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Shanghai Kid

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Everything posted by Shanghai Kid

  1. Shanghai Kid

    OAO Diva Search Thread

    Which WWE Divas have personality?
  2. Shanghai Kid

    OAO Diva Search Thread

    Carmella was the best looking one there, and especially was the best one to get to advance, so I won't be surprised when she wins. And who cares about the New York Crowd favorite? The girl was ugly as hell and super hyper active. Switch to decaff and get a face lift, and than we'll talk.
  3. I wonder how Bret feels about Shawn as a worker? You have to admit, I understand what Bret is saying, but it loses credibility for me when he says that Foley is a better worker than Flair. I don't even think FOLEY himself would say all that.
  4. No, it's not a harsh tactic. It's giving you the opportunity to make your point by saying "THIS happened in THIS match." Those who claimed Flair took liberties, aside from Bret, have yet to name any specific examples. Such as? How? When do they happen? How is the drama ruined? I want specifics, and I think everyone reading does too. My mind is open, and you may convince me. This was not your argument before. Your argument was that Bret's matches were better. So prove it. I laid it out for you. Do it. Please. Is this brethart talking or Bret Hart talking? How? What matches did they have that were better? What specifically did they do better than Flair? What could Flair have done to get up to their level? How much Flair have you seen? How much Steamboat have you seen? How much Savage have you seen? Until you're willing to answer all of these questions, you're wasting the time of everyone here by throwing out statements like that and not explaining yourself. Your annoying me. I post on a public computer. So i cant watch any DVD's right now. I think the Drama in most Flair matches where ruined by his spots. I am offering that opinion, i dont have to offer any specifics. I think its stupid i have to offer specifics when i am talking about spots Flair did in every single match. When i talk about how disapointed i am about Flair, this is Alex Brown talking. Sorry i treid my hardest to like classic Flair matches. I tried to look extra hard for Flair greatness, but its not there. Perhaps i am totally insane, but i see nothing speical about Flair apart from this promos. Ok Steamboat has a better match with the Macho Man. Even though it was a lot shorter, and had a screwy finish. There wrestlemania 3 match is slightly better than anything Flair did with Steamboat. Every single match Bret had is better than anything Flair has done. Heres a few matches Flair can never hope to touch ever. Bret Vs Owen Hart Wrestlemania 10 (There is there cage match too.) Bret Vs Shawn Micheals Wrestlemania 12 Bret vs the Undertaker over the Edge. (Just as good as Shawns hell in the cell match, except Bret didnt need the cage to get a good match out of Taker.) Bret Vs Stone Cold Steve Austin Wrestlemania 13 ( There was a other match they had before this one that was great too.) Bret Hart Vs Mr Perfect. Bret hart Vs British Bulldog In these matches Bret wrestles a serious varied style. List me some Flair matches that you think i havent seen, and will change my mind, and i will try to track them down. PS: I am arguing the fact that Flairs style of wrestling was limited, and distracted from the Drama of the matches. If you like flip flops over the ropes, and for your heel to be more amusing than the babyface stealing his heat fine, we have diffrent tastes. MY GOD, you are a FREAKING MARK! Every match Bret did is better than anything Flair did? Bret vs Savio Vega was better than Flair/Steamboat? Bret/Undertaker, WTF? That match was nowhere near HBK/Undertaker, it didn't have the psycology, it didn't have the bumps, and it didn't have a story. Please give me an example of Flair in the 80's taking away from his great matches by doing comedy. I'm beggin ya. The only thing that Bret has done that has come close to Flair/Steamboat is vs Austin, and I think most people will take Flair/Steamboat over that.
  5. They're both good workers, but what puts Flair over the top is the mic work and charisma, that's whats going to make Flair way more memorable than Bret. You can talk about Flair being a comedy wrestler and all that crap, but he could cut a seriously intense promo whenever he wanted. By the way, HBK>Bret Hart And has Bret done anything better than Flair/Steamboat?
  6. Shanghai Kid

    Diva Contest a Work?

    Carmella (?) is hot as crazy, I would have no problem with her taking doing interviews or being a valet, I can't see how she could be less valuable than Stacy or Torrie.
  7. Landel gave exclusive comments to 1Wrestling.com about the controversy and leaves no doubt as to who he thinks is the best. "I've wrestled them both and if my thoughts mean anything, here goes! Ric Flair is the single greatest wrestler (bar none) that has ever been in our business. You see Flair arriving, you know here comes the champ. See him in the airport, here comes the champ. In the ring you get your money's worth - if you could ever find a seat! To the few, including myself, who have had the pleasure of wrestling the world champ, it was a tough long night ahead of you and you'd better be in shape. Bret was decent but a robot in my opinion. To someone who wrestled them both there was no comparison. Ric Flair has earned the right to say what ever the hell he wants to say." He knows more about it than we do. Bret= I Robot
  8. Shanghai Kid

    The OAO Raw thread for 07.12.04

    Benoit never had heat.
  9. Shanghai Kid

    The OAO Raw thread for 07.12.04

    Eugene- Quality wrestler, #1 face in the company. Benoit- Great wrestler, stale as shit, the most bland face champion in the history of WWE. Makes Test look charismatic.
  10. Shanghai Kid

    The OAO Nightmare on Elm Street thread

    I actually just bought the boxset and watched them all this weekend. The 1rst one is one of the greatest horror movies of all time. Freddy is legitly scary in this movie, and the teenagers are the central part of the story. The best scene is Johnny Depp getting sucked into his bed and blood flying everywhere. His character got the most brutal death of the movie, you can only imagine what his mother was feeling like when she opened the door and saw her son like that. Hell the Coroner threw up on sight, saying he never saw anything like that. The 2nd movie is the worst of the franchise IMO. Main character is gay, played by a real life homosexual. This is the one to skip. 3rd one is great, Freddy starts slipping in one liners, the best of the series is here as Freddy says "Welcome to Primetime Bitch". 4th isn't great, but it has decent dream sequences. 5th is horrible, has a gothic feel and Freddy is overexposed. Another great Freddy one liner- "Bon Appatite Bitch". Freddys Dead is more of a comedy than Horror, Freddy is over the top hilarious in this movie. New Nightmare is totally different. Overall a great series, 4 out of the 7 are better movies than Freddy vs Jason.
  11. Shanghai Kid

    New Mattitude Commentary-- Be positive, guys.

    I really don't think Lita is more successiful or popular than Trish, Sable, Chyna, and Sunny. Trish right now is the #1 Diva, it's pretty obvious, she's also the most successful womens wrestler.
  12. Shanghai Kid

    NBA Offseason News and Moves

    Vince Carter has demaded a trade ala his cousin.
  13. Shanghai Kid

    The One and Only Raw Thread for 06/28/04

    I can't stand watching Lita try to act..channel being turned.
  14. Shanghai Kid

    NBA Offseason News and Moves

    Stack and L8 were cancers in Washington, so they had to be moved. Jamison is better than anybody the Wiz would of gotten at 5. They reunited the Golden State Warriors!
  15. Shanghai Kid

    NBA Offseason News and Moves

    I was actually hoping the Bobcats did take Dixon, the guy is the ultimate chucker, the biggest ballhog I have ever witnessed in team basketball.
  16. Shanghai Kid

    The OAO Nip/Tuck thread

    It was a good episode. I liked what he said to the Nanny- Get out you incompetent bitch!
  17. Shanghai Kid

    And in a shocking development

    How exactly does the Rock bury people? The Rock is always putting guys over.
  18. Shanghai Kid

    The OAO Raw Thread - 6/21/04

    This is going to be one of the most unpredictable Raw matches in some time.
  19. Shanghai Kid

    The OAO Raw Thread - 6/21/04

    That was the wierdest thing you'll ever see on a wrestling show. Kane's got the whole acting thing down.
  20. Shanghai Kid

    NBA Offseason News and Moves

    How can anybody think the Magic got the better deal? Francis doesn't even want to be there, even if he did, he's nowhere near as good as Mcgrady. Their also giving their second best player, Juwan Howard up for Mobley?
  21. Shanghai Kid

    The OAO Raw Thread - 6/21/04

    It's hard not to be cheering Trish against newly stippified Victoria.
  22. Shanghai Kid

    The OAO Raw Thread - 6/21/04

    Heel Trish walks like Molly Holly.
  23. Shanghai Kid

    The OAO Raw Thread - 6/21/04

    The Rock is so above everybody else in mic skills it's hilarious.
  24. Shanghai Kid

    2004 NBA Draft thread

    Those dummies forgot Ben Gordon.
  25. Shanghai Kid

    News, Rumors & Notes!

    The Rock puts over somebody every time he comes back, and he's easily always the highlight of the show.