring elbow' sounded cool. Yeah, Styles Clash is a pretty lame name for a very cool move. I also hated the name of Low Ki's twisting gamengiri 'The Matrix', though I think I only heard it referred to as such once. West Coast Pop is a pretty horrible name, though he can't do it like he used to. (back in the WCW days, with other cruisers, they never touched the ground!) The Sicilian Slice was a pretty cool move (Rocker Dropper from the second rope by Guido) lame name. Lastly, I like the 'Edge-o-matic', (Edge's move, essentially an inverted X-factor), though it's not a finisher, but it's a stupid name that means nothing. Only thing I can think of is that Nova had a pretty lame move called the 'Sledge-o-matic.'
  19. Special K

    All vegetarian meal.

    They'd probably be easy to make at home, you'd probably have to pre-cook the potatoes.
  20. Special K

    Arrested Development

    Anorak, you need to watch you some Mr. Show.
  21. Special K


    The manga's phenomenal.
  22. Special K

    Veronica Mars Season Two

    The FUCKING 25th?? The one thing that this show and LOST share in common: they both are great on DVD when you can watch a bunch in a row w/o commercials.
  23. Special K

    I'm Back.

    He didn't call anyone a dolt, nincompoop, ignoramus, or simpleton. : (