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El Psycho Diablo

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Everything posted by El Psycho Diablo

  1. El Psycho Diablo

    Soul Calibur III

    Well, at least we know it'll look like crap.. (I like my PS2, but Namco's just being stupid about this, if it's true..)
  2. El Psycho Diablo

    Playstation2 woes...

    About Splinter Cell: The SC games on PS2 generally don't look as well, and have the difficulty toned down. (More health, ammo, etc). Not to mention some of the levels are cut down, or parts are trimmed out entirely. Stick with the Xbox versions.
  3. El Psycho Diablo

    Anyone order from deepdiscountdvd.com ?

    Several times, and I've never had a problem with them.
  4. El Psycho Diablo

    How You'd Make Good Games Better

    I never had the pop-in texture problem..so that really didn't bother me. That, and I despise loading..
  5. El Psycho Diablo

    Xbox2 to be released in Europe in 2005

    Note: After all the problems the early-gen PS2's had, I can't see WHY anyone would want to get a PS3 right at launch..
  6. El Psycho Diablo

    Xbox2 to be released in Europe in 2005

    What right does a Nintendo rep have to blast someone for something as stupid as a rumor? *cough* I'll wait for some official confirmation until I start saying anything about the next Xbox..
  7. El Psycho Diablo

    WWE Wrestlemania 21

    The CAW for Raw 2 was just fine..it was that the rest of the game was the pain. If the CAW's better than SDvRaw, and it still has the music rip, I'll get it.
  8. El Psycho Diablo

    The Godfather- the video game

    Mafia was great, but whoever did the console versions should be shot. The PC version is much, much better..
  9. El Psycho Diablo

    The Godfather- the video game

    Something tells me it's going to be heavily "influenced" by games like Mafia and GTA. With EA at the helm, I wouldn't expect much..
  10. El Psycho Diablo

    Iron Chef America the Series

    I didn't, but I'm watching it now. Found a torrent site with IC rips (both this series, and the original)
  11. El Psycho Diablo

    Namco X Capcom

    This looks like Super Robot Wars meets Namco and Capcom. o_O Supposedly over 200 characters.. Magazine scans: http://www.videogamerx.net/bbs/data/member03/01.jpg http://www.videogamerx.net/bbs/data/member03/02.jpg
  12. El Psycho Diablo

    Your Gamecube Game of the Year for 2005

    I'm loving this game so far, and I've hated all the previous ones, thanks to their camera / control system making them unplayable. My only gripe is that you can't move and shoot at the same time, but that's minor. Wish I had more Shotgun ammo, though.
  13. El Psycho Diablo

    I love EA.

    Excellent. I'd laugh if they nail this down, just to spit in EA's face for starting this.
  14. El Psycho Diablo

    I love EA.

    Y'know, if Midway was smart, they'd just lease it out to Visual Concepts, and let them handle the gameplay end of it. *shrugs* At least that way you'd catch the part of the audience that liked the EPSN-style play.. Anyway, many people at EA deserve beatings for pulling the shit that they have these last few months. The NFL license, trying to swallow DICE (Rallisport Challenge, among others), and fucking with Ubisoft by buying 20% of their stock..(I don't want PS2 port versions of Splinter Cell, Rainbow Six, Ghost Recon, and the like..). Ugh.
  15. El Psycho Diablo

    Iron Chef America the Series

    It was actually pretty good. I was sure the challenger had it, after Flay's first dish didn't go over too well.
  16. El Psycho Diablo

    So with the "DVD War" coming up...

    The new format is especially for HD programming..so if it wasn't recorded (or animated, whatever) in HD, you won't see a noticeable improvement.
  17. El Psycho Diablo

    US 'erodes' global human rights

    If we could only get the people bitching about the "US atrocities" to look at a few terrorist groups in Iraq that mostly behead innocent people, we'd be allright. Funny how everyone overlooks that beheading thing..
  18. El Psycho Diablo

    The anime/puroresu connection

    Appropriately enough, that's the name of the anime he's based on.
  19. El Psycho Diablo

    Your Gamecube Game of the Year for 2005

    Same here. However, GTA:SA is coming to Xbox, so I'm content to wait. It dosen't hurt that my brother has a copy for the PS2, though. With stuff like RE, I'll wait and see..mainly because I've always hated the camera..
  20. El Psycho Diablo

    Huge earthquake wreaks havoc

    Wow - in the midst of this catastrophe, you find yet another way in which to bash America, for no good reason other than your own personal bias. Congratulations - you're a sorry excuse for a human being. Nitpick: All of the other stupidity going on in this thread, and you focus on this guy? At least he was just throwing numbers out there, unlike the people joking about it turning into a fucking TV movie.
  21. El Psycho Diablo

    Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic

    KOTOR is pretty much standalone. Considering it's set thousands of years before the movies, you're fine. The first game really wasn't much for a darksider, personally. The second actually allows you to be evil, instead of a school bully type like the first. Both are good games, though.
  22. I don't think it's actually ever mentioned, at least in LotR..
  23. El Psycho Diablo

    Suggest me some X-Box titles

    I don't think I have the funds to do this but when I do I will. I have yet to play a Splinter Cell game. Heard its alot like MGS though with a more serious tone. Actually, it's nothing like MGS. It's more gameplay, less cinematically oriented.
  24. El Psycho Diablo

    PSP disc ejection malfunction displayed.

    That looks -incredibly- fake..but it could be just me. (or, a DS fanboy wanting so stir things up..)
  25. El Psycho Diablo

    Suprnova and Torrentbits shut down

    If I have a chance, I get the DVDs whenever possible, because I just don't like watching stuff on the PC. Though, I think what everyone is saying, is that they usually download missed episodes of currently running shows. There's nothing wrong with that. I don't have a Tivo, and don't feel like messing with burners. Considering I don't watch that many shows, and I buy the discs (when they come out) for the ones I do..I don't think they can really say anything.