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Everything posted by Longdogger_Pete

  1. Longdogger_Pete

    LWIB 8/14-8/20

    Yep. They're done. Game is done, season is done.
  2. Longdogger_Pete

    LWIB 8/14-8/20

    I should just go to bed now.
  3. Longdogger_Pete

    LWIB 8/14-8/20

    Yes. As terrible as he looks right now, what do we have that's any better?
  4. Longdogger_Pete

    LWIB 8/14-8/20

    Good Lord, if Morgan uses the phrase "dead red" one more time I think I'm going to punch my TV.
  5. Longdogger_Pete

    LWIB 8/14-8/20

    Hinske's going to pinch for Kapler with bases loaded.
  6. Longdogger_Pete

    LWIB 8/14-8/20

  7. Longdogger_Pete

    This Weekend in Baseball

    Guillermo Mota traded from Cleveland to the Mets - don't think that was reported yet.
  8. Longdogger_Pete

    LWIB 8/14-8/20

    So much for this game.
  9. Longdogger_Pete

    OAO SummerSlam Thread - August/20th/2006.

    So how many McMahons are in this match? We've got Kennedy McMahon, Finlay McMahon, Regal McMahon...? Hey, all that was announced was "DX vs. McMahons." They never specifically said WHICH McMahons. Presenting the true father of Stephanie's baby - UMAGA MCMAHON!!
  10. Longdogger_Pete

    LWIB 8/14-8/20

    Which one? Seriously though, I thought he refused to give them the ball. Did they pay him off? I think that was how they settled it - neither the team nor Mientkiewicz got the ball; the ball was instead donated to the Hall of Fame. Which is where it should be.
  11. Longdogger_Pete

    LWIB 8/14-8/20

    MLB.com distinguishes them as "Javy Lopez" for the catcher and "Javier Lopez" for the pitcher.
  12. Longdogger_Pete

    LWIB 8/14-8/20

    Breathe, man. It's going to be all right.
  13. Longdogger_Pete

    LWIB 8/14-8/20

    One day after recalling him, the Red Sox option Jermaine Van Buren back to Triple-A, and instead recall pitcher Javier Lopez. Which means for the first time this season, the Sox have two players on the roster named Javy Lopez.
  14. Longdogger_Pete


    What the hell?
  15. Longdogger_Pete

    LWIB 8/14-8/20

    Jason Johnson and Rudy Seanez are both DFA. Thank God. Not that we can get anything better...
  16. Longdogger_Pete

    Booking for 8/24

    Sydney vs. Ayane should be in there, yeah. Also... it's been announced that Miami Mayhem V will take place at AngleSlam! But what the heck is a Miami Mayhem match? what does Longdogger Pete have in store for Peter Knight at AngleSlam? Perhaps we'll get a preview at HeldDOWN!
  17. Longdogger_Pete

    LWIB 8/14-8/20

    Wily Mo is officially trying way too hard.
  18. Longdogger_Pete

    LWIB 8/14-8/20

    To answer someone's question about the last time a team performed as badly w/RISP, SportsCenter today said that Cleveland went 0-for-18 w/RISP back in 1981.
  19. Longdogger_Pete

    Booking for 8/17

    Please push Sydney Sky vs. Ayane Mitsui to 8/24, I'm going to need an extra day or two to finish it up.
  20. Longdogger_Pete

    LWIB 8/14-8/20

    I'll go along with that. Guess we won't find out until tomorrow what we're giving up. (Or perhaps it'll be the same guy we gave Baltimore for Javy - you know, Mr. To Be Named Later.)
  21. Longdogger_Pete

    LWIB 8/14-8/20

    Then he's an extra bat for a month or two and then he's traded. These things have a way of working themselves out.
  22. Longdogger_Pete

    LWIB 8/14-8/20

    Perhaps he isn't a 4th outfielder. Perhaps he's Nixon's replacement for next season.
  23. Longdogger_Pete

    LWIB 8/14-8/20

    Yeah, and that's it. Now I go sleep.
  24. Longdogger_Pete

    so bruno kirby died

    "Oh, just shut up. He doesn't get it. He'll never get it. It's been four hours. The cows can take something by now. Just shut up - please!"
  25. Longdogger_Pete

    LWIB 8/14-8/20

    Luis Gonzalez with an RBI single in the top of the 18th, D-Backs take a 2-1 lead. We'll see if that holds.