*DING DING DING* (slow and dramatic)
[i]LLLLLLLLLLLLLLadies and gentlemen, this is our tag team showcase of the evening! Tonight, two of the most innovative tag teams in the history of our sport will lock horns, for the OAOAST tag team championship of the WORLD! ARE YOU READY?[/i]
*crowd cheers*
*crowd cheers*
[i]Then for the thousands in attendance here at the Knickerbocker Arena, and the millions and millions watching around the world...there's only one thing left to say. Ladies and gentlemen...LLLLLLLLLLLLET'S GET RRRRRRRREADY TO RRRRRRUMBLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!![/i]
[i]The Wall[/i] by Kansas plays, and the crowd boos as the lights go out. The entryway is lit up by yellow strobes, then yellow smoke fills it up, with Thunderkid and Reject walking through.
[i]Coming to the ring at this time...at a combined weight of 485 pounds! Together again as a team, they look to win their first World tag team championship, and add another notch onto their already impressive careers. Ladies and gentlemen, the challengers...representing the Deadly Alliance...the team of THHHHHHHHHHUNDERKIIIIIIID and RRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRREEEEEEEEEEEEEJEEEEEEEEEEEEEECT!!!!![/i]
And as we heard Michael Buffer say, Thunderkid and Reject looking for their first taste of tag team gold, and if they do that, that would really look good along side their impressive solo careers.
I've said all along, Cole, this is going to be TK and Reject's night, and I'm not backing off that stance! New tag team champions, right here!
Reject and TK enter then ring, and Reject poses on the buckles, drawing boos. TK goes over to the ropes and raises both arms in the air, getting a similar reaction. Both men then retreat to their corners, as [i]Shine[/i] by Collective Soul plays, leading the tag team champions out to a loud ovation.
And listen to the reaction for Team Heyross!
[i]Their opponents...at a combined weight of 485 pounds! Two of the masters of mat wrestling, they are finally on top of the mountain after nearly three long, hard-fought years. Ladies and gentlemen...introducing the OAOAST tag team champions of the WORRRRRRRRRRRRRLD...CHARLIE MOSS and QUENTIN BENJAMIN...TEEEEEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAMMMMMMM HEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYRRRRROSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!!!!![/i]
The champs roll inside and pose on the ropes with their belts, as the crowd looks on in approval. Reject attempts to go after Quentin Benjamin, but Benjamin whips his belt off and threatens him with it, as Reject backs off.
This match is going to be something special, Coach!
The music dies down, and Team Heyross hands their belts to the referees, who raises them into the air, then calls for the bell.
Here we go, Cole!
Both teams converse, then TK and Moss step out.
And it's going to be Quentin Benjamin starting things off with Reject!
Benjamin and Reject circle the ring, and tie up. Reject quickly goes behind, but Benjamin reverses, and takes Reject up in the air and down to the mat. Reject manages a nice escape and reversal into a hammerlock, but Benjamin rolls away before he can get it locked in all the way.
Some nice mat wrestling to start, with neither man gaining the upper hand as of yet!
Benjamin and Reject move in once again, and Reject sends a kick to the gut, then grabs a side headlock. Benjamin backs Reject into the ropes, then shoves him across. He drops down, then gets up and leapfrogs Reject, before catching him with a hiptoss! Reject quickly gets to his feet, but gets caught in an armdrag! Benjamin then bars the arm, keeping Reject on the mat.
Nice sequence there by Quentin Benjamin, as he goes to work with the armbar!
Reject starts to work up to his feet, at which point Benjamin brings him over to his corner and tags in Moss.
Champs make the first tag of the match, as it's now Charlie Moss in the ring!
Moss sends a kick to the gut, then rams Reject's head into the buckles. He then delivers a European uppercut, and attempts an Irish whip. Reject reverses, then follows him in and executes a monkey flip, hanging on and ending up in a kneeling position on Moss's chest...
Moss reaches up with his legs, and rolls Reject up!
Reject rolls backward to escape, then grabs the legs of Moss, who hooks Reject around the head with his ankles, and takes him down, sitting on his chest...
Reject gets to his feet, and catches Moss with a CHOP~!
Moss backs into a corner, shielding his chest, and Reject follows. Reject attempts a hiptoss, but Moss blocks, then tries one of his own. Reject blocks in kind, but Moss does a somersault on the mat, taking Reject down by the leg, and applying a heel hook!
And a quick submission hold by Charlie Moss...
Reject quickly scoots to the ropes, and the referee forces the break.
Nah, way too early for that!
Reject gets to his feet, and tags in TK.
And now the power man in, Thunderkid, two-time Heartland champion!
Moss and TK tie up, and TK quickly gains an advantage with right hands. He backs Moss in, and attempts an Irish whip, but Moss blocks, and pulls TK in for a knee to the midsection. Moss then goes behind TK, and flips over onto his back, taking him down with a sunset flip...
TK lays in a forearm shot, but Moss quickly drives another knee into the gut, then attempts a suplex. TK blocks, then attempts one of his own, but Moss slips behind the back, and executes a German suplex!
Nice suplex right there by Charlie Moss, nearly got an early fall with that one!
Moss grabs a side headlock as TK gets to his feet. TK backs Moss into the ropes, and shoves him across. TK drops down...and Reject lays a knee into the back of Moss from the apron!
And there's a cheap shot from Reject from the outside!
Reject then tags in, and both men stomp away on Moss, as the referee lays the count on. TK steps out, and Reject hammers Moss as he lays on the mat. He then makes his way over to Benjamin, taunting him, drawing him into the ring. This allows TK to hook Moss in a front facelock across the top rope!
And now as the referee distracted, Moss is being choked out here!
See, Cole? What did I tell you? Which of these teams is wrestling like champions right now?
I have to say, this is very uncharacteristic of Team Heyross to fall for tactics like this!
Reject drags Moss into a corner, and delivers a CHOP~!
And another!
He then attempts an Irish whip, but Moss reverses. Reject hops to the middle rope, then jumps back at Moss with a bodypress...which Moss rolls through!
Reject quickly gets up, and goes to the eyes of Moss. Reject then executes a gutwrench suplex! Cover...
Reject follows up with a backbreaker, then tags in TK. TK and Reject whip Moss into the ropes, and catch him with a double clothesline! They follow up by grabbing one each of Moss's legs, and snapping them with a wishbone!
Some more great teamwork from the challengers in this match, as you start to wonder how much longer Charlie Moss can hang in there!
TK stomps away on Moss, then flexes his muscles to the crowd, which responds with boos. He picks up Moss and whips him into the ropes, putting his head down, as Moss hops over with a sunset flip!
TK quickly gets up and floors Moss with a clothesline, then tags Reject back in. Reject grabs Moss's legs, and delivers a stomp to the midsection, then stands on his right foot while grabbing his left, and falls back with a one-man wishbone!
And now Reject starting to work over a body part!
Reject grabs the leg again, and jumps onto it, turning in mid-air so that his back is to Moss when he lands, then bends the leg up at the knee joint.
Look at how that leg is bent, Cole, that can't be good!
Moss grabs Reject by the hair, but the referee makes him release. Reject reaches up and tags in TK, who runs to the opposite side and knocks Benjamin off the apron, then immediately tags Reject back.
Uh oh, they're cookin' now, Cole!
TK lifts Moss in a hangman's hold, as Reject measures, and delivers a kick to the midsection! Reject then scales the ropes, giving a throat-slash as he gets one foot on the top, then climbs up, and delivers the BIG ELBOW~!!!!!11111
Here it is!
NO! Benjamin makes the save!
And if it wasn't for Quentin Benjamin right there, we would have new tag team champions!
Exactly right! Get him out, ref!
Reject sets up a suplex, which Moss reverses to a small package...but there's no referee!
And now look at this!
HA! His own partner's screwing him over! That's what I call karma!
TK climbs in and rolls Reject on top, just as the referee turns around. The referee makes his way over to TK, allowing Benjamin to climb in and turn it to its original position, as the referee counts...
TK saves!
TK celebrates his feat, as Benjamin jumps in and dropkicks him from behind, sending him over the top to the floor! Meanwhile, Moss ducks a big right from Reject, and executes an inverted atomic drop!
Now, Charlie Moss needs to tag right here!
Moss backs Reject into the ropes for an Irish whip, but Reject reverses. He drops down, and Moss is tripped by TK from the outside! TK then slides in and hooks Moss, as Reject runs to the ropes, and goes for a spinning wheel kick!
..but Moss moves, and TK takes the shot!
NOW tag, Charlie!
Moss inches to his corner, but at the last second, Reject pulls him back and drops an elbow to the back! Reject then picks him up, and whips him into a corner, and charges...but Moss gets the foot up! Moss then charges Reject from behind, and executes a bulldog...simultaneously dropkicking TK to the floor!
WHAT A MOVE by Charlie Moss!
Moss scoots over to his corner, and MAKES THE TAG!
And FINALLY, Quentin Benjamin back inside!
Benjamin enters the ring, fists clenched, as the crowd goes nuts! He hammers away on Reject, then whips him into the ropes, and catches him with a spinning wheel kick! Cover...
Benjamin picks Reject up, and executes an overhead belly-to-belly! Cover...
Next up, a Northern Lights suplex!
NO! Kickout!
Benjamin picks up Reject once again, whipping him across the ropes, and catching him with a HURRICANRANA~! Benjamin reaches back and hooks the leg...
NO!!! TK makes the save!
Moss jumps back in and catches TK with a forearm shot to the face, then, as Benjamin waits, he backs into the ropes, and they execute the DOUBLE GOOZLE~!
Oh, no!
NO!!! Reject gets the shoulder up!
TK grabs Benjamin from behind, and drags him into a corner. Moss nails TK from behind, and Benjamin turns him around in the corner, as Moss sets up Reject, and whip the two into each other! Moss then grabs Reject once again, and whips him into a corner, then as Reject staggers out, lifts him onto his shoulders!
NO! Where you at, TK?
TK slowly makes his way over to the timekeeper's table and grabs a chair, as Benjamin scales the top rope. TK reaches up and grabs Benjamin by an arm, pulling him right down to the floor!
Oh wow, Benjamin straight to the concrete floor!
TK then slides in, as Moss still has Reject on his shoulders, and delivers a chairshot right to the left knee of Moss! Moss crumples to the mat with Reject as the referee calls for the bell.
And TK with a chairshot right to the knee of Charlie Moss, as the referee has thrown this one out! What a terrible way to end this outstanding match!
Moss writhes in pain on the mat, as TK grabs the chair, and rams it into the knee of Moss!
Is this how it's gonna be? You couldn't beat these guys, so now you'll settle for maiming them?
Obviously you're forgetting what stable these guys are repping, Cole.
[i]The winners of the match as a result of a disqualification...and STILL OAOAST World tag team champions...TEEEEEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAMMMMMMM HEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYRRRRROSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!!!!![/i]
Team Heyross keeps the titles, but that's of little consolation right now, as TK out to terminate the career of Charlie Moss!
Reject tosses Benjamin back into the ring, as TK drags Moss out to the ringpost. TK then grabs the chair, and slams it into the knee of Moss!
This is a disgusting display by these two Deadly Alliance members!
Officials make their way to the ring, as TK slides back in, and waits on Reject, who lifts Benjamin in a suplex, letting him fall back onto TK's shoulders. TK then sits out with a powerbomb, as Reject executes a neckbreaker!
Look at that move!
[i]The Wall[/i] plays, as TK and Reject grab Team Heyross's belts and celebrate over their prone bodies.
And to clarify, those belts still belong to Team Heyross, the winners of the match by a disqualification!
Yeah, but TK and Reject got their message across tonight! Those belts won't belong to Team Heyross for long!
Let's just get out of here. Let's go to Josh, or something.