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Special K

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Everything posted by Special K

  1. Special K

    Worse no sell of all time

    This was pretty bad, yet good at the same time. I have a ringside cam of a television taping between Lance Storm and RVD. They have a pretty good, decently-paced match. After which, RVD jumps out of the ring, celebrates with Alphonso, then remarks rather loudly, 'Boy, I guess I should act blown up or something' with a big smile on his face, effectively no-selling the match.
  2. Special K

    Best on the stick

    Here's mine! I'm just including wrestlers, as it's sort of hard to place Corny, Vinnie Mac, Cyrus, Paul E. or Heenan on this list for me. But please, feel free. 1. Foley Could do it all, psycho, serious, sad, or comedic interviews. Always put his all into it. By far my fave. Almost always original. 2. Flair/Ausin (tie) Very versatile, just like Foley. However, they were often more repetetive. Two unique, undeniably great talkers, though. 4. Jericho At his peak, his was, in my book, by far the funniest character to ever grab the mic. His serious interviews are better than Rock's, IMO, which is why he is above.. 5. The Rock Consistently funny, although he did fall into that unfunny lick a/bite a/ smell a monkey/donkey/squirrel nipple/ass/scrotum trend for a while. Pretty decent at serious interviews, but not the best. That's not what people watched him for, though. 6. The Hulkster Completely overblown, but he was both hilarious and got the crowd wildly into his promos. Either he believed the gimmick or he is a great scene-chewing actor. 7. Regal Can do comedy or serious promos. A good actor, as he can really make you believe his hatred. Understated, but excellent. 8. Rick Rude A personal favourite of mine. Objectively, he cut the same promo 75% of the time, but given the chance, could give a terrific angry interview. He always cracked me up. 9. Angle Not as good as the rest, but can do the comedy or the funny. Often manages to make himself sound smart and idiotic at the same time. 10. Terry Funk I always liked his soft-spoken, intense interviews. Both sincere and intimidating. A style many also liked in Arn Anderson Well, there's lots of room for debate. Hart, Michaels, Jake the Snake, DeBiase, Piper, Raven, even the Ultimate Warrior could place on anyone's list. What are your thoughts?
  3. Special K

    Hilarious Wrestling Moments

    It probably happened to Hennig too, the way they threw debris at the nWo back in the day. This may have been the incident when the nWo got plotzed and had a celbration.
  4. Special K

    Johnny Ramone passes away

    RIP, and thanks for the music.
  5. Special K


    See, it's easy to just rip shit apart. You can rip any band apart if you want to. If nothing else, you can rip on how they look. I think the only guy I've never heard anyone rip on is Johnny Cash. With good reason. I listen to a lot of semi-weird stuff. on my desk right now is Bjork, Sonic Youth, Land of the Loops, The Clash, Parliamant, Yeah Yeah Yeahs, Bikini Kill. Beasties. An assortment, some popular, some not. If you listen to what you like, you shouldn't give a fuck. I could bitch about people like Britney Spears being fake and overproduced, but I listen to techno sometimes, so who gives a damn? Nickelback is indesribable shite though. Sorry
  6. The HHH thing has got to be trolling or sarcasm. Have you SEEN how skinny HHH's legs are? Big pecs don't win a fight. 'Sides, Angle's more ripped than the H now.
  7. Special K

    Nadar might hurt your chances?

    Has anyone seen the Ali G show where Ali suggests to Nader that they might harness energy from people who fart a lot? Nader looks at him blankly for a second then says: "Well, we haven't found a way to strap boxes to cows' assholes yet." Cracked me up.
  8. Special K

    Nadar might hurt your chances?

    NADAR. Sounds Like a comic book villain.
  9. Special K

    Hilarious Wrestling Moments

    Shawn Michaels delivering an elbow to HHH in a dumpster and delivers this big promo, meanwhile HHH looks to be happily and contentedly asleep. Ultimate Warrior blowing up as he ran to the ring in his WCW phase, so tired instead of shaking the ropes, he slowly mimes humping them while huffing and puffing. I'm sure Sid crapping himself when he got chokeslammed would be on the list if it were on tape. Sort of verbal, but after the Flair Rumble, he's in the back, happy and tired while Perfect and Heenan (I think) sing his praises. Perfect and Heenan start letting off the 'whoos' in REALLY corny fashion. Perfect excitedly pats Ric on the back and says loudly 'give 'em a big one, Ric!' Flair, who up to this point has been silent, leans towards the camera, widens his eyes, and gives a long, ghostly 'whoooooOOOOoooooo'. It's absolutely hilarious. During the nWo's heyday, they're standing in the ring and Hall gets nailed SQUARE in the back of the head with what is either a large beer or soda. It looks like a watermelon exploding on the back of his head. Hall doesn't flinch at all, he just smirks and calmly slicks back his hair. You know how Austin Powers did that waist-high 'I'll take the stairs/elevator/canoe' bit? Hulk Hogan as a face, I THINK WCW pre-nWo days, gives an interview to Mean Gene, flexes with his arms in front of him, pumps his wrists like he's revving a motorcycle (leading me to believe this was a Road Wild?) and slides perfectly smoothly off screen, backwards. Mean Gene looks at him leave for a beat or two, then 'Well there you have it folks' completely unperturbed.
  10. Special K

    Castlevania SOTN

    *sniff* someone discovering one of the best PSX-era games for the first time. It puts a lump in my throat.
  11. Special K

    If you use drugs, you're with the terrorists

    Was that a snort of derision or cocaine?
  12. Special K

    Favourite/Least Fav. Regular Spots

    Faves: Jericho's Enziguri Tajiri kicks RVD Split-legged Benoit's chops/clothesline Arrogant cover! Least favorite: By far: slingshot into cornerpost (most ridiculous looking move IMO) Rock's no-touch Belly-to-Belly and Sharpshooter Chinlock (not hard to learn an armbar or something guys. even a bearhug but NOT....) Bear hug when the attacker sticks his ass way out, thus completely neutralizing the point of the move (BROCK! I'm looking at you)
  13. Special K

    Favorite WWE Euphemism

    My actual favourite (as in I hate it but it amuses me) is announcers' Literally = Figuratively or Really Cole in particular is horrible at this. Don't remember any specific instances but he'll say: 'literally BEATING THE HELL out of so & so' or 'he literally knocked his head off with that clothesline' I'd mark out if he ever said 'KANE literally beating the shit out of HHH'
  14. Special K

    The Ultimate Warrior Bashes Michael Moore

    I find it funny that a man who abused roids for THAT long can prattle on and on and on about who has balls. This is a pretty funny read all in all. You just have to imagine him typing this and frothing and shaking his head. Or just imagine when he was in WCW and was to blown up to shake the ropes once he got to the ring. That was the best.
  15. Special K

    Hottest Video Game Charactor

    Never been into that kinda thing much, but I WILL admit that Etna in Disgaea had a really sexy voice. And Tifa looks disturbingly hot in the Advent Children movie. Oh, and the chick from Custer's Last Stand. What a hottie.
  16. Special K

    Yeah, Kerry do THIS!

    I'm not a conservative. I'm pissed the Dems picked Kerry.
  17. Special K

    Best crimson mask

    From what I've seen, Muta/Hase (although Hase's mask from the previous match between the two is nasty too) and Jericho's SMW heavenly bodies match. Especially nasty since he wrestles with what I believe is a legit broken arm.
  18. Special K

    Yeah, Kerry do THIS!

    Mike, Vanilla is a flavor. Lieberman is vanilla. Kerry is unflavored gelitan.
  19. Special K

    Yeah, Kerry do THIS!

    John Kerry was totally a panic-pick for the Democratic party, when Dean proved unable to simmer down. He had no substance in the primaries either, but he 'seemed presidential.' If they wanted some who was ACTUALLY respectable they could've gone with Lieberman, who was boring, but plain-spoken and honest, or Edwards, who was inexperienced, but offered a positive alternative, instead of ceaseless whining. A pox on this election.
  20. Special K

    PUNK Fans...Please Help!

    Bad Brains is sweet. Don't know enough to know which is their best album. They do some reggae too. I dunno if they're considered punk, but Bikini Kill did some pretty swell stuff.
  21. Special K

    Best song opening

    What song raises your hackles every time you her the intro? It's not coincedental that a few of these songs are my faves of all time. 1. Teen age Riot - Sonic Youth, Gives me goosebumps every time. Magnificent 2. Breeders - Cannonball 3. Fatboy Slim- Right her, right noe 4. Pixies - Where is my mind 5. Blond Redhead - Elephant Woman
  22. Special K

    GOP to back ban on gay marriage

    This whole topic reminds me of a sex-advice radio show caller. He calls in from Montana, complaining that he has a very loving relationship with his horse, that they're complete soulmates, blah blah blah, and he can't marry it. The host asked in passing as to the gender of the horse. Of course, the guy gets ALL pissed off and splutters, 'I'm not a fag!' Maybe you had to be there.
  23. Special K

    Haven't had one of these stories in a while

    Wasn't Kamui the fuckup who said that lab rats were more worth saving than human foetuses? I don't think he's said anything like that yet. I doubt that will ever be trumped.
  24. Special K

    GOP to back ban on gay marriage

    Why does it even matter? I would say good. We've progressed as a society to the point where we don't beat and murder people for who they are (exluding pedophiles and the like because they hurt people). That's a plus. Doesn't mean that the issue doesn't warrant still looking at. It's a moot point. Let's all stop arguing about who had/has it worse.