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Lightning Flik

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Everything posted by Lightning Flik

  1. Lightning Flik

    Madden NFL 07

    Oh thank God, cause I'd rather just throw than not. How so? Getting drafted #1 overall, or what? Explain please. Cause getting drafted #1 overall wouldn't be bad. *thinks about who I'd be playing with* ...ok, I so take that back, I don't wanna be #1 overall. Cool, congrats on that.
  2. Lightning Flik

    Why no NFL in Alabama or Oklahoma?

    I've always wondered why the NFL hasn't expanded a football team to Canada. About the only reason I can think of is just cause out east there isn't a really great stadium to play NFL football. That and all the football stadiums up here are set up for CFL. However, I think a team up in Canada could work. But I think you'd almost hafta make it a team out west, which would be killer on the travel. Especially considering it would be Vancouver, Calgary, or Edmonton. Which of course would be a no-no, cause the first team would obviously hafta be in Toronto, right? Really would like to know why not.
  3. Lightning Flik

    Fantasy Football

    7am for a draft? Wow, I like that draft time. I can actually make it. Keep it, keep it, keep it. Otherwise I'm probably no showing the draft. Oh well, auto setting the picks so I at least have a chance.
  4. Lightning Flik

    The Smart Marks Fantasy Hockey League

    Its weekly rosters, so you can only put on your roster and go with it for the week.
  5. Lightning Flik

    Transformers The Movie

    Man, Megatron just doesn't seem like a Megatron. Even if he was a T-Rex, or a tank or a whatever, you could always see Megatron's head and go "Ok, its fucking Megatron and he's gonna destroy you". This picture doesn't.
  6. Lightning Flik

    NCAA Football 07

    Really...? Aw man... That sucks. I just took the easy course cause I know nothing and 2, I figured it wouldn't hurt my awareness and I'd still hafta take the IQ test for Madden.
  7. Lightning Flik

    This is the NFL Preseason Thread

    So he can't become a unrestricted FA? Wow... That would certainly piss Branch off if the Patriots do that. Although, get the feeling they might do that then if they can.
  8. Lightning Flik

    NHL 2006 Off-Season...

    redbaron's saying Chara's gonna hafta work hard and actually become better than what he is. So he's good right now, but going to hafta become better in order to help the Bruins. ...at least I think that's what he means.
  9. Lightning Flik

    The Smart Marks Fantasy Hockey League

    I'd be up for doing an auction league. If I remember correctly, we did it via we'd go down the list of people and they'd just select a person whom they wanted to put up for bid and we went from there. Don't remember how much money we used... Oh, and 4 spots left in H2H league.
  10. Lightning Flik

    NCAA Football 07

    Actually if you do the two positions drills a week you can earn up to 8 points per week. 4 per positon drill. I went with NCAA Team History or something like that. Considering I know nothing about NCAA. So its an easy 8 pts per week, and you still get to start no matter what. Or at least I am, considering the HB behind me on the depth chart is rated as a 90 overall. Considering I've only played 5 weeks (I'm currently in the middle of game 5), and I've got most of my key stats maxed, I don't think it makes much a difference. Especially when you have stats at 52 and use a single point jumps it up by like 4-6. I don't think that matters. I don't even bother with social events. My campus popularity is nearly 2/3s full and that's cause I broke the rushing game mark record. It went from nothing to half, then the second time to nearly full. I'm just studying once a week and getting position drills, and I'm still maintaining a 3.0 average. I usually go 2 position drills first, then on Friday have my study period. Works out fairly well for me. I'm currently leading one of the get goers for the Heisman too, so I'm very estatic right now. ...just cause I've got like nearly 1.5k in rushing yards in 5 games and 20+ TDs doesn't help that much. Penn State's got an awesome front line. ...well, except against Ohio State, they butchered it and only allowed me to get like 150. Oh and it was hilarious how the game ended. I threw a play action pass, and was called for pass interference in OT. I cried out bullshit cause I was in front of the guy slowing down to catch the pass and got called for it. So I turned around called the same play but flipped and it worked AGAIN. And then it was like monkey see, monkey do. They do a passing play and get called for pass interfence, and then call a flip of the play and it looks like they are gonna score, but I managed to get him to cough up the ball on the 1 yarder and gobble it up for the win. It was the only turnover Ohio State had and I was damned happy for it. ...sadly, this game was only 3rd best on my all-time Classic's list. Which is funny considering I thought it was the best. But probably all my turnovers marred it.
  11. Lightning Flik

    NCAA Football 07

    Actually, it was HB I originally tried and you can get at least up to 88 points. And how to build at least a 4*, is to build up Speed to 99, agility and accel I think to 85 and break tackle to 70. I signed up with Penn State and have been mowing down defenses with myself (cause I'm now 99 speed, 99 accel, 99 agility, and 99 break tackle). Don't bother with stamina to start with, and frankly skip over the practices. The gains are minimal practices. Also I picked an easy course and only need to study once to get at least two position drills in a week to earn points towards my player. I had a huge ass great game against Ohio State. I had like 5 turnovers, thanks to my sorry ass fumbling (yet I was always on the ground), but I managed to beat Ohio State in first OT, 35-28. It was such a fun game. I set the rushing title record for most rushing yards in one game, twice this season. I set it in my first game against the Arkon Zips and then did it again against the ... you know what? I forget the team, but it was a weak one. I like Campus Legend more than regular season. I'm more involved in it and really can't wait to continue my slaughter of defenses. As soon as my carrying is 99, I'm so going to build up my strength. Make myself an invincible rushing back.
  12. Lightning Flik

    This is the NFL Preseason Thread

    Yeah, but right now Atlanta for better or worse does need an actual player like Branch, and frankly I wouldn't be surprised if they go after him. However, I agree that NE wouldn't let him go and rather have him sit out till they really need to move him to a desperate team. *shrugs* As for affording a contract for him, I'm not sure of our cap for this season as to where we stand, but I'm willing to bet we could come up with something that would work if we really wanted him. And personally, I could see them wanting a real WR there. In no way shall it happen, cause as Leena says, NE won't let him go and frankly even I know we'd hafta give up a first to aquire him (and I know Atlanta isn't willing to do that). But I wouldn't be surprised if they did go after him because frankly would you trust any of these speed threats as your #1 guy? I wouldn't if I was a GM or a coach.
  13. Lightning Flik

    NCAA Football 07

    I figured I'd add those later on. You only get 88 about points for WR. But I'll fiddle with it and see what I can come up with. Cause I wanted to play as what position I would be IRL. Which is a 5'11 WR. I'll try working with what you say and see if that helps my abilities.
  14. Lightning Flik

    This is the NFL Preseason Thread

    If they really wanna make a statement that this team can win an SB, I wouldn't be surprised if they make a trade for Branch.
  15. Lightning Flik

    The Smart Marks Fantasy Hockey League

    Sure, sure... BTW, 5 spots left. Draft order will be done via the Magical Hat as always with any league I commish. So the sooner we get 5 more people, the sooner we get draft order done.
  16. Lightning Flik

    NCAA Football 07

    Ok, so I didn't delve that far, but you CAN get more points before the season? Ah, I see. Should've played more. So if I started a WR, what should I work with to make sure he's a ***** player. I only get *** but that's by bulking up Speed to 99, Accel to 95 and Agility to 95.
  17. Lightning Flik

    NCAA Football 07

    If you've got Pro Action Replay you can download the rosters via a USB drive thingie and then use PAR to transfer the crushed files over to the actual game. That's what I did. But while deleting the old roster files, I deleted my Dynasty with it. But I'm working on my new dynasty and looking at being a QB for some team in SuperStar because its stupid that you do a drill for the 4-40 and get no points for speed and only get like 88 I think points out of 100 to do player creation, and at least if I'm a QB, I don't hafta worry about that crap cause I'll just sling it. And I went WR and HB, but you basically can only crank up speed, agility, and acceleration and having nothing for everything else. Which is stupid. Speed should be determined by the 4-40.
  18. Lightning Flik

    Comments that don't warrant a thread

    Collector's item come on. Not like I'd actually wear it. *currently is wearing the Cerebus pendent from Advent Children and the Fenrir(?) ring as well* ...well, maybe not that at least. *also has a Saber-chan figurine as well*
  19. Lightning Flik

    kkk Bowl IV

    Aw man, the 49ers? ...dammit. I just had to get the 49ers of all teams. *sigh* *quickly realizes I'm lucky to get a team* Oh! I'm so happy to get the 49ers! Yes, I don't hate being the 49ers at all~! Gore all the way! Wooo! Go Alex Smith! Davis will kill you all~!!!
  20. Lightning Flik

    The Smart Marks Fantasy Hockey League

    Nope. Its a weekly set up with no goalie limits, so no worries. And yes, people. Its a weekly for the H2H league. ...and you had something to say CG?
  21. Lightning Flik

    NCAA Football 07

    You know what I hate? The fact that I keep blowing up my dynasty via some way. I downloaded the real rosters and I got it to work, but I accidently killed my dynasty. Ugh, just dammit. Oh well. Then, I think I was drunk, decided to start yet another dynasty, but have like a whole bunch of friends on many different teams and keep track of them. So far 6 people and probably counting.
  22. Lightning Flik

    Madden NFL 07

    You should change your name to "The Pujols Guy". Seriously. I'm thinking of testing out the Madden HoF, but if I'm doing that, I wanna create a player that goes through NCAA. I'm thinking of going QB, just for the entertainment value of dodging sacks. BTW, when playing QB, do you have a cone when throwing during HoF, or not?
  23. Lightning Flik

    This is the NFL Preseason Thread

    Branch will be in a Falcons jersey before the week is over. I just know my Falcons wouldn't pass up the chance to pick up someone like Branch. ...even if we really shouldn't. v_v
  24. Lightning Flik

    The Smart Marks Fantasy Hockey League

    Well, Nolan's playing this season so you don't hafta worry about drafting him. ...well, he's just a shell of himself, so you'd hafta worry about depending him as a line 1 winger.
  25. Lightning Flik

    The Smart Marks Fantasy Hockey League

    Actually its usually the newbies that do pretty ok. Its the guys taht take to many chances that bomb. *looks over at HQ*