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Mystery Eskimo

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Everything posted by Mystery Eskimo

  1. Mystery Eskimo

    Make sure your character stats are updated

    I don't think anyone will know title histories other than the world title...
  2. Mystery Eskimo

    Sherlock Holmes

    The Musgrave Ritual and The Speckled Band are my favourites...I don't think better detective stories will ever be written. I read a Holmes story recently where the writer revealed SH was a super advanced man from the future, tracking Moriaty through time. Pretty silly, but good fun.
  3. Mystery Eskimo

    IZ feedback

    Yeah. Unless whoever voted 6 has some valid reasons, I'd like that vote to be striken from the ratings.
  4. Mystery Eskimo

    World Without End thread

    Really? Hmm.
  5. Mystery Eskimo

    IZ Booking for 10/13/03

    Me. If anyone wants to know the results or discuss it, PM me up.
  6. Mystery Eskimo

    IZ feedback

    Who gave us a 6??
  7. Mystery Eskimo

    IZ Booking for 10/13/03

    I-5 Placings Match: PRL vs JINGUS vs Shuffle vs G Money vs Blurricane -Two men in the ring at a time, elimination rules - DQ and countout in effect. Elsewhere- continuing Dan Black schemes...possibly a match if I get the I5 done early enough.
  8. Mystery Eskimo

    IZ feedback

    A very strong effort- easily the most action packed IZ for a long, long time. Huge thanks to everyone who contributed- and of course Tony for putting it all together superbly. Let's keep this up.
  9. Mystery Eskimo

    What was the better Benoit / Hart match?

    I'd say ****, but I can understand ***. Its good, but it just lacks an edge for me.
  10. Mystery Eskimo

    MOTY for 2003

    London-Dragon 2/3 falls is great, but Dragon using the single leg crab to work the knee and get a fall just spoils it for me, as crabs hurt the back, not the knee.
  11. Mystery Eskimo

    Illusionist ignores critics to play Russian roulet

    Blanks at that range would still kill, as they showed on the programme.
  12. Mystery Eskimo

    IZ Boooooooking

    Next week's IZ will feature INTENSE FIVE matches: Naz Mistry vs The Shuffle G-Money vs K-NESS Blurricane vs Jailbait JINGUS vs Vitamin X The winners of these matches, plus the winner of PRL-Jay, will become the first INTENSE 5, and go into a five man elimination match on next weeks show to determine the placings. If I've forgotten you, SPEAK NOW~! other matches, promos, in here please. Would it be possible to get the Dream Machines defending the tag titles on the show? And although PRL doesn't HAVE to defend the NA title, a match would be good. This show is being billed as "season premiere"- not that it really means anything, but I'd like to make it a good one.
  13. Mystery Eskimo

    World Without End thread

    Spoiler (Highlight to Read): who are the members of TNT? possible match: Dan Black & Jailbait vs JINGUS & Jesse Ventura altertanative is- Dan Black vs Jesse Ventura JINGUS & Jailbait vs Dangerous A & G Money
  14. Mystery Eskimo

    IntenseZONE Booking Thread

    There was a joke?
  15. Mystery Eskimo

    The One And Only Band Name Idea Thread

    The Drink Lobotomy for Table 7 The Gay Thundercats Fisted Erections of God ...slow day at work...
  16. Mystery Eskimo

    Hey Ma!!! Lookie Here...marks

    I'm thinking the writer is about 10 years old. So really, this thread is mocking a kid for enjoying wrestling.
  17. Mystery Eskimo

    IntenseZONE Booking Thread

    :: considers deletion of pointless thread ::
  18. Mystery Eskimo

    Lockdown Card! For October 8!

    Um, I PM'd someone to say I was taking a break.
  19. Mystery Eskimo

    TSM Poster Tournament II: Semi-Finals

    LaParkaYourCar Ripper
  20. Mystery Eskimo

    IZ Boooooooking

    Something with you recruiting Jesse? And how about Spoiler (Highlight to Read): Dangerous A?
  21. Mystery Eskimo

    IZ Boooooooking

    I do believe that our plans lead to a title defense either on this show or the week after. I'll be looking forward to it. Black & Jailbait vs JINGUS & Jesse may take place anyway...depending how much writing time I get...
  22. Mystery Eskimo

    IZ Boooooooking

    Ok...but I want those tag titles defended sometime soon I can't remember the last tag title match we had on IZ.
  23. Mystery Eskimo

    The Darkness...

    They rock, and wearing a Darkness t-shirt helped me pull on Monday.
  24. Mystery Eskimo

    IZ Boooooooking

    That would be awesome.