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Shanghai Kid

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Everything posted by Shanghai Kid

  1. Shanghai Kid

    Fans cheering the heels

    Hmmmm, not sure if I'd call that the ONLY time...how bout the 1990 Royal Rumble when Hogan and Warrior were the only two guys in the ring for that 2 minute stretch, the crowd was going nuts for both guys...sure it wasn't Hogan's peak, but it was Warrior's and Hogan was Hogan so... Yeah Hogan and Warrior actually did do that also.
  2. Shanghai Kid

    Fans cheering the heels

    Until WM18, I had never seen a better reaction to a heel than the face pops Rock was getting. It was one of the main reasons why his Breakdown 98 match with Foley & Shamrock is among my favourites. The crowd just loved him, and shit all over Shamrock. And he hadn't even turned face or changed his personality at all. He was saying the exact same things he was saying months before when he was the most hated heel in the company, and now he was getting cheered for it. He also never really quit the Nation of Domination. One of my favorite moments of all time is actually the night after the October PPV in 99 on Raw. Rock comes out to challenge HHH at Survivor Series, and then Austin comes out and says he should be the #1 contender. Their's a 2 minute period there that just goes down in history. That's the only time where I can think of the 2 biggest faces at their peak standing on opposite ends of the ring, and the crowd trying to decide who to cheer. I was expecting a huge Austin chant, but the Rock took of his sunglasses and the fans were equally chanting for him. That was a great moment. By the time face Austin faced face Rock, it was too late. It was 2001, the Rock was a stale face, and they had the big match in Texas where Jesus himself couldn't get the fans to cheer against Austin.
  3. Shanghai Kid

    Fans cheering the heels

    The biggest example I can remember is HBK getting cheered over Diesel at Wrestlemania 11. It was an even crowd through out the match, but when HBK superkicked Diesel and the ref was knocked out and couldn't make the count, the crowd absolutely shat over Diesel making a comeback and retaining the title. Also, NWO was pretty much cheered from the start. The Rock was the one who absolutely took it and ran with being the cool heel who got cheered.
  4. Shanghai Kid

    Mcnabb/Owens vs Culpepper/Moss

    Which combo would you take for now and the future? Also, which combo will produce more wins and better stats this season?
  5. Shanghai Kid

    The OAO Raw IS Diva SearcHHH thread

    Mark it down, when they make a DVD for Christian, it will be called "The Chronicles of Christian". Also, somewhere down the line TNT will steal that title and use it as a straight to TNT movie about Jesus.
  6. Shanghai Kid

    WWE News & Notes from the 9/13 Observer

    So how about HHH's burial of Eugene?
  7. Shanghai Kid

    NFL Game Chatter Thread

    Wow, Portis has been exposed. Wait....60 yard TD Run on his first play.....nevermind. The Clinton Administration has begun.
  8. Shanghai Kid

    Bret Hart Vs. Shawn Michaels Late 97

    Yeah DX had a HUGE cult following by the time Royal Rumble rolled around. I always liked the original DX better than any variation. HBK and HHH had the chemistry on point back then.
  9. Shanghai Kid

    Eddie Murphy Delirious Vs Raw

    How come no Delirious on DVD? Don't know for sure, but it hasn't been available on VHS in years. It's the only reason why I still haven't destroyed my old bootleg containing Delerious, RAW, and Eddie Murphy's Best of SNL. Oh, BTW, I voted for Delerious because it had a better flow than RAW. Besides that, the recurring bits between the two tended to be better in it than in RAW. Example- Gay Honeymooners, Mr. T, and Michael Jackson in Delerious vs. the Mr. T Jedi Mind Trick, "I'll moonwalk all up and down your ass!", and "I can't go to San Francisco... they've got a 24-hour homo watch for me at the airport!" The one piece I'm a little divided on is drunken Mr. Murphy at the family barbecue ("Gus, you married a bigfoot, didn't ya?") vs. drunken Mr. Murphy talking about how poor he was ("I used to wear a Twister suit to school! Right hand blue! Left foot red! It was a goddamn game to these kids!"). Nothing beats the drunken rant at the BBQ. Another good joke, was when he's talking about Poltergiest. Eddie walks up to the preacher- "Look man, my daugher is in the TV, all my stuff is at the house, go over there and do what you want, I just didn't want you to think I killed her." "But Mr. Murphy, didn't you try to save your daughter"? "Yeah I tried to save her, I changed the channel and the shit didn't work so I got the fuck out of there". Eddie walks into house- "Baby this house is beautiful, you got a nice neighborhood, kids playing in the street, nice chandalier" Voice- " GET OUT"! "Too bad we can't stay, let's get the fuck out". White guy turns the sink on, blood comes out instead of water. White guy looking at the sink- "Well that's peculiar". Nothing beats Delirious. And let's not forget the greatest quote ever- "And then he said Goony Goo Goo"
  10. Shanghai Kid

    What now for Nick Dinsmore?

    It's so DUMB though. He's still over enough as the retard to be a great face midcarder. The only decent face on the Raw midcard is Jericho, and their's plenty of room for Eugene to have a nice shelf life there. Let's be honest, as long as you don't overexpose him, he's fine. The live crowds outside of Toronto get a huge kick out of Eugene, and he's one of the most entertaining things on Raw. You guys act like the entire world has suddenly s*** on Eugene and that the guy isn't gettin cheers when he comes out. Even if that was the case, why the hell take a good thing and banish him from the WWE? Why turn him heel which would have an even bigger chance of the crowd shitting on the entire thing and than Eugene's career would totally be over because he could NEVER turn face again. He may not be over like a main eventer, but as a midcarder, what the f*** is wrong with Eugene???
  11. Shanghai Kid

    Randy Orton's new theme music

    The Evolution theme is flatout awesome. It's just one of the best entrances I've heard in a long time.
  12. Shanghai Kid

    What now for Nick Dinsmore?

    Blah, that's a load of crap. The guy can still be a midcarder. He still would be a top midcard face along with Jericho.
  13. Shanghai Kid

    Eddie Murphy Delirious Vs Raw

    How come no Delirious on DVD?
  14. Shanghai Kid

    Eddie Murphy Delirious Vs Raw

    Delirious by a MILE. Raw was good, but Eddie just didn't have the same edge, and their was a couple of dry spots during Raw while Delirious never lets up. Delirious IMO may be the best comedy stand up special ever.
  15. Shanghai Kid

    The Nation

    On another note, I thought 'Primetime' Elix Skipper was one of the few good things going for WCW when they closed down. I really thought he would be in the WWE in no time. Some of the athletic moves he used to do were crazy.
  16. Shanghai Kid

    I hate The Rock

    Basically that's how I feel, the guy doesn't have to do what he does, he's making millions, but he's still been loyal to the WWE. And his promos are so out of the realm of what anybody in the WWE can do that it's amazing. Take two of the WWE's current main eventers, put them together, and they STILL don't have half as much charisma as the Rock. He's a huge positive for the wrestling world, always has been, probably always will be, and that's the bottom line to all of this. Rock's popularity will always be consistent, it's not going to dwindle no matter how much time he misses. Austin lost his aura along time ago, the Rock has not lost his aura. The Rock can go out to the ring, and basically just pull an improv promo out of his ass and it will be one of the best promos for Raw for the year.
  17. Shanghai Kid

    I hate The Rock

    Seriously, put down the hatorrade. I guarantee the Rocks segment will be the highest rated on Raw just like it always is. His promos are on another level from everybody else, mainly because they seem totally unscripted and spur of the moment.
  18. Shanghai Kid

    I hate The Rock

    The difference between a 20 minute Rock promo and a 20 minute HHH promo is that the Rock actually entertains both the arena fans and the televised audience. How could you NOT find it funny? Off the top of my head it already ranks in the top 5 promos of the year, and that says alot considering he was trying to get the Diva contest over, something that Jesus Christ couldn't do.
  19. Not a good Raw, but I'm glad I taped it because of TRISH. I've already hit the rewind button about 16 times.
  20. Shanghai Kid

    I hate The Rock

    I disagree, the Rocks promos are still the most entertaining thing on Raw when he shows up. Nobody in the WWE can cut a promo like the Rock, because he talks like an actual person and basically says whatever he's really thinking, so the fans feel it more since it doesn't sound generic or something that a writer in the back came up with. Rock always has great, great one liners. "Their's about to be a homocide in this son of a bitch". "Got some good weed in Anaheim" "What dude said Sushi". And let's not remember his last appearance- "The Miami dolphins defense sitting in the front row, I didn't know Miami had a defense". I don't see how anybody can hate the Rock interrupting something already as stupid as the Diva Search. The Rock and Coaches ongoing feud is pretty damn good. You really have to have no sense of humor to not laugh at least once during a Rock promo. He always puts midcarders over also. Whether it be Hurricane or Tajiri, it's not his fault the writers don't follow up with it when he's gone. And the live arenas absolutely loves it, what else on the show is going to give them theirs money worth? Lita and Kane getting married?
  21. Shanghai Kid

    Back From The Dead...

    Honestly, why do you guys think Evil Dead is still strictly a cult thing? They made a freaking VIDEO GAME of Evil Dead. That's pretty mainstream when they take a 20 year old movie and just randomly make a video game of it with Bruce Campell providing voice narration. Evil Dead 2 and Army of Darkness have sold a TON on DVD's. I guarantee they've made back their budget in DVD sales. Army of Darkness sold enough to where they released a totally different directors cut DVD, and now sell them together, and Evil Dead 2 is easily one of the best selling horror DVDs of all time. Army of Darkness is shown on Sci-Fi once or twice a month. After Spiderman got so huge, I'm sure most people looked at Raimis past work and at least acknowledged the fact that the Evil Dead trilogy exists. I haven't met anybody who hasn't seen it. Duke Nukem which is hugely popular stole all his one liners from Ash. It may not be as huge as Freddy or Jason individually, but people know Evil Dead in general. They might not know Ash by name, but when they see him they probably reconigze it's the guy with the chainsaw on his hand who invented the whole "give me some suger baby" and "come get some" lines.
  22. Shanghai Kid

    Back From The Dead...

    Freddy/Jason/Ash is such a bad idea IMO. The characters don't mix. Ash is sarcastic/funny, but so is Freddy. And I don't think anyone is buying that Ash could hang against Freddy or Jason, let alone BOTH of them.
  23. Shanghai Kid

    Getting Orton Over

    What was the point of the opening promo last night? Orton making fun of the crowd and getting heat, I don't get it. He wasn't that over as a heel, and now that he's gotten jumped by Evolution, the crowd is just going to cheer him? You can make a solid case that Randy had that beatdown coming to him. He's done alot of crap in the last 7-8 months. I just don't see him suddenly coming out to huge face pops. He doesn't have the kind of promos that get the crowd behind him like Rock/Austin/Foley. He has that slow monotone heelish promo style. The only way he can maybe become a good face if Benoit totally gets behind him. It's going to have to take the faces acceping him before the fans just come out and start cheering him. This is not a situation like the Rock. The Rock was getting more heat than anybody, Orton is not.
  24. Shanghai Kid

    The OAO Raw Is Randy thread for 08.16.04

    So how similar was this to the Horseman kicking out Sting? It's a full circle, now Flair gets to play the Ole Anderson role, and even give that Ole promo where he gives Orton the ultimatum before HHH attacks him. Great, great ending though. Give it up for the production crew also. They showed HHH give the thumbs down, than jumped quickly to Randys reaction, and then perfectly back in time for HHH to give Batista the "now".
  25. Shanghai Kid

    HHH Appreciation Thread

    This is for people to talk about HHH in an unusually positive light. I like HHH's promos. I'm guessing some people hate the guy because of backstage poltics, hey i'm not a fan of holding a guy down, but it seems like most people who get to the top do it, it's the way of the buisness. I don't think Kurt Angle is a bad guy, but theirs been reports of him going all the way with the political power. HHH, in my opinion, has become the most likeable character on Raw. It's because he's the only character who is consistent, and never goes against his mission. His character litererally treats the WWE like a sport where he has to be the best. He treats like the World Title like superbowl trophy. Where as alot of guys have no depth, and do things that sometimes make no sense, HHH is always doing what maks sense for his character to be the best. Everybody hates HHH's promos, but they make alot of sense to me. Maybe it's a case where he's been featured so much over the last two years that I've been accustomed to it and actually have became a fan, but you have to admit, all the other characters on Raw come off as a cardboard cut out compared to HHH. Putting him up against Eugene and the fans turning on Eugene sort of goes with what I thought would happen. What reason did the fans have to cheer Eugene? HHH as a character is strong enough to a point where wins and losses don't affect his credibility. If the WWE could build up a face with an equal amount of credibility, it would make a great, great feud. Benoit has been the closest, but the WWE didn't push him as the Champ as much as they could of. The only faces who are strong enough to not make the storyline revolve around HHH are Rock/Austin/Foley. Anyways, I've begun to appreciate what HHH brings to the wrestling world. He is a very credible villian on a show that has none.