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[url=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dyVek2OdBPM][i]Final Ride[/url][/i] hits, and the arena fills with boos as Reject makes his way through the curtains, led out by Melissa Nerdly. COACH Uh-oh! COLE And here comes the second Deadly Alliance member to enter the match, one half of the tag team champions, Reject! Reject plants a big one on Melissa, then rushes down to the ring. He slides in, and makes the save for Sandman, driving a knee into the back of Denzel, then hammering Tim Cash with right hands. COLE And right away, Reject coming to the aid of his stablemate, Sandman9000! However, Cash begins to fight back, delivering rights of his own, then a foot to the gut. He runs to the ropes behind Reject, and hits him with a BACKBRAIN WHEELKICK~! COLE Cash with that spinning wheel kick to the back of the head! Cash then waits on Reject to pull to his feet, and when he does, hands him a foot, and attempts an enziguri...but Reject ducks, then as Cash comes back to his feet, hits him with the EULOGY~!!!!!11111 COLE And Cash gets hit with the Eulogy! Reject sits on the mat for a few seconds, then gets to his feet and picks up Cash, tossing him to the outside! COACH He's outta here! Go shake some more hands! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~ 10th elimination: Tim Cash entered: #14 time in ring: 4:13 eliminated: none eliminated by: Reject currently in ring: Sandman9000, Todd Cortez, Denzel Spencer, The Mad Cappa, Tha Puerto Rican, Reject ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~ Reject and Sandman then go to work on Denzel, as Sandman holds him back for some kicks from Reject. Reject and Sandman back Denzel into the ropes, then whip him across, and drop him with a double elbow! COLE And now the two Deadly Alliance members sticking together! Reject then stomps PRL as he attempts to pull himself up on the ropes. Sandman knocks Denzel to the mat once again, then responds to Reject's call for help, as the two attempt to dump PRL! COLE And PRL could be in trouble here! Cappa makes his way over, and rakes Reject's eyes from behind, as Cortez gives Sandman another hand. However, PRL slides through the bottom and middle rope as another countdown starts. COLE And this will be #17! 10!!! 9!!! 8!!! 7!!! 6!!! 5!!! 4!!! 3!!! 2!!! 1!!! BUZZ~!!! [url=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nrF8vxLRDNE][i]Makes Me Wonder[/url][/i] plays, and Tyler Bryant runs to the ring to the high-pitched screams of the ladies. COLE Tyler Bryant, looking perhaps for a big boost for a solo career, winning the Lethal Rumble! Bryant slides in, and grabs Cortez from behind, assaulting him in a corner. He attempts an Irish whip, which Cortez reverses. Bryant jumps to the second ropes, then does the AUBURN HILLS FAKEOUT~!, sending Cortez dropping to the mat, before climbing to the top, and hitting Cortez with a missile dropkick! COLE Nice fakeout by Tyler, and a great dropkick! Tyler celebrates his move, as the fans cheer him on, then picks up Cortez, and tosses him over the top! However, Cortez hangs on once again! COACH But how about Cortez and Sandman? Still hanging in there! COLE It's been over half an hour now for those two! Bryant spots Cortez on the apron, and tries to shove him out with his feet. However, this opens himself up for Cappa to drive in an elbow! COACH Tyler left himself wide open right there! Reject delivers right hands to PRL, who starts to fire back, and a slugfest ensues! COLE Big slugfest going on, PRL against Reject! PRL gets the better of the exchange, then backs into the ropes and hits a spinning wheel kick! COLE DODGE THIS, BITCH~! PRL then grabs Reject and attempts to dump him over the top! COLE And now going for the elimination! Sandman comes over to help Reject, but Denzel cuts him off, hitting him with a spinkick! He then assists PRL in attempting to dump Reject! COLE Two guys working trying to get Reject out of there! Reject drops to the apron, as Bryant sits on the mat and tries to shove him off. Cortez comes over and grabs Bryant in a choke/sleeper, while Sandman comes to and rakes the face of both PRL and Denzel. COLE But the Deadly Alliance sticking together! Reject slides back inside, and trips up PRL, then chokes him on the mat. Cappa hammers away on Cortez, while Denzel and Sandman go at it. Cappa tries to dump Cortez, as the count begins... 10!!! 9!!! 8!!! 7!!! 6!!! 5!!! 4!!! 3!!! 2!!! 1!!! BUZZ~!!! [url=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3gJYI0bJpsM][i]Rebirthing[/url][/i] by Skillet hits, and Lunar Phoenix makes his way through the curtains, an arrogant grin on his face. COACH Phoenix! COLE Two of the last three winners of this match have drawn #18, can Lunar Phoenix become the third? Phoenix stops at the front of the entryway, then jogs the rest of the way to the ring, and slides inside. Phoenix stands back as Cappa is still attempting to dump Cortez, then once he has a shot, drills Cappa with a SUPERKICK~!!!111, sending him over the top of Cortez all the way to the floor! COLE And Phoenix getting to work right away, eliminating the Mad Cappa! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 11th elimination: The Mad Cappa entered: #13 time in ring: 10:15 eliminated: none eliminated by: Lunar Phoenix currently in ring: Sandman9000, Todd Cortez, Denzel Spencer, Tha Puerto Rican, Reject, Tyler Bryant, Lunar Phoenix ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Phoenix then goes after Bryant, delivering a shot to the gut, followed by a snap suplex. He picks Tyler back up, and dumps him over the top rope, but Tyler lands on the apron. But before Phoenix can attempt to shove him off, he is grabbed from behind by Denzel, who delivers a European uppercut, then executes a back suplex! Meanwhile, in a corner, Cortez is attempting to dump Sandman over. COLE And here we are again, the two men who started this match, going at it! PRL charges at Reject in a corner, but Reject gets his foot up! Reject sinks to his knees, then notices Sandman on the brink, and pops back up to deliver a shot to the gut of Cortez. COACH But there's Reject again! Where there's one, there's usually another! Cortez should have thought about that before he double-crossed James! Reject helps Sandman down, and the two make their way back to PRL, working him over in a corner. Bryant works on Cortez, while, Denzel scoops up Phoenix for an attempted elimination! COLE And Denzel's got Phoenix on the ropes! Phoenix, hanging upside down, delivers a shot to the groin of Denzel, then reaches down to the apron, using it to push himself back inside. COACH And you can't bitch about it in this match, Cole! Reject and Sandman hoist PRL for elimination once again, as the countdown begins... 10!!! 9!!! 8!!! 7!!! 6!!! 5!!! 4!!! 3!!! 2!!! 1!!! BUZZ~!!! A cold, dark voice begins to speak the ungodly hymn over the loud speakers, as smoke begins to cover the entrance way. "Come on God, Answer Me. For Years, I've Been Asking You Why? Why are the Innocent Dead and the Guilty Alive? Where is Justice? Where is Punishment? . . . . . . . . . . . Or Have You Already Answered? Have You Already Said to the World, Here is Justice. Here is Punishment. Here.... In Me." [i]Punishment[/i] by BIOHAZARD plays, and the crowd gets up for Brock Ausstin, as he does his HAPPY HAPPY HOSS DANCE~! in the aisle. COLE Here's a guy with a great chance coming out at this time! The Current Big Thing, Brock Ausstin! Brock jogs to the ring, and hops onto the apron, then climbs inside and catches Reject and Sandman coming at him with a double clothesline! COLE Big double clothesline! Brock then catches Denzel with a clothesline! He then scoops up Phoenix, and executes the F-STUNNER-5~!!!!!11111 COLE F-Stunner-5 for Lunar Phoenix! He then sizes up PRL, and executes an OVERHEAD BELLY-TO-BELLY~! After he gets to his feet, Sandman reaches up and takes him down by the knee, as Cortez and Bryant hammer him on the back, and Sandman holds his legs as Cortez, Bryant, and Reject stomp away on him. COACH We'll stop that momentum in a hurry! COLE Brock came in like a house afire, but the other combatants have joined to extinguish those flames! PRL sneaks in some kicks, as well, as Reject and Sandman pick up Brock, and prop him up in a corner. Reject lays in a CHOP~! Crowd: WHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO~! And another! Crowd: WHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO~! And another! Crowd: WHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO~! As PRL and Phoenix slug it out, Reject and Sandman each grab a leg, and attempt to force Brock to the outside! COLE And now they're going to try to dump the big man out! Brock struggles, and eventually manages to free himself by hammering Reject with his right arm, then delivers a big right to the gut of Sandman. He then grabs the heads of Reject and Sandman, and rams them together! COLE The old double noggin knocker! Meanwhile, Denzel and Bryant work over Cortez, as the countdown begins. 10!!! 9!!! 8!!! 7!!! 6!!! 5!!! 4!!! 3!!! 2!!! 1!!! BUZZ~!!! [url=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=clhOnZRrmXc][i]Chelsea Dagger[/url][/i] hits, and Nathaniel Black runs to the ring. COLE 2/3 of the way through the field with another Cucaracha Internacional member, Nathaniel Black! Black slides into the ring, and hammers on Bryant from behind, then executes a HAMMERLOCK DDT~! He then grabs Denzel, and whips him into the ropes, catching him with a BLACK LARIAT~! COLE Nathaniel Black making a big entrance, coming to the aid of his stablemate, Todd Cortez! Cortez comes to, and assists Black, as they attempt to dump Bryant to the floor! COLE And now they've got Tyler Bryant in trouble! Denzel comes to Bryant's aid, ramming the heads of Black and Cortez together! COLE But there's Denzel Spencer! Reject and Sandman continue to work over Brock, while Phoenix chokes PRL in a corner. Denzel gives Cortez one of his feet, then turns over and does a somersault on the mat, using his leg to drag Cortez across the ring! COLE Denzel with another nice move on Cortez, who along with Sandman is closing in on the 40-minute mark! Cortez lands at the feet of Reject, who stomps away, until Denzel comes over and rakes Reject's eyes from behind. Meanwhile, Phoenix scoops PRL up and sets him across the buckles! COLE And Phoenix looking once again to dump the former World champion! Black makes his way over to give Phoenix a hand, but Bryant follows over and hammers away on Black. PRL lifts his right leg up and hammers Phoenix repeatedly with it until Phoenix releases his hold, then PRL slips back into the ring, as the count begins... 10!!! 9!!! 8!!! 7!!! 6!!! 5!!! 4!!! 3!!! 2!!! 1!!! BUZZ~!!!
I've still got a ways to go on the Rumble. I may have it done sometime tonight, but no promises.
OOG covered the Colts pretty well. As you can tell from my other teams, I really don't have anything else to add at this point.
The crowd looks into the entryway, but no one walks out. COACH ...is anyone coming? COLE I don't see anyone! Cut back to the ring, where DJ Giant Jesus is looking out to the entryway. As he does this, Wall attacks him from behind, but DJ Giant Jesus turns around and clotheslines him to the mat. He then goes after Sandman and Cortez, when suddenly, [i]Black Sweat[/i] plays over the speakers. COACH Oh, for fuck's sake. The crowd goes crazy, as MISTER Warrior runs down the aisle, and rolls into the ring. He looks at DJ Giant Jesus. then raises his arms in the air and pumps them up and down. He runs to the ropes, past DJ Giant Jesus, then ducks a clothesline, and hits one of his own! COLE And a big clothesline from MISTER Warrior! MISTER Warrior backs into the ropes, and hits a second clothesline, staggering DJ Giant Jesus into the ropes, then pounds on his chest, before backing into the ropes and hitting a third clothesline, bending DJ Giant Jesus over the top rope and lifting his right leg in the air, at which point Sandman, Cortez and Wall all swarm in. COACH Oh, he could go here! Sandman and Cortez grab the right leg, and Wall lifts the left leg as MISTER Warrior pushes, and the four men force DJ Giant Jesus OVER THE TOP TO THE FLOOR!!! COLE And he does! DJ Giant Jesus is gone! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 7th elimination: DJ Giant Jesus entered: #9 time in ring: 4:36 eliminated: Spencer Reiger, Vinny Valentine eliminated by: Sandman9000, Todd Cortez, Cuban Wall, MISTER Warrior currently in ring: Sandman9000, Todd Cortez, Cuban Wall, MISTER Warrior ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ MISTER Warrior pumps his arms in the air once again, until Sandman blasts him from behind with the kendo stick! MISTER Warrior falls into the ropes, then turns around, and is drilled by a Cuban Wall boot, sending him over the top to the floor! COLE And there's gratitude for you in the Lethal Rumble! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 8th elimination: MISTER Warrior entered: #11 time in ring: 0:52 eliminated: DJ Giant Jesus (co) eliminated by: Cuban Wall currently in ring: Sandman9000, Todd Cortez, Cuban Wall ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Cortez is choking Sandman in a corner, and Wall slowly makes his way over and grabs him from behind. Wall hammers Cortez on the back, then sets him up for a powerbomb onto the trashcan! COLE And Wall looking to powerbomb Cortez onto that trashcan! However, Cortez blocks and executes a backdrop! COLE But it's Wall who goes crashing into the trashcan! Sandman follows up by slamming the road sign into Wall, then goes back to Cortez as the count starts. COLE And this will be #12! 10!!! 9!!! 8!!! 7!!! 6!!! 5!!! 4!!! 3!!! 2!!! 1!!! BUZZ~!!! [url=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Uv_wZQJYlo0][i]Master Blaster (Jammin')[/url][/i] hits, and Denzel Spencer runs to the ring. COLE Denzel Spencer's had some big wins as of late, could tonight be the biggest win of all? Spencer slides in, and delivers right hands to Sandman. He then delivers a foot to the gut, and hits him with a SCISSOR KICK~! COLE Denzel with a scissor kick on Sandman, and you got to think time is going to start catching up with Sandman and Todd Cortez before too long! COACH That's right, those are the two men who started this match, and we've been out here over 20 minutes now! Spencer then attempts an Irish whip on Wall, but Wall reverses. Spencer bounces off the ropes, then slides under the legs of Wall, and hits him with a dropkick! COLE And a nice dropkick! Spencer picks up Wall, and sets him up on the ropes, lifting his left leg and attempting to dump him over. COACH I think Denzel's gonna need some help if he wants to get the big Wall out of there! Wall gains his senses, and clubs Denzel on the back. He then whips Denzel into a corner, and follows him in with an AVALANCHE~! COLE And a big avalanche from the Cuban Wall! Sandman and Cortez fight over a suplex, which Cortez eventually wins, setting Sandman up in the corner. Cortez then tries to follow Sandman up, but Sandman shoves him off. Sandman then steps to the top rope, and jumps off at Cortez, but Cortez catches him with a shot to the gut! COLE Sandman caught there, as we count it down again! 10!!! 9!!! 8!!! 7!!! 6!!! 5!!! 4!!! 3!!! 2!!! 1!!! BUZZ~!!! [url=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5NYu8Vd8OHU][i]Breathe[/url][/i] by Fabolous hits, and the Mad Cappa runs down to the ring. COACH And here's the Mad Cappa making his yearly appearance! Cappa slides in, and takes Wall down by the legs, then starts slugging away at thim. COLE And going right after Cuban Wall, the biggest man out there! Cappa picks up Wall, and whips him into the ropes, catching him with a spinning wheel kick! COLE Nice spinning wheel kick by the Mad Cappa! Cappa then cuts off a double axhandle attempt by Sandman, and delivers a right hand to the gut, followed by an inverted atomic drop! Cappa then backs into the ropes, and floors Sandman with a clothesline! Cortez then hits Cappa from behind, then whips him into the ropes, catching him with a SITOUT SPINEBUSTER~! COLE Sitout spinebuster, trademark move of Todd Cortez! Meanwhile, Denzel and Sandman have Wall set up in a corner! COLE And look at this! Denzel and Sandman working together trying to dump the Cuban Wall! Denzel has the right leg, and Sandman has the left, and Denzel reaches up and pushes back on Wall's head. Soon after, Sandman reaches over and decks Denzel with a right hand! Wall comes down to the mat, and decks Sandman with a right, knocking him to the mat! COLE Well, I'm not sure what Sandman was thinking right there, but Wall is out of trouble now! As Wall assaults Sandman in a corner, Denzel makes his way over to Cortez, and picks him up from behind in a back suplex, attempting to dump him to the floor! COLE And now Todd Cortez in trouble! Cappa gets to his feet, and goes after Wall, as Cortez reaches down and rakes the eyes of Spencer. Cappa sets up an Irish whip on Wall, who reverses. Cappa ducks a clothesline, but Wall catches him with a BIG BOOT~! COLE Wall with that big foot to the face of Cappa! COACH Just in time for another man! 10!!! 9!!! 8!!! 7!!! 6!!! 5!!! 4!!! 3!!! 2!!! 1!!! BUZZ~!!! [url=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aHU9dN0Itrk][i]It's Not My Time[/url][/i] plays, and Tim Cash walks through the curtains, waving to the fans. COLE Hey, it's Tim Cash, Wrestling's Last Real Good Guy! COACH Well, good guys finish last in this match, Cole! Cash walks down the aisle, slapping hands with fans, switching sides every few seconds. COLE And he's taking his time to get into the match, too! Cash takes a lap around the ring slapping hands, then climbs inside and gets ambushed by Wall. Wall whips Cash into the ropes, but Cash ducks a boot, then floors Wall with a dropkick! COLE Tim Cash in with a nice dropkick! Cash then floors Cappa with a clothesline! As Wall gets to his feet, Cash calls over Denzel, and the two join to execute a double bodyslam on Wall! COLE Nice double slam! Cash extends a high ten, and Denzel accepts. Cortez then goes after Denzel, while Sandman attacks Cash. Assaults occur in opposite corners, then Sandman and Cortez execute Irish whips. Denzel and Cash meet mid-ring and DO-SI-DO~!, and both hit jumping back heel kicks on their senders! COLE Look at that! Cash and Denzel then attempt to dump Sandman and Cortez, respectively! COLE And the first two entrants into the match now in big trouble! Sandman goes to the apron, as Cash pushes with everything to shove him off, but Sandman hangs on. COACH Look at that, Cash is the freshest guy in the ring, and is giving Sandman, who's been out there since the beginning, everything he's got, and can't get him out! Meanwhile, Cortez has evaded elimination, as well, as he and Denzel are choking one another while laying on their sides, as the countdown begins. COLE And we're about to reach the halfway point! #15, coming up! 10!!! 9!!! 8!!! 7!!! 6!!! 5!!! 4!!! 3!!! 2!!! 1!!! BUZZ~!!! "THE CHAMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMP..." *DUN DUN* "...IS..." *DUN* "...HERE!" With that, a lightning bolt hits the entrance, [i]Know Your Role 2000[/i] plays, and Tha Puerto Rican makes his way to the ring. COLE And here he comes! Tha Puerto Rican making his return to the OAOAST! COACH And he better watch his back, Mr. Dick is still in the building! PRL runs to the ring, and slides inside, spinning around Cuban Wall, and delivering right hands! COLE And right after his former stablemate! The runner-up of last year's Rumble, slugging it out with the winner! Wall takes a big swing at PRL, but PRL ducks, and hits him with a superkick, sending him into the ropes, then follows up by clotheslining Wall over the top to the floor! COLE And Cuban Wall is eliminated! A small measure of revenge for PRL, seems to be a running theme tonight! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 9th elimination: Cuban Wall entered: #6 time in ring: 18:09 eliminated: DJ Giant Jesus (co), MISTER Warrior eliminated by: Tha Puerto Rican currently in ring: Sandman9000, Todd Cortez, Denzel Spencer, The Mad Cappa, Tim Cash, Tha Puerto Rican ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ PRL then turns around, and locks eyes with Cappa. COLE And PRL and Cappa have locked eyes! Long-time rivals, set to do battle here! PRL and Cappa move in on one another, and Cappa throws the first punch! The two do battle, and Cappa gets the better of the exchange, then whips PRL into the ropes. He drops down, and PRL hops over, then ducks a clothesline, and delivers a kick to the gut, setting up the P.R. NIGHTMARE~!!!!!11111 COLE PRL setting him up! However, Cappa blocks, and backdrops PRL over the top rope! COACH He's out! However, PRL hangs onto the top rope, and stays on the apron, then rolls back inside, and grabs Cappa from behind, tossing him over the top! However, Cappa also hangs on, and rolls back in, and he and PRL clothesline each other! COLE Double clothesline, both men down! Cash hammers away on Cortez, as Denzel attempts to dump Sandman. COLE And Sandman in trouble once again! Cash executes a gutwrench suplex on Cortez, then goes over and helps Denzel, as the countdown begins. 10!!! 9!!! 8!!! 7!!! 6!!! 5!!! 4!!! 3!!! 2!!! 1!!! BUZZ~!!!
[url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dAZfuitWK2s"][i]No Chance in Hell[/url][/i] by Bradley Royds hits, and Cuban Wall makes his way down the aisle. COLE And here comes last year's winner of the Lethal Rumble! He'll have to last a long time if he hopes to repeat, the Cuban Wall! Wall takes his time getting to the ring, and steps inside, spinning MARV around, and executing the WALLBREAKER~!!!. COLE And getting started right away! Wall then flattens Sandman with a BIG BOOT~! Simon charges, but gets scooped up, and hit with a shoulder breaker! COACH Cuban Wall looking really good in there so far! Blonde and Cortez hammer Wall from behind, then set him up on the ropes. They whip him across, setting up for a double clothesline, but Wall runs right through them with one of his own! COLE Wall's gone through them all! Wall makes his way over to MARV, and scoops him up, moving to a corner with him, but MARV slips behind the back, and shoves Wall into the corner! MARV then hits Wall with a dropkick! COLE But MARV fighting back, has got the big man stunned! Simon chokes Cortez on the mat, as Sandman rolls to the outside. COLE Sandman on the outside here... COACH What's he doing? Sandman flips the ring apron up, and rummages underneath the ring, until he finds a garbage can full of assorted goodies! COACH Uh-oh! Sandman rolls back inside, then empties the trashcan out in the corner, before raising it in the air, and bringing it down on the back of James Blonde! COLE And the Heartland champion marking his territory here! Sandman then raises the can again, and slams it onto the head of Wall! He then tosses it into the hands of Simon, before driving it into his face with a YAKUZA KICK~! Sandman then walks over and grabs a KENDO STICK which was laying on the mat! He delivers a shot to the shoulder of Cortez, then one to the back of MARV, as another count begins. COACH I pity whoever's being counted down at #7! 10!!! 9!!! 8!!! 7!!! 6!!! 5!!! 4!!! 3!!! 2!!! 1!!! BUZZ~!!! [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xfhpp-4I60E&feature=related"][i]The Safety Dance[/url][/i] by Men Without Hats plays, and Biff Atlas walks slowly through the curtains and towards the ring. COACH Oh, poor Biff! COLE Biff Atlas, with the not-so-lucky number 7! Biff jogs slowly to the ring, and rolls inside, as Sandman is choking Cortez with the kendo stick. Biff takes a couple steps around MARV, and lays in a stomp, and another...before Sandman whacks him over the head with the kendo stick, sending him backwards over the top rope to the floor! COLE Nice knowin' ya, Biff! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1st elimination: Biff Atlas entered: #7 time in ring: 0:09 eliminated: none eliminated by: Sandman9000 currently in ring: Sandman9000, Todd Cortez, Simon Singleton, MARV, James Blonde, Cuban Wall ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ COLE We may have seen a record set right there, as Biff is out as fast as he got in there! Sandman then stalks Blonde, who executes a drop toe hold, sending Sandman into the trashcan! COACH Nice move there by James Blonde! Blonde then grabs a road sign which was inside the trashcan, and brings it down on the back of Sandman! Cortez joins the assault, while in another corner, MARV and Simon each have a leg of Cuban Wall, and are trying to dump him out. COLE Cuban Wall's repeat bid could be in jeopardy here! Wall manages to escape, as Blonde and Cortez once again try to dump Sandman to the outside. Wall makes his way over to help, hammering Sandman's midsection with right hands. Simon comes from behind and grabs a leg of Blonde, attempting to dump him, as well, at which point Cortez releases and drills Simon with a right hand. Sandman snakes back through the ropes, where MARV meets him with a chokehold. Wall turns his attention to Cortez, hammering him with soupbones from behind, as the count begins once again. COLE Sandman continuing to escape elimination, as we're ready for #8! 10!!! 9!!! 8!!! 7!!! 6!!! 5!!! 4!!! 3!!! 2!!! 1!!! BUZZ~!!! [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=13EsiCjsssY&feature=related"][i]The World is Mine[/url][/i] by David Guetta plays, and Spencer Reiger twirls onto the scene. COLE Spencer Reiger! Big opportunity for this young man! Reiger saunters down the aisle, then rolls inside, and grabs MARV from behind. He pulls back for a right hand, but MARV blocks, and fires off with rights of his own! COLE But right away, Spencer gets caught! MARV whips Reiger into the ropes, and backs in himself, catching Reiger with a flying forearm! Reiger rolls into the ropes, and MARV charges, but runs into Reiger's elbow! COACH And now MARV gets caught! Spencer takes MARV over the top to the apron with a hiplock, then waits for him to get to his feet, and executes an ENZIGURI~!, causing MARV to somersault off the apron to the floor! COLE And MARV is eliminated! What a move by Spencer Reiger! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 2nd elimination: MARV entered: #4 time in ring: 8:33 eliminated: none eliminated by: Spencer Reiger currently in ring: Sandman9000, Todd Cortez, Simon Singleton, James Blonde, Cuban Wall, Spencer Reiger ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Reiger celebrates his feat, but is ambushed by Sandman, as Blonde executes a LIONSAULT~!!!111 on Simon! COLE And there's a Lionsault from James Blonde to Simon Singleton! Cortez and Blonde then pick up Simon, and pitch him over the top to the floor! COLE And Simon is gone! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 3rd elimination: Simon Singleton entered: #3 time in ring: 10:50 eliminated: none eliminated by: Todd Cortez, James Blonde currently in ring: Sandman9000, Todd Cortez, James Blonde, Cuban Wall, Spencer Reiger ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Blonde also celebrates...but his fate is different than that of Reiger, as Cortez suddenly grabs him and tosses him to the floor! COACH What the hell? COLE Cortez just eliminated James Blonde! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 4th elimination: James Blonde entered: #5 time in ring: 7:02 eliminated: Simon Singleton (co) eliminated by: Todd Cortez currently in ring: Sandman9000, Todd Cortez, Cuban Wall, Spencer Reiger ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Blonde is in disbelief on the floor, as he shouts insults at Cortez. Wall hammers Cortez from behind, then whips him into the ropes, and attempts a big boot, but Cortez ducks, and executes a CROTCH-DROPPAH~! COLE And Cortez stays on the offense, with his inverted atomic drop on Cuban Wall! Reiger then jumps across the ring with a trashcan lid, connecting with the head of Wall! COACH And look at Spencer making use of the weapons! Reiger then picks up the kendo stick, and drives it into the gut of Cortez, then down onto the back! Reiger then raises the stick in the air, and turns around, only to be met by Sandman, who drives a foot into the gut, and drills him with the ARCHANGEL'S WINGS~!!!!!11111 COLE Sandman with the Archangel's Wings, as the count begins to #9! 10!!! 9!!! 8!!! 7!!! 6!!! 5!!! 4!!! 3!!! 2!!! 1!!! BUZZ~!!! [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qDIF7H986sg&feature=related"][i]Nite Runner[/url][/i] hits, and the crowd comes to its feet. COLE Uh-oh! The dancers lead DJ Giant Jesus into the entryway, and they put on a brief dance routine, before making their way towards the ring. COLE Another hot newcomer, 453 pounds, 7 feet tall, DJ Giant Jesus! DJ Giant Jesus pulls himself onto the apron, and climbs over the top rope, as everyone in the ring looks on. Sandman makes the first move, but gets floored by a double forearm body check! DJ Giant Jesus then blocks a right hand from Wall, and delivers a HUGE headbutt! Big boot for Cortez! Reiger is just coming to, as DJ Giant Jesus sizes him up, then lifts him high over head. COACH Oh no, Spencer! DJ Giant Jesus carries Reiger to the side of the ring, and tosses him all the way down to the floor! COLE Oh my God! Spencer must have been 15 feet in the air! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 5th elimination: Spencer Reiger entered: #8 time in ring: 2:35 eliminated: MARV eliminated by: DJ Giant Jesus currently in ring: Sandman9000, Todd Cortez, Cuban Wall, DJ Giant Jesus ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Everyone backs off once again, as Sandman attempts to communicate. COACH I think Sandman's trying to pull everyone together here against this big monster! Sandman, Cortez, and Wall slowly move in on DJ Giant Jesus, then after a few seconds, quickly pounce, and go to his legs. COLE And they're gonna try to dump the big man! However, after a few seconds struggle, DJ Giant Jesus reaches down and shoves all three men off! All three men move in individually once again, and are all turned away with right hands and headbutts! They then back off again as the count begins. 10!!! 9!!! 8!!! 7!!! 6!!! 5!!! 4!!! 3!!! 2!!! 1!!! BUZZ~!!! [i]Rock Your Baby[/i] by George McCrae hits, and the effects kick in, as Vinny Valentine struts through the curtains. COLE Very confident, Vinny Valentine coming out, but I think he'll want to wipe that expression off his face when he sees what awaits him! Tony Tourettes follows Vinny out and down to the ring, where he slides in and spots DJ Giant Jesus, and begins to strike up a conversation. COLE What do you think Vinny's saying to him? Vinny suddenly backs off, and breaks into a dance routine. COACH I think they're going to have a dance-off! Tony joins in as well, moving his ass back and forth violently and spinning around in a circle. Vinny then stops and points to DJ Giant Jesus. TONY TOP THAT, YOU FAT FUCK! DJ Giant Jesus then begins to dance, winning the cheers of the crowd. When he turns his back to Vinny, Vinny comes from behind and lays a forearm into his back, which of course has no effect. COACH Vinny, what are you doing? DJ Giant Jesus slowly turns around, then grabs Vinny by the face and pie-faces him over the top rope! COLE I think we have a winner in our dance-off! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 6th elimination: Vinny Valentine entered: #10 time in ring: 0:44 eliminated: none eliminated by: DJ Giant Jesus currently in ring: Sandman9000, Todd Cortez, Cuban Wall, DJ Giant Jesus ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ As DJ Giant Jesus turns around, Cortez tosses the trashcan across the ring at him, then Sandman starts hammering him with the kendo stick! COLE And now these guys pulling out all the stops! Wall joins in with a road sign, as they all hammer DJ Giant Jesus down to the mat. COACH Well, they took him down, but they've got to take him up and over the top rope! The three other combatants lifts DJ Giant Jesus up off the mat, and set him up on the ropes, but once again, he manages to fight his way free, as the countdown begins once again. 10!!! 9!!! 8!!! 7!!! 6!!! 5!!! 4!!! 3!!! 2!!! 1!!! BUZZ~!!! 18:00
I wouldn't be so quick to call Minnesota an easy game. They're 9-2 in January, including a win at Phoenix and a win over the Hornets.
Michael Redd is done for the year with a torn ACL and MCL. Tough luck for the Bucks, who really looked like they were headed for one of those last couple playoff spots.
Sun, Jan. 18 Phoenix @ Toronto, 12:30 Miami @ Oklahoma City, 7:00 NBATV Mon, Jan. 19 Chicago @ New York, 1:00 Dallas @ Philadelphia, 1:00 Toronto @ Atlanta, 2:00 San Antonio @ Charlotte, 2:00 Denver @ Houston, 2:00 NBATV Minnesota @ LA Clippers, 3:30 Indiana @ New Orleans, 3:30 Washington @ Golden State, 4:00 Detroit @ Memphis, 5:30 TNT Phoenix @ Boston, 8:00 TNT Milwaukee @ Portland, 10:00 Cleveland @ LA Lakers, 10:30 TNT Tue, Jan. 20 Atlanta @ Chicago, 8:30 NBATV Indiana @ San Antonio, 8:30 Sacramento @ Denver, 9:00 Minnesota @ Utah, 9:00 Wed, Jan. 21 Memphis @ Charlotte, 7:00 Toronto @ Detroit, 7:30 Boston @ Miami, 7:30 Phoenix @ New York, 7:30 Dallas @ Milwaukee, 8:00 New Jersey @ New Orleans, 8:00 Utah @ Houston, 8:30 NBATV Cleveland @ Portland, 10:00 Washington @ Sacramento, 10:00 Oklahoma City @ Golden State, 10:30 LA Lakers @ LA Clippers, 10:30 Thu, Jan. 22 Boston @ Orlando, 8:00 TNT Washington @ LA Lakers, 10:30 TNT Fri, Jan. 23 Phoenix @ Charlotte, 7:00 Dallas @ Detroit, 7:00 ESPN Houston @ Indiana, 7:00 Milwaukee @ Atlanta, 7:30 Memphis @ New York, 7:30 New Orleans @ Minnesota, 8:00 Toronto @ Chicago, 8:30 New Jersey @ San Antonio, 8:30 Cleveland @ Golden State, 10:30 Oklahoma City @ LA Clippers, 10:30 Sat, Jan. 24 New York @ Philadelphia, 7:00 Orlando @ Miami, 7:30 NBATV New Jersey @ Memphis, 8:00 Sacramento @ Milwaukee, 8:30 Cleveland @ Utah, 9:00 Washington @ Portland, 10:00
When did Bill Belichek start coaching girls' basketball?
See, even Kenny Smith agrees with me!
The Grizzlies have fired Marc Iavaroni.
Without Mourning, there's a good chance the Heat don't win that title in '06. There were times during those playoffs that they better off with him on the floor than they were with Shaq. Now, Gary Payton, he stole a ring that year. Mourning earned his ring, regardless of what happened in years prior.
For the next three hours, I will no longer be posting on this board.
Re: Tracy McGrady His reputation may not be totally warranted, but if you go back and research it there is certainly evidence of him not playing up to par in the biggest of games. In 2003, the Magic blew a 3-1 lead against the Pistons, the series which McGrady famously told us how glad he was to be out of the first round following game 4. In the next 3 games, McGrady shot 26-72 (36%) and had 11 turnovers. In his career in game 7's, he is 22-75 (29%). Last year, the Rockets lost the first 2 games against the Jazz at home, with McGrady going scoreless in the fourth quarter of both games, and just four in the Game 4 loss. That all seemed to be forgotten after the 40-point game in the clincher for Utah, at which point it went right back to "it's not Tracy's fault". The same sort of revisionist history happened with LeBron against the Celtics, where he had 45 in Game 7, making people forget that he shot 8-42 in games 1-2, both Cleveland losses. I will say, though, pushing Dallas to 7 games with a starting lineup including Scott Padgett and David Wesley is quite admirable.
Looking at this debate from a basketball standpoint, the first person I thought about was Paul Pierce. Now that he's got a ring, and a Finals MVP, you see people on ESPN and in the media treating him as if he's in the highest class of NBA players. He's not. He's a perennial all-star, and had a good body of work in the playoffs, but acting like he's some sort of transcendent player along the lines of Kobe Bryant, Tim Duncan, or even someone like LeBron James in just his sixth season, is silly. Let's compare him to Dwyane Wade in 2006. In that offseason, the Heat acquired Jason Williams, Gary Payton and Antoine Walker to go alongside Wade. Guys who were very good players, former All-Stars, and one who is probably a first-ballot HOFer, but Wade was still the leader of the team. The Heat went on to win the NBA title that season. The Celtics last year acquired Kevin Garnett and Ray Allen, two future HOFers arguably still in their prime, albeit at the tail end. Garnett was the one who came to represent the identity of the Celtics, the emotional leader of the team with the defense feeding off of his presence. Prior to last season, Pierce had only one season in which his team won games beyond the first round of the playoffs. Had the Celtics instead acquired role players the level of the ones the Heat had in 2006, would the Pierce-led Celtics have made it through? You never know, I suppose, but I'm leaning towards no.
I didn't get your PM, Zack. You'll have to send it again.
It's not much, but Deuce/Jumbo vs CI is now in the show.
So far I've heard from Patty, KC and Ed regarding Rumble participants (and me, obv.) If anyone else wants people in the Rumble, they need to let me know ASAP.
Hey. I didn't forget about my AC match, I've just been really busy the last week or so after moving into a new apartment. I'll try to have the match in tonight or tommorrow.
Sun, Jan. 11 Boston @ Toronto, 12:30 Philadelphia @ Atlanta, 2:00 Phoenix @ LA Clippers, 3:30 Orlando @ San Antonio, 8:30 NBATV Indiana @ Golden State, 9:00 Dallas @ Sacramento, 9:00 Miami @ LA Lakers, 9:30 Mon, Jan. 12 Milwaukee @ Washington, 7:00 Toronto @ Boston, 7:30 NBATV Oklahoma City @ New Jersey, 7:30 New York @ New Orleans, 8:00 Portland @ Chicago, 8:30 Indiana @ Utah, 9:00 Tue, Jan. 13 Charlotte @ Detroit, 7:30 Cleveland @ Memphis, 8:00 Miami @ Minnesota, 8:00 LA Lakers @ Houston, 8:30 Dallas @ Denver, 9:00 Atlanta @ Phoenix, 9:00 Orlando @ Sacramento, 10:00 Wed, Jan. 14 Detroit @ Indiana, 7:00 Portland @ Philadelphia, 7:00 Chicago @ Toronto, 7:00 New Jersey @ Boston, 7:30 Washington @ New York, 7:30 Miami @ Milwaukee, 8:00 Utah @ Oklahoma City, 8:00 New Orleans @ Dallas, 8:30 LA Lakers @ San Antonio, 9:00 ESPN Sacramento @ Golden State, 10:30 Atlanta @ LA Clippers, 10:30 Thu, Jan. 15 Portland @ New Jersey, 7:30 Cleveland @ Chicago, 8:00 TNT Phoenix @ Denver, 10:30 TNT Fri, Jan. 16 Toronto @ Indiana, 7:00 San Antonio @ Philadelphia, 7:00 New York @ Washington, 7:00 New Orleans @ Cleveland, 8:00 ESPN Utah @ Memphis, 8:00 Detroit @ Oklahoma City, 8:00 Minnesota @ Phoenix, 9:00 Milwaukee @ Sacramento, 10:00 Atlanta @ Golden State, 10:30 Orlando @ LA Lakers, 10:30 ESPN Sat, Jan. 17 Boston @ New Jersey, 1:00 Portland @ Charlotte, 7:00 New Orleans @ Detroit, 7:30 Philadelphia @ New York, 7:30 NBATV San Antonio @ Chicago, 8:30 Miami @ Houston, 8:30 Utah @ Dallas, 9:00 Orlando @ Denver, 9:00 Milwaukee @ LA Clippers, 10:30
Apparently Jermaine O'Neal got booed tonight in his return to Indy. That's horrible. I can't even feel good about the win right now.
"Come and touch it, Dave!"
I see this thread really took off. I was in Florida last week for Spring Break, and McDonald's doesn't sell biscuits & gravy down there. No Chili Cheese Burritos at Taco Bell, either. The latter may have been Georgia, I can't quite remember. If you ever go to St. Pete, eat at Mulligan's. The Grouper sandwich is excellent.
Leave me a space for a segment at some point before this match. [i]Rock Your Baby[/i] hits, as the lights go out, the multi-colored disco ball lowers from the ceiling and the arena fills with a humid, haze-like smoke. Vinny Valentine, Biff Atlas, Ken Pantera, and Tony Tourettes make their way through the curtains. COLE Anderson Cup action up next, let's to Michael Buffer! BUFFER [i]The following is a first-round Anderson Cup tag team match, scheduled for one fall! Making their way to the ring, accompanied by Tony Tourettes and Ken Pantera...at a combined weight of 448 pounds...they are the #8 seed in the Los Infernales bracket...the team of VINNY VALENTINE and BIFF ATLAS...PANIC AT THE DISSSSSSSSSSSSSCOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!![/i] COLE Big test for Vinny and Biff, as they draw the defending Anderson Cup champions! Vinny does his dance in the ring, as Biff stands in the corner and waits, as [i]Shine[/i] hits, and the crowd comes to its feet as Team Heyross makes its way to the ring. BUFFER [i]Their opponents...at a combined weight of 485 pounds...they are the #1 seed in the Los Infernales bracket...the team of CHARLIE MOSS and QUENTIN BENJAMIN...TEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAMMMMMMMM MM HHHHHHHHEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYRRRRRRRRRRRROSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS SSSS!!!!![/i] COACH This is not right, Cole, I'm telling you! COLE Well, as President Josie Baker said earlier tonight, this is the one loophole in that contract, Team Heyross gets one last shot at Thunderkid and Reject if they prevail in the Anderson Cup! Team Heyross prepares themselves in the ring, as the referee calls for the bell. *DING DING DING* Vinny starts off with Quentin Benjamin, and dances around the ring, then ties up. Vinny goes behind, but Benjamin counters with a drop toe hold, then grabs a side headlock. Benjamin lays back on the headlock. 1... 2... Vinny gets the shoulder up. Vinny works his way back to his feet, and shoves Benjamin into the ropes. Benjamin takes Vinny down with a shoulderblock, then runs to the ropes again. Vinny rolls over, then attempts a clothesline, which Benjamin ducks, and hits a flying bodypress! 1... 2... Kickout! Vinny gets to his feet, and delivers a kick to the gut, then grabs a side headlock. Benjamin shoves Vinny into the ropes, and drops down, then gets up and leapfrogs Vinny, then catches him with a hiptoss! He then catches Vinny with an armdrag, then goes to an armbar! COLE Well, so far, Vinny has been trying to match wrestling with Quentin Benjamin, and it has not worked out for him at all! Benjamin drags Vinny over and tags in Moss. COLE And the first tag of the match, made by Team Heyross! Benjamin holds Vinny, as Moss lays in a kick, then takes over on the arm. He sets up Vinny in the corner, and delivers some forearms, then attempts an Irish whip. Vinny reverses, but puts his head down, and Moss delivers a kick! COACH Vinny got caught with his head down! Moss charges, but Vinny ducks, and backdrops Moss over the top rope, but Moss lands on the apron. Moss delivers a shoulder thrust from the apron, then hops over for a sunset flip! COLE Moss going for a sunset flip! Vinny kneels down, and grabs the ropes. 1... 2... However, the referee stops the count when he sees Vinny's hands on the ropes. Vinny quickly removes his hands, and Quentin rolls him up! 1... 2... Kickout! Vinny goes to the eyes of Moss, then backs him into a corner, and delivers some right hands, then tries a hiptoss. Moss blocks, then executes a rolling takedown into a heel hook! COLE Nice counter by Moss! Vinny quickly gets into the ropes, then makes a tag to Biff. COLE And now finally Vinny able to make a tag, and Biff Atlas in there. Moss goes into tieup, but Biff gets in a shot to the gut. Biff follows with some right hands, then whips him into the ropes. Biff puts his head down, and Moss rolls him up in a small package! 1... 2... Kickout! Biff catches Moss with a clothesline, then picks him up, and attempts a suplex. Moss slips behind, and grabs a waistlock, which Biff escapes with an elbow, then runs to the ropes, but Moss recovers and catches him with a dropkick! Moss then drops an elbow, and covers... 1... 2... Kickout! Moss grabs Biff in a side headlock, but Biff backs him into the ropes, then shoves him across...and Vinny lays in a knee from the apron! COACH Nice move by Vinny! COLE Yeah, a nice cheap shot. COACH They got away with it! Biff tags Vinny in, and the two stomp away on Moss, then Vinny goes over and dances in front of Benjamin, distracting the referee as Biff chokes Moss on the top rope. Vinny then makes his way back over, and delivers forearms in the corner, and attempts a whip across. Moss reverses, but Vinny hops to the second rope, and comes back with a bodypress...but Moss rolls through! 1... 2... Kickout! Vinny goes to the eyes, then executes a rib-breaker! Cover... 1... 2... Kickout! Vinny picks up Moss, and executes a backbreaker, then tags in Biff. COACH You've got to admit, Cole, Vinny and Biff looking impressive here against the former champs, Team Heyross! COLE Absolutely, they've made it more competitive than I thought they would so far! Biff comes in, and he and Vinny whip Moss to the ropes, and execute a double clothesline, then follow up with a wishbone! Biff stomps away as the referee forces Vinny out. COACH And some nice teamwork there! Biff whips Moss into the ropes, but puts his head down, and Moss executes a sunset flip! 1... 2... Kickout! Biff gets to his feet and floors Moss with a clothesline, then tags Vinny back in. Vinny climbs to the top, while Biff runs over and knocks Benjamin off the apron. Biff sets up a suplex, and Vinny flies down onto Moss with a bodypress! COLE What a move! This could be a major upset! 1... 2... NO! Moss gets a shoulder up! COLE But no, Moss escapes! Benjamin slides into the ring, but is restrained by the referee. Meanwhile, Vinny hooks Moss, and Biff backs into the ropes, going for ALWAYS WEAR SAFETY GOGGLES~!...but Moss moves, and Biff nails Vinny! COLE Vinny takes the big knee from Biff! Moss crawls over to the corner, and tags in Benjamin! COLE And a tag is made! Benjamin hits a clothesline on Biff, then one on Vinny! He hits a second clothesline on Biff, then whips Vinny into the ropes, and catches him with a dropkick! Cover... 1... 2... Kickout! Benjamin picks up Vinny, and executes a BELLY-TO-BELLY~! Cover... 1... 2... Kickout! Benjamin whips Vinny once again, and catches him with a HURRICANRANA~! Cover... 1... 2... Biff makes the save! COLE Biff there for the save! Moss steps in, and knocks Biff to the floor, then joins Benjamin in executing the DOUBLE GOOZLE~! on Vinny! COLE And there's the Double Goozle! Benjamin moves over to the ropes, and grabs the top, then jumps up and through the middle ropes, catching Biff with a dropkick! He then pulls himself back onto the apron, as Moss lifts Vinny onto his shoulders. COLE And Team Heyross setting Vinny up for the kill! Benjamin climbs to the top rope, and executes the SUPER ROCKER DROPPER~!!!!!11111 COLE Put this one in the books! 1... 2... 3!!! *DING DING DING* COLE Team Heyross advances in the Anderson Cup! BUFFER [i]The winners of the match...TEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAMMMMMMMMMM HHHHHHHHEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYRRRRRRRRRRRROSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS SSSS!!!!![/i] COLE So, Team Heyross will meet the winner of the matchup between Jumbo & Deuce and the Cucaracha team of James Blonde and Faqu, which will take place next week! COACH Nice effort by Vinny and Biff, though! I wonder what TK and Reject are thinking backstage right now? COLE They may want to start thinking about having to put those belts on the line against Team Heyross one more time!