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El Psycho Diablo

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Everything posted by El Psycho Diablo

  1. El Psycho Diablo

    New Worst Episode Ever

    I don't think this board likes Futurama too well. (I've heard the word "overrated" one too many times) Though, if Futurama is overrated, Family Guy is about ten times that..
  2. El Psycho Diablo

    Satelite or Cable?

    Get Digital Cable. I'm from Houston, too..and my cable's never given me any problems. There are a bunch of channels, and the Video On Demand is nice, though they don't tend to update it very often. Digital's a bit more espensive than normal cable, but it's worth having it.
  3. El Psycho Diablo


    My only complaint about it is that the formatting on that article is different from everything else on the site. It makes it look kind of strange, personally.
  4. El Psycho Diablo

    Gamefaqs- Best. Game. Ever tourney

    Hy hate for the "casual gamer" segment is really only because they bitch too much if something is remotely difficult. Ex: Splinter Cell: Had enemies removed, health and ammo increased for the PS2 version. All because of the bitching from people who hated the fact the game takes actual thought to get through. FFVII also started the "cinematic game" approach, which I loathe. If a developer can get away with cramming as many movies as possible into a game, the less they actually have to program. That, and VII wasn't actually anything "new", just better graphics and simplified gameplay from the earlier games. Ex: MGS2. Movie overload. I remember a lot of "best game ever" remarks from the sheep about -that- game, too. Seems like that title changes hands quite a bit.. Then there's the fact that a lot of "casual gamers" listen to whatever the media outlets/rabid fanboys have to say, and takes it as if it's the gospel. Ex: Grand Theft Auto 3/Vice City. "Open-ended" and "Revolutionary" my ass. Those two words don't really even describe these games, just the first time a game with these buzzwords was marketed to a mainstream audience. For real open-endedness, both Fallout 1/2 and anything in the Elder Scrolls series surpass GTA in ways it isn't even funny. How can it (GTA) be revolutionary, if it's basically the same game as it's predecessors, just with shinier graphics, and storylines blatantly ripped from movies? I don't really hate the casual gamer segment, I just hate the blatant ignornace among a lot of them, and the fact that "their" game has to be the best, and nothing else comes even close.
  5. El Psycho Diablo

    Gamefaqs- Best. Game. Ever tourney

    This thread bothers me. Seriously. Some of the stuff in here is just way out there. (Final Fantasy 7 was allright for it's time, but best game ever? No chance!) That, and the entire idea of this contest just dosen't work. Why? Everybody has their own opinions, and two, GameFAQs is the largest Nintendo/Squaresoft fanboy haven on the internet. There are also a lot of good games that will be left out because they aren't known enough, or because they aren't hyped enough. (Which seems to be in today's market, the more hype something gets, the better it has to be despite it's flaws. Like MGS2.)
  6. or the "Quentin Tarantino legion of fanboys" niche?
  7. El Psycho Diablo

    What's going on?

    Benoit being the focus of the show would just expose his weaknesses..such as everything but his ringwork. Besides, with Trips, Austin, and Foley on one show, there's not going to be that much airtime to go around.
  8. El Psycho Diablo

    One and Only console/developer/game hatred thread

    I don't think I could agree more. The gameplay is always what kills it for me. There's only so much of randomly hitting people with bats and other objects that I can take. The storylines are good (moreso in Vice City than in GTA3) but after recently repurchasing them on Xbox (after having both on PS2 before I sold them and the PS2 last year) I remembered why I didn't mind parting with them in the first place. Now I'm looking for a good place and good game to trade them in for....Ninja Gaiden (I have it rented for the weekend) is getting up there in consideration for that game. Hooo lordy.... I think the part that makes some people claim that GTA games are the best is actually what makes them unbearable: maybe there's a really good reason why there aren't so many games where you just can run as far as your heart desires before hitting the map's edge. It takes so long just to get to any destination in those games. Having a whole city to explore is essentially what makes it BORING. Actually, the map on the GTA games really isn't that big. There are games with some really huge areas to explore, like Morrowind..which is just insane.
  9. El Psycho Diablo

    Brock Lesnars

    It won't supriuse me when Brock does come back, and the reactions should be entertaining, especially around here? (Hey, maybe we can get another six months of the "FUCK GOLDBERG!" type mass stupidity that was kicking around here not too long ago) Even the reactions to him leaving are kind of funny. Especially about Brock leaving and that it "makes the way for someone who deserves a push". Like anyone who deserves it will really get one because of that? It's all about who will make Vince money. (or lately, who he THINKS will make him money.) "Deserving" dosen't have anything to do with it.
  10. El Psycho Diablo

    Brock Lesnars

    I don't blame Brock for getting ticked off and leaving. I mean, it's not like the WWE hasn't done their job properly, and elevated guys to be able to take a spot if needed, right? Oh, wait.. It isn't Brock's job to have to "fill in the holes in the company" bullshit. They are the ones that have relied on stars of the last generation or two for the last few years (Austin, Taker, Foley, Flair, Michaels and Hogan when he was around) or someone who couldn't hold the weight of his own place due to injuries (Trips, most of last year). Brock wasn't the one who gradually let two very over guys go to waste, and linger until their reception isn't a tenth of what it was even a year ago. (Booker, Van Dam) The only guy to really be elevated in the last few years was Brock, and how long was it before people were trying to keep him back? The company has had untold oppertunities to elevate guys in case the top level needed filled. It's their fault for sticking to the old guard, and giving them favors that they shouldn't have, and for not lettiing guys get the puishes and booking they needed.. (Bob Holly, against the champion at one of the big PPV events? Please!) No, Eddy and Benoit by themselves aren't going to cut it, even with Eddy being very over. It'll take more than that.
  11. El Psycho Diablo

    scott keith's wmxx review

    less than the number of clotheslines in a Misawa match Im sure.... ..or the number of chops in a Benoit match..
  12. El Psycho Diablo

    The OAO "Who cried like a little bitch?"

    No, but I can't wait for the cries of outrage when Benoit drops the belt to Orton..
  13. El Psycho Diablo

    Brock Lesnar quits WWE after Mania!

    At least, for letting itself be run like a highschool, instead of an actual corporation.
  14. El Psycho Diablo

    Brock Lesnar quits WWE after Mania!

    To anyone damning Lesnar for "getting the biggest push ever and then running".. Yes, they did put a lot of work into him initially..but look what's happened since? Lesnar was the fucking champion on SD, and running away from Bob Holly. Could you imagine Trips looking like that against someone who's never really been anything? When you don't wind up looking out for yourself, you get to be like Chris Jericho. Hell, even Rock..who used to job repeatedly..won't do it now because of the political situation. Lesnar IS the future of wrestling, and he knows it. That's exactly why he shouldn't be placed against a relic like Taker in the first place. He's the -future- of wrestling, not a guy who should be jobbing to some bad remnant of the past. (Taker's never truly been a main eventer, in my eyes. It's his gimmick that's gotten him over, time after time. Not really the guy in it.) Fuck this "fuck Brock" sentiment.
  15. El Psycho Diablo

    Lord of the Rings: Battle for Middle Earth

    Let's see if EA's fixed the problems with the Generals engine. (For one, the horrible multiplayer code, and the fact the Hard AI lags the computer terriibly, and even worse with the latest "patch"). Doubtful. Money-grubbing motherfuckers.
  16. El Psycho Diablo

    New GTA official

    ..despite the fact it's not really -possible- to shoot two desert eagles at the same time.. *cough* Might as well throw in my nomination for what may be the "most overhyped game ever", right next to the MGS sequel.
  17. El Psycho Diablo

    OAO 76th Academy Awards Thread

    ..and you're saying this on a WRESTLING message board?
  18. El Psycho Diablo

    OAO 76th Academy Awards Thread

    YES! About damn time they got the Best Picture nod for LOTR.
  19. El Psycho Diablo

    OAO 76th Academy Awards Thread

    I'm not bitter, I thought ROTK was a good movie, but just that good. I didn't get caught up in this LOTR-fandom, OMG THE BEST MOVIE EVER, bullshit. I don't get caught up in the "OMG BEST MOVIE EVER" crap like other people do, either. I liked ROTK, and thought it was better than other movies people were throwing the "best movie ever" awards at (*cough* Kill Bill *cough*)
  20. El Psycho Diablo

    OAO 76th Academy Awards Thread

    There are some really bitter people in this thread, aren't there? Nice to see LOTR getting things.
  21. El Psycho Diablo

    Ninja Gaiden demo with newest XBox magazine

    Why not a difficulty setting? I don't understand why every game doesn't have them. Let people that like easy games have an easy time and let people that like challenge have a hard time. I can't think of a logical reason NOT to include them. It does have a difficulty setting. Normal, and Hard.
  22. El Psycho Diablo

    Ninja Gaiden demo with newest XBox magazine

    Gaiden is awesome, at least the demo is. (Combo record here: 150.) The three weapons available play differently, and require you to think about how to use them. The acrobabics are great, and there's a whole load of stuff to do.. My favorite is shooting crows off three tree with the bow. Little bastards tend to move when you target them, though.
  23. El Psycho Diablo


    Splinter Cell wasn't really that hard, unless one tries to go through the game Rambo style, which just dosen't work. OT: I've always hated how people compare SC and MGS as being alike, despite Solid being able to carry like five hundred pounds of gear..(Real stealthy..) *ahem* Back to the point. There were a few tough points, like having to figure out the keypad codes on some levels, but the game just took a lot of caution, and common sense. The Xbox version was also the hardest, as the PS2/GC versions were dumbed down (Less enemies, more health and ammo..more movies..) to appeal to those who don't really like challenges. I like SC style games, because it feels like games have been getting progressively easier ever since the PS1 hit the market. Games that are too easy, or not enough actual gameplay just aren't worth spending $50 on to me. A great story is nice, but not to the extent that there are more cinematics than game segments. If I wanted a movie, I'd watch one.
  24. El Psycho Diablo

    Champions of Norrath

    It's pretty good, so far. My only complaint is the camera, which I haven't gotten used to yet. (It should be the same as BG:DA, considering it's the same studio who developed the original)
  25. El Psycho Diablo

    Best televised WWE matchs since January 1st

    Almost makes me wonder how many stars a Benoit title win would get. Ten?