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Lightning Flik

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Everything posted by Lightning Flik

  1. Lightning Flik

    Yet Another Fantasy League Thread

    Keep as is.
  2. Lightning Flik

    EWR 4.0 Has Officially Been Set Free!

    RaveX 24 is OUT~! RaveX 24 Banners And Logos Pics 10 This is brought to by Lightning Flik's Server Of Good Will. Since JT is having issues via his own hosting site.
  3. Lightning Flik

    TSM Head-to-head FantasyBaseball League~!

    And to think Guerreros... I was actually thinking of making a trade for you, for him. I was going to give you two guys who could produce and hopefully get a relief guy and him from you. As well as probably do that Chacon for R. Ortiz. You lucked out apparently.
  4. Lightning Flik

    Fantasy NBA League?

    Yet that Vince Carter trade never really did hurt me since the other guy I traded him for wasn't doing squat either. So really, wasn't too bad for me.
  5. Lightning Flik

    Fantasy NBA League?

    Ok... Marvin, even I gotta admit. That just sucks. Badly. Here's hoping you luck out.
  6. Lightning Flik

    The OAO UWA Wrestling Diary

    DFA, two things. First, wonderful idea. Adding in a co-owner and all. Two, never ever demand feedback. Ok? Third, looking good. Keep it up.
  7. Lightning Flik

    The OAO UWA Wrestling Diary

    Ah... New blood... Overall not bad. I liked the show, and glad you are doing well. Although, never, ever have your own guys get the title so soon unless regional (even then, rarely) or lower. I know that you probably only have those two on written contracts, but it is a lot more believable if you don't pust them as the top guys. ...ahem. Let me correct myself, I didn't read the intro fully. Please excuse my retardedness. Anyways, build up your backstory a bit more next time (nothing major, maybe even plotline it would be enough) so that we get a better understanding of what trials you went through. But really glad you did so freaking well to get from 95% backyard (that's quite difficult). I really do like where this is going though. Keep it up DFA.
  8. Lightning Flik

    Fantasy NBA League?

    It's the Lakers... You need someone to raise a storm. Since the team can't do it motivationally. Although, I can't believe I'm actually up 5-3 on Celtics when I MISSED Carter playing that day. Even better, is I might've gotten a boost as some of his players played sub-par today. If Pocono Poison, Alfdogg Ayslum, and Slayers all go 0-8, 7-1, or even 2-6, and I go 6-2... Well, let's just say that 12th playoff spot just became reachable for me. That would be the greatest victory for me. Making that final playoff spot. I think it'll happen... I must face Pocono Poison in the final week. I've got a shot at 12th... It's still slim, dreamful, but it still is there.
  9. Lightning Flik

    TSM Head-to-head FantasyBaseball League~!

    It was in light of Tom's using it, and frankly the amount of people with Pitchers just doing squat that I asked about it. And the reason why I bring this up in here, is because I was told that I had 3 and had done so when everyone said no (in Al's thread, which needs to be pinned). I'm correcting that fact.
  10. Lightning Flik

    Wednesday News Update

    This Monday Night on RAW, according to a promo on Smackdown, we will be treated to... drumroll please.. ... This is your life Mick Foley, hosted by The Rock and Im not kidding I think this deserves its own thread, no? ...oh hell no. I mean, Your Life Rock wasn't half bad at that time (nowadays, I'd cringe at it, so markish was I back then). Foley??? I can't see that being any good...
  11. Lightning Flik

    Say goodbye to Super-Size

    Uh... Dood, we are. They are phasing out the term "supersize" and probably making the boxes smaller. Trust me, I was working for them not long ago. They told all the employees this. And yes, Wendy's is better. Then again, so is Subway.
  12. Lightning Flik

    TSM Head-to-head FantasyBaseball League~!

    I'd like to adress that I was considering adding a 3rd P. There is only 2Ps there. So please realize this.
  13. Lightning Flik

    Yet Another Fantasy League Thread

    Bolded and stuff for emphasis. Eh? ...I asked about a third P. I did NOT give one. I was told no to the subject, so I left it as is. I've only got TWO right now. Bolded, italiced, and underlined for emphazing.
  14. Lightning Flik

    Still No New Deal Between RVD & WWE

    ...you know, that could very well work. And would make a hell of a lot of sense.
  15. Lightning Flik

    Still No New Deal Between RVD & WWE

    Face or heel it wouldn't matter. It's fucking Rob Van Dam. Do you think any mark fan is going to boo him? Same goes with Eddie. No matter what the WWE could do, Eddie and RVD would be: face vs. face. Problem is, how to get them to face off and still make it look good and not cheesy. One will "turn" heel. That will probably be given to RVD, considering how many times they've tried Eddie and just outright failed. Although, I figure a 3-way with Angle, Eddie cheats by nailing RVD with the belt while the Ref checks on the now prone Angle, Eddie wins via frog splash. We get TENSION~! as RVD and Eddie have a scene where Eddie hopes there's no hard feelings as it is who he is. Then we have a tag match with RVD and Eddie vs. The Greatest Tag Team, and RVD is so over himself that he goes and shows off rather than help Eddie win. Thus creating the heel turn (with post match mocking) and that. You'd still have everyone popping for every single thing they'd do in the RVD vs. Eddie match, but it would happen. Just make it a straight up trade. Nothing fancy. Just have Heyman say "I traded Edge for RVD because Edge whined and bitched like a baby about how he wasn't going to get his 'spot'!" As I said, you'd build him up first. Work with that original face and "return" pop. As I said, you have RVD and Angle both square off against Eddie. However, as you pointed out, let's have those two go at it for awhile to decide who the hell faces Eddie or who is the better man for Smackdown. Let these two then involve Eddie, we have the suggested 3-way and WHAM! We've now got Lesnar, Eddie, RVD, Big Show, Angle, and Cena (who by the time we get to this point, will be a WWE Title Contender) battling for the belt. Plus with RVD as Champion (he'd have to be at some point) we'd get a title reign that was fresh, can play off of old history (Lesnar), can create some new history (with Cena), and frankly, probably be quite creative as they have to cover for RVD's weaknesses (mic and selling). Again, assuming RVD hits SD.
  16. Lightning Flik

    Randy Savage To Be In Next Legends Of Wrestling

    Ok... Even I'm admiting... I will definitely consider buying this game now... Just need word on the gameplay, and I mgiht be sold.
  17. Lightning Flik

    EWR 4.0 Has Officially Been Set Free!

    Morale problems? What's that? All I do is take weaker guys, put them in the angles. I might end up with more matches one week, than I would the next. I always make sure that I have at least 4 and 7 a show. If It goes 7 and 4, I'm ok with that too. As long as it builds up. Besides, most lower/midcarders are happy to be on ONE of my TV shows if ever. My top guys I want on my shows, day in, day out.
  18. Lightning Flik

    Still No New Deal Between RVD & WWE

    In terms of the amount of heat the match could get, think about this: RVD actually built back up to being someone the fans truly care about and proven to be a credible threat against the lying, cheatin, and stealing ways of Eddie Guerrero. RVD vs. Eddie Guerrero for the WWE Title. Considering RVD's pops are still the best for someone continually buried more than anyone else, if all of this happened, and could happen given that he'd be on Smackdown, seriously... You could have a match with as much reaction to it as Hogan vs. Rock. Speculation, and highly wrong, but my opinion is that. A lot of work stands in the way of getting RVD back to where it would need to be before then, but it could happen. Then again, maybe not. Still if RVD does go to SD!, I'm all for it. If Edge goes to RAW, I'm all for it. Because most likely, both of these guys will get shots in the arm and a chance for the Titles on both shows.
  19. Lightning Flik

    Yet Another Fantasy League Thread

    Excuse me? Do you mean MY league? Or Tom's? If you mean mine, mine's only got 2 P.
  20. Lightning Flik

    Fantasy NBA League?

    I missed Carter's stats yesterday when everyone said "oh, he'll be back tomorrow (today)". Fuckers. All of them. They don't know squat.
  21. Lightning Flik

    Raw question for West Coast TSMers

    Considering I get RAW live (some minute delay) via TSN, they don't doctorine the crowd at all. If they are dead, they are dead.
  22. Lightning Flik

    Say goodbye to Super-Size

    Hm... You know, since I was working at McD's I guess I should've mentioned this, but I deemed this unworthable for attention. Apparently it isn't. Oh yes, btw, you know all those "healthy" foods that got added to the menus? Well, they cost twice as freaking much. Because McD's has to make sure it is "fresh" hence it costs too much. If I wanted to pay twice as much, I'd go to Tim Horton's or Subway's.
  23. Lightning Flik

    TSM Head-to-head FantasyBaseball League~!

    *shrugs* Ok. Don't see what else I could improve on besides relief pitching. If anyone would like to send a relief pitcher my way, I might send you one of my eight to nine starters or however many I've got.
  24. Lightning Flik

    TSM Head-to-head FantasyBaseball League~!

    Ok, scratch the previous thing I said. I'm just asking really, just because I'm generally curious if people want an extra pitching slot.
  25. Lightning Flik

    EWR 4.0 Has Officially Been Set Free!

    That's the Sports Entertainment people showing up... I put on about 4 matches and 7 angles to always make sure I attract a decent show.