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Lightning Flik

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Everything posted by Lightning Flik

  1. Lightning Flik

    International Wrestling Association

    Sunday, March 7th, 2004 +++ Friday, March 12th, 2004
  2. Lightning Flik

    Who did YOU think was the mystery attacker?

    But you could take the return of the "Brood" Edge further and have him admit that he's mad at the world because he never found out exactly who the hell it was that attacked him, so he's justifily (although insanely) going to continually go after people on Smackdown till he finds out who. ...this is of course, when Triple H will admit that it was him all along. Hence, Edge must get his hands on Triple H and so Edge stalks Triple H till he can get his hands on him. Or until he gets traded. Something like that.
  3. Lightning Flik

    Reminisce with me...

    *laughs* Touche. Same could be said for Payne as well. And yes, I know that SWFer means the same nowadays, but to me, it never will. I never was the SJL World Champion you know. I'd never be able to live that down. Besides I doubt I'd have the same high asperations of old anyways. I can not write up a 3000 word match if my life depended on it. Hell, I doubt I could write up a 1000+. And at least have it makes sense. I'd make it non-sensical past 1000 words and it wouldn't make it past any judge no matter how bad the other person is (unless they no-showed, I'd win then). And yes, THE ELK was the greatest gimmick solution for no-shows. Sadly, he never made an appearance for one of my no-shows.
  4. Lightning Flik


    The last line was meaning you'd tell us straight up and not bullshit us. I honestly thought you'd have got it plain as day. Apparently not. No loss. I was just joking around with my post, and I seem to have failed in getting my humor across. *sighs*
  5. Lightning Flik

    Reminisce with me...

    Ahem... There are a few Ex-SJLers-Only. I never made it to SWF, so I'm not an ex-SWFer. Just ex-SJLer. And I have been seen. Everywhere else but SWF. I don't really like to come back, as I'm a little uneasy of doing so... Besides, I'm not sure if people would care for me being around, so I usually stay away. About the only thing I know I contributed that was good, was my commentary. That's about all that was good about my matches, or so I was told (and so I thought). Also, did anyone find it weird how Payne and I were going "YAH~! OUR FEUD IS GOING TO ROCK THE SJL TO THE CORE!" (I believe that was my wording and I do remember I wrote the damn thing in caps) and in the end, both of us left the feud unresolved and left pretty much right after it started? Damn, that was sad. Think it was right after RSR broke up... I'd also like to know just how many times had Payne return to the JL? I think out of all the JLers to do the leave and return, he had the highest (I think) amount. Actually, I can't remember. Was the battle royale my first match? I could've sworn I was around at least a whole month and tossed into the battle royale with a shot at the Television Champion (I lost the match against the Champion, I remember that much, I had my ass handed to me match writing wise).
  6. Lightning Flik

    A ROH diary.

    Damn Todd. GOOD SHOW DAMMIT~! but what happened to the Briscoes sucks. That just sucks majorily. But I think you'll recover qiuckly! Keep up the good work!
  7. Lightning Flik

    Ultimate Championship Wrestling

    No... I ain't going up yet. I'm still a regional federation. I'm hoping to over succeed and become CULTISH~! ...and I will admit that when TEW comes out, both of my diaries will be forgotten about. I'm sorry, but it's because... International Wrestling Association/Ultimate Championship Wrestling/Supreme Wrestling Federation/Premier Wrestling Federation Diary will be born! Each federation will have their own style of wrestling, each will display characters that are featured only in THEIR company (because each company will be located in a different location, I ain't running these guys against each other till they get much bigger), and we'll see which style really gets over faster! Can I manage to run four feds at once? YOU'LL FIND OUT~! Till then, I'll be working my ass off on these two diaries that I have going. Who knows? Maybe I'll work all three diaries for their money's worth. That would be entertaining. Trying to write up two single diaries and a multi-federation diary. ..ahem... Back on track. Brian XL isn't half bad, but I'm still not impressed with his low overness. I must do something to get his overness up... And the idea I have means I'll actually have to force feed something down everyone's throat.
  8. Lightning Flik

    TSM Head-to-head FantasyBaseball League~!

    Ok... Sunday, March 7th then. 9 PST, 10 MST, 11 CST and 12 EST. I'm putting down what it is in Newfie hours because it's Newfie.
  9. Lightning Flik

    TSM Head-to-head FantasyBaseball League~!

    I have to change that, but yes, we are doing an offline draft. I just now need a date and we'll work from there. I believe March 14th, 2004 at 10am MST will be more than sufficient time.
  10. Lightning Flik

    Fantasy NBA League?

    Trade made for Whalers On The Moon. Consists of Jeff McInnis and Brian Cardinal for Chris Bosh and Bonzi Wells. Trade deadline is coming up soon, so I'd like to make this trade either official or worked on.
  11. Lightning Flik

    Fantasy NBA League?

    Trade has been put through. Jason Terry for Lamar Odom. Have a nice day.
  12. Lightning Flik


    And we still don't have a reason why Loss put Ivory/Molly Thread in there... Why do I sense Sass was just being nice to cover up a blunder? Do I smell conspircy to keep us quite? *remembers exactly who Sass is* ...oh fuck it. It's Sass, as if.
  13. Lightning Flik

    A Combat Zone Wrestling diary

    Burchill and Aidan Nathans? Hm... I think this shall be interesting to see what happens in the upcoming times here soon. Keep it up, DC!
  14. Lightning Flik

    International Wrestling Association

    Took me till my second show to realize that I had totally forgotten to change from CZW to Dames. I'm such an idiot. Oh well. Shall be GOODNESS~! soon. At least I hope to bring some to this diary. And yah, keeping these two diaries are "tough"... As tough as I write one up, then follow it up with a slab of the other. It tastes funny though, I gotta admit, as I've got to remember that with IWA, I've got superstars who like are somebodies. Whereas UCW is like nobodies I'm rafting up.
  15. Lightning Flik

    Ultimate Championship Wrestling

    Logic never was one of my strong points. Yah, I signed Dino and he's been a good worker for me so far. A fine pickup that I didn't know about. Then again, so was Chris The Bambikiller (who I thought was a character generated, but apparently is a real wrestling, oh, I changed his name to Chris Bambini btw).
  16. Lightning Flik

    Join the OAOAST

    Ok, ok... So maybe I'm not as "bad" as you. Point taken. Still, I doubt I can do this. I'd just bring teh suxxors. Or something like that. I think... ... *logic escapes me lately, which probably explains why I'm not getting the mocking of Popick*
  17. Lightning Flik

    TSM Head-to-head FantasyBaseball League~!

    15 TEAMS FOLKS~! I STILL HAVE ONE SPOT AVAILABLE~! ...now where is Anglesault. I expected him to be playing this one at least.
  18. Lightning Flik

    Join the OAOAST

    ... *knew you'd say something like that* And I don't know if I'll return to e-feding. I'm still a fan of wrestling, but I doubt I can gusto out what I'd need to do, to prove that I belong with everyone else. ...in other words, I'd suck big time. I left because I just couldn't bring myself to writing it up. I hit the end of a long road of depression and upsets in my life and frankly I wanted to get away from it all. Hence, I had Northstar bust me up and I was supposed to make a comeback, but that failed to materialize due to I was still messed up, and I didn't really get the feedback I needed (at the time) to keep motivated. It probably didn't help that I didn't let on that it was me. I thought I wouldn't be welcomed because I did exactly what I had in the SJL, where I returned, yet never did much of anything before leaving yet again.
  19. Lightning Flik

    Reminisce with me...

    ...what? Someone remembers me? Holy shit. That's like a first. The match I'm talking about was when it was "Red Storm Rising will obtain all the belts" angle that had me have to get your title. At least, that's what Brimstone told me. I still believe to this day, he should've gone over (not you, but the other opponent). I wasn't and will never be belt material. Except for CWD (that was a LONG time ago, RP fed) and even then, I only had one belt by luck and was basically bullshiting my way to the World Champion. I still would've liked to know who would've won between him and I. *sigh* *coughs realizing I'm going totally out of what I should be reminiscing* And yes, it was either myself or Payne. Yet, if Payne actually sat his ass down, he was a much better opponent than I was. I figured he'd be a lot better than my overachiving ass.
  20. Lightning Flik

    The fighting game character tourney 2k4

    Fuck this shit... We end up with a Street Fighter winning this year? AGAIN? ...I'm so not voting Street Fighter at ALL next year.
  21. Lightning Flik

    A Little More About TEW

    Last time he gave out an interview in February, the game came out on WrestleMania XIX. ...guess what? History will repeat itself folks.
  22. Lightning Flik

    Fantasy NBA League?

    BTW last day for trades people.
  23. Lightning Flik

    Reminisce with me...

    Red Storm Rising... Wasn't half bad while it lasted. When it went south, it went south hard and fast. Continuing on with some nostalgic thoughts, my own that is. So please bare with me. Somehow, my very first match beat out all others, even though it was the worst one handed in (you guys claimed it wasn't, but I clearly remember seeing someone else's and it was better). And some how I managed to get the ref, I think it was Thugg, to help me win the damn thing. I think I had him throw someone over the rope just because. Then I just joined RSR for the hell of it. Well actually because Brimstone asked me too. Then my match with Brimstone against Luchador and ... uh someone else whom I forget. Half the match was bullshit and flashbacks, while the other half was the actual match. I think we won because we were the only ones who sent in our match. I do remember a lot of people weren't exactly happy with my title win. Especially myself as I said I shouldn't have won it. Also it never was explained about why the hell Mistress Sarah and I were together. I do remember the reason, but still. It was kinda stupid to have all the build up for that, and nothing came of it. ...sighs... I had a lot of bad stuff that just didn't make any sense. And I really sucked at this stuff. And yah, I know, "get out". Gotcha. Doing so now. Just saying my piece.
  24. Lightning Flik

    The fighting game character tourney 2k4

    - Vote - No Vote Vega (claw) (Street Fighter) vs. Iori Yagami (King of Fighters) Sagat (Street Fighter) vs. Terry Bogard (Fatal Fury)
  25. Lightning Flik

    A Combat Zone Wrestling diary

    Nice idea there DCMaximo. I suggest picking up Austin Lee and Aidan Nathans. They'll suit your new CZW company nicely.