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Lightning Flik

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Everything posted by Lightning Flik

  1. Lightning Flik

    The One And Only Raw Thread (11/10/03)

    Um... JR's sorta calling this match... When was the last time he did that?
  2. Lightning Flik

    The One And Only Raw Thread (11/10/03)

    Wait... If HHH takes out Lita... Does that mean Matt will be after HHH??? Could this mean Hardy vs. HHH for the World Title?
  3. Lightning Flik

    The One And Only Raw Thread (11/10/03)

    NO~! GOD NO~! *winces at Lita's promo* OMG... It's Triple H? I can't believe I'm actually THANKING THE GAME FOR SHUTTING HER UP~!
  4. Lightning Flik

    The One And Only Raw Thread (11/10/03)

    Michaels vs. Orton AGAIN~!? You know Henry's going to be making a run-in. Lita's out...? Aw fuck... Please tell me she isn't getting promo time... PUH-LEASE~!
  5. Lightning Flik

    Stampede Wrestling

    Cool. Thanks. I'll definitely check them out. *looks briefly* Neat. They accept people for training. They replaced it with a WWF show? Figures. No, it replaced Shotgun That's always a good thing.
  6. Lightning Flik

    The One And Only Raw Thread (11/10/03)

    Slightly varied new intro once again.
  7. Lightning Flik

    Fantasy Football

    Yah. I think that for next year, the NFL league might wanna go to a system of: 1 QB 3 WR 2 RB 1 TE 3 Bench 2 IL/IR (whatever is called) Just because a 20 team league needs less of a roster to make things a little more fair. Just to add a little spice as well. Besides, I'll leave the deal till the end of RAW. If nothing shows up till then besides your deal, I'm taking it.
  8. Lightning Flik

    Stampede Wrestling

    Cool. Thanks. I'll definitely check them out. *looks briefly* Neat. They accept people for training. They replaced it with a WWF show? Figures.
  9. Lightning Flik

    Fantasy NBA League?

    On the block: Jalen Rose - G/F Earl Boykins - G Carlos Arroyo - G
  10. Lightning Flik

    SmartMarks Fantasy Hockey?

    On the trade block: Felix Potvin - G Joni Pitkanen - D Marek Zidlicky - D David Vyborny - RW Rico Fata - RW Any offers will be wanted.
  11. Lightning Flik

    Fantasy Football

    I was more kinda like "seriously someone wants to actually make a trade?" I wasn't sure anyone wanted to make a trade as this league isn't really making many of them.
  12. Lightning Flik

    Fantasy Football

    *blinks* Serious? Would you mind if I waited just a bit to see if I get another offer or two? Just want to see what I can get first. Hope you don't midn.
  13. Lightning Flik

    The person above you thread!

    ^ sheers sheep in a way only ^ can.
  14. Lightning Flik

    Stampede Wrestling

    PWA? I've got a wrestling fed in my own backyard? Serious? Edit: Got a site or something so I can find out more about PWA?
  15. Lightning Flik

    Bane & Seven from OVW

    Brother, if the "real name thing" was a good idea, this wouldn't be a seven-page thread. Plus over 2000+ views, and also wouldn't have 190 replies.
  16. Lightning Flik

    The One And Only Raw Thread (11/10/03)

    One hour to go people... Only one hour to go...
  17. Lightning Flik

    Stampede Wrestling

    Am I mistaken or wasn't like Stampede Wrestling one time on like an actual TV channel? Or am I confused?
  18. Lightning Flik

    Stampede Wrestling

    Aw fuck... That was Nov 1st then. Cause they were doing a thing for Halloween that day. It was a nice card as well from what I saw. I haven't seen Stampede Wrestling though, so I couldn't say. I want to go, but for a 6 hour ride down to Calgary right now isn't looking too good. Especially considering it would have to be by bus (no vehicle right now). Edit: Since it would be by bus, I say six because it would have to make stops.
  19. Lightning Flik

    Fantasy Football

    Ahem... Next time, I draft, I draft better. Cause dammit, everyone's got a better team than me.
  20. Lightning Flik

    The One And Only Raw Thread (11/10/03)

    You know, I'm not even going to read the spoilers for this coming week, but yes. I agree. RAW has been booked stronger recently, and I'm even conceding that they may not put out matches as great as Smackdown has/does/can, but I am more into RAW's stars then SD's.
  21. Lightning Flik

    Stampede Wrestling

    You live in Calgary Tawren? Cause I would go to Stampede more often if I lived in Calgary. Yes... I know that on November 1st at the Agricom (think it was that, might've been another venue) and I had a shot to go to it, but I was poor so couldn't. Anyone know the next time they hit Edmonton?
  22. Lightning Flik

    Hockey Night In Canada

    Actually my grandfather likes Don and so we watched. I was into hockey when I was little, hence I listened to Cherry adamantly, and so, I like the guy. Sure, he's not the greatest guy there is, but I like his "free spirit" in just saying what he wants to without regrets (a.k.a. when he says them).
  23. Lightning Flik


    Happy B-DAY~! To ME~!!! ...wait... It's not mine? Or right. Happy Birthday Stardust.
  24. Lightning Flik

    The One And Only Raw Thread (11/10/03)

    First off, um, no. I'll spaz if I wanna. Second of all, I being sarcastic as hell. I might be liking Goldberg for some reason (I don't know why, ok?), but I sure as hell don't really care for Goldberg vs. Batista. Thirdly, if they both jobbed to Molly, I'd be laughing like mad cause that is funny.
  25. Lightning Flik

    BIG Return of the King News aka Curry not happy

    Uh, no. They're eliminating a scene. It doesn't say anything about re-writing it. Excuse me then. They eliminated a scene to just keep up the pace of the series because it was slow. Mind you 7 minutes for a death scene is a tad too much.