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Everything posted by alfdogg

  1. alfdogg

    What in the wide world of fuck?

    Yeah, I've noticed that S**** K**** tends to throw out a lot more *****'s than Meltzer does. I think Meltzer had last years' Rumble at ***3/4, SK gave it *****
  2. alfdogg

    What in the wide world of fuck?

    No, ***1/2 was S**** K****'s rating. Meltzer gives it about what you gave it, **.
  3. alfdogg


    I agree with Hoff. Originality, people.
  4. alfdogg

    What in the wide world of fuck?

    http://www.albinoblacksheep.com/flash/cerealbawks.php http://www.albinoblacksheep.com/flash/peanuts.php http://www.albinoblacksheep.com/flash/dont.php Try those.
  5. alfdogg

    What in the wide world of fuck?

    For mine? So still better than Hoff's joke, then.
  6. alfdogg

    What in the wide world of fuck?

  7. alfdogg

    So the latest version of Invasion Power Board

    I haven't seen him since like, right after FS left. If he does, his posts will still show up, but it just says "You have chosen to ignore KJ Brackish".
  8. alfdogg

    What in the wide world of fuck?

    Don't you know Hoff, no one on this board is allowed to amuse themselves but Kotz and his buddies.
  9. alfdogg

    So the latest version of Invasion Power Board

    Hey CWM, remember when we mass ignored KJ Brackish at WDI and then he left? Good times.
  10. But this is a wrestling message board, so it would be **3/4.
  11. alfdogg

    My thread in Site Feedback.

    BTW, Minnesota didn't fare well against Indiana this year. Nov. 8: Colts 31, Vikings 28 Nov. 9: Pacers 102, T-wolves 101 Nov. 25: Pacers 106, T-wolves 102
  12. alfdogg

    Failed Mascot I'm calling YOU out

    I'm the one in the orange, you little punk bitch.
  13. alfdogg

    Failed Mascot I'm calling YOU out

    You don't want to call me out, I know because this would happen:
  14. alfdogg

    Kotzenjunge Upchucks Upon All of You.

    Yeah, gimme some of that, too.
  15. alfdogg

    My thread in Site Feedback.

    Man, you already got the Patriots and Red Sox. How greedy can you Bostoners be?????
  16. alfdogg

    Failed Mascot I'm calling YOU out

    Why are you scared of me, Frigid Soul. I see you calling all these people out, why don't you call me out tough guy.
  17. alfdogg

    Forgotten Moves

    Torrie did an airplane spin against that Japanese lady on SD.
  18. alfdogg

    Post-WM draft talk on WOL

    What about Rhyno? He was getting al least somewhat of a push on SD, when he moved to RAW he fell off the face of the earth.
  19. alfdogg

    So the latest version of Invasion Power Board

    Why not? There aren't really any threads that important that would be missed if we did someday decide to upgrade.
  20. alfdogg

    The Age of Jobbers

    I looked on Cawthon's site through 2001 and didn't see him there...it was actually on IMDB.com, it said he appeared on Jakked as Leviathan in 2001, but I didn't see him. I did see the Samoa Joe loss to Essa, and also Low-Ki losing to Essa and Raven.
  21. alfdogg

    WWE Married Wrestler/ Diva Affair?

    THAT...WOULD...BE...AWSOME! Damn, no it wouldn't. Jericho is married with a *kid*. Plus, have you seen a picture of his wife? I don't think he'd run around on her. My money is on Dawn Marie and Charlie Haas (not married yet, but engaged). Holy crap, life DOES imitate art! It's Ms. Jackie and Charlie Haas not Dawn Marie and Charlie Haas He was referring to the recent love triangle angle on SD involving those three. Actually I think the saying goes "someone, somewhere, is sick of her shit."
  22. alfdogg

    So the latest version of Invasion Power Board

    Ill: if we just converted the members, and just started from scratch the rest of the way, would that cut considerable time off?
  23. alfdogg

    Why are baseball numbers so "treasured"

    Kareem is 38,000 and change. 38,387.