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Everything posted by alfdogg

  1. alfdogg

    What Happened to Scott Keith?

    He's also in nikjohns' avatar. :lol: :lol:
  2. alfdogg

    TSM H2H NBA League: Year Two (2004-2005)

    Man, again Howard is picked ahead of Okafor.
  3. alfdogg

    Let's Make DEFINITIVE "Best of" Years

    Please find a different picture of HHH for your sig.
  4. alfdogg

    TSM H2H NBA League: Year Two (2004-2005)

    The Alfdogg Asylum selects Gerald Wallace
  5. alfdogg

    OSSOTD for 10/7/04: Survivor Series 1989

    On the actual show, no, they didn't acknowledge it at all. I'm not sure about leading up to it. Same with Savage & Steamboat being teammates at the first Survivor Series.
  6. alfdogg

    The one and only emulation thread

    I'd like to change SNES emulators (currently using SNES9X) and get one that you can record the music and do screen capture on, if there's one out there. My Jnes can do it.
  7. alfdogg

    TSM H2H NBA League: Year Two (2004-2005)

    I forgot all about Joe Johnson.
  8. alfdogg

    Best Wrestling Quotes...

    "I don't care if you've got a Z on the side of your head or not, that's not legal." - Gorilla Monsoon, Survivor Series '89 "Rocky Maivia's speech at the Slammys was so boring that even Christopher Reeve got up and walked out." - Jerry Lawler, WrestleMania XIII
  9. alfdogg

    OSSOTD for 10/7/04: Survivor Series 1989

    While it's not good wrestling-wise (in fact, it was downright awful with the exception of a couple segments), it's one of my most-watched shows. Really fun show to watch, and the commentary is great. That also reminds me of another quote for the quote thread.
  10. alfdogg

    Yankees/Twins ALDS Thread

    That sounds a *lot* like the general consensus after Game 2 of the NBA Finals...and we all know what happened there.
  11. alfdogg

    NBA Offseason News and Moves

    If this Los Angeles Lakers basketball team wants to have a successful basketball season, then their star basketball player Kobe Bryant will need to share the basketball just a little bit more. Once Karl Malone's injuries heal and he is able to return to the basketball court, this basketball team wil be able to contend with any basketball team in any basketball game on any given night. But don't sleep on my Knicks, they're a great young basketball team with a lot of basketball skills, and should be a tremendous basketball season for this great basketball franchise.
  12. alfdogg

    Do birthdays even matter

    = you've posted = you haven't
  13. alfdogg

    TSM H2H NBA League: Year Two (2004-2005)

    The Alfdogg Asylum selects Jason Williams
  14. alfdogg

    NBA: Looking forward to this year?

    Kwame Brown is expected to miss the first two weeks of the regular season with a broken toe, ESPN just said.
  15. alfdogg

    The almighty "Myrtle Beach Mike"

    Still no one did. I'll do the honors ROB E DANGEROUSLY FAPS 2 DIS http://www.albinoblacksheep.com/flash/x.php LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL
  16. alfdogg

    Stupid CE People

  17. alfdogg

    Best Wrestling Quotes...

    "THAT WAS THREE, YOU ASSHOLE!" Bobby Heenan, from ringside, to the referee after Andre fell on Hogan for a near three-count at WM3
  18. alfdogg

    TSM H2H NBA League: Year Two (2004-2005)

    You can send it to me if you want.
  19. alfdogg

    NBA Offseason News and Moves

    Fuck K-Mart.
  20. alfdogg

    NBA: Looking forward to this year?

    The injury woes begin already for the Kings, as Greg Ostertag broke his hand Saturday and is out 4-6 weeks.
  21. alfdogg

    If you could watch any one match / card live

    Card, I'd have to say WM X-7. Match: Either Bret/Austin, WM13 or Savage/Flair, WM8...which, oddly enough, was in Indianapolis, about 1/2 hour from where I live.
  22. alfdogg

    Rank the WrestleMania Matches

    1. IV vs Steamboat 2. IV vs Savage 3. II w/Beefcake vs Bulldogs 4. V w/HTM vs Harts 5. I vs JYD 6. III w/Beefcake vs Rougeaus 7. VII vs Earthquake Davey Boy Smith
  23. alfdogg

    TSM H2H NBA League: Year Two (2004-2005)

    The Alfdogg Asylum selects Antoine Walker
  24. alfdogg

    TSM H2H NBA League: Year Two (2004-2005)

    I already know who I'm using my last pick on, but none of my other ones.