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El Psycho Diablo

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Everything posted by El Psycho Diablo

  1. El Psycho Diablo

    Favorite Rock Moment

    I can't say I ever got tired of Rocky, but then again, I don't mind face Jericho, either. The Jabroni Jackpot one was gold. Was that the same one where he mocked Austin, going "And Stone Cold is going to get a couple of Stevewisers, go to his pickup truck, and listen to some Backstreet Boys. Oh hell yeah!"?
  2. El Psycho Diablo

    Day of Reckoning 2

    >_< Nothing can ever be as bad as the "random screaming crap" BGM from HCTP. Nothing.
  3. El Psycho Diablo

    Smackdown VS Raw 2006

    The CAW had better be more advanced that SDvRaw's. Hell, the one in HCTP was better.
  4. El Psycho Diablo

    Comments that don't warrant a thread

    NxC isn't that bad..it just takes forever to play. Most stages are just long grinds..
  5. El Psycho Diablo

    Smackdown VS Raw 2006

    15 pages, and nobody's bothered to edit the "w" in Smackdown into the title yet? As far as legends go, Vader's pretty cool..but will he get his moves?
  6. El Psycho Diablo

    I'm pretty sure fall is my favorite season.

    I prefer winter over fall. Part of that is because it doesn't cool off here (Houston) until winter really kicks in. We don't get any of the bad things, like snow..just nice, cold weather.
  7. El Psycho Diablo

    The Serenity movie thread

    I really, really hate the commercials for this. Not to mention the flash ads online "Millions of fans can't be wrong". (Yes, they can..) Even if I had interest for this, the commercials and ads would've killed it.
  8. El Psycho Diablo

    Warrior absolutely shreds WWE in Byte This reponse

    Except Ross -is- delusional, at least in the wrestlers he thinks have "talent". Just how many times did he call Billy Gunn the best athlete in the business, any way?
  9. El Psycho Diablo

    Comments that don't warrant a thread

    Fallout is better than the sequel in a lot of ways, though. Both games are still good.
  10. El Psycho Diablo

    Video Game series that went on way too long

    The Smackdown! series needs a mercy kill. They'll probably still be reusing the same engine once it hits the PS3, and that's pathetic.
  11. El Psycho Diablo

    Revolution controller revealed

    Personally, as far as controllers go.. DC > Xbox original > Xbox S > GC
  12. El Psycho Diablo

    So Fire Pro R is back

    It's already torrented, too. *downloads*
  13. El Psycho Diablo

    Revolution controller revealed

    From one of the interviews: Iwata: "But how will existing games be played with this controller? How can I play virtual console Nintendo games using the 'Revolution Virtual Console' features? Some people may already be wondering about this. In order to prevent the console video from becoming overly complicated, we did not explain how we will solve this. However, by taking advantage of the controller's expansion feature, you will be able to play the existing games, virtual console games, and multi-platform games using what we call the 'Classic-Style Expansion Controller'. This is an expansion controller with the shape of existing controllers, into which the freehand-style controller can be inserted. So please rest assured that all your favorite games will play well on the Revolution!" Bullshit to english: "Since there's no way we can charge $20 for an old game like we do the GBA, you'll just have to buy a controller for each type of system you want to play".
  14. El Psycho Diablo

    Revolution controller revealed

    I can't stop laughing. It's going to be just like the DS. A few games, then it's time to wait forever for anything to come out. Sure, some of the third parties sound enthusiastic, but let's see how it is when they actually have to program for it. Between this, the PS3 Batarang, and the Xbox 360's..it seems like the 360 has the only decent controller out of the bunch.
  15. El Psycho Diablo

    Burnout is the bee's knees

    If it's anything like the demo, the game isn't all that great. I'll stick to something that doesn't rely on all the crashing..
  16. El Psycho Diablo

    It's the 10th anniversary of PSX

    I honestly can't think of much I liked on the PSX. The bad part of the mainstreamizing of gaming was the large influx of FMV over gameplay, and making games in general easier.
  17. El Psycho Diablo

    Somebody call the WAA WAA WAAMBULANCE!

    The GC made money, but only after they reduced the price so much..
  18. El Psycho Diablo

    So, you want to share files with your friends?

    Another problem with both BT and eDonkey/Mule is that if you've got a firewall or router, your ports may be closed off. You'll also want to choose ports other than the default 6881 - 6889, because a lot of ISP's have begun to throttle the bandwith on those, so you won't get very good speeds. It's a pretty easy thing to fix..just google it.
  19. El Psycho Diablo

    Should the 4 Horseman come back to Wrestling?

    I haven't heard this in a while. It's one of those things that still pops up way too often.. My answer? No. Now if we can just get people to shut the fuck up about bringing Wargames back..
  20. El Psycho Diablo

    Day Of Reckoning 2 is out

    Is it still as bad as the first? Especially in the part where wrestlers with a high Charisma would get finishers too fast?
  21. El Psycho Diablo

    Somebody call the WAA WAA WAAMBULANCE!

    Personally, neither is worth getting. The PSP has some nifty features, but doesn't justify the cost. The DS has a game or two (both imports) that I'd like, but the dual-screen/touchscreen bit is just too gimmicky for me.
  22. El Psycho Diablo

    'Halo' is headed for the big screen

    Why so much hate for Halo? Yeah, so the second installment wasn't as good as the first, but all of the big FPS sequels lately have been the same way. (Like Doom 3 and HL2 were..)
  23. El Psycho Diablo

    360 Prices announced

    If they somehow get a massive outpouring of third-party support..heh. I have a feeling it'll be Sony again. Just because some people are too caught into their stupid little brand wars to buy anything else..
  24. El Psycho Diablo

    So when is the DVD war supposed to happen?

    Sony won't get as lucky this time. The PS2 came out at the right moment, when the DVD market was just beginning to kick into full gear. At that point, it was a fairly good deal..gaming console, and DVD player. The switch between DVD and the next-gen format won't be as huge as it was between VHS and DVD.
  25. El Psycho Diablo

    Xbox 360 news: Microsoft bullies third parties

    Too bad it won't stop the idiots from Gameshark/Action Replaying their way to unlocking the hidden stuff in games to use on Live..