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Special K

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Everything posted by Special K

  1. Special K

    All vegetarian meal.

    You know, we've got a place just like that in Seattle, it's awesome. I think they just make Kung Pao chicken and call it vegetarian so people can marvel at how meat-like it is.
  2. Special K

    Cool finisher, horrible name

    Wasn't DDT actually an insecticide? Works either way. And sounds pretty cool.
  3. Special K

    Arrested Development

    Seriously. Cross is the reason I started watching in the first place.
  4. Special K

    The verses thread

    God, I have to say Lobo, even though I hate him, and love Deathstroke. He's just wicked powerful. Howabouts: Cassandra Cain (Batgirl) Spidey This one's too close to call in my mind. Batgirl has her own sort of 6th sense (though she has to be looking at her opponent) and is a viscious fighter, beating Lady Shiva. In a straight h2h fight, I think it's been said she'll beat Bats every time. She's also quite maneuverable.
  5. Special K

    Arrested Development

    No one's going to remember American Idol or many of the other fads 10 years from now. AD, which is many peoples' favorite show ever, will be. Nielson ratings are completely fucked. People advertise to the lowest common denominator. And AD is inherently, and in every way, at least 10 times funnier than two and a half men, which gets 10 times AD's ratings. As I said look at the DVD sales. They indicate that a very large percentage of the people who have been exposed to AD absolutely love it. There's a difference between people watching something just because it's on CBS, and someone actively seeking out a show because it's excellent.
  6. Special K

    Arrested Development

    So American Idol is clearly the most entertaining thing on the entire planet. And shitty pop stars like Britney Spears are the best musicians of the past 5 years, even though no one listens to their music anymore. And the Nielson's aren't skewed at all, even though they exclude college students. Look at the DVD sales of AD. people who HAVE seen the show despite FOX's shitty marketing obviously feel passionately about the show, and buy the DVD's. I know a number of people (myself included) who think it's really, actually, the funniest show they've ever seen. Trying to turn a discussion into being about Platonic ideals is almost as bad as comparing something to Hitler.
  7. Special K


    Matt's kidneys probably aren't that fresh.
  8. Special K


    I can do a perfect impression of Dr. Claw. After a minute or so, however, I'll start coughing badly.
  9. Special K

    The verses thread

    Remember when Cyclops kicked the shit out of Wolverine hand-to-hand in the original Claremont run? Plus he's got his optic blasts. Think about how good that is! Weird shit like that, (and Spidey kicking the X-Men's asses) is what makes these threads go round and round. What are some other bizarre upsets? Lobo losing to Wolvie's definitely there.
  10. Special K


    Hey, guys, do you know this song? It's like: nuhnuhnuh doo doo nuhnuh nuh-nuh, doodoodoo. Anyone?
  11. Special K

    Cool finisher, horrible name

    I'm sure there's no shortage of terrible Mom names. The Mammer Jammer. They could call it the Mother Fucker on PPV.
  12. Special K

    Cool finisher, horrible name

    Why? He already has the FU, the STF+FU = STFU. = Shut the fuck up. Works for me. What does STF stand for? Side toehold facelock? DDT meant nothing and it worked. I think most geographical move names sort of suck. The Pittsburgh Plunge was an awesome, awesome move with a shitty name. Greetings from Asbury Park had an appropriately shitty name for one of the most poorly executed finishers in history. No one cares where you're from. Remember when JR/announcers in general explained moves? I just remember his explanation of the stunner being a 'controversial' move that drove his shoulder into the opponents' thorats, making them windless for the time it took to pin them.
  13. Special K

    The OaO Arrested Development Season 3 thread

    Question: I was wondering if you could take a break from your Veronica Mars/Lost scoop column and let me know the current situation with Arrested Development. Are ABC and Showtime seriously interested? — Mike Gnade Ausiello: Yes, they are seriously interested, but nothing can happen until Fox actually cancels the freakin' show. I have a sneaking suspicion that Peter Liguori is intentionally stalling to avoid getting lynched at press tour next month.
  14. Special K

    NFL Playoffs

    This week I just hope the Bengals and Giants win. I think all the games are intriguing, though, and that's good enough for me! And yeah, as a long-time 'Hawks fan, watching football can just be fun. Root for the underdogs, against a team you hate, or for particular players you love. Or just enjoy a good game, whydoncha.
  15. Special K

    The OaO Arrested Development Season 3 thread

    "Sister's the new mother, mother! And, is it just me or is she getting hotter?" Awesome.
  16. Special K

    The OaO Arrested Development Season 3 thread

    Andy's stunt double fake-pinning Michael to the wall was great. The only thing I don't particularly like this season is Tobias being straightforwardly gay. The reason the character was funny was because he was well-educated, but completely oblivious to all the double entendres he was spewing. He also seemed to be completely asexual as opposed to gay. This made him an unique and amusing character. People just acting gay isn't really that funny. Look at Will & Grace and Nathan Lane.
  17. Special K

    All vegetarian meal.

    You can make some damn fine vegetarian curries and sombosas, too.
  18. Special K

    Sushi, sashimi, etc..

    Raw shrimp isn't that great either. Doesn't have much of a taste, and has a sort of oily texture. The normal 'ol rare-cooked shrimp is better. There's this one type of sushi, it's bright red, fading to white, with an extremely smooth texture. It's quite firm, abnormally so for fish. I think it's some type of fin? Either way, it's good. Oh, and I think futomaki usually sucks. It's usually egg, mushroom and pickle. Wheee. And it's usually kind of expensive just because it's fat.
  19. Special K

    All vegetarian meal.

    Spinach and Walnut Fettucini Alfredo. Get you fat in no time. Eggplant Parmesan is OK. I had Cactus tacos at a local Mexican joint. It had a tasty sauce, and the Cactus was surprisingly fleshy. Of course, a good meal can be made out of some soup and a salad. Some of the Veggie burgers are OK too.
  20. Special K

    Sushi, sashimi, etc..

    Shellfish also has sort of an odd texture. Slightly crunchy, not what you would expect. Anyway, all types of tuna lead the list for me, Mackerel, real crab, octopus, squid, salmon, shrimp, really any kind of fish, eel, are great. So, I'm basically not too big on the shellfish either. I have yet to make up my mind on urchin, which I've only had once, and definitely had a unique taste. Oh, and I don't like Salmon roe. it tastes OK, but the way the little bastards pop in your mouth is unpleasant. Lastly, what's the point of Tamago? (egg)
  21. Special K

    The OaO Arrested Development Season 3 thread

    I've heard we get one more after this, then we have to wait for the DVDs. If that's true, fuck FOX.
  22. Special K

    Cool finisher, horrible name

    All the Danny Doring and Tokyo Magnum moves are ridiculously named, but, I guess, aprropriate. Buggy Bang. Viagra Driver. Adult Video Star Press. Penile implant. Taker naming his dragon sleeper "Takin' Care of Business" which I swear was miscalled by the announcers as "Taker Care of Business" at least once. Renaming Christian's Impaler the "Unprettier". Then they started calling his DDT the unprettier too. Calling Hall's move the "Outsider's Edge." Just call it a crucifix bomb. Steiner Recliner. Well, that move was never cool. The name "Cattle Mutilation", objectively I have to say is stupid. For some reason I love it, though.
  23. Special K

    Pictures I Like

    Good thing it's not a tombstone.
  24. Special K

    The verses thread

    Like Batman doesn't have some nails and a bat-hammer on him at all times. Of course Jesus'll just keep coming back like Ra's al Ghul. The holy spirit does have a golden sword coming out of his mouth, that's a oretty cool super-power.
  25. Special K

    The verses thread

    Wow. I had read most of the earlier X-Men stuff through the Essentials, but I never read Secret Wars.