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Lightning Flik

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Everything posted by Lightning Flik

  1. Lightning Flik

    Brand new WWE news and notes from the Observer

    Nah. I did. Thought it would be funny as hell. Of course, WWE would want the Ring Bell to get its heat back and thusly it would have to destroy Jericho in a Bell Shot Match. You know who's going to win it. The Ring Bell hammer would do a run in and instead of hitting Jericho it would hit the ring bell, behind the referee's back of course even though there'd be a loud DING.. Hm... Going for the swerve I see. + it makes absolutely no sense (WWE logic) for the Ring Hammer to run in. + the Ring Hammer of course then would be in line for the World Title and once he wins it, of course the Ring Bell MUST HAVE HIS REVENGE AND THE TITLE~! ...geez, I could so see that happening.
  2. Lightning Flik

    Recommend me some MAME games

    If it's in MAME format (I don't use MAME), try out Tales of Phantasia (even though it is supposedly coming out on GBA). It's a good little RPG.
  3. Lightning Flik

    Fantasy NBA League?

    Anyone disagree with this?
  4. Lightning Flik

    Fantasy NBA League?

  5. Lightning Flik

    Brand new WWE news and notes from the Observer

    No Jericho does one thing in the Midcard. He carries it. As on Raw, he's the only fucking person who can give it any semblence.
  6. Lightning Flik

    Brand new WWE news and notes from the Observer

    Nah. I did. Thought it would be funny as hell. Of course, WWE would want the Ring Bell to get its heat back and thusly it would have to destroy Jericho in a Bell Shot Match. You know who's going to win it.
  7. Lightning Flik

    The Matrix explained?

    I don't mean to say that I'm not interested in seeing Revolutions, but the movie Reloaded did nothing to help me want to see the movie itself. And I agree that they did a good job in making people want to see the movies. And I kinda realized that you were going for cabbagboy's comparison, but I felt the need to intercede as, even you say, it's a different way to look at it. Besides, if I didn't do that, someone else would've. I'm not saying I didn't mind being able to find a lot of deep meaning and stuff to the movie, however, it did have it's flaws and excution problems (which have been stated thoroughly in this thread). Actually, I didn't find Reloaded fry my brain so much as the Matrix did. Sure a couple of things were neat and interesting, but it didn't play out as it should've (or it still might, hence why I'm willing to see Revolutions) and left some things dangling that aren't really nice things (IMO, as you say, it's not for everyone, so I may fall into that category) to leave dangling as we head into the final movie. As for the action, it's what made me stay and I think it delivered on that part, but the other side (the story) was a little... Well unsatisfying for me. Then again, as you stated, I might be one of those people who is in the part of the people who just don't like the movie. Yet, I really liked the first, so I'm just kinda thrown out there that the second one just didn't hold up.
  8. Lightning Flik

    ROH News

    But...you...quoted it..... [head explodes] Some times, some people just hit quote by accident and reply. It's actually what I've noticed I've been doing myself. ...no, I meant the quote for above this time around.
  9. Lightning Flik

    The person above you thread!

    ^ really points out the obvious.
  10. Lightning Flik

    Upcoming WWE storylines

    Explain please. ...eh? What do you mean? Explain that should a heel need the ultimate help, he has to get Vince's help. Not someone else's, it has to be Vince. Cause Vince, you know, he's the genius around the WWE. Explain that should a face dare oppose him, the minute they turn heel, they do so either a) by his help, b) because they think he's right, c) he's the only true insurance they've got, d) etc. along those lines. Explain that HHH has gone through this process above as well. Not so much so recently, but has had to at one time or another. Now I don't mind there being a "higher power" but it's like that the only heel that can be the "top person" is Vince. Sure, he's an evil on-screen guy, but I don't really care for him being like the ultimate go-to-guy all the freaking time like he is lately.
  11. Lightning Flik

    The Matrix explained?

    Hm... Point taken. I guess I shouldn't be using the term, plot holes so loosely. Thanks for the correction. Maybe they'll get taken up properly in Revolutions. Hopefully they will. Otherwise, a lot will be left wanting with this series.
  12. Lightning Flik

    Halloween halloween halloween

    *GASP* I DECLARE GIMMICK INFRINGEMENT~!!! I'M THE ONE AND ONLY SLACKER AROUND HERE~! ...even got the hat to prove it. *puts on hat to prove that* Oh wait, you mean you just going to Slack Off. Carry on then, my good Brock Ausstin. *watches as that zings over everyone's head, probably Spike's as well*
  13. Lightning Flik

    Upcoming WWE storylines

    Shocked, no. Think it's most inane thing ever, no. Really tired of Vince McMahon being the only true heel of the company that everyone eventually sucumbs to, yes. That even adds HHH to that listing as well.
  14. Lightning Flik

    The Matrix explained?

    I'M BACK~! MWHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH~! ...wait. When the fuck I leave? Anywoo, we aren't comparing the movies (at least I wasn't) but comparing how both fillers (I'm going to use my damn term, whether people like it or not) do in ending itself for the conclusion of the final movie in the set. Although the Matrix Reloaded isn't supposed to be a clear cut good vs. evil, it still must follow the adherent train of thought. Yes, neither are the "right" side, but still the final sides have to be chosen as it sets up the final climatic (or in the Matrix Triology's case, anti-climatic). We are not saying that it needed to be a happy go lucky movie, but I'd rather know what sides are finalized, no gapping plot holes (Reloaded has MORE than it's fair share) for a movie, and it must have an attainable conclusion that will set the stage for the finalization of the last movie. Does the ending need to be a happy one? No and usually for a filler, it never really is a satisfing ending (that's against the point of people wanting to see the next movie) and makes you want to see the last movie. With the Matrix Reloaded, I didn't see a lot of the above done up for it. And personally, if the action hadn't kicked in, I wouldn't have watched the movie at all. I was bored with it until the action got going (which was about 30minutes into the movie), and I had hoped there would be enough there to sustain my reasoning to be somewhat bored with the movie at the start. As you can tell from how I feel about Reloaded, I lost that hope as I never really got it back that my reasoning was founded. Revolutions will be coming to theatres here soon and so will Lord of the Rings: Return Of The King. And if I had a choice of which sequel I'd rather be more inclined to see, I'd say LotR:RotK much moreso than Revolutions.
  15. Lightning Flik

    EWR 4.0 Has Officially Been Set Free!

    Ohhh . . . this explains a HELL of a lot. Why all those Main eventers I use fairly frequently have low morale, while lower carders who get used something like once every month or 3 have 100 morale. So, would just droppin their asses back to Upper Midcarders allow me to not use them as frequently? *smotes self* Iya... Ok. Listen up. Any MEs have to be on the show at least once a week, but preferably they want to be on the shows at least one segment per show. It all depends on their attitude and how many shows you've got. If you've got a two TV shows, more often than not, they'll want at least one slot devoted to them, preferably two (it depends on their attitude). Lowercarders don't need to get used as much because they are lowercarders and aren't really that big of a deal for you (as they are trying to impress you to push them more). You can (again depending on attitude) get away with just using them, say once a month. It again depends on attitude. As for dropping MEs down to Uppercard, it all depends. Personally, if I ain't going to be pushing a guy to ME, I ain't pushing the guy up there. ME is for anyone that will be contending for the title, be put in a title shot, or in a feud that will propel them into a title reign, etc. If you aren't doing that say within about six months time, NEVER raise an UC from UC. It's just a waste of effort and time. If you do drop an ME, make sure that their overness is acceptable to drop it. Otherwise, the guys morale will crash to rock bottom and well... Your fucked. Global Dropping: ME dropping to UC should be around 90-95 overness, you can get away with dropping that person to UC. If they are below the minimum overness of 90, drop them as they are no where NEAR that level. National Dropping: ME dropping to UC should be around 75-80. Again, below 75 (or even 75) overness and just drop them. As they are not supposed to be in ME then. Cult Dropping: ME dropping to UC should be around 60-65. Again, below 60 drop them. After Cult, it becomes a little redundant as at Regional or lower as it's doubtful you'll have more than a monthly event.
  16. Lightning Flik

    Looking Ahead to the 2004 MLB Season

    Actually, I'd change Red Sox with Yankees. If the Sox fire Little, I do believe an implosion in that team will happen and they'll be battling the Jays for a playoff spot. Oh, and remember, the Jays are no longer the Blue Jays this coming season. It's just Jays. Edit: I'm just mentioning this, it's not to downplay anyone or anything. Just a faint reminder. But seriously, I think they'll win the Wild Card and we'll get past at least the first round. Seriously, I can see the Jays doing that much.
  17. Lightning Flik

    SmackDown recap is up

    I thought it was an STO. Done with two guys. A lot swifter and more impactful than the version in SD games that's for sure... Hm... I don't think Sakoda(?) and Yang will be able to do that on everyone. And isn't Sakoda like 6'3, wasn't that his discribed height? He didn't really look that much bigger than Yang or Tajiri. Still though, sweet move. I like it.
  18. Lightning Flik


    Dean, once again... I'm dying from your stuff. Unfortunately, I'll make a recovery, but still. Waking up to some laughter is always the best way to start a day. Thanks for the laughs.
  19. Lightning Flik

    The person above you thread!

    ^ is a CIT (Canuck In Training)
  20. Lightning Flik

    Now it IS official...

    I've got a Japanese anime character in my avatar and I used to have a fanfic of another one. So would you be speaking of me? No, it was an actual japanese girl. Not anime. She looked like she was 12. The asian JonBenet if you will. Ok... That's just scary... When the hell did I miss this? *shrugs* Whatever... ..sighs...
  21. Lightning Flik

    SmackDown recap is up

    Um... Triple R and JHawk, isn't the move actually a double STO? Cause a STO is exactly that done onto Zack, except two people doing it. Instead of a single person. At least that's what it's called in any of the SD games, so I might be off with the name, but the game calls it an STO, so I'm assuming that's what it is. Edit: Oh and good review of Smackdown. You pretty much summed up all my thoughts on the whole show. And if there is a booking report for this week, personally, I thought Raw was better. That's how fucked up Smackdown was to me.
  22. Lightning Flik

    The State Your Name Thread

    No way. ...kidding. As you've already known, my name is Dorian. What? This is a state your name thread. I just did that. You better believe I ain't telling you my full name. No way, no how.
  23. Lightning Flik

    The ONE and ONLY SmackDown! Thread 10-23-03

    Um... Geezus, do they let Cena get away with some stuff in his "raps". I know it's planned, but yikes.
  24. Lightning Flik

    The ONE and ONLY SmackDown! Thread 10-23-03

    Geez, I missed the opening... dammit... Oh well no loss.
  25. Lightning Flik

    HHH & Stephanie wedding, this Saturday

    ^ got a point you know. HHH may just be immune to it all.