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El Psycho Diablo

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Everything posted by El Psycho Diablo

  1. El Psycho Diablo

    Fallout 3

    Broken Steel DLC Preview May 5th.
  2. El Psycho Diablo

    Fallout 3

    They haven't said, but it got a stealth update Sunday, which added the achievements in. The Pitt's stealth update happened a week and a half before release, if that's anything to gauge it by. I hope Broken Steel provides more content than O:A or The Pitt. Anchorage is neat, but has no real replay value at all - but it does add a suit of power armor that never degrades. The Pitt is better, but is still really linear.
  3. El Psycho Diablo

    Fallout 3

    News time! There's going to be a new Fallout game next year. Bethesda's farmed it out to Obsidian - a.k.a. the remnants of the guys who developed the original games. Good news, IMO. Link
  4. El Psycho Diablo

    Mass Effect

    How bad are we talking here? Like initial release Rome incomplete, or..? As far as ME goes, I just picked it up a few days ago, and I'm loving it. I'm not even having any trouble with the Mako segments, and the fact your main cannon can hit from a long-ass way off helps.
  5. El Psycho Diablo

    Zero Punctuation Reviews

    I agree with his RE5 review, basically. As far as RE4 goes, I (for one) liked it because unlike the older games, it had a camera/control scheme that made the game playable.
  6. El Psycho Diablo

    Legends of WrestleMania

    I kind of wish the no on-screen ref thing would travel over to SD! They're mostly just annoying, and get in the way - besides, you can't attack them deliberately any more with the silly targeting system, so what's the point?
  7. El Psycho Diablo

    Once Great Cable Channels That Have Gone Downhill

    Speed Channel. It was all doing really well until FOX bought it, when it may as well have been renamed NASCAR2. Food Network has also decidedly made a shift for the worse over the last couple of years.
  8. El Psycho Diablo

    Final Crisis

    Legion of Three Worlds #3: So, is alive again. Plus, Sodam Yat is convinced by Mon-El to take up the ring again, and has a fucking awesome oath. Something tells me that ties into the current GL storyline, even if it is a thousand years later.
  9. El Psycho Diablo

    Comments that don't warrant a thread

    Backtracking isn't as bad as the Random Encounter, or my personal (least) favorite, press X to not die/Quick Time Events.
  10. El Psycho Diablo

    Dawn of War II

    Perhaps my sarcasm detector is off, but the SC races were based off WH40k's in the first place.
  11. El Psycho Diablo

    Fallout 3

    Not really. FO1 and 2 were even more breakable. Crank all your points into Small Guns in the first few levels, have a decent Perception and Agility, get a half-decent weapon, and you're unstoppable. FO2 also had the infamous 15 minute APA walk.
  12. El Psycho Diablo

    Smackdown vs. Raw 2009: News/screens

    According to TeamXbox, Yukes/THQ says it's coming out "soon".
  13. El Psycho Diablo

    The one where we talk about Secret Invasion

    A good while, I hope. He's been righteously awesome in Thunderbolts, and if he's written even half as well elsewhere it'll be good stuff.
  14. El Psycho Diablo

    Fallout 3

    I don't think I've ever finished a game in 'tard mode in Fo1/2 yet. There's just so much it blocks off, or screws you out of.
  15. El Psycho Diablo


    It still doesn't make much sense - especially the fact they waited to sue until after the trailer with TDK aired. Somebody was asleep on the job, or something. Even then, licenses don't generally last forever.
  16. El Psycho Diablo


    Copyright law makes my head hurt. A judge rules that Fox owns the rights to movie that's an adaptation of a comic that's owned by DC, which is owned by WB. Okay..
  17. El Psycho Diablo

    Suikoden 1 on PSN on--today

    Now they need to add 2, and they're set. Hearing the eBay resellers screams of horror is going to be amusing.
  18. El Psycho Diablo

    Smackdown vs. Raw 2009: News/screens

    I've been playing with the copy my brother picked up, and I want to like it..but it's just so half-assed. It really is 2008.5. The number of new CAW clothing items can be counted on two hands, and they didn't even bother adding any additional textures. On top of that, you can't put the "Wrestling Tights Designs" on pants like you could last year, the belts clip through the pants (the few that fit the belt loop), and 90% of the pants hang around your CAW's ass, which is just odd. The AI is better in some points, but worse in some. In a Tag Tornado HIAC, the second AI will never climb the cage, simply go in and out the cage door. In an infinite loop. A slightly amusing note - If you preform the Frog Splash Pin off a ladder, and your opponent pushes the ladder out from you after the pose has started, you'll just levitate there in mid-air until you "jump" and complete the move. Nothing ever happens. IMO, the best part of the game they actually worked on was the commentary. It was so awful last year, and this year's is pretty good.
  19. El Psycho Diablo

    Fallout 3

    Dealing with NPCs in Fallout has always been like herding cats. At least Beth's NPCs don't manage to shoot you in the back on a regular basis. There's really a reason they only want you having one NPC + Dogmeat. FO2 had a fairly extensive NPC AI interface, where you could set their prefered weapon type, range, burst preferences, stimpack usage, drug usage, health setting to run away at, and the like. 3's isn't nearly as good. Factor in the nerfing of Power Armor (FO1/2: +3 STR for the BoS armor, +4 STR for Enclave, and amazing damage resistance), and the NPCs aside from Fawkes don't generally survive at the higher levels.
  20. El Psycho Diablo

    Fallout 3

    Deathclaws in FO3 are fairly mild compared to the first two. That aside, they're practically tanks with legs in all three. Since it's laying around everywhere, have you tried giving your human companions power armor? It may help a bit.
  21. El Psycho Diablo

    Fallout 3

    The Sarge is probably my favorite companion yet. He's just so gung-ho about everything.
  22. El Psycho Diablo

    The one where we talk about Secret Invasion

    I couldn't care less about most of SI, but my brother's been badgering me to read Thunderbolts, and I plowed through about the last twenty or so issues. Including the last three featuring the Skrulls. I approve of Norman running everything. He's just great. More than a little bonkers, but great.
  23. El Psycho Diablo

    Food Network and food shows thread

    Good Eats is pretty much the best show on the network. I did like Mario's show, but they canceled it. As far as non-FN shows go, I love America's Test Kitchen, and any show Martin Yan does.
  24. El Psycho Diablo

    Fallout 3

    Aside from just following the arrow? Before you enter the metros, look around. There are signs telling you which lines go where. You'll find one that heads toward GNR, and you know you're going the right direction when you see the Brotherhood of Steel logo, and "Mall Outpost ->" arrows painted on the walls. Looking at my map, the one you want to find is Farragut Station West.
  25. El Psycho Diablo

    Star Wars: The Old Republic

    I also have a sneaking feeling that EA's purchase of Bioware was heavily influenced by this project.